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Chapter 2 OT.

For Complete Course & Study Material:-

Mission- Raison d'etre- Reason of existence/being of org. DETERMINATION OF ORGANISATIONAL GOALS

Goal – Every org. work to achieve something known as
organizational Goals. Top mgt. determines goals to
Who Set Goals How to set (GOAL SETTING PROCESS)
achieve mission, It depict Future state of affairs which
1.Democratic Goal Setting – 1.Traditional process–Rationality model
org. strive to achieve.  By Owner/stakeholder  Manager identify problem & provide
Definition  Bottom up process best solution to maximize value
Etzioni- “An Organisational goal is something towards  May be Rationale or not  Full info, costless, Full alternate range
which its resources & efforts are directed.” 2.Autocratic Goal Setting- & best & unanimous decision making
 By CEO or MD  Assume no uncertainity/ambiguity
 Top Down Approach  Perfect rationality & end means chain
Features/Nature Significance/utility/ Limitation
 Traditional Approach
- Depict Desired State Rationale/Function - Rigidity in work
- Conscious - Legitimacy to org.  Assume full rationality 2.Behavioural procee-Carnegie model
- Problem in set goal
3. Middle/Behavioral Goal set-  Assumption of
Determination - Reason of existnce - Distortion of work
 Executive consult  Satisfying human nature
- Determine flow - Direction to res. - End-means reversal
of resources - Std of Performance stakeholder  Bounded Rationality
Overcome by
- PG by owners - Motivation & -Optimum Goal  Top down & bottom up  Organizational Coalition
- SG by Mgt. Control -People Participation  Have negotiations  So limited info, costly, limited range of
- it legitimate activities - Coordination - Timely Review  Time Consuming alternate & only satisfactory not best &
-Std to assess Success - Basis of Per. Apr. - Clarity & MIS  Bounded rationality negotiated decision making

Impact of Envt. Interactional process/Strategies Two Goal Setting approach/Models

Good Goals
to overcome influence
 Opportunity – New Features
1. Avoiding-if not worthful
tech, talent,Mkt. 1.Specific Bounded Rationality model of Coalition Hypothesis
2. Competing- through
 Challenges- 2.Measurable Herbert Simon (Behavioral theory- in modern org as a
superior product
Competition, 3.Real Disagree with total Rationality & political process)
3. Bargaining-for win win
Demand change 4.Result optimum Decision (Traditional Goal setting is coalition of various
4. Coalition- against
 Threats – oriented Approach) because of following interest i.e. manager, Shareholder,
common enemy
revolutionary 5.Participative assumptions customer, Competitor, rather top down
5. Cooptation-shock absorb
Changes 6.Time bound 1.Satisfying Decision – as all process, having say of all.
alternative can’t be known for Feature/ element of Coalition hypothesis
Single Vs. Multiple MG org more MG Limitations taking optimum decision.  Complex process as multiple interests
1.Single – efficient as 1.conflict of priority 2.Bounded Rationality – As  Have negotiation, bargaining,Compro
2.Strain on personnel
a. Quantity Wise 1 Goal 1.Efficient use of value & preference order of all  Decision is based on “COMMON
b. Oneness–Single minded resources 3.Specialisation
negatively affected
alternatives is not known for MINNIMUM PROGRAMME” –after
Like P.G./official goal 2.keep continuity in
2.Multiple – org.
perfect end means chain. negotiation & compromise agreed by all.
a. Quantity wise Multiple 3.Build morale MG are most 3. Limited info, change  Dominant partner has greater
b. To serve Multiple interest easily preferred form resistance, conflicts etc. so all influence, other partners offered rewards
it is to achieve single goal 4.Easy to establish leads to efficiency & possible alternate &
Basis of integration & effect. 5.Diversification
as side payments
effectiveness consequence can’t be predicted  Sequential attention- preference as IMP
so bounded rationality  It is not static but dynamic process
Type of Goals

Individual vs. Organization Goals

Primary Goal Secondary Goal Official Vs. operative
Organisational Goals- As discussed. Eg.
Founding stone & ultimate destination of org. Means to achieve primary goals, are real & 1.Official –General purpose,
Productivity, Profitability, Growth.
Determined by owner/upper mgt. operational, Determined by middle & primary In charter, mission statement
Sum of individual goal & interest.
Oftenly Certain all over life of organization level manager. Eg. – sports, Discpline for school May be vague & colorful term
Eg. Educationn for school, defence for military Significance–1. Use of resources for achieve PG 2.Operative –Real, pursued & Individual Goals – personal Goal of
Without PG its waste of resources 2.leads organisation to work specific, Derived from off. goal. employees. Eg. Security, Status, money.
PG is base for goal succession & displacement Derivative Goal –SG Derived from PG Type/Multiplicity of ope. Goal Psychological Contract – By Denise
Significance – Different SG/MG in corporate – multiple 1.Environmental-Satisfy ex envt Rousseau - Between Individual & Org.
1. Give direction to efforts stakeholders like- Shareholder, worker, 2.Output & product goal Represent Mutual belief, perception,
2. Base for secondary goals consumer, Govt., Society. 3.system - internal envt. obligation & expectation beyond formal
3. Depict vision of organization So multiple SG like- Worker training, Quality 4.Derived - e.g. social service written contract. Eg. How org treat employee
4. Measurement of success products, Pollution control, Dividend payment 5.Technical Dynamism & what efforts employee out for org.
Different point of view on IG & OG incompatibility/Conflict

Classical view Human Relation Personality advocates Organization Advocate Balanced/modern/Inter

Chris Argyris-formal system crushes - Incompatibility is not new but actionist/Reconciliatory
View Development & self actualisation Of indv.
There is no conflict because  Incongruency between organization is not villain View
as individual grow from immature to
IG & OG is Inevitable - Self actualization is not univrsl. - Incompatibility is natural
mature, that cause incompatibility due to
 IG & OG Complementary  satisfaction of human rigidity of org. Its Causes are-
- Even money is great motivator - IG & OG may not be fully
 Individual Contribute & needs & “good human 1.Rationality -not real human nature & satisfy individual needs. compatible
Org. Reward 2.Specialisation cause monotony - They satisfy self esteem by - Lack Mutual adaptation is
relation” leads to to
 Ind. Should subordinate achievement of OG 3.Chain of command cause bossism connecting to other org. issue
their goals 4.Unity of direction- top down app. - Organization demands - Integration of IG & OG is
 unsatisfied IG may
 OG shall prevail in alienate a person
This incompatibility leads to short focus, reasonable performance for required
job quit, frustration, conflict etc. which it gives payments
conflict  it is needed to establish - So that survival even
“So individual satisfaction should also be
 OG is source of IG compatibility by mgr an end in itself, rather just means.”
- So incongruency is manageable.
after incongruency.

Reciprocation / Integration among IG & OG END MEANS Chain – “Structuring GOAL into heirarcy”- Traditional view of goal setting.
where goal of lower level become means for upper level.(Goal of worker to produce goods
become means of mgt. to earn profit) This leads to a vertical net of “end-means chain”.
1.Fusion Process- (By EW Bakke) 3.Inducement-contribution As objective at top level become basis for setting objective at lower level & so on, and
Objective of lower level become means to achieve higher level goal. As shown below in picture
- called Internalisation of OG process (by March & Simon)
by personal Commitment to Inducement- Reward by Org to
OG. individual. Source of contri. Org. Goals TM Significance Criticism
Flow of goals

Flow of means
-leads to Fusion of IG & OG Contribution- Performance of - Form Org Str - Perfect End means
- Goal clarity for sub integration impossible
indiv. for org. source of induce. Div. Goal
Subsytem of IG & OG interaction Thus both IG & OG satisfied
MM unit - Personal view & bias
Make EMC Effective
- High level of
1.Socialisation-individual Barnard Simon – org. Dept Goal - Timely revision
internalize OG equilibrium LM - Purposive delegation
- Suitable leadership
2.Personalisation-Org. - Flexibility in EMC
Org. Equilibrium by org. being Worker Goal of authority - Worker participation
internalize IG able to offer inducement Worker
necessary to attract sufficient
2.Fusion Process- (By Peter F. contribution,thus based on
Drucker)-Discussed in detail reciprocal exchange Management by Objective by Peter F. Drucker

