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Read the assigned document (CMMI Quick Reference) which lists Specific
Goals and Specific Practices about CMMI process areas in different levels.
You are required to prepare a report that addresses the following

PMBOK and CMMI are two different techniques used for project management. CMMI support
organizational process improvement and PMBOK train the newly people in the field of project
management i.e. Project managers. PMBOK provides additional project management for
CMMI organization while CMMI provide a process management structure and software engineer
best practices and if we combine both technologies they will give more benefit but if question is
which is best than PMBOK is best technique for project management.

Some processes are similar in both i.e. requirement management, project planning managing and
control quality assurance, Risk management, procurement management etc while still there are
difference present in both i.e. Verification and Validation definitions in both are reverse, risk
definition is change etc. As well as similarities and differences there are some grey areas (some
thing not specifically presents in either two of knowledge).

Project Planning:

In PMBOK project planning is basic process of document the actions necessary to define project
future activities and in CMMI the purpose of project planning is to establish and maintain plan
that define project activities.

In CMMI the purpose of Requirements Management (REQM) is to manage requirements of the
project’s products and product components and to ensure alignment between those requirements
and the project’s plans and work products. And in PMBOK the process of collecting and
documenting requirement of stakeholder is called requirement management.


In PMMI the purpose of Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) is to provide an understanding
of the project’s progress so that appropriate corrective actions can be taken when the project’s
performance deviates significantly from the plan and in PMBOK the processes to track, review
and regulate the progress and performance of the project is called monitoring and controlling.

Problem 2: Your group recently attended a 1 week software development course offered at the
university, which did not turn out as well as it should have been, and you are all very dissatisfied.
Later, you come to know that more than 70% of the class participants felt that way and had
serious complaints about dozens of issues. Construct a cause and effect diagram for further
analysis of the problem “Unsatisfactory Training Session”.

Problem 3: Prepare a Pareto Chart for the data given on the next slide.
Also put up a suitable recommendation to the IT manager based upon your findings.

Note: For the Pareto chart, you must show all steps involved in making it.

Problems Occurrences Percentage Sorting Cumulative

per week Frequency
Files not found 44 11 42 42
Customization issues 19 4.75 19 61
Bugs during execution 32 8 11 72
Changes not saved 23 5.75 8 80
Hardware compatibility issues 11 2.75 5.75 85.75
Software compatibility issues 18 4.5 4.75 90.5
IT support problems 9 2.25 4.5 95
Downloading problems 168 42 2.75 97.75
File permission problems 76 19 2.25 100

100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
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ard Soft


 Files not found

 Customization issues
 Bugs during execution
 Changes not saved

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