English Assignment

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Word verb noun adjective

information I informed my father about the trip More detailed information is not yet “It should be noted that the
available document is informative and
advisory but has no legal authority.”
Instruction Art teachers often instruct students “Read the instructions carefully “I personally found it instructive
to close one eye in order to flatten before using the coffee machine.” and helpful, as I think all those who
what they see. have taken the course so far.”
Different “What would differentiate you from “Perhaps it is time to sit down and “Going to bed at a different time
others? settle our differences” each night may effect your sleep
quality “
Trust Can they be trusted to look after At first there was a lack of trust “We need trustable and honest
the house? between them. people working with us like
describe The police asked her to describe “I would agree with your the descriptive passages in the
the man. description of the movie as an novel
Difficult When I started college everything They had great difficulty in finding a difficult question
was in English which had difficulted a replacement.
the first year
Create “You can create the color white by “Your job as a creative will be to “We will need to come up with
mixing red, green and blue.” work closely with the marketing some creative ideas”
Believe Reddy believes that you should “I have a great belief that hard work “He manages to translate the
always study hard will almost always be rewarded. comic and at the same time create
believable characters.
Hate “I hate to bother you, but would you “Jon felt nothing but hate for “He was no longer a hateful person
mind moving out of the way?” someone after he did something after seeing a therapist.”
bad to him.”
after seeing a therapist.”
bad to him.”
Think “I need some time to think before “It required some thought, but I “It was very thoughtful of you to
making a decision.” think we have finally solved the invite me to dinner”

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