Goal Change -with passage of time & situation by periodic & continuous re evaluation. Brief- Objectives should not be imposed on subordinate but
mutually decided. Avoid activity trap. Focus main objective
Requirement of Goal Change
1.Manager Aspiration change 2. Crisis in org. 3.Change in External envt.
4.Demand from Coalition
3k?k groups 5. Change in internal envt. Principles Benefits Prerequisites
-Cascading of OG & -Clearer Goals - Inspiring mgt.
Type of Goal Change – 1. Succession 2. Distortion 3. Displacement 4. Expansion objective -Std for control - Training
-Member wise specific -Objective Appraisal - Mechanism
objective - Feedback
Goal Succession Goal Distortion -Participative decision - Free from politics
Goal Displacement Limitations
- Individuals do not work/ -Explicit time period - Adequate time &
- New/modified goal - Extreme form of distortion -Goal setting prob.
substitute existing misunderstand stated goals -Evaluation & feedback resources
- Resource used to serve goal -Subordinate Satis.
- May lead to goal - Do misinterpretation due to fully different from OG. -Superior support - workload & conflict
multiply/expansion ambiguity & distort goals - may unconsciously or
-Whn old is achieved, REASON deliberate. Steps in MBO
irrelevant,unattainabl - Communication blockage & - End means chain reversed Measur
-It’s Official & planned Tall hierarchy Reason- same as distortion able
Need/IMP/Situation - Internal issue & size rise Checking/Prevention Establish Goals
- Presnt goal irrelevant - Over commitment to 1 goal - Strong & clear EMC in participative
- Sub unit goal internalization manner
or unattainable - Purposeful & clear Goals Spec Goal
- for org. growth - priority to Measurable - Timely Review & control Decide ific Should istic
- Deal envt. Changes aspect - balanced structure & power Method to be
- to Survive losses - Iron law of oligarchy- goal - Committed Workers attain objective SMART
Causes/ Factors twist by influential people to Form of GD- 1.Pursue Personal
Responsible perpetuate hold over org. Goal. 2. Substitute tangible goals Action Plan of
subordinate Achie Time
- Changing aspiration
Expansion- Aquisition of improved goals in quantity/Quality vable Bound
- Change in coalition
Demands Leads to enriching mission. E.g. higher profit target Appraisal of
- Envt. Change Reasons of G.E.- 1.Eco. growth of country 2.Envt change perormance
3. Mgt./ownership Change 4. Increased Aspiration of coalition
Chapter 3 OT. For Complete Course & Study Material:-

OT – Study of Structure, Design, Function & Performance of Organisation & behaviour of groups & individuals in org.
S.P. Robbins – “ OT is the discipline that studies the structure & design of organisations. It explains how organisations
are actually designed & offer suggestions on how they can be constructed to improve organizational effectiveness.”
Classification of OT – 1.Classical 2.Neo Classical(1.Human Relation 2.Behavioural science 3.Social System) 3.Modern OT

Key Features Key Pillars/Common Ele Appraisal/Criticism Key Features Modification over Appraisal
- View Org. as machine 1.Structure -Narrow & Static view -org as Social Sys classical -A trifling body of
-Emphasis hierarchy str. 2.Div of work & coord. -Assume closed System -Informal org exist -Flatter Structure empirical info
- centralization based 3.Span of control -Dehumanization -Action in groups -Decentralisation -Narrow view on
-focus on Formal org. 4.Scalar Chain -Money main motivator -2 way Communi. -Informal Org. conflict - over
-Worker- economic Criticism of key pillar -Impractical assumption -Money is not only -Humanistic concern happiness
man,money motivated Str-Disruption & conflict -Bureaucratic Behave motivator Common -less focus work
-No conflict between Div-boredom, monotony -Anti Democratic work. -Org indv. conflict -No conflict -Over focus group
individual & org. Span-difficult to decide -Only Hierarchial Str. -emotional needs between individual -lack of scientific
-Main aim- Productivity Scalar- delegation issue
of employee & organisation validity


: Foundation of OT : Traditional View : Concentrated on Org. str. & reaction to classical theory & suppplement it.
principle of mgt. : Deal with Anatomy of Formal org. By thinkers like Mayo, Barnard, Argyris called HUMANIST
Streams – (a) Weber -Bureaucracy (b) Fayol- Adm. Mgt. (c) Taylor – Scien.mgt Compensate some defficiency of classical approach

1(a) Bureaucracy -Weber Feature -Written record Critisism – A.Human Relation By Elton Mayo - Howthrone Studies-Elton Mayo
“An administrative body -Div. & Specialisation -Changing envt.-Rigidity 4 Howthrone experiments by-Social/human aspect at work place
of appointed officials” - Rule & Regulation -Excessive rules leads to 1.Illumination Process - No -ve effect of light on productivity
Leads institutionalization -Heirarchy & legal Auth. dysfunctionality 2.Relay assembly test - +ve - rest,hot lunch,friendly atmosphere
3 Method of Power -Impersonal Relation -Goal Displacement 3.Interviewing prog - Baseless complaint, listening subordi imp
1.Charismatic-Personal -Technical Competence - Loss of mutual trust 4.Bank wiring observation-Own std of output,in social pressure
2.Traditional- Inherited Benefit – Rationality -No personal motivation
3.Rational-Legal – by law -Continuity, Consistency - Ignore Informal Org. Howthrone Conclusions Appraisal -
Legal Authority is ideal & -Efficiency & Tr. Of auth. -Red tapism & Sabotage - External factor have no effective role, - Happyness boys
rational for management -Predictable Behave -Hoarding Authrity social & human side raise productivity - Short sighted
-Upward communication is necessary - Lack universal
-Free expression give workr satisfaction application
1(b) Fayol- Admin. Mgt 14 Principle of gen. mgt. Flexibility-UOD wid UOC
- Positive effect of supervisor taking - unthoughtful group
“Universalist-Mgt princi. Div. 2.Discipline -Principles rather rules
3.Auth & Res 4.UOC personal interest in worker problem disussion
apply to all group activity -Gang plank-Level Jump
5.UOD 6. Remuneration -Social man- Need freedom to talk -Scientific validity is
-Admin & Mgt. are same. -Initiative wid centralise
7.Centralisation 8. order -Spontaneous Cooperation possible under question
-Mgt. ability can aquired -Order,Pay & equity
9.Scalar chain 10.Equity
-Father of general mgt. 11.Stability 12. Initiative
Critisism-only operatio- B.Behavioral science -get knowledge about human behavior by study
6 main activity of org 13.Unity above nal classification of org. of beha. Science e.g. socio, psycho, anthro. Normative & prescriptive.
1.Technical 2.Commercial 5 Management activity -Outdated & inadequate pr. Study of motivation, Leadership, Communication to solve org. Issues.
3.Financial 4 Accounting -Ignore social-psycho need
POCCC-Planning, org.,
5.Security 6. Mgt/Admin -UOD & UOC- contradictory Essential Requirement Key Elements Contribution
Comand, Control, Coord. -Objective data -same as neo classical -Rational
-Cause Effect Relation Features -Dynamic mgt.
1(c)Scientific Mgt-Taylor Mental Revolution- Appraisal -Relate fact sys. -Inter Discipllinary -Conflict Mgt.
Attacked rule of thumb Increase prodcution
-Mutual trust & Coope.
+ve-Bring Efficiency -Open to re-examine -Applied Science -Foundation of OB
Work -P1-A piece rate Sys. -Consider human asp Proposition
-Normative-Suggest Limitation
-Scientific attitude -Org- socio Technical sys
-Differential piece rate Functional foremanship -Raise productivity cause & Effect - focus Non eco. As.
-Individual differ in behv
-Time & motion studies 8 area expert@supervisory -Prescriptive - Ways -Narrow view
P2 - Shop Management
-1st scientific aspect -Individual Need & Goal
level Factory mgr Different from of Org & means -Can not be fully
-Scie. method,Std tools,pay Planning ofc
-ve - Explotation -many factor affect bhv -Humanistic rationale
Productn ofc
training, Co-operation,wc
Routine clrk
-Diminishing law of
Speed boss
P3 - Princ. Of Scientific Mgt. return C.Social System-By Barnard-Based on understanding of inter relation
IC clrk Gang boss
1.Science for each element -fabricated techniq 1 within org.Consider org as cooperative system,where people Interact.
Time & cost Repair boss
2.Scie. selection & Training It is duty of mgr. To Stimute people efforts on which org success depend
3.Equal div of work & Res. Disciplinarian Inspector -Extra stress on 3 Executive Function 1.Maintain Communication 2. Secure Essential service from
4.Cooperation by mentl rev. worker economic motivation member 3. Formulate & define common purpose
3.Modern Organisation Theory - Based on General system theory which Treats Organisation as a system MOT Features
of Mutually dependent & related variables/Components.Their interaction form a unitary whole called - Org. As open system
organisation. Each part perform own function towards common goal. - Dynamism & adaptation
Kast & Rosenzweig - “A system is an organised, unitary whole composed of two or more interdependent - Micro-Macro View -org. As
parts, components & subsystems & delineated by identifiable boundaries from its environment.” supra sys. Having subsystem
MOT Consist of two Approaches - 1. System Approach 2. Contingency Approach -Probabilistic & integrative

