Switzerland Roadshow in Zurich & Geneva

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BSEC Roadshow: The Rise of Bengal Tiger

Suppoerted By
Switzerland Bangladesh Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
BSEC Roadshow: The Rise of Bengal Tiger kick-started in Switzerland on September 19
with a grand dinner at hotel Zunfthaus Zimmerleuten. The dinner has been organized by
Switzerland-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry and sponsored by Lafarge Holcim.

This event will be engraved in history books as another milestone for Bangladesh. One of the
important milestones of the event was MOU signing between Switzerland-Bangladesh Chamber
of Commerce & Industry (SBCCI) and Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce (SACC) to extend
partnership further to promote more bilateral trade between Bangladesh & Switzerland.

Mr. Mohammad Naquib Uddin Khan, President of SBCCI & Mr.Patrick Kriesemer, Chairman of
SACC Malaysia and Brunei Committee signed the MOU in the event.

A group of high profile delegates from Switzerland-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce &

Industry consisted of Mr. Mohammad Naquib Uddin Khan (President), Saad Omar Fahim
(Secretary General), Vidiya Amrit Khan (Treasurer), Julian A. Weber (Executive Member), Dr.
Afroz Jalil (Executive Member), Md, Abul Hasnat (Executive Member) glorified the event by their

Photograph of Roadshow

Land Minister Saifuzzaman Chowdhury, Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission

Chairman Professor Shibli Rubayat Ul Islam, Managing Director of Investment Corporation of
Bangladesh (ICB) Md Abul Hossain, MP Nahim Razzq, Hon'able Ambassador of Embassy of
Switzerland in Bangladesh H. E Nathalie Chuard, Vice President & Member of The Executive
Board and Chairman of the Malysia and Brunei Committe of Swiss-Asian Chamber of Commerce
Patrick Kriesemer, Chairman of LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Ltd. Mr. Christof Hassig, CEO &
Country Representative of LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Ltd, Rajesh Surana and other top notch
government, private & business delegates were also present at the dinner.

BSEC Trade and Investment Summit ‘The Rise of Bengal Tiger: Potentials of Trade &
Investment in Bangladesh’ Investor Summit: Bangladesh Capital Markets at Zurich

On September 20, 2021, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission organized an

„Investor Summit: Bangladesh Capital Markets‟ at the Dolder Grand Hotel, Kurhausstrasse 65,
8032 Zurich, Switzerland. It is the 1st summit of the ongoing series of roadshows on
showcasing Bangladesh‟s Economy and Capital Markets to non-resident investors titled „The
Rise of Bengal Tiger: Potentials of Trade & Investment in Bangladesh‟ has taken place in Zurich,
Switzerland. BSEC has organized this series of roadshows to demonstrate Bangladesh Capital
Markets and Trade & Investment opportunities globally and attract global investors and NRBs to
invest in Bangladesh. After successful completion in Dubai and in 4 major cities in the USA
earlier this year, BSEC is conducting shows at Zurich and Geneva in Switzerland now. The
summit was attended by investors and business leaders of both Non-resident Bangladeshis and
foreign institutional and individual investors. Bangladeshi highlevel delegation team discussed

Official Digital Banner of Roadshow

and exchanged opinions with them and showcased the robust economic growth and investment
potentials of Bangladesh, especially the immense opportunities in the refurbished capital
markets and the infrastructural development to facilitate investments. The delegate team was
led by Saifuzzaman Chowdhury, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Land, Government of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh. A senior team of BSEC led by its Chairman Professor Shibli
Rubayat-Ul-Islam and representatives from the concerned ministries and regulatory authorities,
dignitaries included Abdur Rouf Talukder, Senior Secretary of Finance Division, Ministry of
Finance, N M Zeaul Alam PAA, Senior Secretary of the Information and Communication
Technology Division, Major General Md Nazrul Islam, SPP, ndu, afwc, psc, Executive Chairman
of BEPZA, Md. Alamgir Hossain, Member of National Board of Revenue, Dr. Shaikh Shamsuddin
Ahmed, Commissioner, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), Mafiz Uddin
Ahmed, Additional Secretary of the Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance, Dr. Md.
Harun-or-Rashid Biswas, Director General of the Department of Cooperatives, Sheikh Kabir
Hossain, President of Bangladesh Insurance Association, Arif khan, President of Bangladesh
Insurance Association, Former Commissioner of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange
Commission (BSEC) and Capital Market Specialist, Md. Abul Hossain, Managing Director of the
Investment Corporation of Bangladesh and Abu Saleh Mohammed Shahab Uddin, Deputy
General Manager of Foreign Exchange Investment Department, Bangladesh Bank participated
the summit, along with private sector leaders and Media especially senior journalists like
Shyamal Dutta and Mozammel Babu.

