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Document Name Sanity Checklist

Release Version ADPA

Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

Overall Test Process

After the author and preview deployment
1. Create test page/s if required - WHERE? SHOULD BE BASKET/DUMMY COUNTRY
2. Test according to the tickets steps which already defined in the sanity doc
3. Test the page in “view as published”
4. Preview activation the test page so that we can test it on the production preview
frontend changes, no authoring- directly check on publisher,
6. Tasks requiring authoring configuration, we need to author on new pages (new
functionality e.g., new component) and preview activate,
7. Authoring on existing pages e.g., add search on meta nav
8. Clear browser cache and cookie

After the publish deployment

 Test page will be now published since we preview activated during previous (author and
preview deployment) testing phase
 Clear Browser Cache and Cookie
 Test the publish test page and check everything is fine or not in the production
 Unpublished the page/s after the test is done
 Check existence of the page in both preview and publish environment - VERIFY PAGE
 If the test page/s are no longer available in preview and publish environment then delete
the page/s
 Error Pages needs to be checked.

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

Preview Basic Login:

· Username: noor.preview.user
· Password: Awera1234@

AbbVie Pro Italy ICC Prod User:

· Username -
· Pass - Abbvie09!$

Veeva: 0010Y00000bA7QtQAK
Specialty 1- Medicina generica
Specialty 2- Agopuntura


Campaign keys-
· Limited Access – limaccess-433
· Authentication First – authfirst-433
· Auto registration – autoreg-433
· Limited Access without Veeva – limaccesswithoutveeva-433
· Unlimited Access - unlimaccess-433

Dispatcher By-Pass Test Link –

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79


Project Name: ADPA

1. Components: Scroll Container

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4638)
1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA and add a Horizontal Scroll bar
component under a column control.
2. Go to the configuration of the component and select
Start/Center/End from the 'Content Alignment' field.
3. Save the changes.
4. Click on the drag option and add 'Headline & text'.
5. Go to the configuration of the headline & text component
6. Open the following HTML file and copy the CSS and paste it in
Headline and text. Click on the 'Source Edit' option

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

7. Click on the 'Apply new UI' checkbox.

8. Click on the Source Edit option again and save the changes.
9. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user is able to view the scroll bar in the mobile section.

2. Components: Blog Post

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4628)
1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA
2. Go to the configuration of the component and click on the 'Apply
New UI' checkbox.
3. Select the child page/ fixed list from the 'build list using'
4. Add the parent page path.
5. Apply the Page size/filter titles or any other necessary fields.
6. In the 'Item Settings' section add the buttons text / background
color if necessary.
7. Save the changes and publish the page.
 Verify that user is able to see the blog posts and clicking on the continue reading
button redirects to the blog details page.

3. Components: Chart
(Ticket Reference - HCP-4642)

Impact Analyzer configuration for V2(Chart):

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA
2. Go to the configuration of the Impact analyzer component.
3. In the 'Step configuration' set 5 in the 'Active step' field.

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

4. In the 'Analyzer' section, click on the Add button and apply the Title, Text
color and Status image for absent, minimal, mild, moderate and severe.
5. Click on the 'Apply new UI' checkbox.
6. Save the changes
7. Go to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th step from the impact analyzer component
8. In the configuration of the Rating component, apply that unique ID in the
'Chart ID' Field.
9. Apply the ID set for sleep in the 2nd step, Daily activities ID in the 3rd
step and Emotional activities ID in the 4th step.
10. Save the changes
Chart V2 component configuration:
1. Add column control with 33%+33%+33% option for Sleep, Daily
activities and Emotional activities in the 5th step.
2. Add a Chart v2 Component and go to the configuration of the
3. Apply a unique ID for Sleep, Daily activities and Emotional
4. In the 'Analyzer' section, click on the add button
5. Set Min and max number for absent, minimal, mild, moderate and
severe and save the changes.
6. Add a headline & text component and add contents for each level
(absent, minimal, mild, moderate and severe).
7. Go to the configuration of the headline & text component and
select a content.
8. From 'Styles' tab select title/ description /Lead/ Big quote
9. Click on the 'Apply new UI' checkbox. Save the changes and
publish the page.
 Verify that the chart functionality is working as expected.