A.System Approach - Part - subpart - Input - output - transformation process B.Contingency Approach - Extension of SA &
Open system - close system - environment - As discussed in unit 1 relate environment to specific structure of
Organisation is system, external environment is it supra system & Activities like organisation
technical, financial, structure are its sub system. No one Best style but is contigent upon envt &
Situation that determine org. Success & fitness

Implication/Utility Appraisal - superiority of SA Drawbacks Implication Appraisal

- Customer Focused - Universality of situation nt principle - Integration isuue - Reject Universality - No technique
- Horizontal dev of Str. - Macro - Micro view - give - Theoritical diff. - Action Oriented identify situation
-Cybernetics working multidimensions to working - Abstract analysis - not - Under Development 2.choose Best solution
-Broader & integrated - Envtal Dynamism & adaptive complete details -Adaptive & flexible anticipate situation
- Situational selectivity control situation
-Congruence in supra, -basically intutive
Various Thoughts on System approach
sys, & subsys is must - Complex & confusive
for org. effectiveness process of analysis
3. Carzo & Yanouzas 4. Open System perspective -Katz & khan
Present comprehensive, TSS Constant interaction & interdep. For
Compact format of subsys. input/output by org, its adapt to grow. Various Thoughts on Contigency approach
1.TSS-(Technical sub sys) SSS
10 characterstics of org. In open system-
2.SSS-(Social sub sys) Import of energy, Transformation process Gareth Morgan- Aston - Size Contingency
3.PSS-(Politics sub sys)
PSS - Satisfy internal Size of Org. Determine Org
Output, Cyclicality, Negative entropy,
Out of interaction of 3 Maintaining stability, Dynamichomeostasis, needs & adapt envt Structure (deg. Of Bureau.)
Subsystem a behaviour of Emergent Differentiation & specialisation , Integration -No one best way & not just technology
Organisation emerges Behaviour -Depends on Org.

Degree of bureau.
& coordination, Equifinality. High perf co.
-Duty of manager to
2. Scott’s Org. System Model - W.G. Scott 1. Kast & Rosenzweig - Integrative system achieve alignments Low perf co.
Advocated Org. As a system, Five subsys -Diff. type of org
that are interconnected,Depicted in pic. needed in diff.envt Size of organisation

5 Subsystem Goals & Technologi

The system Value cal Subsys Neo Contingency Theory
A.People Law of situation-MP Follet
B.Formal Org. -Essence of sci. Mgt. Is to By donaldson & others
C.Informal Org. Input
Subsystem Output find law of situation & not -Micro perspective of Org
D.Fusion Process Input just mgr order worker - Focus upon adaptation
E.Physical Setting -Worker as capable as mgr as per envt & technology
3 Goals Psycho Structural -so fit between str &
to stufy law of situation
Social Susystem contigency be maint.
A.Growth - Study entire situa.
Subsys Str Cont Fit Slack Res.
B.Stability & discover best, as
C.Interaction Goals of system situation determine action Re-inv Big Org Uncert.
Unfit Redesign Fit
5.Social Technical System approach - By Trist & Emery 6. Open System Planning-
Lawerence & Lorsch- If-Then / differentiation Integration
Work system design By Clark & Krone
2 Str. - Mechanist - rules, Organic - mutual coope.
- Purpose is to address
2 dimension of str- Integration -Unity of efforts
Social Subsystem Technical subsytem Interface between
Concerned with Joint Concerned with the Differentiation - functional spacialisation,
organisation & environment
attributes of people Opti process, tasks & Diff. Deptt. - Diff. Envt - diff. Str. = Integrate to run
(Skill,Attitude, value) misa Technology needed -Enphasis Upon-
1. If - uncertain envt - Then - Unstructured org.
Relation among people, tion to transform input 1. systematically analyse
reward system,& authority Firm will be highly differentiated & use integration
into output demand of envt & org
structure 2. If - Stable & hetro envt - Then - Rigid Str
2. Making plans to meet
Least differentiation & high degree of integration
them successfully
External Subsystem 3. If - High Differentiation - Then - High integration
Respond envt in a planned
Concerned with the outside influence & pull on an In any type of environment
Organisation such as stakeholder & partnering manner
4.Unstable envt always need high diff & integration

Some Key Words - Span of control -Number of subordinate a manager can effectively supervise Gang Plank - avoid delays
Scalar Chain - A fomal straight line of authority/comunication from top mgt. to lowest rank and allow direct Comm.
Adhocracy -Type of organic structure, no rigid hierarchy, no permanent deptt. or formal rule between two Subordinate
Feature-low vertilcle Differentiation, low formalisation, decentralisation of decision making at the same level
Modern Concepts of Organisation Theory
1. Learning Organisation 2. Network Structure 3.Boundaryless Org- J.welch 4. Virtual Organisation- 5. Virtual Enterprise
- It can create, acquire & tr. - Dispersed uni &specialised -lack of horizontal Boun. by Netwk of firm, -Temporary alliance
Knowledge to get desirable Operation by contracts cross functioning teams etc. work jointly to give quality of enterprises share
work behave by members. -outsourcer unit all efforts & verticle boundaries by flat service/Product,linked by ICT. skill & resources to
-Capable to learn, innovate -Avoid Heirarchy & str, participation etc. -Challenges - Coordination respond change env.
- Futuristic, flexible & cont. Bureaucratic cost - Breaking bariers with Ex. issue, Loss of control over Also called collab
Learning & imoprovements - High std. & flexible Envt. by sharing info & expert operations, Planning issue network

6.Virtual Team 7.Autonomous work group 8.Self Organising System 10.Spaghetti organisation 11.Fishnet org.
- Group of Individual, work or self managed teams -Ability to continuly change -Flat, Loosely Coupled, -Fully non heirchial
across time & boundaries -Team of 5-15 person self Str. & process as per envt Project based organisation - lifting of any 1 node
Linked by ICT,Complemetry directed to its goal having -It need strng goal,Common -Ambigous job boundary, build dynamiv heirch.
skills & common purpose autonomy to take decision value & continue feedback. extensive delegation. -to create new heirch
-Flexible & easy to work -Skilled, Trained & Cooper. 9. Self designing org. -Free flow of knowledge,exp Node can be dropped
- But High set cost of ICT & interdependent members Having adaptive leadership -Network of continously -Pre requisite
Chance of conflict -Productivity, Involvement, & career development goal changing project teams - Every member be
-members must be & sense of res. Increases with organic capabilities. -Missing heirarchy & resp. able to lead, join pro.
competent & dynamic -Issue of conflict, delay, Maintain cnfrmity with goal - But faster, employee dev., Give vote,create
-Having clear goal & trust control & perfrm Appraisal & envt & have autonomy & participative decision - Highest ranked
member take lead &
12. Fractal Organisation 13.Amoeba Org 14.Proces organisation- 16. Moduler Org. critical decision.
-Div str with subunit for - Combination of small unit -Designing operation around - Form of virtual org, only
specific product/client having 3-50 members. series of process to meet specialised function
-controlled by inspiration, -autonomous of hierarchy product dev, mkt, logistics outsourced
value & understanding but functional structure - Each process controlled - work upon core capability
-having clear goals,flat str -adopted where variety separately & Lean & Thin str. -semi network organisation
autonomy & integrity Presi- Div(50) -Amoeba(400) - Needed for hightech prodct

