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Introduction It is often argued It is often argued that

- Introducde the that+ S + V both tourist and the host

topic(pharaphase Personally, I countries they visited
the question) completely gain several benefits
- Answer the agree/disagree with from international
question(agree? this opinion/ idea/ Tourism. Personally, I
Disagree?) statement/ assertion completely agree with
because I believe this opinion.
Body Topic sentence: Travellers
2 parts Main idea 1 – the first To begin with, visitors
Give 2 main reasons for reason for this view have a great number of
the answer -Firstlt, to begin with positive consequences
Supporting idea 1 when they travel to
another country.
Main idea 2
-Secondly/ in
addition/ additonally
Supporting idea 2 Futhermore, it seems to
me that international
Furthermore, It seems travel can bring host
to me that’s… countries a range of
Main idea 1 advantages.
Supporting idea1
Main idea 2
Supporting idea2

Conclusion( 1 sentence) In conclusion, I agree In conclusion, I agree

-Pharaphase the with those who argue with those who argue
introduction that…..Because that international travel
offers both travellers
and the countries ther
visitedd several
benifical impacts.
+ (n) advantage/ positive/ merit
(v) Benefit/ have(gain) + N( Active)
(Passive) offer/bring/give + advantages
(a)Positive/benificial + N(consequence/ result/ impact/
influence/ effect)
- (N) disadvantage/negative/ demerit
(v) have disadvantages/….
(a)negative/ detrimental + N(consequence/ result/ impact/
influence/ effect)

Synonym/ antonym
 Tourism = travel
 Travellers = tourists/ visitors
Change word form
Benefit => Gain a wide range of positive/ advantages… (Active)
(Passive) offer/ bring/ give
Be beneficial…
Passive => Active
Sentence structure
Relative clause
The host country => the country that they visited

Some people belive that saving endangered languages can be
benificial the development of science and culture. Do you agree or

It is often argued that protecting minority languages can bring plenty

of advantages to the improvement of science and culture. Personally, I
completely agree with this opinion.
To begin with, the advancement of science can gain severak positive
consequences from saving dying languages.
Futhermore, It seems to me that when people attempt to save
endangered languages, cultural development can be beneficial.

De bai:
Some people say that the government should stop tv and newspapers
from showing crimes because media coverage of vilolent crime is
frightening people and encouraging criminals.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Stop = ban/ forbidden
Tv and newspapers = media = television and articles
Show = broadcast/ display
Frighten (v) = threaten
Should  suggested/ necessary
Spectator/ audience/ reader
Introduction - Introduce the topic: It is often argued that stopping
It is often argued that.. tv and newspapers
- Answer the Q: agree broadcasting criminal
personally, I completely agree activities is necessary since
with this opinion these event often threatens
spectators and ecourages
criminals. Personally, I
completely agree with this
Body Frightening people To begin with, programmes
- Immoral and illegal activities and articles showing violent
 lack of safety crimes should be banned
because these threaten
spectators and readers.
Firstly, criminal acitivities
shown on media are often
immoral and illegal..
Therefore, banning these
news may prevent audiences
may feel a lack of safety in the
- Negative outlook on life  enviroment where they live.
Depression, doubt about what In addition, watching these TV
they can do to chance…a programmes and news creates
a negative outlook on life
among audiences.As a
consequence,after a long time
interacting with crimes on the
screen, these viewers suffer
from mental health problems
such as depression
Encouraging criminals Futhermore, I would argue
- Viewers may consider crimes that these news articles and
as normal  It is acceptable TV programmes should also
for them to commit a crime dissapear because they
- Give clues about how to encourages offenders.Main
commit a crime idea 1+ sup idea 1. Main idea2
+ sup 2
Conclusion Pharaphrase the introduction In conclusion, I agree with
those who argue that….

Tu noi:

Explanation In fact
It is because + S +V

Example For example, For instance

Effect Therefore, As a result, As a consequence, This leads
to/ results in/ Causes + N



READING: 25QS  30m
WRITING: 50m  agree or disagree ( comparision)

De bai:
Some people believe that nations should spend money on skills and
vocational tranining for practical work, rather than on university
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Spending monet on skills and vocational training > spending money

on university education.

