Week 6

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Sophia Roth and K.

Bell Week # 6 Date: 10/9/23-10/13/23

Monday 10/9 Tuesday 10 /10 Wednesday 10/11 Thursday 10 /12 Friday 10 /13

8:45-9:00 Arrival/ Unpack

Morning Message Morning Message Morning Message Morning Message Morning Message
Work High group: important High group: important High group: important High group: important High group: important
info, review sheet info, review sheet info, review sheet info, review sheet info, review sheet

Low group: morning Low group: morning Low group: morning Low group: morning Low group: morning
work binder work binder work binder work binder work binder

9:30-9:45 Calendar, weather, Calendar, weather, Calendar, weather, Calendar, weather, Calendar, weather,
question of the day, question of the day, question of the day, question of the day, question of the day,
movement of the day, movement of the day, movement of the day, movement of the day, movement of the day,
count the days, sight count the days, sight count the days, sight count the days, sight count the days, sight
words of the week: words of the week: words of the week: words of the week: words of the week:
Pumpkin Pumpkin Pumpkin Pumpkin Pumpkin
News of the day: _____ News of the day: _____ News of the day: _____ News of the day: _____ News of the day: _____

9:45-10:00 Snack

10:00-10:30 Label the Room Tap-it 1 Finish Labeling the Introduce texture
room words
Word Work Independent student School Trip Scholastic News Red
word recognition/apply Ripe Apples Independent student Students will be
word recognition/apply introduced to texture
Students will work on
words such as bumpy,
the tap-it to go through
smooth and rough.
the scholastic
10:30-11:00 Counseling magazine and Health symmetry
complete all activities.
Math Students will work with
collection of leaves and
flowers to look at

11:00-11:30 Tortious and Hare Math- symmetry Tap-it 1 Individual IEP goals.
Reading Students read the story Students will work with Students will complete
one last time and then collection of leaves and individual goals for
My big World Autumn
completed a graphic flowers to look at students. Each student
leaves are falling
organizer. symmetry. will have their own
activity to complete.
Students will work on
11:30-12:00 Math Tap-it 1 Tap-it 1
the tap-it to go through
Science Tap-it 1 Move Like a plant the scholastic Build a plant
magazine and
Indigenous Peoples Students will review Students will use
complete all activities.
Day parts of a plant and different materials to
then mover their build a plant with
Students watched a
bodies to match the materials that model
video and talked about
part of the plant. the parts. Students will
what an indigenous
also go for a nature
person is and know
walk if weather
what the holiday is
12:00-12:30 LUNCH

12:30-1:00 Half Day School Trip Music Describing Fall Items. Library
Writing Students will describe
fall items by their
colors. They will
practice writing

1:00-1:30 Recess (Tap-it 2 on Wedesday)

1:30-2:00 Tap-it 2 STEM
Good Choices/Bad
Social School Trip Good Choices/Bad Choices Apple Bucket
Half Day Choices The students will sort Students will use pipe
cards as a class. They cleaners, straws, and a
The students will learn
will talk about making plate to build a basket
how to make good
better choices for the to hold as many foam
choices in three easy
bad ones. apples as possible.
steps. They will look at
They will only be
some examples of bad
allowed 12 straws, 17
choices and how to
pipe cleaners and one
change it into a good
plate. As a class we will
choice. Then they will
graph the result.
color the book.

2:00-2:30 Writing Math

Catch-up/ Describing Fall Items. symmetry
Make up
Students will describe Students will work with
fall items by their collection of leaves and
colors. They will flowers to look at
practice writing symmetry. Students
sentences. will also look at videos

2:30-3:00 Pack up/Dismissal

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