4. Components: Impact Analyzer PDF Generation

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4651)

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the configuration of the Impact analyzer component.
3. Click on the 'Pdf generation' tab
4. Apply the necessary fields like header title, PDF file name, banner, footer logo, Disclaimer texts,
and Veeva approval ID field if necessary.
5. Save the changes.

 Hit the publish site where the impact analyzer is configured. Go to the last step of the tool.
And download the report.
 Verify the downloaded report is showing as expected.

5. Components: Veeva Approval Code

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4655)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA
2. Create a page with Content page template/ Home page or Landing page template.
3. Add a Veeva Approval Code Component.
4. Go to the Page properties of the page and click on the ‘Additional Configuration’ section
5. Apply any code to the ‘Veeva Approval Code’
6. Save the changes and publish the page.
7. Create child pages if necessary and add the ‘Veeva Approval Code’ component.
8. Publish the child pages.

 Verify that the user is able to view the applied Veeva code in the parent node.
 Verify that the user is able to view the Veeva code of the parent node on the child
page, as the Veeva Code was not given on the child page.

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

6. Component: External Link Popup

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4639)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA
2. In the component configuration, click on the 'Apply new UI' checkbox.
3. Apply necessary fields like the Modal size as vertical or center, Button align, and Domain
link list
4. Save the changes and publish the page.
5. Apply the content in the Headline & text and in the link & button component.

 Verify that the user is able to view the configured external site popup after the click.

7. Component: Podcast Player, Podcast, Podcast Item

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4677, HCP-4678, HCP-4803)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA
2. Add a podcast component.
3. Go to the configuration of the component and select the Podcast type as Playlist.
4. Click on 'Apply new UI'
5. Fill up the fields of 'Episode Title', 'View all episode', 'Listen episode', 'Page size' along with the
Player ID, Account id and Playlist ID.
6. Click on 'Hide Playlist Item Thumbnail' if necessary.
7. Apply the Secondary/Primary option from the Player color field.
8. Save the changes and publish the page.
 Verify that the user is able to view the podcast player with the new UI.

8. Component: Form Text

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4647)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the 4th or 6th step of the Appointment Planner.
3. Add a Form Text component.
4. In the configuration of the component select Constraint as 'Textarea'

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

5. Fill up the necessary fields like Text lines, Label,Element name.

6. Click on the 'Enable Character Count' checkbox and apply the minimum and maximum
character value.
7. Click on the 'Make Label Text Area Small' checkbox where the small text area is
8. Save the changes and publish the page.
 Verify that the user is to view the form text field same as the design

9. Component: Form Select

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4648)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Add a Form Option component.
3. In the configuration of the component select Type as 'Checkboxes'
4. Fill up the necessary fields like title and element name.
5. Click on the Add option in the 'Options' section.
6. Fill up the text and values for each option
7. Click on the checkbox of 'Add rectangle border to checkbox options'
8. Save the changes and publish the page.

 Verify that the user the form options same as design

10.Component: Accordion

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4643)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the configuration of the component.
3. Click on the 'Icon Alignment' field and select 'Right' option from the dropdown.
4. Click on the Add option and fill up the necessary fields along with icon, headline,
background color or text color.
5. Add more accordions if necessary.

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

6. Save the chages and publish the page.

 Verify that the user is able to view the new accordion same as the design.

