HRM New Level-3 2015 QUE 5,6,7,8 - Q

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Human Resource Management LEVEL III


Course Name Human Resource Management Level III
Instructor .Name
Mr. Hailu .w (M.A)
Phone No
Email Address

Addis Ababa Ethiopia

October 2023


Manage Recruitment, Selection, Induction LSA HRM3 05 1221

and Promotion
Implement Industrial Relations LSA HRM3 06 1221
Manage Workforce Diversity LSA HRM3 07 1221
Prevent and Eliminate MUDA LSA HRM3 08 1221

• An Introduction To Human Resource Management
• The Concept Of Human Resource Management
• The Environment Of Human Resource Management
• Job Analysis And Human Resource Planning
Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. TVET is given
regard to technology transfer.
Human Resources Operations, also known as HR Ops, is the department that suppo
lifecycle and assists your team in their day-to-day tasks. The scope of HR Operations is
crucial role in developing a company's people strategy to reach its business goals.
HR operations refer to services provided by an HR department to business operati
operational HR services, include administrative services, recruitment, job analysis, an
Human resource management (HRM) in organizations facilitates the achievement of i
The final part deals with key aspects of compensation system including employees' benef
Having completed this training program, you will be able to:

 Explain the purpose of human resource management;

 Describe the main reasons for conducting job analysis
 Recognize the impact of human resource planning on effective utilization of employ
 Distinguish between recruitment and selection
 Explain the roles of training and management development in improving employees
 Recognize the different ways in which employees performance can be valued
After the completion of the course students will be able to:
• Understand the nature, objectives, functions, role of HRM
• Know the concept of HR planning, Job Analysis, the process of Job Analysis , job design
and job evaluation, recruitment and selection
• Recognize the needs and importance of training
• Know the time framework applied in succession planning
• Explore material resource management
• Appreciate time resource management
• Methods of Assessment
• 60%= Continuous assess. group activities(20%), mid exam (20%),
individual(20%) and
Group projects (1 0%)
• 40%= Final examination
• Modality
• Lecture, group discussion and student presentations
• 80% attendance is mandatory

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
Human Resource Management

1. The Concept of Human Resource Management

• The term management refers to the process of achieving organizational objectives with
and through the effort of people and other resources.

• The term human resource has been defined in many different ways. For the purpose of
our understanding the following definitions are worth noting

 Human resource is a system. As a system, it consists of interdependent and

interrelated acquisition, development, motivation and retention subsystems.
 Human resource management is the management of activities to ensure the
effective and efficient use of human resource to accomplish organizational goals.
 It is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement,
development, compensation, integration of human resources to the end of that
individual, organizational and societal objective‟s .

Roots of Human Resource Management

e Movement

The functions of HRM are job analysis and design, human resource planning (HRP),
recruitment and selection, orientation and placement, training and development,
performance appraisal, employee remuneration, motivation and communication, welfare,
safety and health, Human resource planning, Compensation; Human resource research.
and the like.

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
Human resources issues include: -


nd recruitment

 succession planning

Challenges in HRD:

– Changing workforce demographics

– Competing in global economy

– Eliminating the skills gap

– Need for lifelong learning

– Need for organizational learning

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III

Manage Recruitment, Selection, Induction and Promotion LSA HRM3 05 1221

Elements Performance Criteria
1.1 Strategic and operational plans and policies are analyzed
to identify relevant policies and objectives
1. Apply 1.2 Recruitment, selection and induction policies and
recruitment, procedures and supporting documents are applied
selection and  Recruitment, selection, promotion and induction
induction policies and procedures May address:
policies and application processing
procedures competency profiling
documentation and use of standard forms
equal opportunity, anti-discrimination and diversity
interviewing methodologies
job analysis
job classifications, assessment centers
job description
job evaluation
privacy and confidentiality
probationary periods
psychometric assessment
recruitment advertising
reference checks
selection panels and their composition
the application of commercial software packages to
improve efficiency in recruitment and selection
training for new staff
use of external agencies
1.3 Options for technology to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process are
 Technology includes;

