Jujutsu Kaisen

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Here’s my attempt at a Jujutsu Kaisen System.

To note a certain things, because of the multiple Energy sources and power systems, when Abilities/Techniques normally
affect Curse Energy and abilities born from said Energy, we will treat Curse Energy the same as other Energy sources
unless said otherwise, so things like the Inverted Spear of Heaven would work on things like the Fire Ball Jutsu, or just
sensing Curse Energy will work on things like sensing Ki.

There might also be minor details that aren't covered here, such as how humans in extreme situations, can see curses
when their life is in danger, but they don’t feel relevant enough to be included. Also a bit of headcannons to how some
things work, like the Cursed Technique Reversal and such.
To understand Jujutsu Sorcery, we first need to understand the
beginnings of it. Everything starts with the source of all of this, Curse
Energy. This source of power is born from the negative emotions of
humanity and has existed for as long as thousands of years, humans
using this energy course within them to protect themselves from beings
known as Cursed Spirits, beings born from the Curse Energy leaked
from humans due to their negative emotions.

For a long time, humans who use the power of Curse Energy were
known as Shamans back in the day, but now they are known as
Sorcerers in modern times. With the passing of time and said shamans
uniting to fight the curses, they form a culture and secret society of
Jujutsu, unknown to the general populace as their job to protect Non-
Sorcerers and exorcise Cursed Spirits. Those who are not aligned with the Jujutsu Society are branded as Curse Users,
those who do not stick by Jujutsu Regulations or have left the Society but are still active in the Curse part of the world.
They can vary from murderers to those who simply don’t agree with the Elders and just left or were exiled.

Curse Energy can do many things, such as giving birth to Curse Techniques, uses of Shikigamis, Barrier Techniques,
creation of Cursed Objects and Cursed Tools and much more. This is Jujutsu Sorcery.
To start off, Curse Energy is a power source born from negative emotions
of someone, any being that possesses negative emotions can use this
power source. While normally dormant within a person, those with an
amount higher than a certain degree can start seeing Curse Energy and
anything related to it, like Cursed Spirits. These people are what are
known as Sorcerers and they are rare in the human race. Normally
Sorcerers are taught to control their Curse Energy, to stop it from leaking,
as leaking it, even in fragments, can give birth to Cursed Spirits, which is
the case normally for Non-Sorcerers.

Curse Energy is the power source to the entire Jujutsu Arsenal, such as
Curse Techniques, Cursed Tools, Cursed Objects and so on. Think of it
like electricity and everything else in one’s arsenal as electric machinery,
as you use said electricity to power it on. Normally, Curse Energy usually
is blue in colour, though there are exceptions. The first basic ability to
those who aren’t even trained in controlling Curse Energy, is to sense
Curse Energy and everything related to it, to a certain degree. This ability is the bare minimum to be capable of becoming
a Sorcerer.

Now, every being is born with a certain amount of Curse Energy, most Sorcerers from no notable Clan tend to have
average amount of Curse Energy, while those from Noble Clans tend to have above-average amount of Curse Energy
and exceptional ones from one of the Three Great Clans can be born with massive amounts of Curse Energy.
But not to worry, in this server, one’s pool of Curse Energy can grow the stronger they become, as a Curse Energy pool of
a Grade 1 is on a different level to that of a Grade 2.
Next, is controlling Curse Energy, which is the base foundation of Jujutsu, as
it allows us to make use of said energy and not just sensing it. Control over
Curse Energy requires innate skill and vigorous training, said training can
differ depending on the trainee's own skill or amount of curse energy, a
method being controlling over one’s emotions and curse energy at the same
time, or in someone’s case of possessing a massive pool of energy,
constantly imbuing curse energy into something.

Next application of Curse Energy is applying it to your body, enhancing your

physical stats to superhuman levels. It's not something that actively
consumes your energy, not in this server at least, it’s rather what allows you
to operate at the tier of your Character’s power level. Though, while this
energy can’t heal you, you can reinforce your damaged body parts to stop
further damage, stopping bleeding and degradation of flesh.

Another thing to note is that there is a difference between Curse Energy and Curse Energy Output, as one refers to your
supply of your energy and the other to how much you can dish out offensively and defensively. While unconventional, one
can dish out Curse Energy as explosive energy attacks, such in the case of Finger Bearers who can launch their energy
as projectiles and erect energy barriers, though this is believed to be a more obsolete form of Jujutsu.

Weapons and objects can be imbued with Curse Energy as well, reinforcing them to the user’s level. Though, imbuing too
much curse energy can destroy the object so a Sorcerer must be careful with how much they imbue it and how. Though,
through prolonged imbuement, the object can become a regular Cursed Tool.

Though, there is one more thing to mention here, that being Special Traits to one’s Curse Energy, which are very rare and
usually gives a special property to their curse energy, such as in Hikari’s case, his energy have a “edge”, a rough texture
that makes his every strike feel like his opponent is getting hit with a serrated bat, making their opponent feel the pain of
their attack despite their defences.
Roll a d100, if it lands on a 20~1, you get a Special Trait.

Then, we have the last part of this, Black Flash, which is a phenomenon in jujutsu that greatly amplifies the user's
physical strike when Cursed Energy is applied to it within one-millionth of a second. To further explain, Black Flash is a
distortion in space that occurs when Cursed Energy is applied within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. When a sorcerer
is able to achieve this, their Cursed Energy flashes black, and the destructive power of their strike is equal to a normal hit
multiplied to 200% of its power.

