Grammar English

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 3 Student Worksheet

Module 11 • Situation 1 Grammar Activity


The Passive: Present Simple / Past Simple

A Read the text.


Last weekend, my wife and I celebrated our wedding anniversary. We were advised by friends to
book a double room in The Independent, so a reservation was made online for a long weekend.
Although a confirmation fax wasn’t sent to us, we set off for the motel on Friday morning.
At first, we were thrilled by the beauty of the motel. It was redecorated six months ago. But our
excitement didn’t last long. When we checked in, we were told that the reservations had been
mixed up and that our room was booked by someone else. The manager apologized and said, “I
will see that this problem is solved immediately!” A few moments later we were shown to our
room. It was lovely!
Fresh flowers are put in each room every day. Excellent service is offered by all the motel staff.
Delicious breakfasts are served in the coffee shop each morning. Fresh bread is baked there
daily. We were each offered free use of the gym and sauna to make up for the mix-up with our
We really enjoyed our stay at The Independent!
Tim Green

B Circle the sentences that are in the Passive.

1. The motel wasn’t redecorated two months ago.

2. Fresh cakes are served in the coffee shop.

3. Didn’t you celebrate your tenth wedding anniversary last month?

4. A double room was booked for the 11th of April.

5. Tim and Annie didn’t enjoy their stay at the inn.

6. I want to book a room for the long weekend.

7. This room is already booked by the Henderson couple.

8. Were the reservations mixed up?

9. A confirmation fax was sent to you two days ago.

10. Do you redecorate many motels?

11. Are all the rooms in this motel booked?

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 3 Student Worksheet
Module 11 • Situation 1 Grammar Activity

The Passive: Present Simple / Past Simple

C 1 Circle the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences.
1. Is that double room … for the long weekend next month?
a. book
b. books
c. booked

2. The motel … last year.

a. didn’t redecorate
b. wasn’t redecorated
c. not redecorated

3. All the rooms in the motel … for the conference two weeks ago.
a. were booked
b. book
c. booked

4. Why … your reservations mixed up last Friday?

a. were
b. was
c. did

5. Guests in this motel … free breakfasts in the coffee shop.

a. are usually offered
b. usually offer
c. is usually offered

6. Sara’s birthday … with all her friends and family.

a. doesn’t always celebrate
b. aren’t celebrated always
c. isn’t always celebrated

2 Write the Active sentences as Passive sentences.

1. The manager sent the confirmation fax yesterday.

2. Tim and Jane book a room every summer.

3. A famous interior designer didn’t redecorate these rooms.

4. The coffee shop staff serves fresh cakes every day.

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 3 Student Worksheet
Module 11 • Situation 2 Grammar Activity

The Passive: Present Continuous / Past Continuous

A Read the text.
Sandra tells her friend, Kate, about a visit to a vineyard and winery.
Sandra: Yesterday Tom and I visited the Golden Valley vineyard. It’s famous for its wonderful
Cabernet Sauvignon wine. While I was being given a tour of the vineyard, Tom and
a few other people were being shown how to taste wine.
Kate: Sounds interesting! How is wine made?
Sandra: Look at this brochure. There are pictures of the process. Here the grapes are being
picked. In the next picture they are being crushed in a big machine.
Kate: What’s the next stage of the process?
Sandra: Here the wine is being fermented in tanks. Then it is aged in wooden barrels. In this
final picture, the wine is being bottled and sealed.
Kate: That’s incredible! I didn’t realize it was such a long process. What was Tom doing
while you were being shown around?
Sandra: He was enjoying the wine in the winery! While he and the others were taking sips of
the wine, the different flavors of wine were being explained by the winemaker. When
I arrived at the wine tasting, Tom was being told to swirl the wine around in his glass,
take a sip the wine, and then roll it around in his mouth. This is how the aroma
is released.

B Complete the text with the verbs in the Present Continuous (Passive).
The Process of Winemaking

Welcome to the Mardonne Winery! You are now going to see a slide show of the winemaking process.
This is the grape-picking season. Here the grapes 1 (pick) by hand. In this
picture several hundred vineyard workers are picking the grapes.
In the next slide the grapes 2 (crush). No, they 3
(not crush) by foot. That’s the way it was done in the past. Today, the grapes are crushed in large machines.
During this stage in the process, the wine 4 (ferment) in tanks for a few weeks.
In this slide you can see large wooden barrels of wine. Why 5 the wine
(store) in wooden barrels? This is because wood helps the wine to age
What is happening here? The wine 6 (bottle) by bottling machines. As you can
see, here the wine 7 (pour) into the bottles. In this next picture, the bottles
(seal). Of course, the bottles 9 (not seal) with
plastic or metal. Each bottle 10
(seal) with cork to keep the flavor of the wine.

C Circle the Past Continuous (Passive) form of the verbs to complete the sentences.

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 3 Student Worksheet
Module 11 • Situation 2 Grammar Activity

The Passive: Present Continuous / Past Continuous

1. I watched as the grapes … by large machines.

a. were being crushed b. was being crushed

2. While we were eating our meal, Cabernet Sauvignon wine … into our glasses.
a. were being poured b. was being poured

3. “… when you got there?” I asked.

a. Are the grapes being crushed b. Were the grapes being crushed

4. When Sara arrived at the winery, her friends … a guided tour.

a. wasn’t being given b. weren’t being given

5. The winemaker waited for ten days while the wine … .

a. were being fermented b. was being fermented

6. While the wine was being poured into some bottles, the full bottles … .
a. was being sealed b. were being sealed

7. The grapes … when we took a tour of the vineyards.

a. weren’t being picked b. not being picked

8. “Why… when you served all the other wines?” the restaurant manager asked the waiter.
a. wasn’t this wine being served b. this wine wasn’t being served

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 3 Student Worksheet
Module 11 • Situation 3 Grammar Activity

The Passive: Present Perfect Simple / Past Perfect Simple

A Read the text.

