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source of valuable natural resources like rubber, gold, diamonds, and minerals.

They wanted to exploit

these resources to fuel their industrial revolution and strengthen their economies.

2. Strategic Competition: European nations were engaged in intense rivalries and sought to expand their
territories for political and military advantage. African colonies provided valuable strategic locations for
naval bases and trade routes.

3. Market Expansion: European powers sought to establish colonies in Africa to create new markets for
their manufactured goods. They wanted to sell their products to African populations and gain economic
dominance over their colonies.

4. National Pride and Prestige: There was a strong sense of nationalism among European nations during
this time. Acquiring colonies in Africa was seen as a symbol of power, prestige, and national greatness.

5. Humanitarian and Religious Motives: Some European powers claimed to have a moral duty to bring
civilization, Christianity, and Western values to Africa. They believed that colonizing Africa would
provide opportunities for missionary work and improve the lives of Africans.

6. Technological Superiority: European nations possessed advanced military technology, including

machine guns, steamships, and telegraphs. This technological advantage gave them the confidence to
conquer and control vast African territories.

It's important to note that the

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