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Theriogenology 77 (2012) 1679 –1685

Superovulation of beef cattle with a split-single intramuscular

administration of Folltropin-V in two concentrations of hyaluronan
Andrés Tríbuloa,b,c, Dragan Rogand, Humberto Tríbuloa,b, Ricardo Tríbuloa,b,c,
Reuben J. Mapletofte, Gabriel A. Bóa,f,*
Instituto de Reproducción Animal Córdoba (IRAC), Zona Rural General Paz, (5145) Córdoba, Argentina
Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional de La Rioja, Chamical, La Rioja, Argentina
Bioniche Life Sciences, Belleville, ON, Canada
Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Instituto de Ciencias Básicas, Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional de Villa, María, Villa del Rosario, Córdoba, Argentina
Received 16 May 2011; received in revised form 17 November 2011; accepted 9 December 2011

Three experiments were designed to evaluate the superovulatory response of beef cows following two intramuscular (IM)
administrations 48 h apart of Folltropin-V diluted in reduced concentrations of hyaluronan (Split-single IM administrations;
Experiment 1—300 mg Folltropin-V on the first day and 100 mg 48 h later; Experiment 2—200 mg Folltropin-V on the first day
and 100 mg 48 h later). In Experiments 1 and 2, superovulatory response and ova embryo/embryo production did not differ
between donors receiving twice daily IM of Folltropin-V over 4 days and those given a Split-single IM administration of
Folltropin-V diluted in 10 mg/mL hyaluronan solution. Experiment 3 compared Split-single IM administration of Folltropin-V
diluted in two hyaluronan concentrations (5 or 10 mg/mL) with Folltropin-V diluted in saline and administered twice-daily over
4 days. Beef cows (17 Angus and 12 Simmental) were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups to be superstimulated
three times in a cross-over design, so that all cows received all treatments. A total dose of 300 mg Folltropin-V was divided into
twice-daily IM over 4 days, or in two IM treatment 48 h apart (200 mg on first day and 100 mg 48 h later) in the hyaluronan
groups. Mean (⫾ SEM) numbers of transferable embryos did not differ among treatment groups (Control: 4.0 ⫾ 0.8; 10 mg/mL
hylauronan: 5.0 ⫾ 0.9; 5 mg/mL hyaluronan: 6.1 ⫾ 1.3). We concluded that the Split-single IM administration of Folltropin-V
diluted in either concentration of hyaluronan resulted in a comparable superovulatory response to the traditional twice-daily
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Superovulation; Superstimulation; Folltropin-V; Hyaluronan; Ovarian follicle; Bovine

1. Introduction control emergence of the follicular wave [1,2] and

ovulation [3,4] have allowed superstimulation of
Although an increase in the number of transferable
groups of donors, regardless of the stage of the estrous
embryos per treatment has been elusive, protocols that
cycle, and permitted AI without the need to detect
estrus. However, the complexity of protocols can lead
* Corresponding author Tel./fax: 54 (0) 3543 493820. to errors that may adversely affect results; therefore, the
E-mail address: (G.A. Bó). need to administer FSH every 12 h is of concern [5].

0093-691X/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1680 A. Tríbulo et al. / Theriogenology 77 (2012) 1679 –1685

Traditional superstimulatory treatments consist of a resulted in a lower superovulatory response, presum-