Upon achieving it, multiple things happen, first being that when you achieve it the first time ever, your understanding of
Curse Energy skyrockets, giving you a permanent power boost to your power level by 1,5x, as one’s understanding before
this phenomenon and after is the difference between earth and heaven.

Upon hitting a Black Flash, you also enter “The Zone”, a time period where your Curse Energy is boosted, bringing you
to 120% of your power by adding +20% to your 100%. This period lasts until the battle is over, when your brain can finally
relax from the fight. Hitting multiple of this does not grant a greater boost, once you get “The Zone” boost, it doesn’t

Black Flash is not something that can be done on will, nor does it happen randomly, it requires a massive amount of
skill and combat potential to pull off. To achieve a black flash, you first need to roll before trying to do a physical attack,
this roll being a d100, upon landing between a 10~1, you hit a Black Flash, and as stated by a powerful Grade 1
Sorcerer, hitting Black Flashes gets slightly easier in that hit after the first one, as the next one activates when landing
between a 15~1, adding +5 to that with every successful hit, maxing out at 25~1. This resets after the fight is over.

There are individuals who are Blessed By The Black Sparks, who are capable of landing successful Black Flashes
easier, starting at landing between 20~1, maxing out at 35~1. To have this trait, you need to roll a d100 before making a
character, landing on a 15~1 will grant you this trait and you can do this roll only once. Those without a Curse Technique
instead and need to land between 25~1.
Now, we are at the last part, one of the pinnacle points of control over Curse Energy, Reverse Cursed Technique. It is a
special type of Cursed Technique that takesCurse Energy and reverses it into positive energy, by multiplying Curse
Energy with Curse Energy. It is a very complex technique and is mainly used to heal human bodies. Despite sounding
simple enough, producing Reverse Curse Energy is extremely complex and difficult to perform for most jujutsu users.

Reverse Curse Energy can be used for various purposes, but most commonly healing. Curse Energy comes from
negative emotions, which are unfit for healing living things, unless you're a Cursed Spirits, so Jujutsu Sorcerers use
Reverse Curse Energy mainly for generating new flesh to heal human bodies. However, even using a Reverse Cursed
Technique to heal wounds can sometimes leave a scar. While very few Sorcerers can utilise a reverse cursed technique,
there are even fewer that output it to heal people other than themselves.

Cursed Spirits are vulnerable to Reverse Curse Energy as the positive energy can compromise the integrity of their Curse
Energy based bodies. When Reverse Curse Energy is blasted directly into a curse, it compromises the structure of their
body and causes them to disintegrate.

On the topic of the needed talent and level with Reverse Curse Energy to be capable of healing others, one would need
even more talent with this energy to possibly heal toxins within one’s body, this can be used as a countermeasure against
Reverse Curse Energy users.

Though, there are drawbacks to this, as making Reverse Curse Energy takes a lot of Curse Energy, not something that
can be done willy nilly, not to mention that your Reverse Curse Energy is directed from your brain, so a opponent could
destroy your head without giving you the chance to recover and heal the damaged part of the head and brain.
Due to how broad the term “Cursed Technique” is, we will only talk
about the Innate and Inherited Techniques.

Cursed Technique are abilities that one is born with, the powers that
dictate 80% of a fighter’s skillset and they're born with only one
Cursed Technique, though there are VERY rare exceptions. Now
when talking about Cursde Technique, there are two different
versions of Curse Techniques: Innate Techniques and Inherited

Innate Techniques are techniques unique to that individual, like

Jogo’s technique, Nanami’sTechnique and so on.

While Inherited Techniques are Cursed Techniques passed down to

others in the same bloodline, for example being Naoya Zenin, who
has Projection Sorcery, a Inherited Technique from his father,
Naobito Zenin who also possesses Projection Sorcery. This brings
the possibility of a Innate Technique becoming a Inherited
Technique, categorised as such if a descendant of the user also
possesses the same technique.

Now, we will be talking about Subtraction. Cursed Techniques often require hand signs, empowered words, or other
gestures to activate. A sorcerer's skill is determined by the degree to which they can minimise and omit these components
to make their abilities more efficient.
Conversely, the purposeful inclusion of incantations or rituals can elevate a cursed technique's effectiveness, and what I
mean by this is that by using the rule of “High Risk, High Reward”, where you take your time using the incantation and
needed hand signs or gestures beyond just activating right there and then, you use the ability at its maximum power.

The way this would work is that, at the bare minimum, you would need to use 1 whole turn to do this method, giving it a
25% boost. If using 2 turns, this would turn to 50%. At the Full Incantation, which would be 4 whole turns, you raise the
power of your technique to 80%.

Normally, this applies to the more offensive and defensive abilities of a technique, as a Cursed Technique like Ten
Shadows wouldn’t have this due to most of its abilities are summoning Shikigami or are utility based, unless it gains a
more offensive or defensive Extension Technique.

Extension Techniques is a term used for original abilities derived from techniques. Innate Techniques cannot be changed
or altered, but they can be trained and expanded on through creativity to maximise their applications into Extension
Techniques, an example would be Nanami’s Collapse, a more powerful application of his technique. In the case of
Inherited Techniques, sorcerers pass down the original moves that they create, examples being Blue and Red of the

Maximum Output is a term used for Extension Technique used at the highest possible output of Curse Energy, bring their
effects to a more grander scale, examples being Satoru Gojo’s Cursed Technique Lapse - Maximum Output: Blue and
Flowing Red Scale: Stack.

