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Unit 2

1. Introduction of operating system

An Operating system is a program that controls the execution of application programs and acts as
an interface between the user of a computer and the computer hardware.”

A more common definition is that the operating system is the one program running at all times
on the computer (usually called the kernel), with all else being applications programs.

An Operating system is concerned with the allocation of resources and services, such
as memory, processors, devices and information. The Operating System
correspondingly includes programs to manage these resources, such as a traffic controller, a
scheduler, memory management module, I/O programs, and a file system.

Some of the popular operating systems used in personal computers are DOS, Windows, Unix,
Linux, Solaris, etc.

Need for an Operating System

Operating system provides a platform, on top of which, other programs, called application
programs can run. As discussed before, it acts as an interface between the computer and the user.
It is designed in such a manner that it operates, controls and executes various applications on the
computer. It also allows the computer to manage its own resources such as memory, monitor,
keyboard, printer etc.

Our choice of operating system, therefore, depends to a great extent on the CPU and the other
attached devices and the applications we want to run. The operating system controls the various
system hardware and software resources and allocates them to the users or programs as per their

2. Functions of OS
An operating system has variety of functions to perform. Some of the prominent functions of an
operating system can be broadly outlined as:

Processor Management: This deals with management of the Central Processing Unit (CPU).
The operating system takes care of the allotment of CPU time to different processes. This is
called scheduling. Two types of scheduling techniques are employed by an operating system:

 Priority Scheduling: Each task is given CPU time according to the priority assigned to
that task. The program with higher priority will be given CPU time before a program
with lower priority. The CPU executes the task till it is completed or there is some
interrupt request i.e. till the time operating system has to stop (interrupt) the current
task due to an unavoidable job request. The major drawback of Priority scheduling is
that even a small job has to wait for a long time when a long duration job with higher
priority is being executed.
 Round Robin Scheduling: This type of scheduling technique is also known as Time
Sharing Scheduling. In this, each program or task is given a fixed amount of time to
execute. The CPU continues with the execution till either the allotted time is over or
there is some interrupt request or the task is completed before the allotted time. If the
task is not completed at the end of the allotted time, it is put at the end of the queue.
So each task gets its allotted share of CPU time. This scheduling technique improves
the response time and provides an interactive environment. Hence time sharing
operating system is very useful in network environment as each user is allowed to
share the network resources.

Device Management: The Operating System communicates with hardware and the attached
devices and maintains a balance between them and the CPU. This is all the more important
because the CPU processing speed is much higher than that of I/O devices. In order to optimize
the CPU time, the operating system employs two techniques - Buffering and Spooling.

 Buffering: In this technique the temporary storage of input and output data is done in Input
Buffer and Output Buffer. Once the signal for input or output is sent to or from the CPU
respectively, the operating system through the device controller moves the data from the
input device to the input buffer and for the output device to the output buffer. When the
signal is sent to/from the operating system to the respective device controllers, the
program doesn’t wait rather it returns to its processing. In case of input, if the buffer is
full, the operating system sends a signal to the program which processes the data stored
in the buffer. When the buffer becomes empty, the program informs the operating system
which reloads the buffer and the input operation continues. Similarly for output when
the program being executed has to display some output, it fills the buffer and then
informs the operating system. Thereafter the operating system empties the buffer by
sending data to the output device and in the meantime the program fills another buffer.
This technique is called overlapped processing. This is because while the operating
system reloads one buffer, the executing program doesn’t stop as it is able to retrieve/fill
data from/in another buffer.

 Spooling(Simultaneous Peripheral Operation on Line): This is a device management

technique used for processing of different tasks on the same input/output device. Say for
example there are various users on a network sharing the same printer. At one point of
time more than one user might give print command. The speed of the printer is very
slow as compared to the CPU processing. So the operating system temporarily stores the
data of every user on the hard disk of the computer to which the printer is attached. The
individual users need not wait for the printing process to be complete. Instead the
operating system sends the data from to hard disk to the printer one by one.