17.Lean Management- By Toyota Production 18. Holacratic Organisation - 19. Cybernetic -Self regulatory system of flow
- To min. process waste & max. Product value -No Top down approach but distribute power of info to control communication.Improvement
-Focus- Flow chart, JIT, TQM etc. - More autonomy while align to org goal over contingency app to influence & influenced
Focus on delivering Value to customer by- Core feature - by & respond to envt, maintain stability.
1.Identify Value 2.Map the value stream -Purpose Driven &not by command & control 20. Utility-Appreciate significance of Resources
3.Create flow 4.Establish Pull 5.Seek perfection -Responsive to challenge & opportunity of org & help to understand envt & incidents.
Stakeholder of lean Management -Replace mgt with explicit & lightweight rules
- Transparent Role & responsibilities
-Allow distributed decision making

Customer Employee


Machine bureau Professional b. Taylorism Fayolism Human Relation Classical Neo classical
-Formal rules -focus on skill -Increase pro. At -Inc. production At -consider personal as -Impersonal -Social system
-Routine work -knowledge base shop level Org. Level human with needs -Economic need -Emotional need
-Centralised -Decentralised -Technique focs -Principle focus -motivation by -Rule & regulate -Feeling,Attitude
- for large size -small/medium -Bottom to top -Top to bottom attention -Dissatisfaction -satisfied people
-Scientific obser -Based on personal - friendly relation with
Bureaucracy Adhocracy & measure based experience later supervisor Human relation Behavioural
-Mechanistic - Organic -Narrow became universal -worker is participative -Social man - Self actualise
-Mass pro by -Creative, perspective of mgt truth -focus on employee -interpersonal -Group relation
Functional str Flexible theory -Wider Perspective (No so in Taylorism) -Conflict -ve -Conflict Natural
-Hierarchy -Boundaryless -Money motivation (point of difference) -ind need/norm -Grup need/nrm
Chapter 4 OT. For Complete Course & Study Material:-

OD = Org. structure & culture Significance/Importance Need Basic Challenges- OD govern behave
to achieve organisational goal - Dealing envt. Contingencies - To implement business of org men to achieve goal.
OS = authority & responsibility - Achieving competitive strategy. Challenges are-
relationship among various advantages - to start org. Mechanism 1. Doing differentiation
position. Depicts who reports - Managing diversity using - to efficient use of 2. Balancing diff. & integration
whom. Good culture resources 3. Balance centralise & decentralise
OC = Shared norms & value - Increase efficiency - to insitutionalise mgt 4. Balance std. & mutual adjustment
that govern interaction in org. - Bring innovation idea & practices 5. Formal & informal org coordination

1.Differentiation “Segmentation of organisational system into subsystem (div. of labor) as per task specialisation”
T Parsons - diff. is a process to 1. Allocate people & resources to org task 2. Establish res & auth . relation to achieve goal.

Steps for doing differentiation Type of differentiation Vertical Differen.

1. Determine org. Roles - 1. Horizontal - departmentation - to control task
required task & responsibility by based on division of labour differentiation.
a person due to his position. Homogeneous activity into one Due to limited span
2.Creating functional/ divisional unit on basis of specialisation no single person
can control all
sub units divide Task into Role into subunit .
workers so vertical
Functional - similar skill, tools , On basis of function,product,area level created. It
knowledge people in one group. 2. Vertical - Hierarchy of auth. define who report
Divisional - own set of basic Different role, status, privilege, whom & area of
function & responsibility. reward & authority at each level resp.
3. Verticle - Hierarcy of auth.
Different role, status, privilege,
reward & authority at each level
2.Balancing Differentiation & Integration
Differntiated activities have to be integrated for effective coordination , to avoid communication gap & sub unit orientation.
“Integration is Process of achieving unity of efforts among various subsystem of organisation’s tasks & goals”
Both are expensive in term of number of manager & time spent on coordinating activity, so keep balance.
Integrating Mechanism to bring coordination are described below in increasing order of complexity

1. Hierarchy of authority 4. Task force - a temp. committee 6. Integrating role - a full time 8. Linking Pin Model-by Rensis Likert
Who reports whom to coordinate various activities. position to communicate btw div. Assumption -1. Multiple interlocked grp
2. Direct Contact - of Production R&D 7. Integrating Deptt. - when many 2.Diff person in key place in grp bcm link pin
manager of diff activity. employee ( separate deptt.) to Such member integrate by unity in own grp
3. Liason role - each TASK coordinate activity of subunit & repre. as coordinating agent btw 2 groups.
subunit fix a mgr R&D FORCE
Software Arrow
. in pic
To contact divison Integr Hard Steering
Product ating ware Group indicate
Mgr of Marketing Engineering
Deptt. div.
Other Subunit Market
5. Team - permanent committee Applicaton Role pin
As liason officer divison function
Meet regularly to coordinate act.

Centralisation- Authority to make Advantage - uniform action Decentralisation- dispersal of Advantage - Flexibility in org
imp decisions lie with manager at -Personal leadership of top mgt decision making power to the -Responsiveness at lower level
top level of hierarchy & operative -Unity - integration in operation lower level of organisation. -Reduce load of top gt
decision at lower levels -quickly Handle emergency Decentralization is not delegation -Motivated lower level mgt.
Allen -”centralisation is the system -Avoid duplication of function & It Diffuse authority Within entire -Faster decision making & work
-matic & consistent reservation of equipments enterprise & not person to person Limitation-Planning &
authority at central point in org.” Disadvantage- authortiy misuse Need - Quick decision making coordination become difficullt
Measuring degree of Cen/Decen - Delay in decision making - de burdening top management -control loss on decision making
- No. of decision at different level -Tall heirachy leads to poor - Imp decision & project initiative For Achieving effective decentr.
-Imp decision at lower levels communication at all levels -Appropriate degree of centrali.
-Effect of lower level decision -No development of lower level - Growth, diversion & flexibility -Effective coord & communicatn
-Degree of top mgt supervision -overburden top mgt. -Physical dispersal of activities -Top mgt development
No right org. Str. To fit all org. ,but choice depend upon
3.Balancing Centralization & Decentralization following factors
Neither is possible 100% , Full C will affect decision making as per situation &
Chapter 4 OT. For Complete Course & Study Material:-
full D will lead org. Disintegration as no scalar chain,so balance is required. More C if Factors More D if
Balance is most conscious choice & necessary to face diff. Phases & changes Simple/stable Environment Complex & uncertain
Difficulty to manage informal org arere difficult to Effective Communication sys Ineffective
Capable Lower level mgr Incapable
Co-existance - both are interdependent, policy making decisions are centralised
Significant Decision Minor
& implementation decisions are decentralised. This co existence promote Strong/Stable Org. Culture Open/flexible
balance & unity in organisation. Co existence help in following Crisis Situation Normal
1.Corporate diversity & unity 2. Freedom to people & control over resource Single/ small Divisonalisation/size Dispersed/large
High level Standardisation Local level
3.promote creativity & innovation 4.conformity to common goal & innovation By lower level involve
By top mgt Strategy implement
At head office Operation At plant level

4.Balancing Standardization & Mutual adjustment

Standardization- confirmity It Includes Benchmarking - Mutual Adjustment Tools of mutual
to specific Model,defined by Formalisation- Degree to which Process of measuring Adjustments
set of rules/norms, which are rules & regul. Applicable to ppl performance of org. -When people use their - Rules not as set
considered proper to a situat. - have written rules & Against best in industry prudence for decision in stones.
Need- procedures statement Steps to benchmarking making rather than std -Norms & values
-Sincere work culture -Doing by book & no mutual adj 1.Choose product/process rules to deal a situation. that accept changes
-Predictable behave Socialisation 2.Determine best practice -Mgr need to use rules -Task force & team
- Better Resource use -use of unwritten norms. 3.Measure internal level to std behave & flexibility
4.Compare & find gap
For creative ways
- Integrate activities -process of learning & by mutual adj. To discover - liasoning authority
internalise org. Norms. 5.Adopt best practice
By common rules new & bettter ways. to bridge gap
Means & Form -Norm is outcome of long term -MA bring coordination
-High quality & profit -sensitiity to people
-Written-Rules & std working(In detail in change mgt.) -Low cost & risk People at higher level face
-Unwritten-value/norm Limitations 1.Rigid behavior Limitation more complexity so need
2.Against innovation -Promote informal
At all stages in org -Lack of exact info. more MA, & relatively less
Input-Process-Output -Costly at lower levels. communication

