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:- K21u 4674
Req. No. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Namc '
V Semester B.C.A. Degree CBdSS (OBE) Regular
Examination, November 2021
(2019 Admn. Only)
Core Course

(Short Answer)

Answerall questions (611=6)

1 How willyou ietch mages lo a web page in HTIML ?

2. Whal s purpose ol GET melhod ?

3 Which dia og box in Javascr pi is iised lo give warn ng lo users ?

4. The lag rsed lorcreating a horizonta lnels

5. Define HTTP.

6 Whal does PHP slrnd lor )

(short Essay)

Answer any 6 quesl ons: (6x2=12)

7. Wrte a biel nole on lniernet

8 Write down the dlfier€nce belween <lie> lag and <head> iag

9. Breily explain lable rags.

10 Whai is inline iiame ?

K21V 4674 Ifl l| tl[ tlllllllx

11. Howto decare variables ln Javasc.ipl ? Explain with example

1 2. Brielly expla n malh objecl in Javascripl.

13 lxpld.loraro ,l e ^oluo slalene_.s 'DHP

1 4. Brierly explain c jenl'seruer mode .


Answer any 4 questions (413=12)

15. Whar are the heading tags used in HTML ? Give examp es

16 Explain physica style iags ol HT[41.

17. Briely expla n Jrames n HTML.

18. Whal are lhe evenl handlers in Javascripl ?

19. Expla n dalatypes oi PHP.

20. What is dalabase and how to access database lsing PH P ?

(Lonq Essay)

Answerany 2 qLresiions. (2x5=10)

21 Explain unordered lisls ordered lisis with exar,rple.

22 Howio creale a lable n HTI\,4L ? Expla n.

23. Explaln d fterent d alog boxes in Javascr pi.

24. Write down the operatorc used in PHP

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