11.Component: Footer

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4649)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the configuration of the component.
3. Save the configuration
4. Add the content as per design
5. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view the new design in footer section

12.Component: Footer Navigation

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4633)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the configuration of the Footer navigation
3. Add title and link
4. Save the configuration
5. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view the footer navigation as per new design

13.Component: Rating

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this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4641)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the configuration of the Rating
3. Add Minimum and Maximum rating level, Chart ID and bullet color
4. Save the configuration
5. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view the rating in impact analyzer tool as per new design

14.Component: Progress Bar

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4640)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the configuration of the Progress Bar
3. Checked the option “Apply new UI”
4. Save the configuration
5. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view the progress bar in the impact analyzer tool as per new

15.Component: Table

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4632)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Add a Horizontal scroll bar
3. Checked the option “Apply new UI”

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this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

4. Save the configuration

5. Add Headline and Text component
6. Add the css file to the headline and text component
7. Save the configuration
8. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view the table at the last step of the impact analyzer tool

16.Component: Impact Analyzer

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4644)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Add Impact analyzer
3. Go to the configuration
4. Add the number of steps and active steps
5. Checked the option “Apply new UI”
6. Save the configuration
7. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view the impact analyzer tool

17.Component: Rating Component not functioning for RTL in ADPA

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4752)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the page properties of language node
3. Go to the Additional configuration tab
4. In text orientation choose Right to left option
5. Save the changes

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this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

6. Publish the page.


 Verify that the user can view rating in impact analyzer tool from left to right orientation

18.Component: Box

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4636)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the configuration of box component
3. Configure the component to achieve the design
4. Save the changes
5. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view box as per V2 design

19.Component: Link & Button

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4637)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the configuration of Link and Button
3. Checked “Applied New UI” option
4. Configure the component as necessary
5. Save the changes
6. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view Link & Button as pes per the V2 design

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

20.Component: Appointment Planner and Appointment planner PDF


(Ticket Reference - HCP-4645, HCP-4652)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the configuration of Appointment Planner component
3. Configure the component as necessary
4. Save the changes
5. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view appointment planner tool and download the PDF in the last
step of the Appointment planning tool

21.Component: Headline & Text

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4747)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Go to the configuration of Headline & Text component
3. Configure the component as necessary and Checked Apply New UI
4. Save the changes
5. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view Headline and text as per new design

22. Component: Banner

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4627)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

2. Add Column Control component.

3. Click the "Configuration" icon on the component.
4. Give a Minimum Height of 800px.
5. Select "Background Image" on Background Configuration.
6. Add an image on the Background Image.
7. Take the "Viewport container" below Column Control.
8. Take "Column Control" in Viewport Container.
9. Click the configure icon in the viewport container and check the Show on Desktop.
10. Click the configure icon in the column control component and add background color
11. Take Column Control in the Column Control.
12. Take "Headline & Text" in the Column Control.
13. Give Text on the Headline Text Component.

14. Take Column Control Below the Column Control where is Headline Text.
15. Take Column Options "33%+33%+33%" and add the ""Teaser"" Component in this
column control with the Column Options.
16. Click the configure icon in the teaser component
17. Click the Horizontal in the orientation field, again click the Image in the Horizontal
Variation field, give #FFFFFF in the Background Color field, and give Link in the Link
18. Click the Configure icon in the image component on the teaser component and give an
image in the image component.
19. Click the configure icon in the Headline text component on the teaser component and
give the text in the Headline Text component.
20. Do this 4, 5 & 6 Steps for Remain 2 column control.
21. Then Click the configuration icon in the column control where is Headline Text
22. Click Spacing around and give a custom margin-top like -110.
23. Then, again Click the configuration icon in the column control where there are Teaser
24. Click Spacing around and give a custom margin-top like -50.
25. Click "Done" Icon.
26. Publish The Page.

 Verify that the user can view Banner as per new Design.

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

22. Component: Teaser

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4629)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Add Viewport Container and Check the show on the Desktop.
3. Add Column Control and keep the column Options 33%+33%+33% in the Viewport
4. Add Teaser Components in the column control
5. Click the Configuration icon in the Teaser Component.
6. Check the Vertical in the Orientation Field
7. Select the Version V2 in the Vertical Variation Field.
8. Select Custom in the Background Color Field.
9. Add #ffffff in the Background Color (Hex Code) Field.
10. Add Image, Contents in the Image extension, Headline & Text Components on the
Teaser and click the 'Done' icon.
11. Publish the Page.