single intramuscular (IM) administration of equine cho- ably because a lesser depot effect. Mean follicle sizes
rionic gonadotrophin (eCG) or twice daily IM injec- did not differ from the 20 mg/mL hyaluronan group on
tions of pituitary extracts containing FSH [6]. The eCG the days of Folltropin-V injection and for the following
is a complex glycoprotein with a long half-life (⬎40 h) 2 days, but were less at the time of estrus, 3 days later,
which represents a practical advantage, since a single suggesting that several follicles did not reach an ovu-
administration will induce ovarian superstimulation [7]. latory size [19]. We speculated that an additional in-
However, it is necessary to neutralize eCG with anti- jection of Folltropin-V in the more diluted hyaluronan
bodies at the time of AI to avoid the adverse effects of solution 48 h after initiating treatment would have
large unovulated follicles at the time of embryo collec- caused follicles to continue growth to an ovulatory size
tion [8]. In contrast, the half-life of pituitary-derived as occurred in the 20 mg/mL hyaluronan group.
FSH is 5 h in the cow [9,10] and requires frequent Three experiments evaluated superovulatory re-
applications to induce superovulation [10 –12]. Twice sponses in beef cows treated with two IM injections (48
daily administration of FSH has been found to be more h apart) of Folltropin-V diluted in reduced concentra-
efficacious than once daily [12–14]. Therefore, super- tions of hyaluronan (Split-single IM administration).
stimulation requires attention to detail and increases the Specifically, the superovulatory response of beef cows
possibility of failures because of mishandling and er- treated with a Split-single IM administration of Foll-
rors in giving treatments. In addition, the traditional tropin-V diluted in a solution of 10 mg/mL hyaluronan
protocol can cause stress, resulting in a decreased su- (Experiments 1, 2, and 3) or 5 mg/mL hyluronan (Ex-
perovulatory response [5]. Simplifying superstimula- periment 3) were compared with the traditional twice
tory protocols in cattle may reduce donor handling daily IM treatment protocol in saline.
costs and improve response, particularly in less tracta-
ble animals. 2. Materials and methods
A single subcutaneous injection of pituitary-derived
FSH has been shown to result in an equivalent super- 2.1. Experiment 1
ovulatory response to the traditional 4-day treatment Cross-bred beef cows (n ⫽ 12) and Simmental do-
protocol in beef cows in good body condition [5]. nor cows (n ⫽ 14), with a body condition score of 3 to
However, results were not repeatable in Holstein cows 3.5 (1–5 scale) and 400 to 550 kg of body weight, were
that had less subcutaneous adipose tissue [15]. In one randomly allocated to one of two treatment regimens in
study in Holstein cows, the single subcutaneous injection two replicates (with an interval of 50 days). Cows in the
of Folltropin-V was split into two, with 300 mg adminis- Control group received 400 mg NIH-FSH-P1 of Foll-
tered on the first day, and the remaining 100 mg admin- tropin-V (Bioniche Animal Health, Inc., Belleville,
istered 48 h later, when prostaglandin is normally ad- ON, Canada) in a constant dose, twice daily IM sched-
ministered [16]. Although superovulatory response did ule over 4 days; cows in the Split-single administration
not differ from the traditional 4-day protocol, numbers group received 400 mg Folltropin-V in a 10 mg/mL
of transferable embryos was numerically lower with the hyaluronan solution (MAP-5, Bioniche Animal Health,
Split-single protocol 16. As the single subcutaneous Inc.) divided into 300 mg given as an IM injection on
injection of Folltropin-V was body condition- and user- the first day, followed by a second IM injection of 100
dependent, a more efficacious method of superstimula- mg Folltropin-V-48 h later. On day 0 (beginning of
tion was of interest. experiment), all cows received 5 mg estradiol-17␤ (es-
An alternative to induce superovulation with a single tradiol-17␤, Río de Janeiro, Laboratorios Allignani
injection of FSH would be to combine it with a biode- Hnos SRL, Argentina) plus 50 mg progesterone (Pro-
gradable polymer that results in a sustainable slow gesterona, Río de Janeiro) and an intravaginal device
release over several days. A single IM injection of impregnated with 1.56 g progesterone (Cue-Mate, Bi-
Folltropin-V in a hyaluronan solution resulted in a oniche Animal Health, Inc.). On day 4 (expected day of
similar number of transferable embryos as the tradi- follicle wave emergence), all cows were superstimu-
tional twice-daily protocol [17,18]. However, the opti- lated with Folltropin-V, according to the groups de-
mum concentration of hyaluronan (20 mg/mL) was scribed above. The multiple doses of Folltropin-V were
viscous and difficult to mix with Folltropin-V [19]. A prepared as usual, with 20 mL of saline diluent injected
50% reduction in concentration (10 mg/mL) was less into the vial, whereas single doses were prepared by
viscous and easier to mix, but a single IM injection injection of 10 mL of map-5 into the vial containing
A. Tríbulo et al. / Theriogenology 77 (2012) 1679 –1685 1681