Memory management: In a computer, both the CPU and the I/O devices interact with the
memory. When a program needs to be executed it is loaded onto the main memory till the
execution is complete. Thereafter that memory space is freed and is available for other programs.
The common memory management techniques used by the operating system are Partitioning and
Virtual Memory.

 Partitioning: The total memory is divided into various partitions of same size or different
sizes. This helps to accommodate number of programs in the memory. The partition can
be fixed i.e. remains same for all the programs in the memory or variable i.e. memory is
allocated when a program is loaded on to the memory. The later approach causes
less wastage of memory but in due course of time, it may become fragmented.

 Virtual Memory: This is a technique used by the operating system by virtue of which the
user can load the programs which are larger than the main memory of the computer. In
this technique the program is executed even if the complete program is not loaded on to
the main memory. The operating system divides the main memory into equal sizes called
pages. A part of the program resides in the main memory and is called the active set.
The rest is in the secondary storage device in the form of tracks/sectors or blocks. With
the help of Page Map Tables (PMT), the operating system keeps track which page of
main memory is storing which block of secondary memory. A virtual address (which is
not the real physical address) is mapped either to the main memory or the secondary
memory. Hence virtual memory allows more programs and even larger programs to be
executed in the main memory leading to efficient memory utilization.

File Management: The operating System manages the files, folders and directory systems on a
computer. Any data on a computer is stored in the form of files and the operating system keeps
information about all of them using File Allocation Table (FAT). The FAT stores general
information about files like filename, type (text or binary), size, starting address and access mode
(sequential/indexed sequential/direct/relative). The file manager of the operating system helps
to create, edit, copy, allocate memory to the files and also updates the FAT. The operating system
also takes care that files are opened with proper access rights to read or edit them.

Types of Operating System

OS are classified into the following types depending on their capability of processing
Single User and Single Task OS: It is used on a standalone single computer for performing a
single task. Operating systems for Personal Computers (PC) are single-user OS. Single user OS
are simple operating system designed to manage one task at a time. MS-DOS is an example of
single user OS.

Multiuser OS is used in mini computers or mainframes that allow same data and applications to
be accessed by multiple users at the same time. The users can also communicate with each other.
Linux and UNIX are examples of multiuser OS.

Multiprocessing OS have two or more processors for a single running process. Processing takes
place in parallel and is also called parallel processing. Each processor works on different parts of
the same task, or, on two or more different tasks. Since execution takes place in parallel, they are
used for high speed execution, and to increase the power of computer. Linux, UNIX and Windows
7 are examples of multiprocessing OS.

Time sharing Operating System: It allows execution of more than one tasks or processes
concurrently. For this, the processor time is divided amongst different tasks. This division of time
is also called time sharing. The processor switches rapidly between various processes. After the
stipulated time is over, the CPU shifts to next task in waiting, So this type of operating system
employs round robin scheduling technique. The system switches rapidly from one user to another
but still each user feels that it is getting a dedicated CPU time. Virtual Memory techniques are
used in this type of operating system. For example, the user can listen to music on the computer
while writing an article using a word processing software. The user can switch between the
applications and also transfer data between them. Time sharing operating system can be both single
user and multiuser. Windows 95 and all later versions of Windows are examples of multitasking

Real Time Operating System: It is a multitasking operating system designed for real time
applications like robotics. In this type of operating system, the tasks have to be done within a fixed
deadline. System performance is good if task is finished within this deadline. If it is not done, the
situation is called Deadline Overrun. Lesser the deadline over run, better is the system efficiency.
Hence Real Time operating systems depend not only on the logical result of the computation
but also on the time in which the results are produced.

Distributed Operating System: On a network data is stored and processed on multiple locations.
The Distributed Operating System is used on networks as it allows shared data/files to be accessed
from any machine on the network in a transparent manner. We can insert and remove the data and
can even access all the input and output devices. The users feel as if all data is available on
their workstation itself.