5.Coordinating Formal & Informal Organisation

Formal organisation - Predetermined Informal organisation - unofficial & unauth-.
Structure of power,rule of behaviour orised but inevitable relation among people
& path of decision making in an org, for & group within formal org.
authority & responsibility relation. Barnard - an aggregate of interpersonal
Barnard - A system of consciously relationship without any conscious purpose
Coordinated activity of 2 or more ppl but which may contribute to joint result.
Features - 1. Rationality 2. UOD Features - 1.Natural,spontenous 2.unofficial
3. COC 4. Task specialisation 4. Within formal org 4. Grapevine communi
Advantage-1.Well defined right-duty Need - 1. to recover psychological fatigue
2.Avoid overlapping & confusion in job 2.Desire to socialize 3.Human values protect
3.Good communication & coordination Advantage - 1.Motivation to work
4.Easy to expand, diversify & control 2.Job satisfaction 3. quick communication Cliques - Concept of informal org. by Dalton, melville
5.Min impact of labour To, leader chng 4.As safety valve 5. fill mgt ability gap A Clique is small group of people with shared interest,
6.Give one best way of doing work 6.Supplement plan & policy wid tradition spend time together & exclude others.
Disadvantage - 1.Delay in action Disadvantage - 1.Spread of rumors These are essential aspect of productive activities , also
2.Lack of initiate & creativity 2.Time waste in gossip 3.power centre indispensable promoters, stabilizers & change resisters.
3.Ignore human element like emotion 4.Resistance to change 5.Politics in org

5 Informal overlays - By John Pfiffner Coordination of FO & IO

1.Social overlay-Similar work related
2.Functional overlays - Have extra Formal org can’t work without informal Requirements by mgr to coordinate
So managing informal along formal is - Not only manage informal - Proactive step for IO & ppl
ordinary knowledge
3.Decision overlays - Consulted for both desirable & possible but difficult But engage purpose fullly - Give meaningful goal to
decision beyond formal position Difficulty to manage informal org are - - Actively participate in talks workers in formal setup
4.Power overlays - Power distinct - Difficult to trace as no separate exstnc - Recognize & respect values -Fair reward for performance
from formal authority - Self organising process, No certainity - Adequate formal space for -Professional work culture
5.Communication overlays - mgr may not know who, what, why psychological success to wrkr - Understand task & aim of IO
Chapter 4
1 OT. For Complete Course & Study Material:-

OS - Formal set of relationship Significance/Need/Utility Factors in designing OS 2. Contingent Factors

that exist among individual & - Clear cut Authority relationship 1. Basic Consideration - Goal & people type, Org. size
groups in achieving org goals. - Orderly pattern of communication - Division of labour - for efficiency - Environment/Industry nature
-OS is result of oragnising act. - Stimulate creativity & innovation - Span of control- better supervision - Typ of customer,Technology
It does division of work,assign - Job satisfaction & motivation - Staff service - take better decision - Strategy,innovation,feedback
duty & define inter relation. - Encourage efficiency & growth - Formal system - to follow rules 4 Approaches to design OS
- Good OS should be easy, - Ensure Accountability & respons. - Scalar chain - clear authority By Peter F drucker - By analysis of
clear, paring auth/res, - Locating Decision centres - Dele of authority/decentralisation 1.Activity 2. decision
integrated & coordinated -Balancing organising activities -Departmentalisation & integration 3.Relationship 4.Contibution

Organisation Chart - Visual Organisation Chart type 2.Horizontal - Flow of 3.Circular-top position in Centre Organisational Manual
repres/ diagrammatical 1.Vertical - Flow of autho auth/ power from left to & middle & lower in outer circle It is authoritative & full
form to show org structure, /power, Communication Right guide to organisation
imp aspect, major functions from top to bottom & well ER
Supplement OC & explain
defined chain of command ATI structure properly
& their relationships & line ON
C Utility -give Job descriptn
of communication. E - Written guide of auth &
Represent org in boxes - Line O
FIN res,std,Practice,procedure
Boxes - Activity & people AN ACCOUNT -Avoidance of conflict
performing it CE S
-Help good ind. relation
Line - Relation among them

Authority - Right to make Decision & power to hold others a/c for their action Source 1.Formal auth theory
Allen- sum of right & power entrusted to make possible performance of the work asigned. 2.Acceptance theory
3 basic organisational relation ship in formal organisation - 1. Authority 2. Responsibility 3. Accountability 3.Competence theory

Principle of authority - Various kind of authority Control - is about inspire

- Scalar principle - clear line 1. Cognitive - By accepting someone’s 8. Ownership - by owning a company, ppl to perform & establish
- Delegation by expected Idea, Opinion & judgement. Like Shareholders coordination among them
result from manager 2. Acceptance - if subordinate accepts 9. Punitive - by ability to punish How to bring control-
- Absolute responsibility 3. Legal Rational - By Law 10. Reward - Power to reward other -Vert. & horiz. diffrentiation
- Parity of authority & 4. Charismatic - By personal charm 11. Result - Ability to achieve targets -Standardisation by rule
responsibility 5. Traditional - BY traditions, like king 12. Expert - having expertise in a -MBO/MBC & self control
- Unity of command 6. Founder - By being founder member particular subject Auth & Control - control by
- Decision within authority 7. Relational - action of one affect 13. Reverent - based on empathy, authority to bring efficiency.
Not by upward manager entire group, like team leader. respect, compassion for other Being done by heirarchy.

Vertical/pyramidal - Basic & Various kind of authority Structure Inverted Pyramid-Challenges tradtnl
classical.CEO at top & goal divided model. Customer at top, employee
Bloated - increase in number of Tall Structure - Multiplying
into micro technical action plan, who r closer to customer are at 2nd
manager at each level in proportion heirarchy level, without need
so more worker at lower levels & top have more freedom & auth to
to increase in subordinate, so more Problems/Drawback
structure is broader at lower level decide mgr at bottom, as facilitator.
manager than needed -Communication problem
but unity of direction & based on Pre-condition - Employee develop
-Motivation problem
scalar chain principle. new skills, have adequate resources,
-Difficult to fix responsibility
& info. Mgr as mentor consistently.
-Increase managing cost
Parkinson Law - every officer want min chain of comm principle
to increase number of subordinate Balance Tall & Flat str by
adequate no. Of level,
not of equals,for better social status
consistent with goal & envt.
& avoid rivalry. This result in taller
heirarchy & large no. of subordinate Monitor COC regularly.

Span of management Narrow Span-few subordi. Wide Span-many subordi. Factor determine span
/control/authority- Under one mgr so tall str. Under 1mgr so flatter str. - Ability of manger
no. Of subordinate +ve Close supervision & +ve force to delegate - time for supervision
under one manager. control & fast ommunication Clear policy & efficient - Nature of work
Usually 4 - 8.It also -ve Many level & costly subordinate -Subordinate capacity
impact org. Str. By Excessive distance -ve overloaded superior - Decentralisation
narrow or wide span Loss of control -Control,communicate
Responsibility - Obligation Responsibility Authority Accountability Accountability -
of an individual to carry out answerability of given
- Duty assigned - Right to command - answerability for some
Chapter 1 OT-Arise
assigned activities . Forfrom
superior Course- Arise
& Study Material:-
because of formal thing done/not/ wrong authority & responsibility &
Source action performed.
subordinate relation position & responsibility - arise only after task
- Acceptance of authority - Accountability follow resp.
-upward as Subordinate - downward, from done or failure to do
-Being in charge of an task Only after establishing
responsible to superior superior to subordinate - upward in hierarchy
/event/Logical obligation responsibility, A/C can fixed
-Can be delegated -Can be delegated towards source of auth
Importance -A/c keep organisation
- A matter of choice -A matter of choice -Can not be delegated
- Technique to control responsive, otherwise no
-Responsiblity without - Auth without resp has -Not a matter of choice
- Quickly locate responsible value of responsibility, but
authority is meaningless no ultimate purpose -Accountable may not be
- force delegation only waste of resources
-Responsible person -Authorised person will responsible/authorised if
- proper use of authority -only one person can be
always be accountable always be accountable it is delegated
- motivation to give best hold accountable for one
- Duty of leadership - Duty of law/owner - Duty of management
- Point out defficiency task