While it is possible to use both the Incantation method and Maximum Output together, the cost of Curse Energy will be

Now, the last part we will talk about in general with Cursed Techniques is Cursed Technique Reversal. Reverse Curse
Energy can also be used instead of regular negative energy to power a Cursed Technique Reversal, by applying positive
energy, the effects of the technique will be reversed. Such an example of this would be the applying of Reverse Curse
Energy to Limitless’ Extension Technique, Blue, turning it into Red.

The way reversing works is that it reverses on the major application of your technique or it’s extension, examples being
Limitless’s Red, reversal of Antigravity System, using reversal on the Ten Shadow’s application of using the user’s
shadow to bring out their summons, while with reversal it uses the user’s physical body to bring out the powers of the Ten
Shadow summons and more.

Though, not all techniques would work well with a reverse application, such as a curse technique controlling and
solidifying liquids, a reversal would just negate the solidifying part of the technique. Though, anything is possible through
creativity and skill, as your technique grows with you.

NOW, let’s talk about the last parts about techniques, that being the
pineclas of Jujutsu: Domain Expansions and Maximum Techniques.

Maximum Techniques are Expansion Techniques that have realised the

greatest potential of the Technique, the most supreme art of any
sorcerer besides Domain Expansions. While the level at bare minimum
needed to achieve this is unknown, we conduct that it is at the very
least at the level of a powerful Grade 1 Sorcerer since it was shown two
Special Grade Curse Spirits, who were on the level of Grade 1

And while the methods to obtain this art are currently not very known,
unlike Domain Expansions, there are one or two clans out there that still
hold the secret… Or one can learn from a user of such art as well.
Domain Expansion is the pinnacle of Jujutsu Sorcery, using advanced Barrier Technique infused with one’s Innate
Domain, an Innate Domain being the mental landscape that embodies the mind of an individual which they are born with,
serving as the foundation of an innate cursed technique.

Domain Expansions are achieved by expanding one’s Innate Domain with Curse Energy, while using a barrier
constructing it inside a separate space, or better known as a pocket dimension, finally then imbuing their Cursed
Technique within the barrier.A specific hand sign or signal unique to the user is required to expand someone's respective

From the outside, a domain's barrier is normally completely closed, making it appear as a floating black sphere that can
even be moved slightly if needed. Aside from that, escaping from the inside is about impossible due to the barrier not
allowing one to exit the Domain Expansion normally. Another common thing about domains is that it powers up one’s
Curse Technique up to 120%, by adding +20% power to your 100% Cursed Technique power.

Then, the last common ability of a Domain Expansion is the Sure-Hit effect, where due to the imbued Cursed Technique
within the barrier, Cursed Technique abilities cannot miss their desired target. There are more unique applications of the
Sure-Hit effect, like Hikari’s Domain for example, but that’s how it generally works. Now, some Domain Expansions allow
for one or two exclusive Expansions Technique, such as Unlimited Void’s Information Dumping on the targets, Chimera
Shadow Garden Advanced Shadow Manipulation.

There are of course Incomplete Domains, where if one is unable to erect their own fully closed barrier or/and infuse it with
their technique, they can’t gain the Sure-Hit effect, but by using the surrounding enclosed environment, they can create a
domain but will still miss the Sure-Hit effect.

But there are downsides to this powerful ability, one being that a Domain Expansion requires massive amounts of Curse
Energy to perform, not to mention the amount of skill needed as well as needing to be able to erect their own barrier. Then
we have the after-effects of a Domain Expansion you see, not only does it cost an immense amount of Curse Energy, but
also makes your Cursed Technique unstable for a short time period, using it will cause it to burn out and fail activation.
This period lasts for 6 turns.
Not to mention that while it is impossible to break the barrier from the inside, it is possible to break it from the outside,
creating a hole for anyone to enter and exit, though the barrier will try to repair itself, covering up the hole. Any hole made
from outside the barrier will last for 2 turns before the barrier covers it up.

There is also a way to counter a Domain Expansion, that being using your own Domain Expansion, instigating a Domain
Clash! Domain Clashes happen when one or more Domain Expansions are activated near each other will cause a tug of
war, where each user will be fighting for dominance over who’s domain activates, the inner pocket dimension looking like
a mix of all the included Domain Expansions’ pocket dimension.

Winning the tug of war depends on one’s proficiency with their Domain Expansion, the capability to maintain said domain
and their overall power compared to the other users. Those who are stronger by 2 tiers compared to the other users will
take over the Domain in 3 turns, those 3 tiers above in 2 turns while those 4+ will take it over immediately.
Not to mention the users must have the Curse Energy to maintain a Domain Expansion and then we have the user's own
physical health, as if one user takes heavy damage, they will start losing the Domain Clash. Though something to note,
when using a Domain Expansion against one that is more Refined, the user can make a hole in the opponent's Domain
Expansion, it abides by the Hole in Barrier rule.
Here, we will discuss Non-Innate Techniques, which are Techniques
created through different applications of Curse Energy and that is
learnable by anyone with enough Curse Energy. However, the
aptitude for learning this differs from person to person.

And of course, one can create their own Non-Innate Technique,

though it takes skill with Curse Energy Control and hard work to do
so, or build upon existing ones like the New Shadow Style, which
uses Simple Domain, or modify existing Techniques either through
Binding Vows or other methods.

