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Employee Development Plan for Early Childhood Teacher Assistants

Employee's Name
Supervisor's Name

The Employee Development Plan is designed to assist individual interns with planning for their
professional and personal development after OJT.

This individualized plan is a partnership between the employee and the supervisors that involves

1) Improving performance in the present OJT

2) Career planning and development

The Employee Development Plan includes:

1) Development Plan
2) Additional Development Activities
3) Career Development (Optional)

The employee conveys their development areas and professional goals to the supervisor, who serve as a
coach and advisor. They collaborate to design an action plan for improving the highlighted development

The development plan should balance the goals of the intern, the supervisor, and the work context. The
employee development plan is not intended to be used for disciplinary action; rather, it is a tool to
promote continual improvement.
I. Employee Development Plan

Development Development Plan Target Date Review Date & Progress

Addressing pupils' • Attend relevant seminars and observe other April 2024 Review: November 2023
various learning styles schools' recommended teaching approaches.
and expanding my • Observe the pupil’s background or interests and Completion: April 2024
teaching approaches learn applicable active learning techniques

Increase student • Communicate with the primary teacher and March 2024 Review: October 2023
engagement understand student disengagement to develop
experimental plans for them (especially since Completion: February 2024
handled pupils are in a young age)
• Encourage a positive vibe for pupils and try to
gauge feedbacks of what is a desirable
technique for them
Utilize use of technology • Talk to colleagues about the technologies they February 2024 Review: August 2023
in the classroom use in the classroom.
• Speak to someone knowledgeable about IT. Completion: December 2024
• Research and participate in relevant training

Additional Development Activities

The intern can use this space to list additional training classes or self-study materials completed during the year.

II. Career Development (Optional)

When creating a career development plan for a specific job, the intern and supervisor can request the job description from Human Resources
Recruitment. The job description contains the essential functions and minimum qualifications for the position. This information can be used to
identify development areas and education requirements.

Career Goal (as identified by the intern)

Development Development Plan



Intern's Signature Date Reviewer's Signature Date

Supervisor's Signature Date

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