Folltropin-V lyophilized powder, immediately before solution was used to dissolve the 400-mg vial of Foll-
administration; 7.5 mL of the map-5 preparation was tropin-V lyophilized powder; 200 mg was administered
injected on Day 4 and 2.5 mL was injected on Day 6. in 5 mL on Day 4 and 100 mg in 2.5 mL was admin-
In the morning, and evening of Day 6, all cows received istered on Day 6). Estradiol-17␤, progesterone, PGF
150 ␮g D (⫹) cloprostenol (PGF, Bioprost, Biotay SA, and pLH administrations, inseminations, ova/embryo
Argentina) and Cue-Mates were removed in the eve- collections and evaluations were done as in Experiment
ning of Day 6. In the morning, of Day 8, cows received 1; except that Cue-Mates were removed in the morning
12.5 mg pLH (lutropin-V, Bioniche Animal Health, of Day 7 rather than in the afternoon of Day 6, as in
Inc.) and were inseminated 12 and 24 h later. Ova/ Experiments 1 and 2.
embryos were collected non-surgically on Day 15 and
2.4. Ultrasonography
evaluated following IETS recommendations [20].
In all experiments, cows were examined on Days 0,
2.2. Experiment 2
4, and 8 for the presence of a CL and follicle size and
In Experiment 2, designed to confirm results of number. In addition, cows in Experiment 3 were exam-
Experiment 1 in another breed of beef cattle, Brangus ined on Day 10 to determine numbers of ovulations.
donor cows (n ⫽ 14) with a body condition score of 3 Superovulatory response was confirmed by counting
to 3.5 (1–5 scale) and 450 to 600-kg body weight, were the number of CL by transrectal palpation on Day 15
randomly allocated to one of two treatment groups in a [21].
cross-over design (i.e., all cows received the 2 treat-
2.5. Statistical analyses
ments at an interval of 60 days and both groups were
represented equally in each replicate). Cows in the In Experiment 1, superovulatory response (i.e.,
Control group received 300 mg of Folltropin-V diluted mean number of CL) and ova/embryo data were first
in 15 mL of saline diluent given in a twice-daily, analyzed for heterogeneity of variance and normality,
constant dose, IM injection schedule over 4 days, and and when variances were found to be heterogeneous,
cows in the Split-single IM administration group re- data were transformed by square root and compared by
ceived 200 mg Folltropin-V diluted in 5 mL of a 10 anova, using the software Infostat [22]. In Experiments
mg/mL hyaluronan solution (MAP-5) on Day 4, fol- 2 and 3, superovulatory response (i.e., number of CL)
lowed by 100 mg Folltropin-V diluted in 2.5 mL hya- and ova/embryo data were also transformed by square
luronan, on Day 6. Estradiol-17␤, progesterone, PGF root (i.e., variances were heterogeneous) and analyzed
and pLH administrations. by anova for mixed models, using treatment as a fixed
Cue-Mate insertion and removal, inseminations, variable and cow (i.d.) as a random variable [22]. In
ova/embryo collections and evaluations were done as in Experiment 3, when the effect of treatment was found
Experiment 1. to be significant, differences between treatment groups
were determined by the method of least significant
2.3. Experiment 3
difference. Proportions were compared by ␹2 test (Ex-
To examine the use of a less concentrated solution of periments 1, 2, and 3).
hyaluronan, non-lactating Simmental (n ⫽ 12) and An- An anova for mixed models was also used to analyze
gus donor cows (n ⫽ 17) with a body condition score the mean number of follicles 3 to 5 mm in diameter, 6
of 3 to 3.5 (1–5 scale) and 500 to 650 kg of body to 8 mm in diameter and ⱖ 9 mm in diameter over
weight, were assigned to one of three treatment groups treatment days in Experiments 1, 2, and 3, using treat-
and superstimulated three times in a cross-over design ment and day (and their interaction) as fixed variables
(i.e., all cows received the 3 treatments; at intervals of and cow (i.d.) as a random variable [22].
30 days and the 3 treatment groups were equally rep-
resented in each replicate). Cows in the Control group
3. Results
received 300 mg of Folltropin-V diluted in 15 mL of
saline diluent given in twice-daily constant dose IM The results of Experiment 1 are summarized in Ta-
over 4 days; cows in the Split-single IM administration ble 1. There was no effect of replicate and data were
groups received 300 mg Folltropin-V in 10 mg/mL combined into a complete data set. There were no
hyaluronan (MAP-5) or 5 mg/mL hyaluronan (MAP-5 differences between groups in the number of CL, total
[50 MG] Bioniche Animal Health, Inc.). In Split-single ova/embryos, fertilized ova or transferable embryos
IM administration groups, 10 mL of the hyaluronan (IETS Grades 1, 2, and 3). One cow in the Split-single
1682 A. Tríbulo et al. / Theriogenology 77 (2012) 1679 –1685

