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What is Knowledge Management

Knowledge is derived from information but it is richer and more meaningful than information. It includes familiarity, awareness and understanding gained through experience or study, and results from making comparisons, identifying consequences, and making connections. Some experts include wisdom and insight in their definitions of knowledge. In organizational terms, knowledge is generally thought of as being know how, or applied action. The last point is an important one. Todays organisations contain a vast amount of knowledge. Knowledge Management is the systematic leveraging of information and expertise to improve organizational and operational innovation, responsiveness, productivity and competency.

As the discipline matures, academic debates have increased regarding both the theory and practice of KM, to include the following perspectives[
Techno-centric with

a focus on technology, enhance knowledge sharing and creation. facilitate knowledge processes best.




Organizational with a focus on how an organization can be designed to Ecological with a focus on the interaction of people, identity, knowledge, and

environmental factors natural ecosystem.


a complex


system akin



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Why are organizations investing in knowledge management initiatives?

In the current competitive environment, creation, management and utilization of knowledge to generate business intelligence is a crucial differentiator. The Knowledge Management Consulting initiative offers customers to collect, organize and utilize the enterprise knowledge base to achieve shared intelligence, improved performance, competitive advantage and higher levels of innovation in their business operations. Enterprise executives understand that timely,accurate knowledge can mean improved business performance Knowledge management is based on the idea that an organisations most valuable resource is the knowledge of its people. This is not a new idea organisations have been managing human resources for years. What is new is the focus on knowledge. This focus is being driven by the accelerated rate of change in todays organisations and in society as a whole. Knowledge management recognises that today nearly all jobs involve knowledge work and so all staff are knowledge workers to some degree or another meaning that their job depends more on their knowledge than their manual skills. This means that creating, sharing and using knowledge are among the most important activities of nearly every person in every organisation.

Benefits of Knowledge Management (KM) to organization:

KM can offer the following: KM can offer competitive advantage May help to reduce cost and increase organisational efficiency Enables organisations to be flexible enough to react and adapt to changing business and customer requirements Enhancement of innovation and creativity Ensuring of sustainable excellence Improves working on the go by implementing knowledge repositories. Increases employee productivity, and makes management decisions more efficient. The list can grow into an enormous size. Certainly in the information driven society of today, organisation cannot ignore KM. Of course not organisations have the resources and capabilities to build KM systems, but that does not necessarily mean that corporations should close the eyes to the benefits of KM.


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What is being done to manage organizational knowledge?

Knowledge management is essentially about facilitating the processes by which knowledge is created, shared and used in organisations. It is not about setting up a new department or getting in a new computer system. It is about making small changes to the way everyone in the organisation works. There are many ways of looking at knowledge management and different organisations will take different approaches.
KM Framework

Figure: Knowledge Management (KM) Framework Generally speaking, creating a knowledge environment usually requires changing organisational values and culture, changing peoples behaviours and work patterns, and providing people with easy access to each other and to relevant information resources. In terms of how that is done, the processes of knowledge management are many and varied. In order for Knowledge Management to be measurable and be aligned to the business strategy the following need to be applied and taken under consideration:
1. How would the KM initiative change the organisation in terms of how it conducts

daily business function, how will it change the productivity and the organisations employees and how will it affect the current business processes. 2. What technologies are available for implementing KM what are their advantages and their drawbacks? 3. Is KM really feasible? Many of the processes that currently fall under the banner of knowledge management have been around for a long time, but as part of functions such as training, human resources, internal communications, information technology, librarianship, records management and marketing to name a few. And some of those processes can be very simple, such as:


Providing induction packs full of know how to new staff; Conducting exit interviews when staff leave so that their knowledge is not lost to the organisation; Creating databases of all publications produced by an organisation so that staff can access them from their desk; Providing ongoing learning so that people can constantly update their knowledge; Encouraging people with a common interest to network with each other; Creating electronic filing systems that can be searched in a number of ways, making the information much easier to find; Redesigning offices to be open plan so that staff and managers are more visible and talk to each other more; Putting staff directories online so that people can easily find out who does what and where they are; Creating intranets so that staff can access all kinds of organisational information and knowledge that might otherwise take a great deal of time and energy to find.

In conclusion, management experts agree that learning and growth are the key to strategic success, the foundation for the future. A learning and growing organization is one in which knowledge management activities are deployed and expanding in order to leverage the creativity of all the people in the organization. and


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