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00:56 27/11/2023 What Went Wrong at AIG?

Yevgenia Nayberg


What Went Wrong at AIG?

Unpacking the insurance giant’s collapse during the 2008 financial crisis.
Robert McDonald Anna Paulson

The collapse and near-failure of insurance giant provided a touchstone for subsequent
American International Group (AIG) was a major
financial reform discussions, and a great
moment in the recent financial crisis. AIG, a global
company with about $1 trillion in assets prior to the
deal of information about AIG and the
crisis, lost $99.2 billion in 2008. On September 16 of rescue is in the public domain. Both the
that year, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Congressional Oversight Panel and the
stepped in with an $85 billion loan to keep the failing Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
company from going under.
produced detailed reports that included
Because AIG’s near-failure was a prominent accounts of AIG, and the Federal Reserve
and iconic event in the financial crisis, it 1/6
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Bank of New York made public a detailed overall, McDonald says. “I was deeply
account of its involvement. interested in learning whether that was
Nevertheless, many of us—economists
included—remain fuzzy about what Their analysis showed, in fact, that these
happened. How, exactly, did AIG get to the assets ended up losing money in the long
point of failure? In a recent paper, Robert term—meaning AIG executives’ assertions
McDonald, a professor of finance at the about the safety of these investments were
Kellogg School of Management, and Anna incorrect.
Paulson of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, pull together disparate data and
information to create an economic
narrative of what went wrong.
Risky Credit Default
“AIG is a mystery to a lot of people and it’s
very complicated,” McDonald says. “There Swaps
were multiple moving parts.”
Most of the post-mortems of AIG focus on
its selling of credit default swaps, which are
financial instruments that act like
insurance contracts on bonds. In these
Why Did AIG Really transactions, the insurance seller (in this
case, AIG) in some ways becomes the bond
Fail? owner.

The company’s credit default swaps are “Think about home insurance,” McDonald
generally cited as playing a major role in the says. “If you’ve sold insurance on a house,
collapse, losing AIG $30 billion. But they and the house burns to the ground, you
were not the only culprit. Securities have to pay. The insurance seller has the
lending, a less-discussed facet of the same risk as an uninsured homeowner.”
business, lost AIG $21 billion and bears a Likewise, if the bonds AIG insured did not
large part of the blame, the authors pay out, the company was on the hook for
concluded. those losses.

What’s more, McDonald and Paulson Over the course of these agreements, the
examined the assertion that the mortgage- value of the underlying asset will change,
backed securities underlying AIG’s and one party will pay the other money,
transactions would not default. “After the called collateral, based on that change; that
crisis, there was a claim that these assets collateral can flow back and forth between
had been money-good,” meaning they were the two parties as the market moves. AIG’s
sound investments that may have suffered a credit default swaps did not call for
decline in the short term but were safe collateral to be paid in full due to market 2/6
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changes. “In most cases, the agreement said way bets. AIG didn’t have any offsetting
that the collateral was owed only if market positions that would make money if its
changes exceeded a certain value or if AIG’s swaps in this sector lost money.
credit rating fell below a certain level,”
McDonald says.