First up are Barrier Techniques, they are Techniques that employ

barrier zones to trap entities within a space or to prevent them from
entering one. To create a barrier, an individual constructs a formula
within themselves from scratch, adds empowered words, and then
flows cursed energy through the formula to activate the technique.
This process can be complex for even the most talented jujutsu

Many strong sorcerers with innate techniques can't perform barrier

techniques, for example, creating a barrier is simple enough, but making it so only certain people can exit requires
advanced skills. To modify a Barrier Technique takes a lot of skill and is quite complex, using Binding Vows in tandem
with Talismans can allow a proficient barrier technique user to modify barriers and to commission highly customised
barriers to other individuals.
Simple Barrier
Barriers are used to conceal, contain, or deny entry to others within that space. Anyone with enough cursed energy is
capable of learning to deploy a barrier.

Strengths: It has a couple versatile uses, like concealing one’s presence, containing someone in a barrier or stopping
certain people from entering said barrier.

Weaknesses: Anyone stronger than the user can break the more defensive and trapping effects of this Technique.

Curtains are vast, simple barriers with a spherical shell that conceal jujutsu activity from non-sorcerers and force cursed
spirits to reveal themselves within the specified space.

Strengths: It will hide the presence of everything inside the veil from the outside while masking anything that would be
going on inside, needing to specifically try to sense for anything hidden to find the Curtain.

Weaknesses: Those inside can see the change in the sky, so they are aware something happened, also with enough
force the Curtain can be broken.

Next are Anti-Domain Techniques, a subclass of Barrier Techniques, Techniques created specifically to counter and give
a fighting chance against Domain Expansion users and while some are known of these techniques are known to exist,
some of these techniques method of acquiring is kept secret by a clan or aren’t widely known, prompting one to find those
who know them and get them to teach it to them.
Simple Domain
Developed by Sadatsuna Ashiya during the Heian Era as the "domain for the weak". It expands a small domain on the
ground around the user to open a hole in an opposing domain, neutralising the can't-miss attack by targeting the domain's
barrier. Simple Domain can also be used offensively, There are also several swordsmanship techniques within the New
Shadow Style that operate around countering anyone who enters the range of the user's Simple Domain, or it can be
used to create one’s own unique swordsmanship techniques based around the Simple Domain.

Strengths: It can be used to disable Domain Expansion Sure-Hit effect and also disable other Auto-Hit effects of Non-
Domain Expansion origin.

Weaknesses: The Technique, against Domain Expansions, can only do so much, to buy time against them. Constant
Sure-Hit attacks from a Domain Expansion User equal to the user will make the Simple Domain last only for 5 Turns, take
away 1 turn for every tier they are above the user, but it can’t get lower than 1 turn.

Domain Amplification
is an anti-domain technique that envelops the user in their domain to neutralise any opposing cursed technique or domain
expansion they come into contact with.

Strengths: While domain amplification is active, the user can neutralise the sure-hit effects of any domain expansion. The
technique will also neutralise the active cursed technique or any ability of anyone touched by the user, such the likes of
Infinity, granting the user flexibility.

Weaknesses: The main drawback of this technique is that the user can’t use their own curse technique at the same time,
and without the needed amount of curse energy control they would need 1 turn after deactivating this technique to use
their own curse technique. This time period can be ridden off if the user has great curse energy control.
Now, we move onto the next part, that being Curse Objects, to not be confused with Curse Tools. Curse Objects are items
with a dark history that contain Curse Energy. They share the same Grade System as Curse Tools, based on the strength
of the Curse Energy they contain. Particularly dangerous cursed objects, such as Sukuna's fingers, are ranked Special
Grade. Following the logic of controlling poison with poison, sealed Special Grade Curse Objects can be used as amulets
to ward off Cursed Spirits.

Special Grade Curse Objects cannot be destroyed and their continued existence is guaranteed under the Binding Vow
used to create them. This Binding Vow dictates that individuals who become Curse Objects cease to live and cannot harm
others. Curse Objects are mostly used to incarnate sorcerers or to ward away curses, but some possess supernatural
abilities even while existing as inanimate items.

Next, we have Curse Tools. Different from Curse Objects, Curse Tools are weapons infused with cursed energy. Due to
this, even non-sorcerers can use them to combat Cursed Spirits. As with Sorcerers and Cursed Spirits, cursed tools are
categorised from grade one to four based on their power and potency. The higher the grade, the greater the advantage
granted to the user in a jujutsu battle.

Save for a couple exceptions, all Special Grade Curse Tools are imbued with a Cursed Technique. Additionally all cursed
tools imbued with Cursed Technique other than a couple exceptions, are officially ranked Special Grade.

Examples of High-End Tools, if categorised by the Jujutsu Society, would be the Legendary War Weapons. While the
exact way to create Curse Tools is not very known, especially that of Special Grade Levels, there exist proficient Curse
Smiths who know how to create said tools.

Some Cursed Techniques come with Curse Tools by default, such as Hiromi Higuruma’s Hammer.
Now, we move to Talismans. are paper tags that can be imbued with Curse Energy and Cursed Technique. They are
high-utility items in sorcery that are used by sorcerers for various purposes. Even non-sorcerers can make use of them.
Talismans can serve as an intermediary for Shikigami, sealing material for Curse Objects, or aid in constructing
specialised barriers, among other uses. While they aren’t a one time use, Talismans imbued with the likes of Cursed
Techniques, they have limited usages and in case for Shikigamis, the destruction of the Talisman means losing that

And then, we have Cursed Corpses. A Cursed Corpse is a nonliving object that has been endowed with a curse, allowing
it to gain self-control. They can appear naturally as hostile creatures but are more often used as dolls and puppets for
Sorcerers. Artificial Cursed Corpses created by sorcerers have a core that acts as their heart, allowing them to act
independently from their creator until the Curses Energy used to fuel them runs out. And of course, some Cursed
Technique revolve around the creation of Cursed Corpses, Kokichi Muta's Puppet Manipulation technique allows him to
control his Mechamaru Cursed Corpses.