 Verify that the user can view Banner as per new Design.

23. Component: Sitemap.html

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4630)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Select the page and click on Editing.
3. Add Column Control component.
4. Add a Sitemap Component in the Column Control
5. Click the configure icon in the sitemap component.
6. Give the title on the Sitemap Title field
7. Give the Rode Node Path on the Rode Node Path field
8. Then Give the Content on the Content Path field
9. Check the Apply New UI

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this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

10. Check the Include Root Node

11. Click the 'Done' Icon
12. Publish the page

 Verify that the user can view Sitemap.html as per new Design.

24. Component: Meta Navigation

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4631)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Add Header V2 Component in the Header Section.
3. Click the configure icon in the Meta Navigation on the Header V2 Component.
4. Give meta navigation menu name, Link & width in the Meta Navigation. on the Header
V2 Component.
5. Give an image on the image extension Component.
6. Click the 'Done' Icon.
7. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view Meta Navigation as per new Design.

25. Component: Language Selector

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4634)

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Click the Page Properties.
3. Add text in the Header Title Field.
4. Also add text in the Navigation Title Field.
5. Click the 'Save & Close' Button.
6. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view Language Selector as per new Design.

26.Component: Header
(Ticket Reference - HCP-4635)

1. Go to the awcm site of ADPA

2. Add Header V2 Component in the Header Section.
3. Click the configure icon in the Meta Navigation on the Header V2 Component.
4. Give meta navigation menu name, Link & width in the Meta Navigation on the Header
V2 Component.
5. Give an image on the image extension Component.
6. Click the 'Done' Icon.
7. Click the Page Properties.
8. Add text in the Header Title Field.
9. Also add text in the Navigation Title Field.
10. Click the 'Save & Close' Button.
11. Publish the page.

 Verify that the user can view Header as per new Design.

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

Project Name: Skyrizi Eu & Rinvoq Eu

1. Remove Country remember Cookie

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4720)
1. Go to the Skyrizi eu & Rinvoq eu publishing site.
2. Access any country from these sites.
3. Go to the inspect mood of the browser.
4. Go to the application and see the cookies list.


 Verify that the user is unable to see the ‘abbvie-skyrizi-cookie’ cookie from the cookie
details for the Skyrizi eu site.
 Verify that the user is unable to see the ‘abbvie-rinvoq-cookie’ and ‘abbvie-rinvoq-
landing-page’ cookies from the cookie details for the Rinvoq eu site.

2. [SOW055] Remove GTM from Page template

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4721)
1. Go to the Skyrizi eu & Rinvoq eu publishing site.
2. Access any country from these sites.
3. Go the view page source option from the right click of the mouse
4. Press Ctrl + F and search with the keyword ‘gtm’.


 Verify that the user is unable to see the gtm script from the source code of the Skyrizi eu
 Verify that the user is unable to see the gtm script from the source code of the Rinvoq eu

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

Project Name: AbbVie Care

1. SCTASK01439770 - Domain Localization of

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4823)
1. Go to the preview site of Abbviecare Fr
2. Do sanity after preview deployment
3. Go to the production site of Abbviecare Fr
4. Do sanity after production deployment


1. Verify that all functional contents and UI is stable, working properly and its redirect from
the new domain

Project Name: Sitegenerator

2. SCTASK01437245 - site deployment and domain redirect of

(Ticket Reference - HCP-4822)

1. Go to the preview site of

2. Do the sanity for whole site.

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.
Document Name Sanity Checklist
Release Version ADPA
Release Date 31.08.2023
Document Version Version 0.79

3. Go to the publish site of

4. Do the sanity for whole site and match the whole content from the preview site.


1. Verify that the new contents are shown in the production environment and all functional
contents and UI are stable and working properly.

This information is confidential to AbbVie. The user is responsible for using the appropriate version of
this document.

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