Interactive Operating System: This is the operating system that provides a Graphic User
Interface (GUI) through which the user can easily navigate and interact. The computer responds
almost immediately after an instruction has been entered, and the user can enter new instructions
after seeing the results of the previous instructions.
3. Operating system for laptop and desktop
Commonly Used Operating Systems for Desktop are

1. Windows: Microsoft launched Windows 1.0 operating system in 1985 and since then Windows
has ruled the world’s software market. It is a GUI (Graphic User Interface) and various versions
of Windows have been launched like Windows 95, Windows 98, Win NT, Windows XP, Windows
7 and the latest being Windows 8.

2. Linux: Linux is a free and open software which means it is freely available for use and since its
source code is also available so anybody can use it, modify it and redistribute it. It can be
downloaded from It is a very popular operating system used and supported by
many companies. The defining component of this operating system is the Linux kernel.

3. BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions): This is an Indian distribution of GNU/Linux. It

consists of Linux operating system kernel, office application suite, Bharateeya OO, Internet
browser (Firefox), multimedia applications and file sharing.

4. UNIX: It is a multitasking, multiuser operating system originally developed in 1969 at Bell

Labs. It was one of the first operating systems developed in a high level language, namely C. Due
to its portability, flexibility and power, UNIX is widely being used in a networked environment.
Today, ”UNIX” and "Single UNIX Specification" interface are owned and trademarked by The
Open Group. There are many different varieties of UNIX, although they share
common similarities, the most popular being GNU/Linux and Mac OS X.

5. Solaris: It is a free Unix based operating system introduced by Sun Microsystems in 1992. It is
now also known as Oracle Solaris. Solaris is registered as compliant with Single UNIX
Specification. It is quite scalable and is used on virtual machines.

Mobile Operating Systems (Mobile OS)

It is the operating system that operates on digital mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. It
extends the features of a normal operating system for personal computers so as to include touch
screen, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS mobile navigation, camera, music player and many more. The most
commonly used mobile operating systems are – Android and Symbian
Android: It is a Linux derived Mobile OS released on 5th November 2007 and by 2011 it had
more than 50% of the global Smartphone market share. It is Google’s open and free software that
includes an operating system, middleware and some key applications for use on mobile devices.
Android applications are quiet user friendly and even one can easily customize the Smartphone
with Android OS. Various versions of Android OS have been released like 1.0, 1.5, 1.6, 2. x, 3.0
etc. Most Android phones use the 2.x release while Android 3.0 is available only for tablets. The
latest Android version released is 4.2.2. The Android releases have dessert inspired codenames
like Cupcake, Honeycomb, Ice Cream sandwich and Jelly Bean.

Symbian: This Mobile OS by Nokia (currently being maintained by Accenture) designed for
smartphones. It offers high level of functional integration between communication and personal
information management. It has an integrated mail box and it completely facilitates the usage of
all Google applications in your smartphone easily. Symbian applications are easy to shut down as
compared to Android applications. Various versions like S60 series, S80 series, S90 series,
Symbian Anna etc have been released. The latest Symbian releases (Symbian Belle) can support
48 languages.

4. Operating system for mobile and tablet

A mobile operating system, also called a mobile OS, is an operating system that is specifically
designed to run on mobile devices such as mobile phones, smart phones, PDAs, tablet computers
and other handheld devices.
Types of Mobile Operating Systems
Android OS (Google Inc.) The Android mobile operating system is Google's open and free
software stack that includes an operating system, middleware and also key applications for use on
mobile devices, including smart phones. Updates for the open source Android mobile operating
system have been developed under "dessert-inspired “version names(Cupcake, Donut, Éclair,
Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich) with each new version arriving in alphabetical
order with new enhancements and improvements.

IPhone OS / iOS (Apple) Apple's iPhone OS was originally developed for use on its iPhone
devices. Now, the mobile operating system is referred to as iOS and is supported on a number of
Apple devices including the iPhone, iPad, iPad 2 and iPod Touch. The iOS mobile operating
system is available only on Apple's own manufactured devices as the company does not license
the OS for third-party hardware. Apple iOS is derived from Apple's Mac OS X operating system.
BlackBerry OS The BlackBerry OS is a proprietary mobile operating system developed by
Research In Motion for use on the company’s popular BlackBerry handheld devices. The
BlackBerry platform is popular with corporate users as it offers synchronization with Microsoft
Exchange, Lotus Domino, Novell GroupWise email and other business software, when used with
the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Symbian: Nokia’s favorite operating system

Symbian took the fourth spot. It is now obsolete and does not interests anyone. But for small
budget phones it is 1definitely a good deal.