The Tross Museum is proud of its latest exhibition which opened on Saturday. This amazing
collection of sculptures and paintings has already been shown in museums all over Europe. All
the works of art in the collection have been created locally by talented American artists from
forty different states. The exhibition has been seen by thousands of art lovers and it has been
written about in newspapers in Paris, London, and Florence.
Famous art critic David Jones wrote, “I haven’t been so impressed by an exhibition since the
Modern Art Exhibition at the Tate Gallery six years ago!”
Don’t miss the chance to see this amazing collection!
The popular Fabrics Center on Main Street has recently been reopened by new owner Sara
Leeds. It’s definitely worth a visit.
During an interview Leeds explained, “Until a few years ago, most of our better wool and
cotton had been grown and manufactured in Asia or Europe. Then more and more people
began growing cotton locally. Because of this, the price of quality fabrics has been lowered
considerably. As a matter of fact, before this change occurred, good wool had been sold for
30% more than today’s price! Now we are able to sell all sorts of wonderful fabrics for cheaper

B Circle the sentence that best reflects the original sentence in the Passive.
1. This artist has created an amazing collection of sculptures.
a. An amazing collection of sculptures have been created by this artist.
b. An amazing collection of sculptures has been created by this artist.
c. An amazing collection of sculptures was created by this artist.

2. Museums all over the country have shown your art collection.
a. Your art collection has being shown by museums all over the country.
b. Your art collection have been shown by museums all over the country.
c. Your art collection has been shown by museums all over the country.

3. The people of Asia have grown cotton for thousands of years.

a. Cotton has been grown by the people of Asia for thousands of years.
b. For thousands of years the people of Asia have been grown cotton.
c. Cotton, for thousands of years, has been growing by the people of Asia.

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 3 Student Worksheet
Module 11 • Situation 3 Grammar Activity

The Passive: Present Perfect Simple / Past Perfect Simple

B continued
4. People haven’t seen such an amazing selection of fabrics before.
a. Such an amazing selection of fabrics haven’t been seen before.
b. Such an amazing selection of fabrics not ever been seen before.
c. Such an amazing selection of fabrics hasn’t been seen before.

5. Have they manufactured this cotton locally?

a. Have this cotton been manufactured locally?
b. Has this cotton been manufactured locally?
c. Has been manufactured this cotton locally by them?

C Circle the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences.

1. After the fabrics had been chosen / had chosen / have been chosen, they were paid for.

2. Had wool used / Did wool be used / Had wool been used in Europe before cotton was introduced?

3. By the time we got to the store, all the best fabrics had been sold / have been sold / were being sold.

4. By the time the sculptures arrived at the National Gallery, they seen / have been seen / had been seen
by people all over Europe.

5. The cotton hadn’t been grown / hasn’t been growing / not been grown locally before it was

6. Silk were manufactured / had been manufactured / had manufactured in Asia long before it came to
the U.S.

7. Clothes been made / had been make / had been made from cotton before other fabrics were

8. Before this collection came to the State Museum, it wasn’t being shown / hadn’t been shown /
not shown at the Modern Art Museum.

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 3 Student Worksheet
Module 11 • Situation 4 Grammar Activity

Passive Sentences with Modals

A Read the text.
To: Paula Reid
Subject: Planning a Surprise
Sheila and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary next week and I’d really like to
surprise her. You’re an expert at planning parties. Could you help me arrange things? Everything
must be planned carefully in order to keep it a secret.
To: Sam Holden
Subject: Re: Planning a Surprise
I’m happy to help! Here are my ideas:
The party could be held at the Golden Hotel. A room could be booked in your name for
next weekend. A horseback trail ride would be arranged for Sheila at 11:00 sharp. She loves
horseback riding. It would also give us time to check on the party preparations in the Orchard
Room. I might be assisted by Olivia and Karen because there’ll be plenty to do. For example,
flowers will be delivered by the florist in the morning. Bouquets should be arranged in pretty
carts all over the room. I’ve told the girls that the surprise must be kept a secret. Gourmet meals
should be served at the party. This can be taken care of by the hotel staff. The manager says the
food could be brought to the Orchard Room at 8:00 p.m.
I hope you like these plans. I’m sure Sheila won’t be disappointed!

B Tick (3) the sentences that are in the passive.

1. I could arrange the flowers in carts.

2. We must all keep this a secret.

3. A gourmet meal would be brought to your room.

4. The wedding couldn’t be planned in only two months.

5. I may not be an expert in party planning, but I’m willing to help.

6. The dinner can be served at 8:00 sharp.

7. She might offer to assist with the wedding.

8. Trail rides should be booked in advance.

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EVERYDAY ENGLISH 3 Student Worksheet
Module 11 • Situation 4 Grammar Activity

Passive Sentences with Modals

C Write the active sentences in the passive.

1. You shouldn’t arrange the flowers in carts.

2. Up to ten horseback riders may enjoy the trail ride.

3. An expert must arrange the bouquets.

4. You can’t book trail rides through the hotel.

5. Two people will assist the florist.

6. Peter wouldn’t take care of the wedding arrangements.

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