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You don’t know how much time has passed when sev­ You’ve gotten your first taste of roleplaying.
eral Rebel soldiers wake you. A field medic is patching But that was just a solitaire adventure. Roleplay­
up your wound — it’s not too bad. You warn the oth­ ing games normally involve several people,
ers about the Imperial probe droid, but it’s long since including this “gamemaster” person. How
escaped into the forest. does that work?
Well, each player has a character... but
• Please go to 14. you already know that, right? You might want
to think of each adventure as a Star Wars

The probe droid is going to shoot at you. Your best bet is movie, with your characters as the stars.
to try and dodge out of the way. You’ll need to make Then there’s the gamemaster. He’s got several jobs: ref­
two rolls here, one for the probe droids action and one eree, storyteller, and mood-setter — all rolled into one.
for your dodge. The droid has a blaster skill of 4D: roll 4 While you and your friends might play one character each,
dice, add them up and remember the total (in the game the the gamemaster will play everyone else. He’ll be all the bad
gamemaster would normally make skill rolls for the enemy). guys, all the bystanders, all the bartenders, informants,
pals, and anyone else you’ll run into, talk to... or shoot at.
Now you need to make a dodge roll for yourself. Dodge is a The first thing the gamemaster does is come up with the
Dexterity skill — Rojo’s dodge has been improved to 3D+2. Don’t story your characters are going to star in. He’ll set the
let that +2 worry you: it just means that you roll 3 dice and add scene, tell you what your characters see, and so forth.
2 to the total. Now compare what you rolled for dodge with the Once you have an idea of what’s going on, you get to
total you rolled for the probe droids blaster: decide what your characters are going to do. For example,
if you’re in a crowded cantina, you can try to leave, try to
• If the probe droid ’s blaster is higher than your dodge
get some inside info from somebody in the room, open fire...
roll, you’ve been hit: go to 8.
whatever seems like a good idea at the time. (Keep in mind
• If your dodge roll is equal to or higher than the droid’s what kind of character you’re playing. A human Jedi’s going
roll, you’ve dodged its blaster shot. Now you can to react differently to something than, say, a Wookiee
return fire with your own blaster: go to 2. smuggler.)
Once you know what you want your character to try, the

Your shot bursts against the probe droid, sending sev­
gamemaster takes over, deciding how hard it is and what’s
eral parts and manipulator legs flying through the air.
going to happen if you succeed or fail.
The droid is still working, though, and turns one of its
Maybe I should stop telling you about this, and just
ocular sensors to look at you. You’re about to take
show you. Keep reading and you’ll see what I mean.
another shot when it emits a high-pitched sound, then explodes
in a ball of fire. It must have had some kind of self-destruct
mechanism inside to keep it from falling into enemy hands. It
doesn’t matter. Your priority now is to return to base quickly
Bill is the gamemaster. Greg is playing Thannik, a bounty
and make your report.
hunter. Paul is playing a protocol droid named GT-9R (C-3PO is a
• Please go to 14. protocol droid). Peter is playing Dirk Harkness, an outlaw (and
all-round scoundrel). Amy is playing Rhen, a brash pilot (who

Your shot hits the probe droids weak center. The thinks she’s something of a hotshot). Finally, George is playing a
resulting explosion tears the droid apart, sending parts kid named Cev Rees (young Cev is something of a mischievous
of it all over the forest clearing. Now that you’ve pest).
destroyed the Imperial droid, your priority is to return
to base quickly and make your report. BILL: “You enter the Dancing Dewback. It looks a lot like the
cantina from Star Wars. There’s about 15 people here — some
• Please go to 14. are human, but most of them are aliens. Off in the corner you
can see a Devaronian — you know, the guy in the cantina scene

You return to base quickly and report to Commander with the short, pointy horns — downing a glowing red drink that
Drayson. If that probe droid was really scouting your seems to have a small electrical storm hovering over the cup. He
hidden base, you could have more trouble with the looks like the contact you’re supposed to meet. What do you
Empire very soon... want to do?”
That’s the end of the adventure — you’ve successfully com­
PAUL: (As GT-9R, doing a typical droid-like mechanical
pleted the story in which you were the hero. Now you have a
voice) “Master Thannik, we are supposed to meet our contact in
very basic idea of how your character works in the game. The
this... establishment. What a rough place. No one respectable
rules below will help you learn even more about what you can
would be found here.” (Now using his normal voice, telling Bill)
do with your character. It’s all based on the same concept you
“What else can I see? Do my sensors pick up anything unusual,
learned during this adventure:
or any signs of weapons?”
Pick a difficulty number. If the character’s GREG: (As Thannik) “Look, Niner, this is my kind of place. A
skill roll is equal to or higher, he succeeds. good bar fight waiting to happen!” (Looking at Bill, speaking as
the player) “I’m not taking any chances. Where are all of the
entrances? If we have to fight our way out, where can we go?
Who’s heavily armed?”