Windows Mobile (Windows Phone) Windows Mobile is Microsoft's mobile operating system
used in smart phones and mobile devices –with or without touch screens. The Mobile OS is based
on the Windows CE 5.2 kernel. In 2010 Microsoft announced a new smart phone platform called
Windows Phone 7. Windows phone 10 was released in November 2015 and is included in
Microsoft’s smart phones and tablets.

Bada (Samsung Electronics) Bada is a proprietary Samsung mobile OS that was first launched
in 2010. The Samsung Wave was the first smartphone to use this mobile OS. Bada provides mobile
features such as multipoint-touch, 3D graphics and of course, application downloads and

5. User interface for laptop and desktop

The user interface (UI) is the point of human-computer interaction and communication in a device.
This can include display screens, keyboards, a mouse and the appearance of a desktop. It is also
the way through which a user interacts with an application or a website. The growing dependence
of many businesses on web applications and mobile applications has led many companies to place
increased priority on UI in an effort to improve the user's overall experience.
Types of user interfaces The various types of user interfaces include:

-driven user interface

-based user interface

The Desktop
The desktop is the primary user interface of a computer. When we boot up our computer, the
desktop is displayed once the startup process is complete. It includes the desktop background (or
wallpaper) and icons of files and folders Windows, the desktop includes a bottom of the screen by
The desktop is visible on both Windows and Macintosh computers as long as an application We
can drag items to and from the desktop, just like a folder. desktop is always present, items on the
desktop can be accessed quickly, rather than requiring us several directories. Therefore, it may be
helpful to store commonly used files, folders, and application shortcuts on

Both the Windows and Macintosh customize the appearance of change the desktop background
and select the default desktop icons within the "Personalization" change the desktop background
using the "Desktop & Screen Saver" system preference.

How to Create New Folders on

1. Use the mouse to right click anywhere on our desktop.
2. Hover our mouse over the word "New" on the
3. Select "Folder" from the menu. A folder icon will appear on our desktop.

4. Right-click on the folder icon and choose "Rename." Type a name for the folder and press Enter.
5. using our mouse, drag and drop the desired files into the folder.

We can create as many of these desktop folders as necessary of files and folders we may have
saved to the desktop.

In Windows, the desktop includes a task bar, which is located at the bottom of the screen by default.
The desktop is visible on both Windows and Macintosh computers application or window is not
filling up the entire screen. Can drag items to and from the desktop, just like a folder.

Desktop is always present, items on the desktop can be accessed quickly, rather than requiring us
to navigate through. Therefore, it may be helpful to store commonly used files, folders, and
application shortcuts on our desktop.

Both the Windows and Macintosh operating systems customize the appearance of our desktop. In
Windows 7, change the desktop background and select the default desktop icons within the
"Personalization" control panel. In Mac OS X 10.6, change the desktop background using the
"Desktop & Screen Saver"

How to Create New Folders on our Desktop

 Use the mouse to right click anywhere on our desktop.

 Hover our mouse over the word "New" on the menu that appears.
 Select "Folder" from the menu. A folder icon will appear on our desktop
 Right click on the folder icon and choose "Rename." Type a name for the folder and press
 Using our mouse, drag and drop the desired files into the folder. We can create as many of
these desktop folders as necessary
To create a desktop icon or shortcut, do the following:
1. Browse to the file on our hard disk for which we want to create a shortcut. ...
2. Right-click the file for which we want to create a shortcut.
3. Select Create Shortcut from the menu. ...
4. Drag the shortcut to the desktop or any other folder.
5. Rename the shortcut.

How to show or hide desktop shortcut icons

1. Press the Windows key+D on our keyboard to display the Windows desktop.
2. Right-click on the desktop and select View in the drop-down menu.
3. Click on Show desktop icons to uncheck the option and hide all desktop icons.

