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or'):Rio K22U 22s2

Name : ......-................-....,,,,,,,,,
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V Semester B.C.A. Desre€ (CBCSS -Ed';egula/supplementary/
lmprovement) Examinalion, November 2022
(2019 Admission Onwards)
' Core Course

(Shori answer)
l. Whal s comml operaton ?

2 Which lsihe diflerence belween Nlutabe and lmrnutabe objecls ?

3. Whai a.e the diflereni numercaltypes slpporled bv Pvlhon ?

4. Lisl out Basic operallons on Arrays

5. whal s PYIHONPATH variabe ?
6 Whi.h melhod s used to dsconnecl a database ?

(short essay)

Answer any 6 queslions \6'2=12)

7. How do you pol the mathemal cal i! nction sin x ?
I What s NumPy Atrays ?
9. List oul some Dalatype conversLon lunctions
10. How-do you creale class in Py'thon ?

I1. Whal are BuiLl-n l\lethods ot Lst ?

12 Whal are lhe arihmelc operalons on Arays ?
13. Whai is Cursorobjecl ?

14 What is Dala Vislalizalon n Py'lhon ?

K22U 2252 Iffilfl t l tff l[


Answerany4 quesrlons. la'3=12)

1 5 BrieJly exp ain lealures oi Python.

16. Whal are Layour Managers in Plthon GUI ?

1 7. Difierentiaie Global var ables and Loca variab es w th sutable exarnple.

18. Which are Assignmenl Operators ?

19. What a.e ihe buill-ln iunctions to read data frorn slandard lnpul ?

20. Wbalare Database exceptions ?

(Lons essay)

Answer any 2 quesl ons. (2x5=10)

2r. Describe C ass inheitance.

22. How do you letch data lrom a Dalabase ?

23. Describe slandard exceptions in Py'lhon.

24. What is Tkinter ? List our Tkinter widgets.

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