After that, we have Shikigami, are monstrous creatures resembling Cursed Spirits that are conjured to serve as familiars
for jujutsu users. Sorcerers who summon Shikigami to aid them in battle are known as Shikigami Users. These familiar
monsters cannot be seen by non-sorcerers and are tamed to be subordinate to their master. They are summoned using
mediums like Talismans and other methods through a variety of sorcery techniques.

And like before, certain Shikigami are byproducts of Cursed Techniques, such like the Ten Shadows Technique or
Dagon’s Technique with their man eating Shikigamis.
Lastly, we have one of the most important tools to a Sorcerer, which are
Binding Vows. A Binding Vow is a pact made with jujutsu that creates
conditions for themselves or agreements with others. Binding Vow are
essentially contracts created through Curses Energy that an individual
can make with one's self or another person. The act of abiding by the
rules and restrictions agreed upon in these contracts can result in a
greater power or the achievement of a goal, but breaking a binding vow
has uncanny repercussions.

As a product of negative emotions, cursed energy responds to the

desires of its individual user. As a result, the user can increase the
power of their Curses Energy and/or abilities by stating a self-imposed
"Cursed Restriction" that creates riskier conditions to use their abilities,
the “Take Disadvantage, Gain Advantage”. An example being willingly limiting the amount of Curses Energy they can use
for a period of time, can increase the amount of the user's Curses Energy and of their Cursed Techniques. The penalty of
breaking a Binding Vow with oneself is the loss of whatever was gained through the contract.

Vows with others are contracts created between two or more individuals that are bound by Curses Energy. Both parties
must agree to a particular set of conditions that benefit both parties. The penalty for breaking a Binding Vow with others is
considered to be far greater than that of a self-imposed Binding Vow.

Binding Vows use the Ability Template, which one must submit and have it accepted, afterwards the user can make the
vow. A Binding Vow that every Sorcerer knows is:
Revealing One’s Hand
A Binding Vow that increases the user's cursed energy output in exchange for vocally divulging how their cursed
technique functions. Skilled practitioner can increase the effectiveness of his technique as well as mislead their opponents
on how it works.

Strengths: By vocally divulging how your abilities work in a general sense, your mentioned abilities get a 10% boost to
their power. This requirement of the Vow can be used to mislead your opponent by how you explain your technique.

Weaknesses: Your opponent now knows how your abilities work and could potentially work around them.

This section will cover everything a starting Sorcerer should have, certain things about Sorcerers like Sorcerer Grades,
racial capabilities they have, their Clans, what they can start with and more.

Before we begin, there are two different types of grading systems. First one being based on your power level, the other
based on your fame, what the Jujutsu Society believes your grade should be. An example would be Suguru Geto, while
classified as a Special Grade, he himself states his only Grade 1 in strength.
Grade 4 (F Tier): Grade 4 is a rank meant for weak and inexperienced Sorcerers.

Grade 3 (D Tier): Grade 3 is an average rank for Jujutsu Sorcerers to have, especially students.

Semi-Grade 2 (C Tier): Little is known about the purpose of this intermediate rank.

Grade 2 (B Tier): Grade 2 is an above-average level for a Sorcerer. Most great Sorcerers are between Grades 1 and 2, so
they are not by any means weak. It is exceptional for a student to be Grade 2, a status which allows them to do solo
assignments. A student receiving a Grade 2 rank upon enrolling is considered to be a genius.

Semi-Grade 1 (A Tier): Semi-Grade 1 is a rank for Sorcerers who have completed their accompanied missions following
their recommendation for Grade 1 with satisfactory results.

Grade 1 (A ~ A+ Tiers): Grade 1 Sorcerers are the ones who uphold the standards of what a Sorcerer should strive to be
and are the ones fit to lead society. It is the highest status a sorcerer can hope to achieve through the natural progression
of ranks, as Special Grade is something of a misrepresentation. The level of danger on missions, the amount of
confidentiality entrusted to them, and the compensation are far greater than Semi-Grade 1 and below.

Special Grade 1 (A+ Tier): Special Grade 1 is a rank that refers to sorcerers outside of the technical school system
(ungraded active sorcerers) whose power is considered to be on the level of a Grade 1 sorcerer.

Special Grade (S ~ SSS Tiers): Special Grade is a rank reserved for anomalies within the jujutsu community. It is
reserved for sorcerers with such immense strength that their destructive potential is immeasurable, making them very
exclusive and unique cases, hence the title "special".

[ The Strongest ] Special Grade (X ~ XX Tiers): While still considered a Special Grade, it is undoubtedly that you are
between, if not THE Strongest of all Sorcerers.

All Sorcerers start with basic control and understanding over their Curse Energy, basic knowledge over Curse Energy,
their Cursed Techniques (With some exceptions), knowledge of Binding Vows and the one specific vow “Revealing One’s
Hand”, have at the very least basic knowledge on hand-to-hand combat, are capable of using the Barrier Techniques

They have choices to start with low grade Curse Tools and be proficient in certain weapons, or they can start with a
couple Talismans and be proficient with them. Or, on top of those two options, if your character has no Cursed Technique,
they can start with the Anti-Domain Technique Simple Domain.