6. Title bar, icon and shortcuts

Task Bar

The taskbar is the long horizontal bar at the bottom of your screen. It has three main sections:

 The Start button, which opens the Start menu.

 The middle section, which shows you which programs & files you have open & allows you
to quickly switch between them.
 The notification area, which includes a clock and icons (small pictures) that communicate
the status of certain programs and computer settings.

Keep track of your windows

If you open one or more program/file at a time, it's hard to see what else is what you've already
opened.Whenever you open a program, folder, or file, Windows creates a corresponding button
on the taskbar.
The button shows an icon that represents the open program. In the picture below, two programs
are open—Calculator and Minesweeper—and each has its own button on the taskbar. It also
highlights the icon whose window is active. Click a taskbar button to switch to that window

The notification area

The notification area, at the right of the taskbar, includes a clock and a group of icons. These icons
communicate the status of something on your computer or provide access to certain settings.

When you move your pointer to a particular icon, you will see that icon's name or the status of
a setting. Double-clicking an icon in the notification area usually opens the program or setting
associated with it. For example, double-clicking the volume icon opens the volume controls.

Windows hides icons in the notification area when you haven't used them in a while. If icons
become hidden, click the Show hidden icons button to temporarily display the hidden icons.

Click the Show hidden icons button to display all icons in the notification area

Icons and shortcuts

Icons are small pictures that represent files, folders,

programs, and other items. When you first start Windows, you'll see at least one icon on your
desktop: The Recycle Bin. Some examples of desktop icons are shown in picture.Double-
clicking a desktop icon starts or opens the item it represents.

Adding and removing icons from the desktop

You can choose which icons appear on the desktop—you can add or remove
an icon at any time. If you want easy access from the desktop to your favorite files or programs,
you can create shortcuts to them. A shortcut is an icon that represents a link to an item, rather
than the item itself. When you double-click a shortcut, the item opens. If you delete a shortcut,
only the shortcut is removed, not the original item. You can identify shortcuts by the arrow on
their icon.

Common desktop icons include Computer, your personal folder, the Recycle Bin, and Control

1. Right-click an empty area of the desktop, and then click Personalize.

2. In the left pane, click Change desktop icons.

3. Under Desktop icons, select the check box for each icon that you want to add to the desktop, or
clear the check box for each icon that you want to remove from the desktop, and then click OK.

To move a file from a folder to the desktop

1. Open the folder that contains the file.

2. Drag the file to the desktop.

Moving icons around

Windows stacks icons in columns on the left side of the desktop. But you're not stuck with that
arrangement. You can move an icon by dragging it to a new place on the desktop.

You can also have Windows automatically arrange your icons. Right-click an empty area of the
desktop, click View, and then click Auto arrange icons. Windows stacks your icons in the upper-
left corner and locks them in place. To unlock the icons so that you can move them again, click
Auto arrange icons again, clearing the check mark next to it.

Selecting multiple icons

To move or delete a bunch of icons at once, you must first select all of them. Click an empty area
of the desktop and drag the mouse. Surround the icons that you want to select with the rectangle
that appears. Then release the mouse button. Now you can drag the icons as a group or delete them.

Hiding desktop icons

If you want to temporarily hide all of your desktop icons without removing them, right-click an
empty part of the desktop, click View, and then click Show desktop icons to clear the check
mark from that option. Now no icons are displayed on the desktop. You can get them back by
clicking Show desktop icons again.

7. Running and application

8. Operating system simple setting
We will learn different settings in Operating System −

Changing System Date and Time

We can set system date and time in three ways given below −

Step 1 − One way is to just click the clock on task bar and perform Step 4 and Step 5.
Step 2 − Another alternate way is to go to the "Control Panel" from Start menu and select "Clock,
Language and Region", and select "Date and Time" and perform Step 4 and Step 5.
Step 3 − In the window displayed, select "Change date and time"
Step 4 − Set corresponding date and time, and finally press "OK" button.
Changing Display Properties
Display properties include Desktop Background, Text, Window Color, Sounds, Screensaver, etc.
To change these display properties, we have to perform the following steps.

