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Budgeting - Préparer un budget

Income revenu scarcity pénurie

disposable income revenu disponible emergency fund fonds d'urgence
outcome résultat petty cash fonds de caisse
financial statement compte annuel discretionary disponible
quarter trimestre Sound sain
expenditure dépense
expansés frais
subsidy subvention Project (vb) prévoir
forecast (n 1 vb) prévisions / prévoir (un budget) fail(vb) échouer
pension plan plan de retraite meet expansés (vb) couvrir les dépenses
back-up plan plan B tum a profit (vb) entraîner des bénéfices, rapporter

Ire m s Corrige p. 346

Complétez les phrases avec tous les mots de l'encadré en les conjuguant ou en les mettant au pluriel si nécessaire.
1 Before finalizing the year's budget, try to w^hat your annual sales will be. This
should be a realistic projection, not just wishfui thinking*.
2 Don't forget to budget for a smalt fund of cash to pay for small-value purchases.
5 it is very common for new businesses to within the first two years, and unfortunately the owners
rarely have a to fait back on*.
4 represents the amount of income remaining after a person pays for personal necessities and taxes
which can be used for spending,
.5 If your business cannot , you may have to dip into ' your
6 The C F O * approved the , proving that the company was before it was
released to the press.
7 Mrs. Hutton's travel were higher than usual this month because she attended* a lot of conférences.
B We will need to increase the budget for production this , due to the of our raw
8 We are stiil walting to discover the of cutting our training* budget
10 It doesn't matter if our flagship product* doesn't as long as we gain brand récognition*.
11 Contributions to the company are expected to boost every employée's retirement

12 We applied for a from the local government, but probably won't receive it as they are reducing their
on this type of action.

not just wishfui thinking : pas quelque chose d'irréalisable fall back on : avoir recours à
'Mots &
dIp Into : entamer CFO (chief financial officer) : directeur financier attend : assister à
training : formation flagship product ; produit phare brand récognition : notoriété

ExercicelO Les familles de mots i*- Conigép,346

Complétez chaque phrase avec ie mot qui convient.

1 Our monthly is exceeding our expansés for the first time in five years.
® income
(g) incoming
© corne in
(B) incomes
2 Farmers should stop expecting the government to their activity.
® subside
® subsidy
© subsidize

3 We are planning cuts in spending to get our budget under control.

@ discreet
© discrétion
© discretionary
® discreetly

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