Delegation - assigning authority to Significance of delegation Weakness/hurdle in deleg Delegation is not decentralization
someone to make them perform the - Lighten executive burden Of Superior - unwilling Point Delegation Decentralisation
assigned duty. - Quick decision of issues - lack of ability to direct Definition Person to Systematic
-Auth & resp with it can be delegated - Motivate subordinates -lack of trust on subordinate person entrust delegation in
where subordi given some discretion - Maintain healthy relation -Ineffective control by mgr of res & auth entire org
but ultimate resp or A/c can not be Guideline for effective del Of Subordinate -overburden Scope Individual level Org. level
-Policy decision & control function - Well defined goal - Desire of dependency
Control By person who In general
should not be delegated - - Right & trained person -Lack of confidence/incentive
delegate level
- Routine decision & implementation - motivate & communicate -iInadequate facility/authority
Compul Compulsory to Optional if
should be delegated - Adequate control Of organisation -
sion get work done necessary
-Shared Auth - when it is delegated Principle of delegation - Inadequate planning
Relation hierarchial Semi autonomous
to 2 or more person together by 1. - Auth & resp parity - Splintered authority
-Splintered Auth - pooling authority - UOC & scalar chain - Ineffective control Philoso Technique to Technique to
dele. to 2 or more ppl to solve issue - Absoluteness of A/C -Defective structure phy get work done design org str

Specialisation - Concentration of Coordination - a Process of Coordination Methods Cooperation Coordination

efforts on a limited field of work. integrating & uniting different parts Direct supervision of subord. - Personal - Wider term &
It create functional structure of org, to work in harmony mutually Standardisation of input Willingness to formal, include
Advantage - Of expertise, High Advantage - Smooth interplay of Mutual adjustment by ppl adjust. cooperation
speed, Efficiency/ excellence. function & component of org. Structural reengineeering
Drawbacks - monotonous job - Minnimise friction & raise synergy Clear well defined goals - Unthoughtfull or - Planned &
- Limit diversification/dynamism - Enhance efficiency in working Liason officer/task force natural deliberate
- Involve emotions & ego -Essesnce of managing in POCCC Committee / direct contact efforts
-Absence of endless challenge Principle - Start from planning stage +ve Indicator - precise & - Pre requisite for - Not needed
- Subunit orientation - due to - Direct contact among specialist clear flow of information, co - ordination for cooperation
lack of communication between -Continue & reciprocal relation Harmony & change mgt -essence of
departments, so coordination Hurdles - Highly tall & Rigid Str -ve Indicator - No common - Matter of managing & org
become necessary, to harmonise -Incapable mgr/resistance to change vision, resistance to change, personal attitude success.
all activities - frequent Envt & manager change conflict,no mutual awarenes

Management by exception Chain of Command/ scalar Unity Of Command - Each Rational system model
Practice of examining business principle - Interconnected & subordinate is accountable to - Traditional Approach of OD
result only if substantial unbroken relationship from top only one superior. - Focus efficiency, control, profit
difference from expected target to bottom.Unbreakable flow of Two or more bosses can create -Organisation are like machine
Advantage - efficient use of control & communication by conflict & unsatisfactory - Formal structure - Rule-process
managerial time, Realistic App., superior to subordinate. & no performance by subordinate - Clear communication
More liberty to employees. direct communication to other Right App Wrong approach - Associated with scientific mgt
Disadvantage - Variance may be deptt. Or super senior/junior. & bureaucratic structures
irrelevant, if improper budget. It is too long,so gang plank came Social system model
- Increase in admin staff cost, - Modern approach to OD
- command & control based - Social & cultural factors - IMP
Components - 1. measurement - Org as complex social system
2.Projection - of business process - Shaped by value, belief , norms
3. Selection - of parameters & behaviour of people working
4. Measure -business - Emphasis informal str also
performance -Ass. With human relation system
5. Comparison 6. Decision
Chapter 5 & 6 OT. For Complete Course & Study Material:-

This type cover only 2 aspects 1.Line organization structure

1.Based on most fundamental
Activities significant to achieve Merit - simple, easy to operate Features- Oldest, Simple.
fundamental goals - Disciplined, speedy decision - Independency of all person at
2.Straight line concept of - Easy to fix responsibility same level.
scalar chain based on flow of - suitable in emergency - Chain of communication
authority & responsibility - effec. Commu & cordination TM

of perf. reports
Suitability - small size org Demerit - Weak planning

of orders
-no dynamism, succession MM
-processing industry
-emergency situation issue, poor specialisation. LM
-low dependence on envt - unbalance work load

Line Authority - Responsible to execute 2.Line & Staff structure Merit - Expert advice &
order to achieve goal, & have powers rational decision making
to command.Directly responsible to Overcoming Conflict -Dynamism & development
produce goods - Understanding mutual authority - Better use of line authrity
Staff Authority - to advice line, by - Accepting staff advice Demerit - L-S conflict
-Staff- informed & complete task - Costly & delay decision
holding & processing information with
- Atmosphere of trust & respect - Confused working envt.
expertise. Doesn’t have performance
Responsibility & Less power . LINE STAFF
Line & staff conflict - Right to decide - Right to advice Relevance of Demarcation
Line Argument - We are responsible - Direct contri. - Assist line Demarcaction between L-S
-Staff encroach authority & take credit - General & unli- -Particular & is considered irrelevant, as
- staff has theoretical bias,narrow view mited function limited function is separate thinking from
-staff make empire building efforts - Generalist - Specialist doing & with size increase
----- Staff
Staff Argument -our advise is neglected - Do control -Do reports dividing line become fusier
- Not consulted, work without authority - Do execution -Think & plan But by clear demarcation
- line resist new idea - Flow downward -Any direction L-S can be made effective

Activity are grouped & deptt 3.Functional structure Merit-Role clarity, Specialisation
Are created based on fnction -Allow delegation, Quick staffing
5.Committee structure
Most widely used & solve BOD - Better control, easy expansion
problem of L-S organisation - Effective use of personnel
-Based on taylor’s functional - Balanced weight to important
foremanship concept. function & coordination
Feature - Division of labour Demerit - Subunit goal oriented
- Independent functional auth - Inter function conflict & lack of
- Functional UOD understanding between them
Suitability - Org producing -Slow decision making Group of ppl elected/nominated
single or small no. Of product - Violation of UOC & confusion To advise/decide specific matter.
- where specialisation needed - Restrict generalist developmnt -Permanent or adhoc committee
May be established to handle
specific issues.
Team is built by functional pool 4.Project structure Merit- Concentrated use of
of staff under project manager resource, specialised know - Merits - Advantage of collective
guidance, when work is done, ledge, executive develop by knowledge & experience
team is dismantled & back to diversify projects -Mutual faith & respect rises
home department for new job - Timely & standardise task - Decentralisation & innovation
Suitable for multiple project/ completion & face envt. - Improved communication
product org,construction work, - Functional home for - Reduce conflict & rise coord
heavy machine,consultancy etc. training & development
Project manager position Demerit - Pm lacking autho. Demerit - Delayed decision
PM unify team & responsible - Difficult & delay decision -Dominance by aggressive ppl
for work completion. FM decide - Identity, morale, security - Chance of group think
who & how aspect of worker. issue with team member - Unnecessary talk & Debate
So Authority-responsibility gap. - Violation of UOC - undefined responsibility
Created by merging project & 6.Matrix structure Merit - Result orientation
function str. Latest design to -Give flexibility- client specific
establish flexible 5 to
structure &6 OT. For Complete Course & Study Material:-
Feature - 1.Build around -Skill enhance by multi project
get done a series of projects specific project,under -Minimum verticle control &
- It groups ppl & resources in charge of Pm 2.Draw ppl maximum horizontal control
2 ways simultaneously - by from various function - Emphasis professional
functions & by products . 3.Project & functional mgr competence & maintain
- Functional worker serve have different roles. professional identity.
many jobs round day to use Suitability - If highly trained Demerit - Break UOC rule
time in best way in small job. professional work in project - Costly & difficult to adjust
- It is rectangular grid with To homely feel, reputation - Not suitable for small org
verticle flow of functional res & career advancement. - Require high pursuation skill
& Horiz. Flow of product res. -Aerospace, Mkt rsearch, -Delay decision making
EDP Installation system etc. -More complex & conflict

7.Product structure - for organisation producing various range of products. There are 3 kind of product str as follows
1.Multi divisional Structure - 3.Product Team structure - Specialist from the
Each product division is given support function are combined into product
own set of support function to development teams for particular product.
make them self contained div. CEO Key Feature -
Merit - Increase effectiveness, -Each team is self contained div
control & profit - growth, Support func. - Each team focus 1product
More employment & promotion -Decentralise decision making
Demerit - Coordination issue, PTM Advantage -
Transfer pricing issue, costly, - Increase integration
Communication issue. -Able to respond envt change
2.Product div str- same as no. 8 Division - Intensely involved of team