While Sorcerers are no biologically different than a Human, their brains are not the same due to their capability to perform
Jujutsu, they are capable of greater comprehension and faster thought process than many other species. Aside from that,
Sorcerers can take missions from the Jujutsu Community, these are always related to Curse activity and the normal
difficulty depends on the Sorcerer’s Grade. These missions tend to earn them quite a lot of money, more so if they are of
a higher grade.


Now, the Jujutsu Community has been existing for a long time, from the Heian Era, all over to the Modern Era, which
means many individuals had the time to make their mark and start their own families, which became powerful pillars to the
Jujutsu Society, like the Three Great Clans, each clan being a descendant to the Three Great Vengeful Spirits. The
Inherited Cursed Technique will be covered and properly explained at the end of this document.

Of course, a OC can start and try making their own clan for the future role plays of the server, make their own technique a
possible Inherited Cursed Technique, starting from a Minor Clan to a Noble Clan. Or, the OC can make a custom Clan
from the beginning and say their from that Noble or Minor Clan with its own technique.
Another thing to not is that those from Non-Clans tend to have Average Curse Energy, Minor and Noble Clans OCs tend
to start with Above-Average Curse Energy, the Three Great Clans included in this, though some exceptional members
from those three clans can posses Massive Amounts of Curse Energy.


The Gojo Clan, one of the Three Great Clans, a Clan descendant from the Vengeful
Spirit Michizane Sugawara. The current Head of the clan is a possessor of the
Limitless Technique, due to the common trope of the Noble Clans, those who have the
main Inherited Cursed Technique of said clan will become Heir of the clan.

While not much is known about the Gojo Clan (In Cannon at least), what we know is
that the Clan holds the title for the Most Destructive Technique out of the Three Great
Clans. Another thing we know is that whoever is born with both the Limitless and the
Six Eyes will be the next Clan Head no matter what.

The Inherited Cursed Technique of the Gojo Clan is the Limitless, its power to bring Infinity to reality. While the Cursed
Technique is very powerful, it requires a hefty amount of Curse Energy and control over said energy to use efficiency and
it’s potential can’t be fully reached with the Six Eyes. The Six Eyes is an Innate gift rarely inherited in this clan,a trait
special to the clan that gives the User immense boons and brings out the true potential of Limitless.

Gojo Clan OCs Limit: 1/7Th (#— 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘆 | 𝕄𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕙)

Limitless Users: 1/3 (#— 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘆 | 𝕄𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕙)

Six Eyes User: 1/1 (#— 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘆 | 𝕄𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕙)


The Kamo Clan is one of the Three Great Clans, descendants of the
Vengeful Spirit ____ (This will remain blank until we become aware of who
this Spirit is). is considered the core of the conservative faction at the heart
of jujutsu headquarters and are close with the higher-ups of jujutsu

They are an orthodox group who value tradition and blood lineage above all
else but they carry a stain they can't wipe away on their family history. In the
past, they expelled the evilest Sorcerer in history, Noritoshi Kamo, whose
name is recanted to this day.

The Inherited Cursed Technique of the Kamo Clan is the Blood Manipulation
Technique, which is praised to be the most balanced and versatile of the Three Great Clans. It also works on the beliefs of
this clan, which is the traditionalism of blood lineage. While this technique is powerful, it is known that it requires the
usage of the user’s own blood, which can be harmful to said user.

Kamo Clan OCs: 0/7

Blood Manipulation Users: 0/3

The Kamo Clan Heir: 0/1


The Zenin Clan, of the Three Great Clans and descendants of the Vengeful
Spirit ____ (This will remain blank until we become aware of who this Spirit
is). A battle orientated Clan, that places emphasis on talent in sorcery above
all else to the point where they will oppress even their own relatives.

Their ideology is self-righteous and archaic but the fighting strength of the
clan is very potent. Enough so that they constructed battle units in order to
defend the jujutsu world.

This clan has two Inherited Cursed Technique as of date, the Ten Shadows Technique, which is the coveted technique of
the Zenin Clan, any user of this skyrocketing to Clan Heir, as the technique nearly as prestigious as the Limitless of the
Gojo clan. The next one is Projection Sorcery, which is a more recent Inherited Cursed Technique, but still a powerful
technique that earns respect.

Zenin Clan OCs Limit: 1/7 (#「ᴬⁿᵒⁿ」Gedoshu)

Projection Sorcery Users: 0/3

Ten Shadows technique User: 1/1 (#「ᴬⁿᵒⁿ」Gedoshu)


The Inumaki Clan is a Noble Clan of the Jujutsu Society, if

not a bit of an outcast due to the actions of a previous Clan
member. While not one of the Great Clans, the Inumaki
Family is still a well respected clan, especially the users of
the clan’s Inherited Cursed Technique.

The Technique Curse Speech is a powerful one, a

technique that gave the clan its fame in exorcising Cursed
Spirits and due to its versatility.

But it remains a Noble Clan due to how new the clan is compared to the Three Great Clans, due to the more major
drawbacks of the technique and none of their members holding much power in the political side of Jujutsu Society.

Inumaki Clan OCs Limit: 0/7

Curse Speech Users: 0/3

THE AKIRA CLAN (Custom Clan by #Rosstheboss)

The Akira Clan is a powerful Noble Clan, about as ancient as the Three
Great Clans, who once had a powerful Sorcerer with the Technique Star
Rage, named Kenzo Akira, who also married Karuki, a Sorceress with
Technique Nullification.