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
video interviewing
virtual reality
social media recruitment
facial recognition
1.4 Policies and procedures are obtained and prepared
from senior managers
1.5 Forms, documents and adjustments to support policies
and procedures are prepared
1.6 Communicating Policies and procedures to relevant staff
and providing training is required
2.1 Time lines and requirement clarified for appointment
2. Determine job 2.2 Preparation of job descriptions which accurately reflect
descriptions the role requirements is implemented in accordance with
organizational procedures and rules and regulations,
code and national standards

 Job descriptions
 Attributes
 competencies required by staff
 job or person specifications
 job title and purpose of position
 necessary skills and knowledge
 qualifications
 selection criteria
 tasks or duties associated with the position
 Rules and regulations, cod and national standards

organizational instruments
relevant organizational rules and regulation practice
relevant rules and regulation from all levels of
government that affects business operation, especially
in regard to HRM and environmental issues, equal
opportunity, organizational relations and anti-

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
2.3 Job descriptions are ensured that do not contravene rules
and regulation requirements
2.4 Approvals to advertise position is obtained

3.1 Future human resources needs are determined in

3. Recruit and collaboration with relevant managers and sections
select Relevant managers and sections includes:
Candidates  the recruitment selection promotion or induction
3.2 Current position descriptors and person specifications for
vacancies are ensured to be used by managers and others
involved in the recruitment, selection, promotion and
induction processes
3.3 Access of training and other forms of support to all
persons involved are provided in the recruitment and
selection process
3.4 advertising of vacant positions are ensured and complied
with organizational policy and legal requirements
Advertising Includes;
 electronic or print
 internal or external
 outsourcing
3.5 Selection procedures are ensured/ approved in
accordance with organizational policy and legal
 Selection procedures May include:
aptitude test or IQ tests
behavior in leaderless groups
demonstration of techniques or technical skills
interviews, including structured interviews, behavioral
interviews or other interviewing methodologies
peer assessments
personality testing
psychometric testing

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
 referee reports
use of an assessment center
 work samples
3.6 vacancies are advertised for staffing requirements in
accordance with organizational policies and procedures
 Staffing requirements
 permanent, temporary, full-time, part-time or
3.7 Relevant personnel is consulted to convene selection
panel and to develop interview questions
3.8 The interview questions are ensured that it do not breach
rules and regulation requirements
3.9 Interviews and advising of personnel are Scheduled to
relevant times, dates and venues
4. Appoint and 4.1 successful candidate with employment contract and
induct successful other documentation are provided
candidate  Employment contract
 Refers to an agreement or term of hire that is
extended from an employer to an employee to
set the terms and conditions of their
4.2 Candidates are inducted the starting date and make
necessary administrative arrangements.
4.3 Induction is provided in accordance with organizational

 Induction
 Is the process of getting new employees
acquainted with your organization
Unit Title Implement Industrial Relations
Unit Code LSA HRM3 06 1221

Elements Performance Criteria

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
1. Implement 1.1.Relevant agreements, policies and procedures are
industrial relation sourced and disseminated to all relevant persons and
policies and groups
procedures  Relevant agreements, policies and procedures May
Enterprise agreement
Employment contracts
Employment contracts
Equal employment opportunity (eeo), diversity, leave
Reasonable adjustments for workers with a disability
Occupational health and safety (ohs) policies and
1.2.Negotiations are undertaken between employer
representatives and employee representatives, to agree to
changes required by either group
1.3.Agreed outcomes of negotiations are documented and
certified in the relevant jurisdiction where appropriate
1.4.Agreements, policies and procedures are implemented in
accordance with site, enterprise and statutory
 Site, enterprise and statutory requirements May
Dispute settlement procedures
Grievance mechanisms
Reporting channels and procedures
Award and enterprise agreements and relevant
industrial instruments
Relevant legislation from all levels of government that
affects business operation, especially in regard to ohs
and environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial
relations and antidiscrimination
Relevant industry codes of practice

