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Bonner’s Weekly ELA Update

Greetings Parents!

Here are Week Six Updates:


This week we will begin to focus on Verbs. We will study:

a. Active and passive voice.

1. Our Literary Focus has shifted. Scholars will apply the Hero’s Journey
to part one of Homer’s Odyssey. Students will receive and complete the
a. “The Odyssey”
i. Characterization
ii. Epic hero
Vocabulary: There will be a vocabulary tic-tac-toe to complete for this
week’s vocabulary.

Due: Thursday (quiz Thursday as well!)

a. Harried
b. Invocation
c. Muse
d. Victuals
e. Appalled
f. Profusion
g. Beguiling
h. Foreboding
i. Assuage
j. Ardor
k. travail

1. Book Nine quick write


• Grammar practice
o This week's focus will be active and passive voice (video for
additional notes and practice).
o Myon and IReady: One hour of IReady reading
• One hour of IReady math
• One hour of Myon

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