PETER: (As Dirk) “Well, friends, it’s not polite to stare. I’m BILL: “Make a search roll.”
going to the bar for a drink. Anyone with me?” AMY: “I didn’t improve search, but it’s a Perception skill,
AMY: (As Rhen) “I’m in.” right? My Perception’s 3D …” (Rolls three dice) “... a 3, 4, and 6;
GEORGE: (As Cev) “Me too... I want a Reactor Core! I hear that’s a 13.”
they’re good!” BILL: “Out of the corner of your eye you see Cev pulling the
AMY: (As Rhen) “That’s enough, Cev. You’ll get a fizzyglug wallet out of the man’s pocket. The guy’s huge... he could proba­
and like it. And don’t try picking any pockets like last time.” bly press Cev one-handed.”

GEORGE: (As Cev) “I never get to have any fun. And how AMY: (As Rhen, whispering to George) “Cev, what are you
many times do I have to tell you... it’s ‘Cev,’ like with a ‘k,’ not doing?”
with an ‘s!’” (To Bill) “I’m going to pretend to do what Rhen says GEORGE: (As Cev) “Nothin’ Don’t come over here... there’s
but I’m looking out for someone I can pick-pocket.” nothin’ to see.” (To Bill) “What’s in the wallet?”
PETER: “Here we go again... you know, last time you nearly BILL: “Not much. An ID card and about 20 credits.”
got us all killed.” GEORGE: (As Cev) “Cool!”
BILL: (To Peter) “You don’t know what Cev is doing so don’t BILL: “The bartender walks up to the spacer, gives him a
worry about it.” (To everyone, pulling out a sheet of scrap another drink and says, ‘Here’s your lum, Fenn. Two credits.’ The
paper) “Here, let me draw you a sketch of the room. There’s a guy reaches around to his back pocket and starts feeling for his
front door — where both of you are standing now — plus a bar wallet.”
in the center. Dirk, Rhen and Cev are already at the bar. The
room’s about 20 meters square, so it’s a decent size. There are GEORGE: (As Cev) “Uh-oh! See you later, Rhen!” (To Bill) “I
booths and tables everywhere.” duck into the crowd.”

(Bill sketches a rough square, drawing in the front door, the AMY: (As Rhen) “No you don’t!” (To Bill) “I grab the wallet
bar and its approximate size, and several booths. He draws a from Cev.”
booth in the back and circles it.) BILL: “Now you need to make what’s called an opposed roll.
“This circled booth is where the Devaronian is. At first glance, Both of you roll your Strength. High roller holds on to the wal­
you don’t see a lot of the bar — the lighting’s not very good. let. Amy, add a +5 modifier to your roll. You get a bonus
There are several humans and one Wookiee in the front — they because Cev is trying to sneak away and isn’t really paying
look like smugglers or traders. You see three Duros — the guys attention to you.”
with the big green heads and glowing red eyes in the first movie AMY: (Rolls dice) “A 12... with the +5, that makes my total
— in the back, clustered around a table. One is clearly arguing 17!”
with the other two, and there’s a deck of sabacc cards and sev­ GEORGE: (Rolls dice) “A 10.”
eral stacks of coins on the table.
“In the back corner is a Gamorrean — you know, Jabba’s pig- AMY: “Got it!”
like guards in Return of the Jedi — and he’s really out of control. BILL: “Just as you grab the wallet and Cev ducks into the
He’s standing by himself, well, stumbling is more like it. He’s crowd, the spacer realizes his wallet is missing. He turns to look
punching at thin air and screaming lots of curses in his lan­ at you, Rhen.” (Bill imitates drunken spacer) “‘Hey, where’d my
guage. wallet go... hey, what are you doin’ with it?’”
“If you want to notice anything else, you’ll have to take a AMY: “Um, I’ll offer to buy him a drink.”
few more seconds to scan the area and make Perception checks;
if anyone is antsy, they’ll probably notice that you’re checking BILL: “C’mon, play it out.“
out the place if you keep on standing at the door.” AMY: (As Rhen) “Uh, you just dropped your wallet on the
GEORGE: “Have I found anyone to pick-pocket?” floor... here. Let me buy you a drink.”

