Timpuri in Engleza

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12 timpu;ri

Present simple folosim cand vorbim de actiuni la general

Afirmativa: S+V or V+s (in afara de pers 3)

I work / He works

Negativa : S+ do not / does not +V

I do not / He does not (it isn’t) (we aren’t)

S+ don’t / doesn’t +V

I don’t work / She doesn’t work

Intrebari : Do/Does + S+ V…

Do you speak English ? Does she understand ? Does she speak ? (verbul ramane la infinitive )

Past Simple folosim pentru actiuni din trecut, finalizate – We visited Turkey last summer.

Regular and irregular words

-ed V2 or Past Simple form (trebuie de stiut pe de rost)

Worked have-had

Finished get-got

Talked come-came


Negatie: S+ did not + V (infinitive)

I did not work. I did not eat. I did not go. (verbul mereu la infinitiv)

S + didn’t + V

I didn’t understand you. She didn’t go on vacation

Intrebari: Did + S + V…?

Did you understand ? (verbul la infinitiv)

Future simple S+ will+ V(infinitive) (folosesc pentru toate subiectele (pronumele)) – forma afirmativa –
se foloseste pentru actiuni din viitor

I / you / she / he/it/we/you/they will go

S + ‘ll + V

I’ll go there. I’ll talk to him.

S+ won’t +V (will+not=won’t)

I won’t help you.

Intrebari: Will + S + V…?

Will you help me? Will we go on vacation?

Present Continuous S+ am/is/are + V ing (folosim pentru actiuni ce se intampla acum, la momentul

Negatii : S+ am not/ are not / is not + V ing

S+ ‘m not / aren’t / isn’t + V ing

Intrebari : Am/ Are /Is + S+ V ing…?

Are you speaking English right now? Is he working at the desk right now?

Past Continuous S+ was/were + V ing (folosim pentru o actiune care se intampla in continuu la trecut)

I was speaking. She was speaking. We were speaking. You were listening.

Negatie: S + wasn’t/weren’t + V ing

Intrebari: Was/Were + S + V ing ?

Where you listening to me yesterday?

Future Continuous S+ will be + V ing (se foloseste rar pentru o actiune din viitor dar continuu)

I will be speaking and you will be listening.

S+ ‘ll be + V ing

I’ll be speaking. I’ll be dancing.

Negatii: S+ will not+ be + V ing

Will not be working.

S+ won’t+ be+ V ing

Intrebari : Will + S+ be+ V ing..?

Will you be working tomorrow?

Present perfect S+ have/has + V ed (daca e regulat) / V3 (neregulat- Past Participiu) – folosim cand
vorbim de actiuni din trecut dar care sunt cumva legate de present

I have done my hair.

Sau cand vorbim de experientele oamenilor

Have you even been to the USA? Yes, I have been there twice.

Negatie: S+ have not/has not + V ed / V3

S+ haven’t/hasn’t + V ed / V3

I haven’t spoken. She hasn’t spoken.

Intrebari : Have / Has+ S + V ed / V3..?

Have you been there? Have you ever eaten sushi ?

Past perfect S+ had + V ed/ V3 – vorbesc despre o actiune din trecut petrecuta inaintea altei actiuni in

When I arrived home I saw somebody had broken the window.

Negatie: S+ hadn’t + V ed / V3

Intrebari : Had + S + V ed / V3…?

Future Perfect S+ will+ have + V ed / V3 – se foloseste foarte rar :

By 2025 I will have taught English for 15 years. - vorbesc despre o actiune din viitor care va avea rezultat
intr-un anumit moment din viitor.

I will have spoken. I will have understood. I will have finished. I’ll have spoken.

Negatii: S+ will not + have + V ed / V3

S+ won’t + have + V ed / V3

Intrebari : Will + S + have + V ed / V3…?

Will you have spoken?

Present perfect continuous S+ have/has + been + V ing – se foloseste des , e similar cu Present Perfect
Simple - o actiune din trecut cu un rezultat in present, dar se intampla in continuare

Present Perfect – I have taught English.

Present Perfect Continuous – I have been teaching English.

She has been working for this company.

Negatii: S+ haven’t/hasn’t + been + V ing

Intrebari : Have/Has + S + been + V ing

Have you been listening to me? How long have you been working for this company?

Past Perfect Continuous S+ had + been + V ing – o actiune din trecut inaintea altei actiuni din trecut, se
intampla in continuu : When I arrived home my husband had been reading his book for 1 hour.

Negatie: S+ hadn’t + been + V ing

Intrebari: Had+ S+ been + V ing…?

Future Perfect Continuous S+ will+ have + been + V ing – se foloseste foarteee rar

Negatie: S+ won’t + have+ been+ V ing (will+ not= won’t)

Intrebari: Will+ S + have+ been+ V ing..?

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