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Me d i e v a l m e d i c i n e
11 00-150 0 d . C .
Medicine in the
middle age
Middle age also was a period of
scientific and medical advances
universities discovered the concept of
hospital ,the glasses, the anathomy
and the corpse´s study, antiseptic
methods,the Caesarean section
And the quarantinetMedicine was
frequently confused with magic,and
religion and in some cases the saints
relics were used to heal diseases

Hippocrates medicine in Avicena

monasteries the medicine canon
four bodily
preserved the ancient
Wha t w a s
blo o d l e t t i n g ?
m e giv en to th e
tin g w a s th e na
Bloodlet t re a t m e n t. It
od fo r m e d ic al
removal of b lo
e b o d y o f im p u re
b eli e ve d to r id th
was n d iti o ns .
u r e a ho st of c o
fluid s to c 2.Pharmacology 3.Surgery
Barber-surgeons carried out
improve the diet based in Herbs were very important, surgery. Their skill was
cereals, bread and oats and monasteries had important on the battlefield,
extensive herb gardens to where they also learnt useful
produce herbs to resolve skills tending to wounded
each imbalance humor. soldiers.
The theory of

Hygiene sticks
and parasitics

kaffa siege 1347


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