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Think "Loarn. persist

centre for advanced learning
(unlocking human potential)
TEL: 9900520233
Date: 27/06/2023
DPP0.02 - How tosolve 2

Note to student: You necd noprevious knowledge of Physics tosolve the yuestions below. Allthe
details that might be needed is stated along with the problem. So, relax and find out how logical you can be!
1. i) If y= (2 m) cos(k x),where x as dimensions of length, what are the dimensions of y and k?
ii) IfF = ax + bt +c, where F is force, x is distance and t is time what would be the dimensional
formula for
ac x

2. Consider two objects of mass m, and m, moving in circular orbits around each other, bound by gravity,
separated by a distance a. What could be the frequency of rotation? (Gis the universal gravitational
constant having dimensions M-'3T-2)
* /G(2m, + m)/a3
Cabcting sgmmhy]
s. /G(m, + 2m,)/a3
VG(m, + m,)/a³
nd the missing coefficientin the expansion
5atb+l'b? + 10g²h34ok4afus , 5, J
(a + b)° = a5 +
Consider an ellipse with semi-major axis a and semi-minor axis b (see figure). Which of the following is a
possible candidate for the area of the ellipse?
a. nab2
raibi -’ chem labd
$(a' +b?)

of an
3. Three ants A, B and Care crawling on a large horizontal tabletop always occupying vertices
and C are va, Vg and
equilateral triangle, size of which may vary with time.If at an instant, speeds of A, B
Vc, which of the following constraint relations could be true?

i)For amass Iaing down an inclined plane making an angle to the horizontal, is its acceleration along
the plane g sin 6 or g cos 0? Assume zero friction.
i) If there is friction between surfaces in the previous problem, with the coefficient of sliding friction .
Choosethe block's correct acceleration along the plane
(Note: 1he maximum frictional forcebetween two surfaces fpar depends on p. If externalapplied torce
Pext < Imax, the body will not move Ifg.. > fuar, the body will start sliding.)
a. g(sin 0 + u 0 )
to. g(1 + )sin

fal-|TJEE-25-PHY-AK-DPP 0.02 PHYSICS Page 1

centre for advanced learning
B cfal
Ihinkeon etsst
(unlocking human potential) Date 27/06/20
. 9(sin0 Cos Ø)
d. g(1 ) sin0 classical physicsis give
speedinbetween any two objecty
V2.their relativespee for relatíve
7. If two bodies approach each other with
speeds v, and
upper limit
vyet V, +V,. In classical physics, there is no upper speed of lightcis speed.
by relative according to Einsteins
Special Theory of the
Relativity,expressionfor the
However,in Einstein's
changes the relativespeed,
two objects. This the
speed between any expressionfor
following could be the correct
Which of the
Lar Vrel = (Vy t V)/(1 +
Vrel = (V + v)/(1- 12)
Vret = (v t v)/(1+.)
) and it rises
to a height H, and
Vrel = (v,-)/(1 + earth's North
expressionsbelow. Here R,
fromthe by one of
8. You launch a rocket straight up maximum height His given (dimensions M-1[3T-), Mg is the
The constant
then fals back to the earth. gravitational
v²Rp/GMg, isthe many of the
following expressions as you can
the earth's radius, X= out as
velocity. Rule
any real number For e.g
earth's mass and vis the magnitude of
absolute value operation, which gives
Note: | | is the
surface of Farth
and |2|=2 gravity. The minimumn velocity at the
acceleration due to
Given: g = GM:/RE² is Gravitational pull of Earth is
Vg2= 2GME/RE
for an object to escape from

a. H= RgX/(1 + Vx)
b. H= RgX/(1 - X)
C. H= RgX/(2 - X)
d. H= Rg(1 - X)/(2- X)
. H =vX'/(2 - X)
f. H= RpX/2 10
8 H= RgX/(2- X)
h. H = RgX|1 - X|/(2 -X)
9. If an elasticmaterial of length lis subjected to a normalstress g
(Force per area), it deforms by 11
by therelation
Where Yis known as the Young's 12.
An elastic material of modulus of the material, and it is a constant for a given
volume of the deformed materialmodulus subjected to a stress o. The elastic energy Storedr
can depend Yand o. you
anything about this Using dimensional analysis, Can
dependence. 13.


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