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
1.5. The organisation‟s industrial relations procedures are
promoted with relevant persons and groups
2.1 Problem solving/grievance procedures are agreed and
2. Assist in documented
minimizing 2.2 The implementation of industrial relations policies and
industrial procedures is monitored
relations conflict 2.3 Potential industrial relations conflicts are identified
through a monitoring process and reported to
 Management May include;
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Board and other
senior managers
Human Resource manager of the organization
Line managers
2.4 Documentation is prepared and forwarded to
management in relation to identified potential industrial
relations conflicts
2.5 Assistance is provided to deal with industrial relations
conflicts under upper level management supervision
 Upper-level management Refers to the;
Management staff and team that are responsible for
making the primarily decision within the organization
2.6 Competence in managing conflict negotiation skills and
dispute resolution is developed through appropriate
training and preparation
2.7.Specialist/expert advice is sought and considered where
3.1 Strategies to facilitate feedback are implemented
3.2 Counselling of employee is practiced to enhance the
healthy relationships between the workgroup
 Counseling;
3. Enhance Is to help the employee grow and develop in the
industrial organization
relations 3.3 Strategies are implemented to develop and strengthen

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
relationships with relevant persons and groups
 Strategies May include;
Communication plan
Human resources strategy
Organizational values strategies
Employee wellbeing strategies
3.4 Information and feedback are provided to management
as required
3.5 Information and advice is provided to relevant persons
and groups as required
3.6 Induction and training are ensured to develop
competence and confidence to perform safely and
3.7 Employee relations policies are regularly observed and
updated as required
4. Evaluate and 4.1 The root causes of industrial disputes are identified and
maintain assessed and appropriate measures are taken
industrial 4.2 Employees participation is evaluated in sustaining the
relations healthy workplace relationship
management 4.3 The strength and weaknesses of the labor union are
system measured and performed necessary adjustments as
 labor union May include;
Employee chosen by peer
Union delegate
Union organizer/official
4.4The effectiveness of industrial relation management
systems are ensured and the good practices are
Unit Title Manage Workforce Diversity
Unit Code LSA HRM3 07 1221
Elements Performance Criteria

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
1. Implement 1.1. Diversity policies are located and reviewed
diversity policy  Diversity May include but not limited to
any form of difference, such as:
ability, aptitude and disability
marital status or family arrangements
1.2 Application of the specific work context is determined
1.3. Actions are instituted to ensure that the diversity policy
is understood and implemented by relevant parties
 Actions May include but not limited to
displaying policy on notice boards and other public areas
distributing copies of policy to staff
explaining policy to staff at meetings or other forums
reinforcing key messages from policy in supervisory
discussions, performance appraisals or other interactions
1.4. Feedback and suggestions are provided for
improvement to ensure prevalence and efficacy of
diversity policy
2. Foster respect 2.1. Own prejudices are addressed and respect is
for diversity demonstrated for difference in personal interactions
2.2. Diversity is mainly aimed in selecting and recruiting
2.3. Training needs are identified and addressed to address
issues of difference in the team
 Training needs May include but not limited to
cultural competency training

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
culturally-specific training
diversity training
equal opportunity training
ethics training
grievance management training
human rights training
recruitment and selection training
workplace bullying, discrimination or harassment
2.5. Working effectively with differences are assisted and
strengthen the organization's services and customer
2.6. Allegations of harassment are managed and complaints
addressed according to established organizational
 Complaints May include but not limited to;
informal complaints that are managed within the
formal complaints of discrimination or harassment to
relevant state or territory anti-discrimination agencies
under the federal anti-discriminatory rules
3. Promote the 3.1. The organization's workforce diversity in internal and
benefits of diversity external forums are promoted to enhance the
organizations image and reputation
 Internal and external forums May include but not
limited to
• organizational meetings
• conferences and seminars
• newsletters and bulletins
• professional networks
• staff meetings
• staff updates
3.2. To enhance services and contributions to competitive
advantage captured ideas and information from the

