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Studying the single parent’s journey is of paramount

importance in today’s society for a multitude of reasons. Single

parenthood has become increasingly prevalent, with a growing number

of families led by a single parent. This trend is driven by various

factors, including divorce, seperation, choice, or unforeseen

circumstances such as the loss of a partner. The single parent’s

journey is a topic that merits our attention and investigation for

several compelling reasons. Also, according to the World Health

Organization (WHO), 2023 survey there are 14 to 15 billion solitary

parents in the Philippines. The journey of parenthood is a

remarkable and transformative experience that individuals undertake

when they become parents. It marks the beginning of a lifelong

commitment to caring for and nurturing a new life. Single

parenthood is a contemporary family structure that has become

increasingly prevalent in today's society. It is a distinctive and

challenging way of raising children, where one individual shoulders

the responsibilities typically shared by two parents. Single

parents, whether by choice or circumstance, navigate a unique set

of trials and triumphs as they strive to provide emotional,

financial, and moral support for their children. In this

introduction, we will explore the various aspects of single

parenthood, from its causes and effects to the strengths and

support systems that can empower single parents to successfully

navigate the complex journey of raising children on their own. This

topic focuses on the unique challenges and obstacles faced by

individuals who are both single parents and business owners.

Furthermore, according to Karanikonos et al., 2013. It has been

believed that entrepreneurship is an essential instrument for the

majority of countries expansion and development, thus the worldwide

financial crisis and the ensuing recession. Moreover, studying

single parenthood allows us to look into how culture is changing in

terms of family structures. As societal norms and values evolve, it

is critical to understand how single-parent households function and

contribute to our common social fabric (Teniola and Olawale, 2019)

Also, according to Ismael et al. 2016, business may be an

achievable potential for single-parent business owners to enhance

their financial status. In this way, business offers them the most

realistic method of increasing their income, being self-sufficient,

and being recognized as contributing to society. Single-parent

entrepreneurs have the potential to improve their financial

situation and create jobs for others. The current study looks into
the difficulties that single-parent entrepreneurs come across when

running their businesses. More so, it is essential for encouraging

single-parent entrepreneurs to understand the difficulties, what

motivates them to become entrepreneurs, and the corresponding

difficulties that affect their entrepreneurial goals. According to

lancker et al.,2015. Most countries believe business is a

significant factor in stimulating growth and development. It's

crucial to follow a single parent's journey both personally and

socially for reasons like empowerment and support. Single parents

frequently face difficult challenges like juggling work and family

obligations, supporting their children emotionally, and managing

the emotional and financial strains of single parenthood.

This paper examines the problem by examining the difficulties

faced by single-parent business owners who want to maintain the

businesses they own, enhance their quality of life, and support

societal advancement. According to L. Granek (2014), single

parents have less time hence are less likely to be able to monitor

their kids. They lacked a partner who helps in sharing household

responsibilities. When single parents also take on the role of

business owners, the complexities of their journey become even more

pronounced. Studying the single parent's journey as business owners

is important to students because It offers insightful information

and lessons that are beneficial to students. Their experiences can

encourage young people to take on obstacles, endure hardship, and

follow their entrepreneurial goals. Because they frequently face

particular challenges—like managing the demands of business

ownership with family responsibilities—single parents exhibit

resilience and determination. Their experiences can help to

emphasize the resiliency, determination, and work values needed to

successfully navigate these difficulties. Also, because they might

not have as much time, money, or support as other parents, single

parents need to be resourceful and flexible in their business

endeavors. By observing how they solve intricate problems and

modify their business plans, students can learn important

problem-solving techniques and resourcefulness. Studying the

experiences of single parents who run their businesses is crucial

because it promotes diversity, economic empowerment, and social

impact while teaching students invaluable life lessons in

resilience, problem-solving, time management, and empathy. These

realizations can mold successful, kind, and well-rounded people who

are equipped to face the difficulties of today's society.


Based on 2012, six sigma dailies online article, the ipo model

is a functional graph that identifies the inputs, outputs, and

processing tasks needed to convert inputs to outputs.


This study aims to determine the Difficulties Encountered by

Selected Single Parents in San Roque and Sto.Cristo San Isidro,N.E.

and their strategies as Business Owners.

Specially it aims to answer this following question;

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 sex;

1.2 age;

1.3 type of business;

2. What are the difficulties of running a business with their

parental duties and commitments?

3. What tactics do they use to overcome these difficulties?

4. What are the suggestions and recommendations they can give to

aspiring parent-entrepreneurs?

These findings of the study may provide deeper insight on

understanding challenges that single parents face such as lack

of support, balancing job and family duties, emotionally supporting

their kids, while handling emotional and financial challenges. This

study helps develop a better understanding of these problems.

Moreover, the results of the study will be beneficial to the


Single Parents. This study could shed insight into the challenges

that they encounter and enable them to more effectively comprehend

and manage their particular situation and it may provide useful

advice or ideas to help single parents get through specific


Teachers. The findings of this study might help them understand the

difficulties single-parent households experience. With this

information, they may be able to support and accommodate students

from such forms of families.

Healthcare Professionals. The results of this study may be

beneficial for healthcare professionals, especially mental health

specialists to recognize the pressures and mental health issues

that single parents might encounter. The information might be used

to improve therapy techniques as well as assistance.

Researchers. The findings of this study may benefit them as it

contributes to the existing body of knowledge on single parenthood.

Also, it could be a valuable resource for researchers studying

family dynamics, social support systems, or the impact of single

parenting on individuals and society.

Future Researchers. Future researchers will benefit from this study

to have more knowledge to open new doors of challenges faced by

single parents as business owners. Apart from that, this study can

help future researchers to be educational and eye-open in

recognizing the importance of dedication, effort, and hard work.


The main purpose of this study is to determine the challenges

and coping strategies that single parents faced. The primary

subjects of this study will cover the single parents as business

owners of Sto Cristo and San Roque San Isidro, N.E.

Moreover, the researchers limited the study to one or more

respondents then it will be continuous by the selected referrals of

the previous respondents.


To help with viewpoint and comprehension, the following study

words are described conceptually and practically.

Coping strategies - It refers to describe the particular actions,

attitudes, ideas, and feelings people use to control and adjust to

stress, difficulties, or challenging circumstances that single

parents might faced.

Economic empowerment - this refers to the process of providing

individuals and communities with the resources and tools they need

to achieve economic independence, improve their livelihoods, and

enhance their overall well-being.

Endeavors - this refers to the single parents attempts to achieve

their specific goals in terms of business.

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