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This Lease Agreement is made at Khanewal on this Day 05 June, th

Mr. Amanat Ali (35201-6400373-7) son of Chaudhary Nazeer
Ahmad, Caste Jutt, Adult Muslim R/O House # 45, Mohallah
Faisal Town Tehsil & District Vehari. (hereinafter called as the
lessor which expression shall include his heirs Executors
administrators assign) ………… of the one part.
Mr. Shahzada Abdullah (CNIC#36601-3606627-3) son of Ghulam
Mustafa, Adult Muslim, R/O House # 571 Street # 09 Mohallah
Marzi Pura Burewala District Vehari hereby referred to as the
lessee. Which expression shall include it’s successor’s, interested
assign …………….. of the other part.
Whereas the lessor is the owner of Commercial building,
Measuring 3K, 12M, situated at Niazi Chowk Tehsil & District
Khanewal, hereinafter referred to as the said (derived promises
property) for it’s commercial purpose upon the terms and conditions
hereinafter contained on monthly tenancy.
1. That is consideration of the rent hereby agreed and convenient on
the part of the premise and the conditions hereinafter contained to
be observed and perfumed by them, the lessor does hereby agree
that he shall demise up to the lessee, the premise together with
rights assessment and appurtenances respectively belonging there
to or otherwise there with usually held and enjoyed and agree that
the lessee shall have hold the demised premises for all months
extendable in the demised premises.
2. That the tenancy shall be on month-to-month bases w.e.f 05-06-
2023 to 04-06-2035 for 12 years.
3. That the agreed rent is Rs.130,000/- (One hundred and thirty
thousand rupees only) which will be payable on or before 10 th

Day of every month till the stop induction and After removal of
stop induction the rent is Rs.200,000/-(Two Hundred Thousand
Rupees Only).
4. That the lessee has paid Rs. 500,000/- (Rupess Five hundred
thousand only) as advance to the lesser, which will be repay to the
lesser after the expiry of lease agreement.
5. That the possession of the demise premises has been loaded over to
the lessee on 05-06-2023.
6. The less agrees that the covenants to be performed by him shall be
as under:
a. To pay all the charges of the electric and water consumed by
lessee on the demised premises.
b. To permit the lessor of his agents duly authorized of convenient
hours in the day time on receipt if previous notice or intimations
to enter into and upon the demised premised and examine the
estate and condition.
a. That the lessee paying the rent aforesaid and performing the
several covenants. And stipulations, on their part and the
conditions here in contained shall. Peacefully hold and enjoy
demised premises without any person or persons claiming
through under or in trust for him them.
b. That the lessor has authorize the lessee at lessee’s own cost to
make such alterations and additions in the premises as may
deemed necessary by the lessee to suit their requirements. In this
regard prior permission of lessor is required.
c. That the lessor shall pay all Government and municipal rates
assets and taxes i.e. property tax etc. levied on the demised
a. That if the demised or any part thereof shall be destroy or
rendered uninhabitable or unfit for use by fire tempest, earth
quake or any other cause during the occupancy of the lessee that
so after as the same shall happen the lessor/s will get repaired at
the time at his/her own cost and expense immediately upon
receipt of the notice from the lessee, falling with the lessee will
get at the cost of the lessor and amount of the repairs so incurred
will be adjusted from the future rent.
b. That the notice requiring to be served upon the lessee shall
sufficiently served upon them if delivered to them or sent to
them by registered post and shall be sufficiency served upon the
lesser/s if delivered to him/her or sent to him/them by registered
post at his/their address given above or at last address
communicable to the lesser for purpose.
c. It is further mutually agreed upon by the parties that the lessee
may by extended with mutual consent of the parties on the terms
and conditions agreed upon at the expiry of the lease agreement.
d. That there will be no fresh agreement executed in case of
extension of the period of leases.
e. That if the said premise have to be vacated by the lesser or
lessee wants to vacate it for both, one month prior written notice
will be required.


All that pieces and parcels of land is shape of Commercial building,

Measuring 3K, 12M, situated at Niazi Chowk, Tehsil & District

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