A=B disagree because I believe that A=B

Introduction Is is often argued that money should be spent on skills and

vocational training for practical work rather than on university
Personally, I disagree with this idea because I believe that both
training courses are equally important.
Body Spending money on skills and vocational training
- Jobs that require experience  provide…
- These courses are often more affordable and shorter more
students can be able to attend

Spending money on university education.

- Many professions require academic qualification  It is
impossible to become… without a relevant degree
- Create opportunities for poor people to get access to education

Conclusion In conclusion, it seems to me that…

De bai:

When deciding on a career, some people believe that money is

important than the working enviroment. Do you agree or disagree?

Introduction It is often argued that…

Personally, I disagree with this idea because I believe
that both money and the working enviroment are equally
Body Why money is important
- Afford basic needs ( food + accommodation … )
 live a stable, comfortable life
- Afford advanced needs ( hobbies, dontions,…)

To begin with, there are several reasons why money is a

key consideration when deciding on a career. Firstly,
people prioritise money when they chose a job will be
able to afford their basic needs such as food or
accommodation.Therefore, they will live a stable and
comfortable life or even support their beloved
ones.Secondly, a high income allow people to afford
advanced needs. For example, people can follow their
hobby such as travelling and shopping when they chose
their job based on the size of their salary.
Why the working enviroment is important
- A sense of satisfaction  at least 8 hours a day
- Without pressure

Some people believe that international travel creates tension rather

than understanding between people from different cultures. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Agree or disagree?
(A>B tension > understanding )
I disagree with this idea beacause I believe that A=B
- International/ golobal/ foreign
- Travel/ visit/ tourism
- Create/ lead to/ result in/ cause
- Tension/ misunderstanding/ conflict
- Culture/ cultural background

Introduction - Introduction the Is is often argued that international

topic: tourism leads to conflicts rather than
It is often argued that… connection between individuals from
- Answer the question different cultural backgrounds.
I disagree with this idea beacause I
believe that this industry brings both
tension and understanding.
Body paragraph 1 - Lifestyle On the one hand, there are some
international Example: clothing while reasons why tension between
travel creates wearing bikini is popular travellers from different cultural
tension in…, it is unacceptable… background and host countries is
culture of islamic created by international travel
- Language barrier
Body paragraph 2 - Have interaction On the other hand, I would argue that
international with different connection between people from
travel creates cultures different cultures is resulted from
understanding Festivals, customs, foreign travel.
-make friends, share
things in common.

Đề bài:
People’s character is influenced by enviroment rather than genetic. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

A= enviroment/ the surrounding (n)/ the enviroment in which people

are surrounded (n)/ around them ( prep)

B= genetics (uN)/ gene (cN)/ be inherited from parents(v)

Character/ personality/ characteristics/ set of characteristics.
Influence(v,n)/ impact(v,n)/ effect (n)/ affect (v)

Factor: important/ crucial/ play an important role/ influential

Introduction -Introduce the topic

- Answer the question: Personally, I disagree with this idea
because I believe that A=B
Body Why the enviroment impacts personality?
- Young people are easily influence by others’ thoughts,
Behaviours, language when interacting 
- People develop their characteristics during school
years the way people think, talk and behave…

Why the genetics impacts personality?

- Some characters are inherited from parent
- People from different cultural backgrounds may have
different set of characteristics because they were born
in different places.
Conclusion Pharaphase the introduction.

Is is often argued that environmental factors rather than genetics

determine a person's personality. I disagree with this idea beacause I
believe both enviroment and genetics are important for a person’s

On the one hand, there are some reasons why the environment affects
people's personalities. Firstly, the personality of young people is
easily influenced by the words, thoughts, and behaviors of those
around them. For example, when people are in a completely silent
environment, over time, people will also be affected, and after
prolonged exposure, people will also become a silent person.
Secondly, people will cultivate their personalities during their school
years. In fact, in school, people will be taught how to think and speak,
which will influence their personality through the school curriculum.

On the other hand, I believe that genetic codes can also affect a
person's personality. To begin with, our genes are inherited from the
previous generation. For instance, when a child is born, he inherits
some of the characteristics of his parents. If parents have patience,
most children born will also inherit this kind of patience. In addition,
People born in different places have different personalities. For
example, a person born in Europe has a different personality from an
Asian person because the culture of their region can affect their

In conclusion, it seems to me that

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