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
diversity are described.
3.3. Organizational efforts to value diversity is supported to
promote benefits of diversity

Prevent and Eliminate MUDA

LSA SOA 10 1221

Element Performance Criteria

1. Prepare For 1.1. Work Instructions Are Used To Determine Job
Work. Requirements, Including Method, Material And

1.2. Job Specifications Are Read And Interpreted Following

Working Manual.

1.3. OH’s Requirements, Including Dust and Fume Collection,

Breathing Apparatus and Eye and Ear Personal Protection
Needs Are Observed throughout the Work.

 OH’s Requirements May Include, But Not Limited

 Are To Be In Accordance With Legislation/
Regulations/Codes Of Practice And Enterprise Safety
Policies And Procedures. This May Include Protective
Clothing And Equipment, Use Of Tooling And Equipment,
Workplace Environment And Safety, Handling Of Material,
Use Of Firefighting Equipment, Enterprise First Aid, Hazard
Control And Hazardous Materials And Substances.
 Pep Are To Include That Prescribed Under
Legislation/Regulations/Codes Of Practice And Workplace
Policies And Practices.
 Safe Operating Procedures Are To Include, But Are Not
Limited To The Conduct Of Operational Risk Assessment
Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
And Treatments Associated With Workplace Organization.
 Emergency Procedures Related To This Unit Are To Include
But May Not Be Limited To Emergency Shutdown And
Stopping Of Equipment, Extinguishing Fires, Enterprise
First Aid Requirements And Site Evacuation.
1.4. Appropriate Material Is Selected For Work.

1.5. Safety Equipment and Tools Are Identified and Checked

For Safe and Effective Operation.

 Safety Equipment And Tools May Include, But Not

Limited To:
 Dust Masks/Goggles
 Glove
 Working Cloth
 First Aid And
 Safety Shoes
2. Identify 2.1 Plan Of MUDA And Problem Identification Is Prepared
MUDA And And Implemented.
2.2 Causes And Effects Of MUDA Are Discussed.

2.3 All Possible Problems Related To The Process /Kaizen

Elements Are Listed Using Statistical Tools And

 Statistical Tools And Techniques May Include, But

Not Limited To:
7 Qc Tools May Include, But Not Limited To:
 Stratification
 Pareto Diagram
 Cause And Effect Diagram
 Check Sheet
 Control Chart/Graph
 Histogram And Scatter Diagram
Qc Techniques May Include, But Not Limited To:
 Brain Storming
Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
 Why Analysis
 What If Analysis
 5w1h
2.4 All Possible Problems Related To Kaizen Elements Are
Identified And Listed On Visual Management
Board/Kaizen Board.

2.5 Tools And Techniques Are Used To Draw And Analyze

Current Situation Of The Work Place.

 Tools And Techniques

 Plant Layout
 Process Flow
 Other Analysis Tools
 Do Time Study By Work Element
 Measure Travel Distance
 Take A Photo Of Workplace
 Measure Total Steps
 Make List Of Items/Products, Who Produces Them
And Who Uses Them & Those In Warehouses,
Storages Etc.
 Focal Points To Check And Find Out Existing
 5s
 Layout Improvement
 Brainstorming
 U-Line
 In-Lining
 Unification
 Multi-Process Handling &Multi-Skilled Operators
 A.B. Control (Two Point Control)
 Cell Production Line
 Tom (Total Productive Maintenance)
2.6 Wastes/ MUDA Are Identified And Measured Based On

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
Relevant Procedures.