Table 1
Superovulatory response (mean ⫾ SEM) of beef cows treated with 400 mg Folltropin-V divided into twice daily IM injections over 4 d
(Control) or diluted in MAP-5 (10 mg/mL hyaluronan) and given by a Split-single IM administration (i.e., 2 IM injections 48 h apart).
Treatment n CL Ova-embryos Fertilized ova Transferable embryos
Control 13 15.7 ⫾ 2.1 5.3 ⫾ 1.3 4.1 ⫾ 0.9 2.5 ⫾ 0.8
Split-single 13 15.4 ⫾ 1.9 9.8 ⫾ 2.8 5.2 ⫾ 2.2 3.7 ⫾ 1.3
Means did not differ (P ⬎ 0.2).

group had ⱕ 2 CL at the time of ova/embryo collection, vs. 26.5 ⫾ 3.9(P ⫽ 0.52) in the Control and Split-single
whereas no cows in the Control group had ⱕ 2 CL at groups, respectively.
the time of ova/embryo collection. Furthermore, 4 out In Experiment 3, superovulatory response and em-
of 13 (31.0%) cows in the Control group and 6 out of bryo data are summarized in Table 3. Although the
13 (46.1%) cows in the Split-single group did not mean numbers of CL and total ova/embryos were
produce any transferable embryos (P ⫽ 0.42). There higher in the Split-single groups (i.e., 10 mg/mL and 5
was a day effect (P ⬍ 0.01), but no treatment effect mg/mL hyaluronan), there were no significant differ-
(P ⫽ 0.6) or day by treatment interaction (P ⫽ 0.8) on the ences among groups in the number of fertilized ova and
mean number of follicles 3 to 5 mm in diameter, 6 to 8 transferable embryos. Two cows in the Control group
mm in diameter or ⱖ 9 mm in diameter over treatment and one cow in each Split-single group had ⱕ 2 CL at
days. The mean (⫾ SEM) number of follicles 3 to 5 mm the time of ova/embryo collection (P ⫽ 0.8). Further-
in diameter on the day of Folltropin-V injection (i.e., Day more, 7 out of 29 (24.1%) cows in the each of the
4) was 13.6 ⫾ 2.0 and 14.2 ⫾ 1.6 (P ⫽ 0.12) and the Control and 10 mg/mL hylauronan groups produced no
mean number of follicles ⱖ 9 mm in diameter on Day 8
transferable embryos, whereas 4 of 29 (13.8%) cows in
was 19.4 ⫾ 3.2 and 21.1 ⫾ 2.8 (P ⫽ 0.76) in the Control
the 5 mg/mL hyluronan group produced no transferable
and Split-single groups, respectively.
embryos (P ⫽ 0.5).
In Experiment 2, superovulatory response and em-
There was a day effect (P ⬍ 0.01), but no treatment
bryo data are summarized in Table 2. There were no
effect (P ⫽ 0.4) or day by treatment interaction (P ⫽
differences between groups in the number of CL and
0.6) on the mean number of follicles 3 to 5 mm in
total ova/embryos, but the number of fertilized ova was
higher (P ⬍ 0.05) and number of transferable embryos diameter, 6 to 8 mm in diameter and ⱖ9 mm in diam-
tended to be higher (P ⬍ 0.07) in the Control group. In eter over treatment days. The number of follicles 3 to 5
this experiment all cows had more than two CL at the mm in diameter on Day 4 were 17.8 ⫾ 1.0, 17.3 ⫾ 0.9
time of ova/embryo collection and only one cow in and 16.7 ⫾ 1.1 (P ⫽ 0.7) and the number of follicles
each treatment group did not produce any transferable ⱖ9 mm in diameter on Day 8 were 17.2 ⫾ 1.4, 15.9 ⫾
embryos (P ⫽ 0.9). There was a day effect (P ⬍ 0.01) 1.5 and 17.5 ⫾ 1.6 (P ⫽ 0.7) in the Control, 10 mg/mL
but no treatment effect (P ⬎ 0.7) or day by treatment and 5 mg/mL hyaluronan groups, respectively.
interaction (P ⫽ 0.9) on the mean number of follicles 3
to 5 mm in diameter, 6 to 8 mm in diameter and ⱖ 9 4. Discussion
mm in diameter over treatment days. The number of
follicles 3 to 5 mm in diameter on Day 4 was 16.4 ⫾ Overall, a Split-single IM administration of Folltro-
1.4 vs. 19.1 ⫾ 1.9 (P ⫽ 0.25) and the number of pin-V diluted in hyaluronan was highly efficacious in
follicles ⱖ 9 mm in diameter on Day 8 was 28.1 ⫾ 3.3 the superstimulation of beef donors; results, both in