Due to certain genetics, members of this Family have an expanded life

span, one that allows them to live for a long time, unknown what the exact
limit is, but both the previously mentioned Sorcerers are still alive to this
day. But no descendant of Kuromi have been using Curse Energy, although
someone could be a member of the family since Kuromi and Kenzo have
gotten around quite a bit.

This Clan possesses two Inherited Cursed Techniques, the first one being Star Rage and the second one being the
Technique Nullification, two powerful and well respected techniques.

Akira Clan OCs Limit: 2/7

Star Rage Users: 2/4

Technique Nullification Users: 0/3

(For information about the Inherited Cursed Techniques, contact the creator of this Clan)

This section will cover everything about Cursed Spirits, what OCs of this species start with, their weaknesses, their
advantages and more!

As mentioned before, Cursed Spirits are a race of spiritual beings invisible to humans, incarnated from the Curse
Energy that leaks out of humans over time due to their negative emotions. Cursed Spirits haunt and bring harm
to humanity and are consequently the primary targets of Jujutsu Sorcerers and their exorcist work.
The origin of Cursed Spirits and jujutsu is largely unknown. However, it can be surmised that because Curse
Energy comes from negative emotion, Cursed Spirits have always existed alongside humanity. In the modern-
day, the number of unexplained deaths and disappearances in Japan exceeds ten thousand annually.

These statistics are a direct result of the influence that Cursed Spirits have on normal society. Their existence
has been kept secret from non-sorcerers, as they are invisible to them. Jujutsu Sorcerers act in secret to repel
the threat of curses. Populated locations such as schools and hospitals are hotspots for bearing Cursed Spirits
because many negative emotions are associated with memories of those places.

This same concept applies humanity's collective fear and hatred. An image of fear shared by the masses can
create a powerful Cursed Spirit even if the subject is not real, such as famous monsters or ghosts. It is the
negative emotions that humanity directed at this image that causes it to manifest as a Cursed Spirit.

Longstanding negative feelings, such as humanity's collective relationship with plagues and natural disasters,
results in a collection of Curse Energy so massive the Cursed Spirit manifested from them have a
consciousness related to those feelings, examples of these Cursed Spirit would be the licks of the Disaster
Cursed Spirit, Hanami, Dagon, Jogo and Mahito. When a spirit is killed or they lose a limb, it turns to dust but
there are exceptions.

Sorcerers must also be killed with jujutsu or they can become a vengeful spirit after death.

Now, we will cover the types of Cursed Spirit that exist out there aside from the normal ones.

First off, we have Vengeful Cursed Spirits, who are created when humans become a curse after death. Those
whose deaths are cursed have the possibility of having their spirit corrupted and transformed into a Vengeful
Spirit. Sorcerers have an increased chance of turning into a Cursed Spirits after death, but this can be prevented
by killing them with jujutsu.

An example would be Rika Orimoto, who was cursed by accident by Yuuta Okkotsu who couldn’t accept her
death, or another example would be the Big Three Vengeful Spirits.

Second, we have Imaginary Vengeful Cursed Spirits, who are Cursed Spirits manifested from the cumulative
fear of the masses. When many people share an image of fear, such as famous yokai or ghost stories like the
Nine Tailed Fox, an Imaginary Vengeful Cursed Spirit can form. They are widely feared by sorcerers and
classified as such to distinguish them from other curses.

An example would be two of the Special Grade Cursed Spirit in Suguru Geto’s possession, Kuchisake-Onna and
Tamamo-no-Mae Incarnated.

The last type of Cursed Spirits are the Disease Cursed Spirits. Plague and general sickness are concepts
constantly cursed by humanity, resulting in Disease Cursed Spirits. These types of Cursed Spirits can use
Cursed Techniques to infect humans with their respective diseases to curse and kill them.

An example of this would be the Special Grade Cursed Spirits Smallpox Deity.
Much like Sorcerers, Cursed Spirits abide by this ranking system, and much like Sorcerers, is to not be confused
with the Rank they gain from their Fame and the one based on their Power Level. Another thing to be known is
that Cursed Spirits that are below Special Grade tend to be somewhat weaker than the Sorcerers of their
respective grades. And even then, the lowest of the Special Grade Cursed Spirits just match the Grade 1

Grade 4 (Low F Tier): No Description Available.

Grade 3 (Low D Tier): No Description Available.

Semi-Grade 2 (High D Tier): No Description Available.

Grade 2 (C Tier): No Description Available.

Semi-Grade 1 (B Tier): Semi-Grade 1 Cursed Spirits have been a benchmark for danger on several occasions

Grade 1 (A Tier): No Description Available.

Special Grade (A+ ~ S Tiers): Many of them are Imaginary Vengeful Cursed Spirits feared by sorcerers. Other
Vengeful Cursed Spirits such as Rika and Tamamo-no-Mae were registered as special grade as well.

[ Disaster Cursed Spirit Level ] Special Grade (S ~ SSS Tiers): No Description Available.
[ The Strongest ] Special Grade (X ~ XX Tiers): No Description Available.

Starting Point for Cursed Spirits

Now that we clarified what a Cursed Spirit and how one is created, let’s move to what they can do!

First off, they are entirely made of Curse Energy, making them invisible to Non-Sorcerers or Non-Users of other
Verse’s Power System, except for the ones like Baki. It also gives them the power to use their own Curse
Energy to regenerate their body, as much time as most of it is intact and the regeneration cost depends on the
damage, this is done by the act of reinforcing their bodies to heal said wounds.