BILL: “You’re sure you want to do this? Most of the people BILL: (As spacer) “‘Sure. Say, what’re you doin’ later on?’”
here look pretty tough.” AMY: (As Rhen, muttering under her breath)
GEORGE: “That’s what makes it a challenge.” “I’m gonna kill that little twerp...”

PETER AND AMY: “Oh no.” Okay, now you’ve seen a little of how the
BILL: (Smiling evilly) “The guy next to you is a big, burly game works. What next? Well, first is
spacer-type. He’s got his back turned to you and there’s several the “Star Wars Player Handout.” It’s
empty glasses on the bar. His wallet’s half out of his back pock­ sort of like a “cheat sheet” that speeds
et. Easy pickings…” up play. Feel free to make copies for
GEORGE: “I’ll go for it. Besides, he won’t beat up on a kid...” your players.
Then Risha herself will take you through
BILL: “Make your pick pocket roll.” character creation in Chapter Two. And we’ll wrap up the
GEORGE: “My pick pocket skill is 4D+2...” (Rolls four dice) “I Player Section of this book with Chapter Three, which tells
got a 2, 4, 5, 5; with the +2, that’s an 18!” you all you’ll ever need to know about attributes and skills.
BILL: “You reach over and tug on the wallet and it comes Keep reading and keep listening. I’ll be back to check on
right out. The guy doesn’t even notice.” you later.

AMY: “Can I see any of this going on?”


If you’re new to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, this section Cooperate. If the characters are to stand any chance of
will get you ready to play in a couple of minutes. succeeding in their adventures, you and the other players have
You’ll be playing a character a person who lives in the Star to work together.
Wars universe. While playing, you pretend to be that character. Be True to the Movies. Remember, you’re playing Star
There is no board to move tokens around on. Instead, one of Wars! Be heroes. Use snappy one-liners. And above all else, have
your friends will be the gamemaster. The gamemaster acts as fun!
storyteller and referee, describing each scene to you and the
other players. Now, imagine how your character would react to Become Your Character. Don’t be afraid to ham it up a
the situation. Then, tell the gamemaster what your character is little! Speak like your character and adopt his mannerisms in
going to do. your movements and actions. You can act out scenes — for
When you describe what your character does, the gamemas­ example, if you’re play a gambler, you could have fun trying to
ter will tell you when to roll the dice, and tell you what happens con the other characters.
as a result of how well (or poorly) you roll. In a way, you, the Use Your Imagination. Your character can do whatever
other players, and the gamemaster are creating your own Star you can imagine someone in that situation doing. If you can
Wars movie with your characters as the stars! imagine it in the real world (or the Star Wars universe), it can
Winning. There are no winners and losers. Having fun is happen in the game!
what counts. It is far more important to have a great story than Keep Things Moving. Don’t worry about the rules. Simply
it is to excel as the “best” character. tell the gamemaster what you want your character to do, and
he’ll tell you what to roll and when.

Select a character template that looks like it would be fun to Each attribute has a die code. A typical die code could be 3D
play. Grab a pencil and a few six-sided (“normal”) dice. (pronounced “three dee”). That means roll three six-sided dice
The right side of the character sheet describes your charac­ whenever the attribute is used.
ter’s personality and background. You can change some of these Example: George is playing a kid, who he names
elements, but make sure those changes are approved by the Cev Rees. Cev has a Mechanical of 3D. When he jumps
gamemaster. Each character has six attributes: behind the controls of a landspeeder and tries to drive
it on a busy highway, the gamemaster tells George to
Dexterity — Your character’s eye-hand coordination and make a Mechanical roll. George rolls three dice and
agility. gets a 2, 3 and a 5 — Cev’s Mechanical total is 10.
Knowledge — Your character’s knowledge of the galaxy.
If there is a +1 or a +2 after the “D,” add that number to
Mechanical — Your character’s “mechanical aptitude,” or your total.
ability to pilot vehicles, starships and the like.
Perception — Your character’s powers of observation, and Example: Cev’s Dexterity is 3D+2. (Pronounced
ability to convince others to do things for him. “three dee plus two.”) When Cev throws a grenade, the
gamemaster tells George to make a Dexterity roll.
Strength — Your character’s physical strength, health, and George rolls a 3, 4 and a 5 (for the 3D), but he also
ability to resist damage. adds +2 to the total (for the +2) to get a total of 14.
Technical — Your character’s “technical aptitude,” or ability
to fix, repair, and modify all kinds of technology, including A die code of 2D is about average; a die code of 4D is pretty
starships, droids, and vehicles. good.


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