Table 2
Superovulatory response (mean ⫾ SEM) of Brangus cows treated with 300 mg Folltropin-V given by twice daily intramuscular (IM)
injections over 4 days (Control) or diluted in MAP-5 (10 mg/mL hyaluronan) and given by a Split-single IM administration (i.e., 2 IM
injections 48 h apart).
Treatment N CL Ova-embryos Fertilized ova Transferable embryos
Control 14 19.7 ⫾ 1.4 23.3 ⫾ 3.5 19.4 ⫾ 3.6 a 13.5 ⫾ 3.2
Split-single 14 20.2 ⫾ 1.3 17.3 ⫾ 2.3 10.1 ⫾ 1.6b 6.9 ⫾ 1.3
Within a column, means without a common superscript differed (P ⬍ 0.05).
A. Tríbulo et al. / Theriogenology 77 (2012) 1679 –1685 1683

Table 3
Superovulatory response (mean ⫾ SEM) of Simmental and Angus cows treated with 300 mg Folltropin-V given by twice daily IM injections
over 4 d (Control) or diluted in MAP-5 (10 mg/mL hyaluronan) or MAP-5 (50 MG; 5 mg/mL hyaluronan) and given by a Split-single IM
injection (i.e., 2 IM injections 48 h apart).
Treatment n CL Ova-embryos Fertilized ova Transferable embryos
Control 29 12.0 ⫾ 1.3a 10.2 ⫾ 1.8a 6.7 ⫾ 1.3 4.0 ⫾ 0.8
Split-single MAP-5 29 15.1 ⫾ 1.0b 14.4 ⫾ 2.0b 8.9 ⫾ 1.4 5.0 ⫾ 0.9
Split-single MAP-5 [50 MG] 29 15.3 ⫾ 1.1b 14.3 ⫾ 2.1b 9.3 ⫾ 1.9 6.1 ⫾ 1.3
Within a column, means without a common superscript differed (P ⬍ 0.05).