To also note, they can’t be harmed by normal means, such as physical attacks of any kind unless they're
enhanced by Curse Energy or a Energy-Type from another Verse Power System.

They also come in many shapes and sizes, so their appearance tends to be quite interesting to say the least. A
Cursed Spirit with Human Level Intelligence will be branded as a Special Grade by the Jujutsu Society (For OC
Cursed Spirits, this will be the case as always) despite what their current power level is, due to the potential they
hold as most Cursed Spirits don’t possess the same level of intelligence and are already dangerous as they are.

Naturally, due to their biology, Cursed Spirits have way more easier time using Curse Energy, starting with Good
Control and Understanding of Curse Energy, some Special Grade Cursed Spirits being able to naturality create
their own Domain Expansion or Incomplete Domain Expansion, depending on their strength and intelligence.
And of course, OC Cursed Spirits will start with their Cursed Technique despite only Semi-Grade 1 and above
Cursed Spirits having Cursed Techniques


This section will probably be shorter than the rest and if you don’t care about Heavenly Pact, you can skip over.

Anyway, Heavenly Pact, or also known as Heavenly Restriction is a type of cursed restriction that affects someone's
Curse Energy in exchange for limitations or improvements on their body. They are described as bindings placed
on a Sorcerer's body when they are born. These bindings usually refer to limitations on the human body that the
person receives improved capabilities in a different capacity in exchange.

And example of this would be Toji Fushigoro and Maki Zenin receiving their Heavenly Pact at birth, where in trade
of their Curse Energy, making them an outlier in the Jujutsu Society, they gain beyond Superhuman capabilities,
which can put them on the same level as Sorcerers, even those on the Special Grade level, not to mention some
other type of boons as well.

To give further examples, this type of Heavenly Pact not only brought their physical stats to absurd levels, but
their senses have been increased beyond belief, they were gifted with boons such as a intimidating
presence,can see inorganic matter and grab hold of normally imperceivable changes in air density and
temperature, later on even capable of seeing the soul and probably more, not to mention you are invisible to any
Curse Energy Detection or any Energy-Type Detection from another Verse’s Power System.
On the other side of the example, we have someone like Kokichi Muta who had an extreme example of a
Heavenly Pact, where being born without an arm, or the lower part of his legs, couldn’t withstand sunshine or
moonlight without sunburn, and experienced extreme chronic pain which he describes as feeling like every pore
in his body was being stabbed constantly, he in exchange possessed such vast amounts of Curse Energy that
he could cover the entirety of Japan, a whole fucking country!

In the end, Heavenly Pact is like a Binding Vow, but way more potentially powerful and way more risky that can
happen at birth, even if it’s rare. Binding Vows are “Gain Advantage, Gain Disadvantage”, Heavenly Pacts are
“Receive Power, Give Up Parts of Yourself”, and while they seem awesome, you have to ask yourself if what
you gained is worth what you have lost, as unlike Binding Vows, this Heavenly Pact can’t be broken and your
state won’t ever be reverted.

With exceptions of course, as if by some way, if a Heavenly Pact User was to ever gain what they gave up, the
power they receive from the pact would only be 60% as powerful as before, unless what you gained back is
given up once more…

An Sorcerer OC can start with a Heavenly Pact, but they have to keep in mind, the greater the power they gain,
the greater the cost of themselves must be…
This part is meant to clarify some things in this system, like certain combinations of effects and such, also explaining and
covering the Inherited Clan Techniques.

So, one question might appear often, that is “what if I have multiple % boosts”, well, it's quite simple, you add them with
each other.

Like, let’s say you have 120% from Domain Expansion and 120% from “The Zone”, which actually both just raise your
power from 100% to said numbers by adding +20%s.

So, it would be your normal 100% power + boost from Domain Expansion + boost from “The Zone” = 100% + 20% + 20%
= 140%

The same logic will be applied to things like Black Flash, Full Incantations and Technique that gives a % boost.

This question will be answered here so someone doesn’t need to ask the Staff about it.

My answer would be yes, but only about 40% of it.

What do I mean?

What I mean is that other Verse OCs can obtain Curse Energy, but they can’t obtain Special Traits, they can’t obtain
Blessed by the Black Sparks, they can’t contain a Innate Curse Technique and anything related to Innate Cursed
Techniques like Domain Expansions and lastly, they can’t Obtain Heavenly Pact.


Everything else is fair game. Anything related to Curse Energy, like Cursed Tools, Talisman, especially Talisman which
contain Shikigami? Yes.

Control over Curse Energy? Yes.

Usage of Non-Innate Techniques like Simple Domain, Simple Barrier, etc? Yes.

Creating their own Non-Innate Techniques? Yes.

Use Black Flash and enter “The Zone”? Yes.

Use Binding Vows? Yes.

Obtain Reverse Curse Energy? Yes.


Now, I could say that I would like to make the Inherited Techniques here, all of them using the Ability Template from the
server and all, but this doc is too long and I would rather finish this now. So here’s what I will suggest: If you are making a
Jujutsu Kaisen OC which will have one of the cannon Inherited Techniques, especially something like the Ten Shadows
Technique and the Limitless + Six Eyes, you can come to me, #ItsYaBoySonic, to help you with your technique to make
it balance and to get it to work with this server’s systems.

And hey, if I managed to help all the OCS with all the cannon Inherited Techniques, I might come back here to post them
here and not have people pinging me to help them!... Everyone can dream, ok?

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