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The baroque period, 17-18 centuries, Carlo Moderno-Cian Lorenzo Bernini.

The periodization-concept and boundaries, the modern age(1492-1789ad)

The analyzed the organization of the country, its limits. The idea the identify the new cities started the new
idea of society. In this period, they improved their importance with the label of baroque. The main
countries: France (the crucial figure the King of France), Spain and other countries. In Italy we find the main
Kingdom of Neapoli. In history of Italy, it was surrounded with France and Spain. There was a lot of
problems/complex history with Spain. Privacy of the France is written by history of Architecture.

To explain the baroque period in France, we can use world: absolutism. It decided everything there.

The first industrial revolution was in England, especially in 18th century.

The new society built and wrote the new system in England. The new period, changes in the society open
the new history outside the Europe.

The central part of the Europe there was a war, in 1618-1648, the ages of the so-called dirty war. The Idea
of boundaries of the country, the idea of the nation itself.

If we analyze the baroque, we need to consider the figure of the King and the absolutism.

Another problem was with religion. The idea of reformation, Martin Luther and John Calvin and the
relationship between them.

The importance and the rule of the religious orders in catholic point of view.

Baroque was used in the first time in France, where someone described the treasure of the King. Also, it
means something strange with a lot of flowers, nature.

Early Baroque, Carracci, Caravaggio and Moderno. Artists and an architect.

Main/High Baroque, Rome the main city of Baroque. Bernini, Borromini, Pietro da Cortona.

Late Baroque, the period after 1675 up to 1750. Carlo Fontana, Guarini, Ju Varda, Vitone, Tiepolo. The new
idea of space, light, movement.

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