terms of ova/embryo production and numbers of trans- cated for use in the field, especially if applied by non-
ferable embryos, which did not differ from the tradi- professionals.
tional approach of superstimulation with twice-daily It was decided that a more repeatable method of
IM injections in saline in two of three experiments. mixing Folltropin-V with a slow-release formulation
Furthermore, in the third experiment, the numbers of had to be developed, and it was therefore that a lesser
CL and ova/embryos in the split-single injection groups concentration of hyaluronan (10 mg/mL) was investi-
were higher than in the Control group. gated. The 10 mg/mL hyaluronan solution was much
It is disconcerting that 7 of 29 (24.1%) cows in the less viscous and easier to extract from the vial, but a
Control and 10 mg/mL hyaluronan groups in Experi- single IM administration failed to sustain follicle
ment 3 did not produce any transferable embryos, growth to an ovulatory size [19]. Follicle diameter
whereas only 4 of 29 (13.8%) cows in the 5 mg/mL profiles over the treatment period suggested that Foll-
hyaluronan group did not produce transferable em- tropin-V diluted in 10 mg/mL hyaluronan induced a
bryos. Although not significant, this result coupled with superstimulatory response, but follicle growth seemed
results in Brangus donors (Experiment 2) in which the to decrease after 2 days (i.e., after Day 6 in the treat-
split-single injection in 10 mg/mL hyaluronan was less ment schedule) and it appeared that fewer follicles
efficacious than the twice daily treatment protocol, sug- reached an ovulatory size than in the 20 mg/mL hya-
gests that the 10 mg/mL hyaluronan solution may not luronan group, presumably because of inadequate con-
be as efficacious as the 5 mg/mL hyaluronan solution in centrations of circulating FSH during the second half of
inducing superstimulation with a Split-single IM ad- the treatment protocol [19]. A similar observation was
ministration of Folltropin-V. The reason for this slight reported following the single subcutaneous administra-
difference is not clear, but it is possible that Folltro- tion of Folltropin-V in saline in Holstein cows [16] and
pin-V does not mix as well in the 10 mg/mL solution of following a single IM administration of Folltropin in
hyaluronan, which could account for the less consistent saline in beef cows [23].
superovulatory responses in animals treated with this Circulating concentrations of FSH following injec-
preparation. tion depend on absorption from the site of administra-
In an earlier study, Tríbulo, et al. [19] reported that tion and metabolic clearance from the circulation.
a solution of 20 mg/mL hyaluronan was quite viscous, Based on metabolic clearance rates [10], it would be
and that following mixing with Folltropin-V, it was not expected that FSH would be cleared from the circula-
possible to extract all the mixture from the vial. This tion at the same rate, irrespective of its concentration
resulted in a numerically lower superovulatory re- and method of administration. Rapid absorption of the
sponse following a single IM injection, which may pituitary extract should result in rapid FSH clearance.
have been because of a lower amount of Folltropin-V Therefore, follicles exposed to high concentrations of
actually being administered. This conclusion was sup- FSH for a very short interval would appear to be unable
ported by follicle growth profiles. Although numbers of to sustain growth until ovulation. Preliminary results
3 to 5-mm follicles did not differ at the time of initiat- collected as part of a study published previously [5]
ing gonadotropin treatment, the numbers of follicles indicated that following a single IM administration of
reaching ⱖ 9 mm in diameter was lower in the single Folltropin-V in saline (or subcutaneous injection in lean
IM injection group. In that experiment, problems asso- animals), blood FSH concentrations were higher, and
ciated with the mixing were overcome by mixing the subsequently decreased more rapidly than in cows in
Folltropin-V diluted in a small volume of saline with high body condition that received a single subcutaneous
the 20 mg/mL hyaluronan solution in the injection injection, presumably because of slower absorption in
syringe. However, this was considered unduly compli- the cows with high body condition. It has also been
1684 A. Tríbulo et al. / Theriogenology 77 (2012) 1679 –1685

shown that the addition of FSH to a solution of poly- hyaluronan resulted in a superovulatory response that
vinylpyrrolidone [24] aluminum hydroxide gel [25] or was comparable to the traditional twice-daily IM injec-
polyehyleneglycol [26], resulted in slower absorption tion treatment protocol. The reduced concentrations of
and more prolonged, elevated blood concentrations hyaluronan were very easy to mix with lyophilized
than when FSH was administered in a saline vehicle. Folltropin-V powder within the bottle and it appeared
We concluded that mixing of Folltropin-V with a so- that the entire contents were recovered following aspi-
lution of hyaluronan also reduced the rate of absorp- ration. The Split-single IM administration of Folltro-
tion, resulting in sustained elevated blood FSH concen- pin-V was designed to be administered at a time when
trations. Therefore, it would seem that characteristics donors are normally handled during superstimulatory
affecting absorption rate rather than clearance of FSH treatments, reducing handling and labor; this protocol
would be the limiting factor in inducing superovulation may be particularly useful in the superstimulation of
with a single administration of Folltropin-V. animals in which handling stress is an impediment to
When compared to the traditional twice-daily IM success.
injection protocol over 4 days, the Split-single IM ad-
ministration of Folltropin-V in hyaluronan (either 10
mg/mL or 5 mg/mL) was very efficacious. Although References
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