Step 1 − Right click on desktop and select "Personalize" from displaying options.
Step 2 − From the displayed window, select desired action, like changing the
background/themes/resolution, and press "Save Changes" button.
Step 3 − Alternate way is to go to the "Control Panel" from Start menu and select "Appearance
and Personalization" and select display you want from the listed options and save changes.
To Add or Remove a Windows Component
In order to add or remove Windows component, follow the below steps −

Step 1 − Type "add or remove programs" in the search box and select "Add or Remove
Programs" under control panel and follow Step 3 and Step 4.
Step 2 − Alternate way is to select "Control Panel" from start menu and select "Uninstall a
Program" from "Program" and follow Step 3 and Step 4.
Step 3 − Click "Turn Windows features on or off" on left side of programs and features

Step 4 − From window displayed, add or remove the program you want, and click "OK" button.
Changing Mouse Properties
Properties of the mouse can be changed by following steps below −

Step 1 − Go to "Control Panel" from start menu.

Step 2 − Select "Hardware and Sound" and select "Device and Printers" from the listed
Step 3 − Click on "Mouse" under Devices and Printers, and change any of the following
properties and "Apply" changes.

 Button − Changes primary and secondary button and double-click speed.

 Pointer − Changes image seen during specific window operation.
 Pointer Options − Changes precision of pointer, speed and visibility of long or short
 Wheels − Changes horizontal and vertical scrolling.
 Hardware − Helps to view properties of mouse.
 Device Setting − Required only if we are using the laptop.
Adding and Removing Printers
To add or remove printers we have to execute following steps −

Step 1 − Go to "Control Panel" from start menu.

Step 2 − Select "Hardware and Sound" and select "Device and Printers" from the listed options.

Step 3 − Now under "Devices and Printers", we can add a printer using "Add a Printer" tab at
top of the window.
Step 4 − To remove a printer, "Right Click" by placing the cursor on printer you want to remove,
and select "Remove Device" from popped up menu.

9. Changing system date and time

In Date & time, you can choose to let Windows 10 set your time and time zone automatically, or
you can set them manually.

To set your time and time zone in Windows 10, go to Start > Settings > Time &
language > Date & time

10. Changing display properties

Most of the advanced display settings from previous versions of Windows are now available on
the Display settings page.

 Select Start > Settings > System > Display.

 If you want to change the size of your text and apps, choose an option from the drop-down
menu under Scale and layout. Learn how to change just your text size in Make Windows
easier to see.
 To change your screen resolution, use the drop-down menu under Display resolution. Note:
You should use the recommended resolution. If you change the resolution, content might
appear blurry or pixelated.
 To adjust your color calibration, search "calibrate display color" in the Settings search box
and follow the directions.
 If you don't see a setting you're looking for, try searching for it in the search box on the taskbar.
11. To add and remove program and features
The Add or Remove Programs is a feature in Microsoft Windows that lets a user uninstall and
manage the software installed on their computer. This feature was introduced in Windows 98 as
Add/Remove Programs, later renamed Programs and Features in Windows Vista and Windows 7,
and then Apps & features in Windows 10.

How to open Add or Remove Programs in Windows 10

1. Open the Control Panel

2. Click Programs and Features or under the Programs section click Uninstall a program.

3. From this window, we'll be able to manage how Windows installs programs and also uninstall
any programs that have been installed.

Open Add or Remove Programs in Windows 7 and 8

1. Open the Control Panel

2. Under the Programs section, click Uninstall a program.

3. A window similar to the one shown below should appear with a list of all the programs on your
4. From the Programs and Features section of Windows, we can uninstall a program, adjust
Windows features, and view installed updates.


1. Press the Windows key, type Programs and Features or Add and remove programs, then press

2. A window similar to that shown above should appear.

3. From the Programs and Features section of Windows, we can uninstall a program, adjust
Windows features, and view installed updates.

12. Adding removing and sharing printers

Make sure that the printer that is attempted to be removed is Not the Default printer.
In order to properly remove a Shared Black Ice Printer Driver from a client computer, on
Windows 11 systems, go to Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners > Click on the
shared printer and click Remove.

