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Italian Class

Session 8 | With Teachers Erika & Graziano

Lesson For The Day

By Public Transport
Con i mezzi pubblici
1. Season-ticket 1. Abbonamento 13. To get on 13. Salire
2. Bus 2. Autobus 14. To alight 14. Scendere
3. Ticket 3. Biglietto 15. Elevated (road, railway) 15. Sopraelevata
4. Terminus 4. Capolinea 16. Underground 16. Sotterranea
5. Stop 5. Fermata 17. Station 17. Stazione
6. Railway 6. Ferrovia 18. Fare 18. Tariffa
7. Trolley-bus 7. Filobus 19. Reduced f. 19. T. ridotta
8. Line 8. Linea 20. Pass 20. Tessera
9. Tram driver 9. Manovratore
21. To stamp 21. Timbrare
10. Underground 10. Metropolitana
22. Tram 22. Tram
11. Timetable 11. Orario
23. Coach 23. Vettura
12. Passenger 12. Passeggero
24. To make valid 24. Vidimare
Thank You
See You Next Time

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