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3 Forward-wave
Crossed-field Amplifiers
Depending on the direction of the phase velocity, group velocity, and en

field amplifiers (CFAs) are classified as FWCFAs and BWCFAs I gy, cross-
, CrOs.
helix-type slow-wave structures are often used, whereas strapped bar lim FWCFAs,
are a
satisfactory choice for BWCFAs. A schematic diagram ofa strapped CFA
in Fig. 12.23. shown
Depending on the method by which the electrons reach the interaction ace
the process used to control them, CFAs can also be classified as and
emiting soletype
and injected beam type. In emitting sole tubes, current is a function of
the applied
voltage, dimensions, and emission property of the cathode. In these tubes the
perveance of the interaction geometry tends to be
very high, resulting in a high-current high-power
capability at a relatively loW voltage. In injected
beam tubes, the electron beam is

produced by a
separate electron gun assembly and then injected
into the interaction Different types of
CFAs shown in Fig. 12.24.
The interaction between the beam and
the circuit is the same for both
emitting sole
and injected beam
tubes; that is, favourable
electrons move towards the anode and are finally
collected at the collector, while unfavourable
Fig. 12.23 Strapped FWCFA electrons return to the cathode. In
Input-Output separator
RF input and drift space
RF output

Current energy Electron

direction bunches


Slow wave
delay linee Electron flow and magnetic field
direction according to forward
or backward wave interaction
RF input.
Collector RF output

Delay line Accelerating



Sole Cathode

RF attenuator

Fig. 12.24 Different types of FWCFAs

CFAs electrons face three forces: (a)

DC electric field force, (b) magnetic
field force, and (c) space charge
force from other electrons. Under the
influence of these forces, electrons
move spirally along equipotentials, as
shown in Fig. 12.25. This motion can
be explained as follows. When the
spoke is at positive potential, under
the influence of an applied RF field,
Fig. 12.25 Motion of electron in FWCFA the electron speeds up to the anode,
whereas when the spoke is at negative potential, under the influence of an applied
kF field, the
electron returns towards the cathode.
it the input power exceeds the threshold value for the spoke stability at the
put, then the power generated by a CFA is independent of the input RF power and
an be increased only by increasing the anode voltage and current. For negligible
Curcuit attenuation, the circuit gain can be written as follows:
CEAS characterized by high efficiency, low
or moderate
moo bandwidth, high perveance, small power gain,
ampl Due to these size, low weight, and
features, CFAs are widely used in
reliability space communications and low-power high-
A typical CFA can produce 14 kW high-average-power
coherent pulsed radars.
with a 44-56 kV anode
and 58 Aanode current over a frequency power voltage
range 2.9-3.1 GHz.
EXAMPLE 12.4 A typical CFA operates with the
anode voltage 2.5kV, anode current= 18A,
following operating parameters:
nower 75 W. Calculate the (a) induced RF power, (b) totalefficiency
18%, and RF input
gain in dB. output power, and (c) power

Solution Given: Vao =2.5 kV, Ia0=1.8 A, ne =0.18,

and P=75 W
(a) The induced RF power is calculated as follows:
Pgen1,Vaofao=0.18x2.5x10' x1.8-810 W
(b) The following is the total RF output
PoutPtPgen=75+810 =885 W
(c) The power gain is estimated to be as follows:
8Pout Pin=885/75 =11.8 dB

Practice Problem
12.4 A typical CFA operates with the
following operating parameters: anode
voltage 1.8kV, anode current 2A, electronic efficiency 22%, and RF


power = 100 W. Calculate the (a) induced RF power, (b) total RF output power, and

(c) power gain in dB 792 W, 892 W, 8.92 dB]

12.4 Backward-wave Crossed-field Amplifiers

The schematic diagram of a BWCFA, or amplitron, is shown in Fig.
12.26. In this
tube, the cavity and a pair of pins are excited in opposite phases using a strap line.
The anode cavity and pins comprise the resonant circuit.
Magnetic A BWCFA deliver 3 MW pulse
flux density Cathode power with a gain of about 8 dB in
the S-band. Amplitron, having output
power from a few hundred kilowatts
to 3MW with a gain as high as 16dB,
Contact and efficiencies ranging from 60% for
points normal power to 76% for high power low
gain operation has also been reported.
In addition, two-stage super-power
Output amplitrons with 425 kW of CW power,
(strap line) with a gain of 9 dB, an efficiency of
(strap line) centre
76%, and a bandwidth of 3% at a
Fig. 12.26 Schematic diagram of BWCFA frequency of 3 GHz are also available.

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