Hon'ble Minister, Ministry of Land, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Mr.
Saifuzzaman Chowdhury said that, “There is wind of Change in the air of Bangladesh, you‟ll see
it, you‟ll feel it, once you‟re there, once you invest in there. Since this growth is led by private
sectors, you‟ll also enjoy it along with the private sectors. Bangladesh is a country with political
stability for a decade where you can rely. And our economy is doing great during this time”.
Before concluding he said, “If you look at our Balance in economy, between Macroeconomy and
Micro-economy, I think we are quite well balanced and we are heading towards right direction.
The Capital Market will surely appear as the main source of long term financing very soon.”

At the summit, the Chairman of BSEC, Professor Shibli Rubayat-Ul-Islam said on his welcome
note that “We have a trained and educated labor force, we have a very business-friendly
government, we have a favorable environment. That‟s why Bangladesh Government is here to
invite you, we want to be with you, we want you to come to Bangladesh with all your technical
and innovative resources and making partnership with Bangladesh will be Win-Win situation for
both the parties”. Senior Secretary of Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh, Mr. Abdur Rouf Talukder said, “This is the right time to invest
in Bangladesh. We have more than 100 of Swiss currently operating in Bangladesh, I would like
to request them to scale up their investment and at the same time the new investors to invest
in Bangladesh. We can grow faster with your investment and we can grow together”. While
delivering speech, Senior Secretary of the Information and Communication Technology Division,
N M Zeaul Alam PAA said, “With a huge demographic dividend and the power of the youths that
striving the transformation of our digital Bangladesh, we are confident to reach out target in
time. We are determined to develop a sustainable digital Bangladesh, but not a self-centered
one. We believe in the power of cooperation, we believe in the power of collaboration and we
believe in the power of partnership. Let us work together with the opportunities in Bangladesh
to build a better world for our future generation. Invest in Bangladesh High-Tech Park and find
you fortune”.

As a result of the actions and initiatives taken by the Government of Bangladesh, it is now a
golden time for investors around the world to grab the benefits and opportunities and take part
and get a high return on their investment in this process of developing Bangladesh. Through
this roadshow, the development scenario was spotlessly demonstrated and how Bangladesh is
right now one of the best investment destinations in the world was depicted and comprehended
to the important attendees of Zurich Financial District. The roadshow is organized by BSEC with
courtesy from Walton Bangladesh. Switzerland – Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (SBCCI) has closely worked with BSEC and played an important role to establish
networks with Switzerland counterparts to make it successful. Zurich is the 1st visiting city that
will be followed by Geneva in this campaign.

‘The Rise of Bengal Tiger: Potentials of Trade & Investment in Bangladesh’ Investor
Summit: Bangladesh Capital Markets at Geneva by BSEC

On September 22, 2021, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission organized the 2nd
phase of the „Investor Summit: Bangladesh Capital Markets‟ at the Hotel President Wilson, 1211
Genève, Switzerland. Following the 1st summit held at Zurich, the 2nd summit of the ongoing
series of roadshows held at Geneva was also focused on showcasing Bangladesh‟s Economy
and Capital Markets to international investors titled „The Rise of Bengal Tiger: Potentials of
Trade & Investment in Bangladesh‟. To demonstrate Bangladesh Capital markets and Trade &
Investment opportunities in the global platform and attract investors from global and NRB
communities to invest in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC)
has taken one of its major initiatives in recent times by organizing this series of shows.

Photograph of Roadshow

Before this, in Dubai, UAE and in 4 major cities in the USA, BSEC organized several shows
earlier this year. In succession, BSEC is conducting the roadshows at Zurich and Geneva in
Switzerland now. The summit at Geneva was attended by investors and business leaders of
both non-residents Bangladeshis and foreign institutional and individual investors especially
from the investment banks of Switzerland. Through the discussion, presentations, and
exchange of opinions of the Bangladeshi high-level delegation team with the participants in the
summit, the robust economic growth and investment potentials of Bangladesh, especially the
immense opportunities in the refurbished capital markets and the infrastructural development to
facilitate that, were presented and elaborated to the attendees of Geneva Financial District.