AIG was accruing unpaid debts—collateral

it owed its credit default swap partners, but Securities Lending
did not have to hand over due to the
agreements’ collateral provisions. But when Rounds Out the Story
AIG’s credit rating was lowered, those
collateral provisions kicked in—and AIG McDonald and Paulson’s analysis showed
suddenly owed its counterparties a great that there was more to the problem than
deal of money. just the credit default swaps. Securities
lending lost the company a massive amount
On September 15, 2008, the day all three of money as well.
major agencies downgraded AIG to a credit
rating below AA-, calls for collateral on its Securities lending is a common financial
credit default swaps rose to $32 billion and transaction where one institution borrows a
its shortfall hit $12.4 billion—a huge change security from another and gives a deposit of
from $8.6 billion in collateral calls and $4.5 collateral, usually cash, to the lender.
billion in shortfall just three days earlier.
Say, for instance, that you run a fund with a
While this debt kicked in automatically
large investment in IBM. “There will often
because of the provisions in AIG’s
be reasons people want to borrow your IBM
agreements, rather than the willful
shares, and this is a standard way to make a
terminations of its securities lending
little extra money on the stock you have,”
agreements, “it’s still a little like a bank run,
McDonald says. AIG was primarily lending
in the sense that all of a sudden you’re in
out securities held by its subsidiary life
trouble, and the fact that you’re in trouble
insurance companies, centralized through a
means you get a big call on your assets,”
noninsurance, securities lending–focused
McDonald says.
AIG had written credit default swaps on
Companies that lend securities usually take
over $500 billion in assets. But it was the
that cash collateral and invest it in
$78 billion in credit default swaps on multi-
something short term and relatively safe.
sector collateralized debt obligations—a
But AIG invested heavily in high-yield—and
security backed by debt payments from
high-risk—assets. This included assets
residential and commercial mortgages,
backed by subprime residential mortgage
home equity loans, and more—that proved
most troublesome. AIG’s problems were
exacerbated by the fact that these were one- 3/6
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“They had this propensity to invest in real securities and ask for their cash—which left
estate,” McDonald says. “There was this AIG worse off still.

idea that real estate investments were safe

because the securities had a AAA credit
rating.” In the run-up to September 2008,
AIG securities lending business grew Not “Money-good”
substantially, going from less than $30
billion in 2007 to $88.4 billion in the third
Problems in both its securities lending
quarter of 2008.
business and its credit default business
The borrowers of a security can typically made AIG doubly vulnerable—and meant it
terminate the transaction at any time by had a great deal of outstanding debts.
returning the security to the lender and Wherever counterparties could extract
getting their collateral back. But since AIG themselves from existing business, or not
had invested primarily in longer-term roll over existing agreements, they did:
assets with liquidity that could vary “Everyone wanted to unwind their position
substantially in the short term, returning with [AIG],” McDonald says. And because of
cash collateral on short notice was not so that, the firm “simply had to supply billions
easy. of dollars they couldn’t easily come up
“People were worried about AIG in the
summer of 2008,” when an analyst report But lack of liquid assets, McDonald found,
suggested the company was in for trouble, was not the only problem.
McDonald said. “AIG’s credit rating had
McDonald and Paulson elicited help from
been downgraded by all three major
colleagues in the Federal Reserve system to
agencies in May and June of 2008, and in
tap a database that has information about
August and September, people started to
every underlying component in a packaged
terminate their agreements,” asking for
security—meaning each individual
their collateral back.
mortgage in a mortgage-backed security—
The values of the securities underlying to determine how sound AIG’s securities
these transactions were falling, due to were. They concluded that the securities
falling real estate prices and higher were not in fact as sound as AIG’s
foreclosures, and AIG did not have enough executives had purported.
other liquid assets to meet all the
“The pure liquidity story says that if we’d
redemption requests. And just as a possibly
simply loaned AIG the money and walked
crumbling bank can lead depositors to
away, everything would ultimately have
withdraw their cash in a hurry, AIG’s
been fine,” McDonald says. “The fact that
weakened stance led even more securities
these underlying assets did end up suffering
lending counterparties to return their
substantial losses, even though the
[government rescue] did save the day, 4/6
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suggests that this wasn’t just about

liquidity.” The executives’ claim that the
assets were “money-good,” he says, can be
soundly rejected.


Gaylord Freeman
Distinguished Chair in
Banking; Professor of


Valerie Ross is a science and technology writer based in New
York, New York.


McDonald, Robert L., and Anna Paulson. 2014. “AIG in
Hindsight”. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 29(2): 81–106.
Read the original


What Really
Spurred the Great

How Citibank’s
Culture Allowed 5/6
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Corruption to
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