 Relevant Procedures May Include, But Not Limited

 Make Waste Visible
 Be Conscious Of The Waste
 Be Accountable For the Waste and Measure the
2.7 Identified And Measured Wastes Are Reported To
Relevant Personnel.

3. Analyze 3.1 All Possible Causes Of A Problem Are Listed.

Causes Of A
3.2 Cause Relationships Are Analyzed Using4m1e.
 4m1e May Include, But Not Limited To:
• Man
• Machine
• Method
Material And Environment
3.3 Causes Of The Problems Are Identified.

3.4 The Root Cause Which Is Most Directly Related To The

Problem Is Selected.

3.5 All Possible Ways Are Listed Using Creative Idea

Generation To Eliminate The Most Critical Root Cause.

 Creative Idea Generation May Include, But Not

Limited To:
 Brainstorming
 Exploring And Examining Ideas In Varied Ways
 Elaborating And Extrapolating
 Conceptualizing
3.6 The Suggested Solutions Are Carefully Tested And
Evaluated For Potential Complications.

3.7 Detailed Summaries Of The Action Plan Are Prepared To

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
Implement The Suggested Solution.

4. Eliminate 4.1. Plan Of MUDA Elimination Is Prepared And Implemented

MUDA And By Medium KPT Members.
Assess  Medium KPT May Include, But Not Limited To:
Effectivenes  5s
s Of The  4m (Machine, Method, Material And Man)
Solution.  4p (Policy, Procedures, People And Plant)
 PDCA Cycle
 Basics Of I.e. Tools And Techniques
4.2. Necessary Attitude And The Ten Basic Principles For
Improvement Are Adopted To Eliminate Waste/ MUDA
 The Ten Basic Principles For Improvement May
Include, But Not Limited To:
 Throw Out All Of Your Fixed Ideas About How To
Do Things.
 Think Of How The New Method Will Work- Not
How It Won.
 Don‟t Accept Excuses. Totally Deny The Status Quo.
 Don‟t Seek Perfection. A 5o Percent Implementation
Rate Is Fine As Long As It‟s Done on the Spot.
 Correct Mistakes The Moment They Are Found.
 Don‟t Spend A Lot Of Money On Improvements.
 Problems Give You A Chance To Use Your Brain.
 Ask “Why?” At Least Five Times Until You Find
The Ultimate Cause.
 Ten People‟s Ideas Are Better than One Person‟s.
 Improvement Knows No Limits.
4.3. Tools And Techniques Are Used to Eliminate Wastes/
MUDA Based on the Procedures and OH‟s.
4.4. Wastes/ MUDA Are Reduced and Eliminated In
Accordance With OH‟s And Organizational Requirements.
4.5. Tangible and Intangible Results Are Identified.
 Tangible And Intangible Results May Include, But
Not Limited To:

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
 Tangible Result May Include Quantifiable Data
 Intangible Result May Include Qualitative Data
4.6. Tangible Results Are Compared With Targets Using
Various Types Of Diagrams.
 Various Types Of Diagrams. May Include, But Not
Limited To:
 Line Graph
 Bar Graph
 Pie-Chart
 Scatter Diagrams
 Affinity Diagrams
4.7. Improvements Gained By Elimination Of Waste/ MUDA
Are Reported To Relevant Bodies.
5. Prevent 5.1. Plan Of MUDA Prevention Is Prepared And Implemented.
5.2. Standards Required For Machines, Operations, Defining
Of Wastes
Normal And Abnormal Conditions, Clerical Procedures
And Sustain
And Procurement Are Discussed And Prepared.
5.3. Occurrences Of Wastes/MUDA Are Prevented By Using
Visual And Auditory Control Methods.

 Visual And Auditory Control Methods May

Include, But Not Limited To:
 Red Tagging
 Sign Boards
 Outlining
 And Ones
 Kanab, Etc.
5.4. Waste-Free Workplace Is Created Using 5w and 1hsheet.

