Lab - Ballistic Pendulum

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Phy109 - Laboratory Skills I

The Ballistic Pendulum


Ballistic Pendulum comprised of two unequal plasticine spheres suspended by diverging

threads from horizontal cross pieces, horizontal metre rule passing between the threads

The spheres are adjusted so that they hang just in contact with their centres at the same
height. Read off the positions (a2 and b1) of the suspended threads against the metre rule.
Carefully draw back the larger sphere through an angle θ1 (position of thread a1) and then
Upon release the larger sphere impacts with the stationary sphere and the extreme
outward positions (a3 and b2) of the threads for both spheres against the metre rule should
be noted. Take several readings to obtain mean values of (a3 and b2).
Measure the vertical distance d of the top edge of metre rule from the suspension bar.

Let one of the spheres be displaced to A so

that its thread makes an angle 𝜃1 to the
Then on releasing the sphere to collide with
the stationary sphere at B, it loses potential
energy = Mgh, and acquires velocity 𝑢1 ,
giving it a kinetic energy of ½ M𝑢1 2
immediately after impact.
By the law of conservation of energy
½ M𝑢1 2 = Mgh

i.e. 𝑢1 = √(2gh)
Now h = l (1 - cos 𝜃1 ) = 2l 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 2

Therefore, 𝑢1 = 2 √ (gl sin 21 )

Let the spheres swing out of positions Aˊ and Bˊ after impact with the strings making
angles of 𝜃2 and 𝛷 with the vertical. If the velocities of the spheres are u2 and v
immediately after impact, then proceeding as above
𝜃 𝛷
𝑢1 = 2 √(gl sin 22 ) and v = 2 √(gl sin )

The values of𝜃1 , 𝜃2 and 𝛷 are obtained by reading off the horizontal displacements of
the threads measured against a metre rule d cm below the point of suspension O.

By the law of conservation of momentum

RESULTS a1 = cm, a2 = cm, b1 = cm, d= cm,

a3 = cm, , , , , mean a3 = cm,

b2 = cm, , , , , mean b2 = cm,

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