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Mary Francine T.

ABM 11-2

I can describe myself as a perfect manager I think my strengths caused me being a

type since I am open and willing to change for perfectionist with my work. That’s why, I
my personal growth. I am also confident with am also finicky when it is a group work. I
my problem-solving skills because I know I always mind little details and it stresses me
have the knowledge to do so. One of my assets out thus affecting my over-all performance
is being a planner; I plan ahead of things and and my team’s spirit. I am working on these
assure that my time is well-organized and weaknesses by focusing on the positive
divided to my tasks. things.

I can help myself if I will learn to have good Another bad quality of mine is that I can be
interpersonal skills. I need to be more of a a bit adamant with my decisions. I firmly
team player to achieve greatness and to be stand with it if I know it is right.
able to reduce my perfectionist side. People Additionally, I am afraid to get out of my
around me can be a huge influence to me comfort zone. This can be a threat in
and my work. I think they will serve as my unleashing my full potential as an
opportunity to work on myself and produce individual. I cannot change for the better if
better results. I let these qualities bring me down.

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