8.Division structure Tall Structure Flat structure

many level of mgt No or very few level of
Creating set of autonomous unit/division, coordinated by central HQ.
& supervision in org. Heirarchy in org.
Planning, finance etc centralised at HQ level & production, mkt at div level
Feature - Long COC Feature - Minimize bureaucracy
Each divison is semi autonomous with own resource & facility.
- Supervision by senior mgr - Decision making by employee
Criteria to divisonalise - 1.Territory 2.Product .
Suitability - several products with distinct features,wide geographical cover - CEO at top, Employee contact -COC is short, Span is wide
only departmental manager - Rapid & easy communication
Merit - Concentrated & Merit - Close supervision, clear Merit - Cost effective, Improved
Steady growth of each structure, Easy to msr perfmce communication, direct reporting
product line,Autonomous & Demerit - Less freedom to mgr & emplye close to customer
specialised unit, Resp fixing. employee, delay in decision & Demerit - Their could be power
Demerit - Duplication, communication, expensive struggle, not suitable for large
Cumbersome, costly, size organisation
Suitability - Mature & large size
complicated, not suitable Suitability - Network org
for small organisation

Tall Structure Flat Structure Project str Matrix Str Old structure Emerging structure
- Narrow span - Wide span - No power struggle - Power struggle - Classical Str - Line, - Modern Str - Matrix
- few subordinate - Many subordinate - only for 1 project - Resource Sharing L-S, functional Project, network
- informal relation - Formal relation - Single command - Dual Command - Focus output & - Focus community
possible More probable - Few large project - Many small project achievements impact
- Close control - loose control -pure product like str -product+function str - Singular vision - Pluralise vision
- Good coordination - Coordination poor -Admin ease purpose -economy of scale - High level formal - community level
- More disciplined - Discipline issues activities creativities
- mistake chance low - mistake chance high Functional str Divisional str -Strong boundaries - loose boundaries
- Costly - Less Costly - Functional special - product special - Specialist & - Artistically centred
- Slow decision - Quick decision - Simple structure - Complicated technical team teams
- Suitable for - Suitable for -Centralised - Decentralisation - Passive consumer - Participative
Large org Small org - Interdependent - Independent div markteing customer.
Guidance needed Less Guidance need -Difficult coordination -Easy coordination - Focus on long - focus on working
-Mgr in Less pressure -Mgr- more pressure - Simple control -Complex control term capital capital & reserve
- Distorted commu. - Good commu flow - For medium firm - For large firm
Chapter 7 OT. For Complete Course & Study Material:-

Power - “Capacity to exert Significance of power Bases of power - ‘Thing Source of power - Bases & Source Difference
influence over others” - Fuel to energy of org. under a person’s control -Reward - Coercive -Source refers as from
Salancik & Pffifner - - Help managers to work that lead to exert influence’ -Legitimate - Expert aspect & base as tool
“power is ability to get - Bring order in organisatn -By Etzioni - 1.Coercive - Referent -Information -Base denote ‘what’ a
things done by way one - Source of motivation 2.Utilitarian 3.Normative -Connection person has, source
wants them to be done” - Base of responsibility -By JRP French & Raven denotes from ‘where’
French & Raven consider
Key features Negative effect of power A.Formal - 4 sub type Interaction among source
base & source as same
- Reciprocal Relationship - Lead corruption 1. Coercive 2.Information Not isolated but interdpndnt
But Source are different
- Flexible by position - Objectify other for self 3. Legitimate 4. Reward -More reward rise referent
as per B & L as follows
- Neither fully formal nor - Negative towards other B.Personal/Informal - Due -Referent rise other power
- Position - Personal
fully informal - Self centered decision to own attributes eg - Epertise raise referent
-Expert - Opportunity
-Situational/event based - Arrogance & dictatorship charisma, expertise -Legitimate raise coercive

Successful power user Power Structure in organization Method of sharing power Power Resistance
trait - by John Kotter Vertical spread of - Decentralisation - Resistance to power
Horizontal spread is based
- Sensitive to source power is based on on functional definition of - Delegation of auth- resp exercised or perceived to
- Recognize cost, benefit line concept, higher - Devolution by sub unit be exercised over a
org. Different functional
& risk of source level have more -Privatisation person, it is part of power
head having different power
- Know to temper power power & lower TM Hickson - power get quantm Aquiring greater power by relation
-Know importance of Level have less. due to criticality of role Personal - by knowledge & Type
power to do things It is based on
UMM personal characterstics 1.Organised/effective -
- Know +ve & -ve of base Uncertain Positional - By 1.Scarcity like opposition in lok
Verticle definit LMM Critical o
- Use & development of -ion of org. Pervasive Role w 2.Envt uncertainity dealing sabha
LM e
power is attached with 3. non- substitutability 2. Episodic - like labour
Pass by COC No replace r
career goals. Worker 4. Centrality in org strikes

1.Clegg’s Circuit of power Theories of Power 4. Machiavellianism Power Authority

Power is circular process -Ability to influence -Right to command
3.General dependence postulate Human nature/characterstic
flow in 3 channels high on mach scale are - - By Leader - By Manager
By R E Emerson - PXY = DYX
1.Overt circuit - by tradition -High self esteem/confidnce - Broader term,- narrow, it is kind of
Power of X on Y is function of
2.Social circuit - by relation include authority formal power
dependence of Y on X, more the - Cool & calculative
3.Systemic-economic circuit -Two face - +ve, -ve - no such faces
dependence more will be power. - Do alliance for self benefit
2.Giddens on power - Belief - End justify means -Personal quality -Position associated
-Society-human interdepend H mintzberg - Degree of dependence -Manipulative for profit -flow any direction -Downward flowing
- Social norms & rules are 1. Importance of resources - Say what other want listen -All pervasive - With IMP decision
source & limitation of power 2. Scarcity of resources Such behaviour is of political -Without respons. - with responsibility
-Individual capability-action 3. Uniqueness of resource tendency & Management -can be both formal -Only due to formal
are also source of power More above 3 more be dependence must be aware of such people or in formal position

Influence - Impression- An idea/feeling Impression management Techniques

Process affecting About something/someone Motive of imp. Mgt Scope - use by -Conformity - Excuses
Behaviour of others. Without conscious thought. By Leary & Kowalski -co. to make strong image - Apologies -Flattery
Denote any change in Impression mgt - coined by - Increasing desired -NGO for mor admissions -Favour - Association
behave of person due to Erving Goffman-’Presntation reward/outcome -Political parties - cover up Components
anticipation of the of self in every day life’ to probability - Individual - job/personal Impression motivation
response of others control impression of - Enhance self esteem Limitations- some good Try to control perception
It is associated with term others about them - Facilitating desired employee unable to do it & Impression construction
power, politics, authority identity development some present very well Create specific impression
Conscious/subcon. process

Organisational Politics Political Tactics/strategy Dysfunction of politics People response Power structure & politics
“Way a person able to get -Bargaining-for resource share - Power use for self interest - low job satisfaction As org grows, iron law of
power over others” -Competition - with opponent - Motivation/morale reduce - Underperformance oligarchy begins & few
-Co-optation-imp in confidence -Conflict & goal displacement - Get defensive unauthorised people
Causes - Power lust become power centres
- Coalition- unity for benefit -Iron law of oligarchy - Perform better if
- To Command resources By using political tactics.
- Pressure - like lobbying Tool to Handle have job clarity
- exercise authority -Making network-with powerful -Job, role, goal - Well defined Conditions promote it Mid mgr Though
- Self interest -Controlling information -Capable/mature manager - Uneven distribution become at lower
Middle mgr
- Career saturation -Planting situations -Unbiased/fair appraisal -role goal not clear
more Level in
-Enhance comfort zone Org can’t be politics free . -Open, 2 way communication -Interdependency high powerful hierarchy
Chapter 8 OT. For Complete Course & Study Material:-