 5w And 1h May Include, But Not Limited To:

 Who
 What
 Where
 When

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
 Why And
 How
5.5. The Completion Of Required Operation Is Done In
Accordance With Standard Procedures And Practices.

5.6. The Updating Of Standard Procedures And Practices Is


5.7. The Capability Of The Work Team That Aligns With The
Requirements Of The Procedure Is Ensured And Trained
On The New Standard Operating Procedures (Sops).

 Standard Operating Procedures (Sops). May

Include, But Not Limited To:
 The Customer Demands
 The Most Efficient Work Routine (Steps)
 The Cycle Times Required To Complete Work
 All Process Quality Checks Required To Minimize
 The Exact Amount Of Work In Process Required
Job analysis outcomes
Job Description Job Specification

A statement containing items  Usually contains such items as;

such as;  Education

 Job title  Experience

 Location  Training

 Job summary  Initiative

 Duties  Physical effort

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 Machines, tools & equipment  Communication skills

 Materials & forms used  Emotional characteristics

 Supervision given or received  Unusual sensory demands as

sight, smell, hearing
 Working conditions

 Hazards

General knowledge

Job Rotation Job Enlargement

 Moving individuals from one job  Increasing the number of tasks for
to another which an individual is responsible
 Individual completes more job
 Increases job range, but not depth
activities because each job
includes different tasks
 Involves increasing the range of
jobs and the perception of variety
in job content

• Promotion: The movement of a person to a higher-level position in an organization;

typically involves a pay rise.

 A transfer is a horizontal or lateral movement of an employee from one job, section,

department, shift, plant or position to another at the same or another place where his
salary, status and responsibility are the same.

 Termination is a permanent separation of an employee from an organization.

 Staffing needs of an organization are met when new employees are hired from outside
and a reassignment of current employees due to promotion or transfer.

 Recruitment as the development and maintenance of adequate manpower resources.

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
 Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating
them to apply for jobs in the organization.

• Job rotation: A training method that involves moving employees from one job to
another to broaden their experience.

• Job specification: A document that outlines the minimum acceptable qualifications a

person should possess to perform a particular job.

• Job evaluation: The part of a compensation system in which a company determines

the relative value of one job in relation to another.

The Concept of Management

Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally
organized way people

Management is the process of effectively and efficiently achieving the objectives of the
organization with and through people.

Primary Functions of Management

Planning – establishing goals

Organizing – determining what activities need to be done

Staffing- people side of the organization /HRM/

Leading – Creating positive influence

Controlling – monitoring activities to be sure goals are met


 HRM is combination three concepts:

 Human - people (i.e. employees and managers)

 Resource - assets/costs for organizations

Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III
 Management - co-ordination and control to achieve set goals but humans,
unlike other resources in the context of work and management, cause

Scope of HRM
 Human resource Planning
 Job analysis and design
 Recruitment and selection
 HR training and development
 Performance management
 Compensation and fringe benefits
 HR maintenance
 Human relation
 Employment legislations
 Health and safety
 Participation and communication
 Separation
Human Resource Planning
What is HRP?

 HRP is „the process for ensuring that the human resource requirements of an
organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements‟
(Bulla and Scott ) .

 HRP defined workforce planning as: „A process in which an organization attempts to

estimate the demand for labor and evaluate the size, nature and sources of supply
which will be required to meet the demand.‟ (Reilly).

What is HRP?

– HRP: Process by which a company decides how an organization should move from its
current manpower position to its desired manpower position.
– Human resource planning is a process by which an organization ensures that it has
– the right number
– kinds of people
– the right place and

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– At the right time capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will
help the organization achieve its.
Steps in HRP
– Analysis of Organizational Plans and Objectives
– Forecasting Demand for Human Resources
– Forecasting Supply of Human Resources
– Estimating Manpower Gaps
– Matching Demand and Supply


Prepared By : Human Resource Management Coordinating Office Level III

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