On Windows Server, or Windows 10 or older Desktop Systems, go to Control Panel > Devices
and Printers > and right-click on the added printer and select the Remove Device option.
Once the Black Ice Printer is removed from the Devices and Printers, one has to remove the Black
Ice Printer Drivers from the system.
Also, to ensure that other Black Ice Printer Drivers can be installed on the Client's computer in
the future, Black Ice Printer Drivers must be removed.
1. On Windows 11 systems, go to Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners > Click on Print
server properties.

On Windows Servers or Windows 10 or older Desktop systems, go to Devices and Printers,

click on any printer and click on Print Server Properties at the top of the Devices and
Printers window. (On Windows 2008 and older systems do not click on any printers, and
click on Server Properties.)

2. Select the Drivers tab and click Change Driver Settings.

3. Locate the added Black Ice Printer Driver and click Remove.

4. On the ‘Remove Driver and Package’ dialog select ‘Remove driver and driver package’
option and click on the OK button.
5. On the Remove Driver Package window click on the Delete button.

6. When finished, the following message appears:

In case the printer driver files are locked, the following error message appears:

13. File and folder management

The File and Folder Operation allows you to copy, move, rename, and delete files and folders in
computers. The File and Folder Operation Configuration enables you to copy/move/delete files for
several computers from central location.

Step 1: Name the Configuration

Provide a name and description for the File and Folder Operation configuration.

Step 2: Define Configuration

You can perform the following actions:

 Copy Files and Folders

 Rename/Move Files and Folders
 Delete Files and Folders
Copy Files and Folder
To copy files and folders, select the Copy tab and specify the following values:

Parameter Description

Select the Action from any of the following for HTTP :

 Files
 Files as archive
Select the Action from any of the following for network share:
Select Action Type
o Copy a File - To copy a file from one location to another
o Copy a File to a Folder - To copy a file from one location to a
specified folder
o Copy Multiple Files - To copy multiple files to a specified folder
o Copy a Folder - To copy a folder from one location to another
Specify the file that has to be copied. The file can either be in a shared
Source File
location or in the specified location in the client machines.

Destination Folder Specify the destination location to copy the files/folders.

Overwrite Existing
Select this option to overwrite the existing files.

Create Destination
Select this option to create the destination directory, if it does not
Directory if doesn't
Modified, Created, Select this option to specify the modified, created or accessed details
Accessed of the file/folder.

If you wish to copy more files/folders,

1. click Add More Action button and repeat step
2. The values gets added to the List of File Actions table.
Rename/Move Files and Folders
To rename or move the files and folders, select the Rename/Move tab and specify the following

Parameter Description

Select the Action from any of the following:

Select Action Type
 Rename/Move a file
 Rename/Move a folder
Source File/Folder Specify the file or the folder that has to be copied

Destination File/Folder Specify the destination file or the folder.

If you wish to copy more files/folders, click Add More Action button and repeat step
2. The values gets added to the List of File Actions table.
Delete Files and Folders
To delete the files and folders, select the Delete tab and specify the following values:

Parameter Description

Select the Action from any of the following:

Select Action Type  Delete a File
 Delete Multiple Files
 Delete a Folder
Source File Specify the files/folders that has to be deleted

Select this option, if you wish to copy the files even

Include Read Only Files
if it has only read-only permissions

Include System Files Select this option if you wish to copy the system files.
Include Hidden Files Select this option if you wish to copy the hidden files.

Select this option to specify the modified, created or

Modified, Created, Accessed
accessed details of the file/folder.

To modify a file action from the List of File Actions table, select the appropriate row and
click icon and change the required values.
To delete a file action from the List of File Actions table, select the appropriate row and
click icon.
Step 3: Define Target
Using the Defining Targets procedure, define the targets for deploying the File and Folder
Operation Configuration.
Step 4: Deploy Configuration
Click the Deploy button to deploy the defined File and Folder Operation Configuration in the
defined targets. The configuration will take effect during the next system startup.
To save the configuration as draft, click Save as Draft.

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