Organisation Culture - “is the Characteristics/Feature of OC Functions/role of culture

set of assumption, value, beliefs - Degree of individual autonomy 1.Integral Integration - member
& norms that member working - Structure of rule/regulations develop collective identity
therein share in common” - Degree of support by manager 2.External Adaptation - Guide
H.S. Becker - OC refers to a - Performance-reward relations worker activities to deal outsider
system of shared meaning held - Conflict & tolerance level & meet goals
by members that distinguishes - Degree of innovation/Risk Work Culture - Combined quality
the organisation from other org tolerance capability of org & employee arise out of
Each organisation has its own - Team,customer Orientation way members of org think & act
unique culture that becomes its - Identity of org member More specific & visible part of OC
identity. -Values,Principle, ethical std etc It include group value & practice

Cultural Values - are general Determinants of OC OC impact on Mgt. Function Impact of structure on OC
guiding principle behaviours & -Family System - upbringing 1.Objective setting - profit vs -Mechanistic Str - culture of ltl autonomy,
determine desirability of an & values of org employee wealth maximization predictability, stability, being cautious etc
outcome, event or situation. - Social norms & values 2.Planning - Degree of risk, - Stable task & role relation - speedy
Terminal Type Instrumental - Org. Structure - formal or team work value, envt deal communication, integration-coordination.
Desired end state Desired Behave informal 3.Organizing - autonomy etc -Organic str -culture of freedom, creativity
-Technology - like IT 4.Work Ethics - ethical stds Innovation & flexibility
-Value & vision - of 5.Motivation - of worker Impact of OC on structure
organisation direct OC 6.Leading - manager behave - Improve coordination & motivation way
-Goal Nature 7.Controlling - crieteria, level - Produce unique core competence
-Workforce Composition Forces to evolve culture - Improve team performance by values
-New Environment challenge - Build trust envt due to common OC
-New CEO with new idea
Impact of OC on modern organisation - By Keith Davis -Business expansion/diversif.
1.Freedom - to do as one feel likes in modern organisation
-Rapid grwth/New employee
2.Equality - justice in rewarding 3.Opportunity - of growth
3.Security - of job & personal life is more in modern org

Managing OC - OC is needed to develop & manage for matching with goals. It is managed in following steps-

1.Developing a sound culture 2.Spreading culture & worker socialisation 3.Maintaining Culture
Following long term steps - Spreading culture by Require following efforts
Worker socialisation- Pre Arrival - Information 1.Practice cultural value
1.Establishing core corporate - using Org manual
identity - source of all values. Pre-Arrival about org as a whole 2.Suitable HR/OB policy
-Formal informal
2.Development of important during interview process 3.Socialisation-Of new
meets Encounter - Dichotomy
values - Value for time Encounter worker by indoctrinating.
-Story publish/events between expectation &
3.Build healthy behaviour norms Dimension of socialisation
4.Develop consistent management
-Symbol/logo/Rituals Metamorphosis reality of joiny worker
practice - supporting worker -use of verbal & d Metmorph - Internalise
5.Adopt symbols, Rituals & gesture language Turn Produ Commi org norms by employee
Behave Moral Culture
Confor confo confor
Artifacts that signify culture -code of condcut over ctivity tment Result of socialization mity rmity mity

4. Handling Cultural Conflicts 5. Bringing Change in culture Indoctrination of worker employed

Bring suitable changes as per from different cultures/nation
Cultural conflicts How to handle cultural conflicts
demand of time & environment by - - careful selection if member from
- Line & staff - - Developing Soft skill among executive
- Redefining & adopting new goal different culture
execution vs - Goal & role clarity result in equifinality
- Adopting new behavioural norms - -Pre departure training
innovation - Focus on goal rather process
- Introduce new visible artifacts - Suitable work assignment as per
- Corporate vs - Team building, shared responsibility &
Culture Perpetuation - to maintain learned culture & habits
professional Common goal, complementary skills
& sustain cultural value.Steps for it- - Orientation training of new
culture - Deputation & inter deptt transfer for
-Mindful selection - systematic member for new environment
- Professionals better understanding of corporate
indoctrination - efforts to reinforce - Deselection of unsuitable & non
conflict - -Sensitivity training for behaviour aware
values, beliefs among employees adjustable employee
engineer vs -Worker empowerment to perform task
-Story telling, Rituals, ceremonies - Develop sound org culture
accountant - Adopt boundary less organisation -Rewarding who follow cultural norm
Strong culture - Clear & wide Type of OC - FLean Culture- An ambitious goal
understanding of org philosophy
Chapter 8 OT. ForNormative
Complete Course of removing waste from any
culture - Pre&defined
Study Material:-
Baseball team - employee are true
Active management who spend process throughout organization.
Norms & procedure, ideal-strict assets,major role in org. Success
time to communicate & reinforce Feature - encourage new idea
adherence to rule & regulation. Fortress - employee terminated if
values,carefully select employee. -Provide learning envt -Seek
Pragmatic - Client & customer org not performing well or at loss
Weak culture - Lack of shared perfection & employee support
satisfaction is motive & priority Tough guy culture - Review of
value, behaviour norms & strong Benefit - Retain good employee
of employee to max business. employee performance & they
tradition. Highly politicised & ltl -Sale growth - Sustainability
Academy Culture- Hire skilled are under constant watch
cohesion among group & Deptt. Ways to promote lean culture
individual & assign work as per Bet your company culture - very
High performance culture- spirit - focus customer requirements
qualification. Focus on training risky decision & policy to address
of ‘can do’,pride, no excuses, - Communicate co. Vision clearly
& effort to upgrade knowledge. sensitive issues
involvement, initiative, proactive - Establish & share performance
Club culture - Employee hired Process culture- employee
Adaptive culture - accept change as per speciality, education & adhere process & procedure of metrics for everyone
& challenges, risk taker, creative, interest, at which one is best. organisation & worka as per - Provide lean training, Kaizen
Proactive & adapt new ideas Regulat appraisal-talent based idealogy of organisation -Continual effort to live lean

Rousseau’s Five layered culture - Theories on OC Iceberg Analogy of OC - some aspect

Most accessible at outer circle & The cultural web - 6 factors of Deel & Kennedy - 4 type OC visible on surface, like tip of iceberg,
least accessible layer at centre most others are implict & submerged within
OC in cultural web to identify
from conscious to unconscious org state by Johnson- Scholes organisation. 90:10 ratio
1. Stories 2. Ritual & routine
2. Symbols 4. Org structure
6. Control sys 6. Power Str

Geert Hofstede - OC
4 basic dimensions of diff.
Between national cultures
1.Power distance
3.Uncertainity - avoidance

Competing value framework by Edgar Schein - Influential theory of OC. Pareek’s culture
Quinn & Roh Culture exist on 3 levels (HRD) model or
By mgr using -
& Beliefs
4. Autonomy
Handy’s Cultural typology - 4 type OC
Power- Dominated by 1 powerful ind
Bi cultural audit - diagnose Relation 6.Authenticity
Role - like functional organisation
between merging company in 3 steps- 7.Collaboration Task - resemble matrix organisation
1.Data collect2. Analys data3.Integrate 8.Experiment Person - ind. Value for professional skill

Significance of OC Harmful effects of OC Push culture Pull culture Culture Climate

- Sense of identity to member - different culture corporate -CEO Motivate -Self motivated -Based on anthro & - Based on
- Unity & integrity in org merger may not be a success. -ppl Feel tiring - Energizing sociology psychology
- Help to innovate/ creativity - Barrier to workforce diversity - Confidentiality -Transparency - Long lasting -Doesn’t deal with
- worker satisfaction -Hurdle in change process - Punishment for-Mistake as -Member learn & value & norms
- make behave predictable -Really strong culture become a communicate its - Mgr prescription
mistakes source of leaning
- Determine equality,sincerity. liability rather assets for org acceptability Must be followed

Something what people feel Organisation Climate Way to improve climate Culture give values without written document but
at org. It is blend of attitudes, - two way & open manner Formalization is written rules & procedures
expectation, policy, norms , -Individual freedom to work communication to clarity Institutionalisation of culture means organisation
affecting behaviour of people - Degree of control -Participative decision aquire personality & valued for itself. Bring a clear
Significance - Motivation, - Leadership style, structure making for commitment understanding of OC & predicatble behave of ppl
speed, accuracy, Innovation, - Reward, risk taking, conflits - Modernize work method Uniform culture - A dominant culture shared by a
productivity, shape relation, management, trust building -make policy & procedure majority of org members. Present macro view.
loyalty, commitment, goal - -Communication & relation more people oriented Sub culture - Deptt wise reflect separated unit’s
focus, change management Are determined by climate -Care of people aspiration distinct situation.Both vertically & horizontally

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