A senior team of BSEC led by its Chairman Professor Shibli Rubayat-Ul-Islam and
representatives from the concerned ministries and regulatory authorities, dignitaries including
Saifuzzaman Chowdhury, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Land, Government of the People's
Republic of Bangladesh, Abdur Rouf Talukder, Senior Secretary of Finance Division, Ministry of
Finance, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, N M Zeaul Alam PAA, Senior
Secretary of the Information and Communication Technology Division, Major General Md Nazrul
Islam, SPP, ndu, afwc, psc, Executive Chairman of Bangladesh Export Processing Zones
Authority (BEPZA), Md. Alamgir Hossain, Member of National Board of Revenue, Dr. Shaikh
Shamsuddin Ahmed, Commissioner, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC),
Dr. Md. Harun-or-Rashid Biswas, Director General of the Department of Cooperatives, Mafiz
Uddin Ahmed, Additional Secretary of the Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance, a
very reputed dignitary Sheikh Kabir Hossain, President of Bangladesh Insurance Association,
Arif khan, Former Commissioner of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC),
Vice Chairman, Shanta Asset Management Limited and Capital Market Specialist, Md. Abul
Hossain, Managing Director of the Investment Corporation of Bangladesh and Abu Saleh
Mohammed Shahab Uddin, Deputy General Manager of Foreign Exchange Investment
Department, Bangladesh Bank participated in the summit, along with private sector leaders and
Media personnel, especially Senior Journalists Shyamal Dutta, Mozammel Babu and others.
Eminent Biologist, Public Health Researcher, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-
General of the World Health Organization was supposed to attend the summit in Geneva, but
due to international travel difficulties, he could not.

Photograph of Roadshow
However, he sent his regards in a video message, in which, he said, “You have many successes
to be proud of, in expanding primary healthcare, reducing child and maternal mortality,
combating NTDs and mental disorders and in increasing access to water, sanitation and
hygiene.” He also said, “I am encouraged by Bangladesh‟s efforts to expand vaccination not
only to its citizens, but also for the Rohingya refugees.” Hon'ble Minister, Ministry of Land,
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Mr. Saifuzzaman Chowdhury said, “We
don‟t invite investment only in RMG, rather, I‟d like to call upon swiss investors and NRBs to
invest in hi-tech, in backward linkage or in a better industry now”. The Chairman of BSEC,
Professor Shibli Rubayat-Ul-Islam said on his closing remarks to the summit that “Banglades, a
country which was importing second hand clothing from other countries, is now the second
largest garment exporter in the world. This is how Bangladesh has changed. We don‟t need
small things now. The fourth industrial revolution is here.”

H.E. Mr. Mustafizur Rahman, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of
the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the United Nations in Geneva joined the summit and
reassured, “With solid macroeconomic fundamental stability and a domestic market of 160
million people, Bangladesh today is an ideal place for doing business.

In the speech of Senior Secretary of Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh, Mr. Abdur Rouf Talukder said, “In the history of LDCs over last
forty years, no country except Bangladesh has graduated from LDC fulfilling all 3 criteria. And
we have fulfilled way more that it required”. Senior Secretary of the Information and
Communication Technology Division, N M Zeaul Alam PAA noted while delivering his speech,
“Our laws, regulations and policies are very conducive to the investors. Bangladesh hi-tech park
authority and ICT division is always looking to adjust facilities to support our incoming
investors”. The speakers of the summit demonstrated the development updates of Bangladesh
and informed the participants about the enhanced opportunities of investment and high returns.
Along with the foreign counterparts, the Bangladesh delegate team has uttered high hopes
about the future potentials of strong bilateral trade relationships between Switzerland and
Bangladesh. The show is organized by BSEC with courtesy from Walton Bangladesh.
Switzerland – Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SBCCI) has closely worked with
BSEC and played an important role to establish networks with Switzerland counterparts to make
it successful. Geneva is the last visiting city in this roadshow before Bangladesh reaches other
major financial districts of Europe like London, Paris and Frankfurt. Participants acknowledged
that the NRBs are now more energized and the total image of Bangladesh has changed in this
part of the world through the wonderful presentations by the visitors.

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