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NAME…………………………………………2 extra points


I. Translate into Romanian the following words: 25x0.10 points=2.50 points

appliances- cooker- earn-
try on (v)- supper-
chain- roast (v & adj)-
golden- wash up-
dark- campsite-
photograph- heating-
photography- drawer-
bill- department store-
comic- harbour-
term- roundabout-
penfriend- cafeteria-
surname- thunderstorm-

II. Choose the most suitable answer for each gap below.(10 x0.30 points=3 points)

1) I was very late. When I arrived, the conference _______________.

a. was already starting b. started c. had already started
2) When he heard the police knocking on the door, he ____ under the bed.
a. hid b. had hidden c. was hiding
3) The police arrested him because he _____ a gun.
a. carried b. was carrying c. had carried
4) When they arrived at the police station, he said that he _____ anything wrong.
a. didn't do b. wasn't doing c. hadn't done
5) When he said that he loved me, I knew that he _____.
a. lied b. was lying c. had lied
6) I looked at him and I knew he _____ in a fight, because he had a black eye.
a. was b. was being c. had been
7) He pulled out a gun and everybody _____ away. a. ran b. was running c. had run
8) When I was a child, we _____ anywhere at weekends; it was boring.
a. never went b. were never going c. had never gone
9) When he retired he _____ in the company for more than 50 years.
a. was b. was being c. had been
10)I _____ to the road and we crashed.
a. didn't pay attention b. wasn't paying attention c. hadn't paid attention

III. Listen to the given song. Fill in the gaps with ‘used to’ or ‘would’ (5x0.10 points=0.50 points)

I ______ rule the world Listen as the crowd______ sing

Seas ______ rise when I gave the word Now the old king is dead!

Now in the morning, I sleep alone Long live the king!

Sweep the streets I ______ own

I ______ roll the dice

Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes

IV. For each of the following sentences, choose either "used to" or "would". If both are
possible, use "would". (8x0.25points=2 points)

1. Your mother __________ have a Yorkshire Terrier when she was a young girl, didn't she?

2. For years, they __________ go on holiday to the Rockies, but then it became very fashionable
and expensive.

3. Years ago, I __________ write a diary every day but then I got bored with doing it and I

4. At the start of their marriage, they __________ be very happy - but then it all went wrong!

5. You __________ spell so well. Whatever happened?

6. Do you remember how your Uncle David __________ sit in that chair and smoke those
disgusting cigars.

7. When I was five, I __________ be able to do incredible gymnastics. Now I can't even touch
my toes.

8. Before getting my driving licence, I __________ ride a bicycle everywhere.

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