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5 Incredible Tips to Pruning Trees Like A Pro -

American Tree Experts

Table of Contents

Here are 5 amazing tips for pruning trees that directly impact tree growth and health

Observe The Tree and Decide What to Prune

Season Matters

Remove The Damaged Branches First

Prune The Clustered Areas

Light Pruning is The Preferred Way to Go

Here are 5 amazing tips for pruning trees that directly impact tree growth and health

Tree pruning is the practice of trimming and shaping a tree and removing extra and diseased
branches, shrubs, leaves, and roots of a plant. It not only enhances the appeal of the tree but also
makes it healthier, stronger, and safer. Pruning trees regularly will keep the pests and diseases at
bay. However, it is important to prune the tree correctly using the right methodology and
techniques. Otherwise, you may end up doing more damage than good.

In this guide, we will shed light on tips to pruning trees which include some basic yet important
aspects of tree pruning.

Observe The Tree and Decide What to Prune

Pruning a tree can be a bit like cutting hair. Before beginning the job, you have to analyze and
decide which parts you want to remove, what shape you want to give the tree, and whether you
want to do a light trimming or a heavy cutting of the tree. Setting your goals for the pruning
session will give you a guideline to follow.

By doing so, the end result will not be drastically different than what you had anticipated initially.

Season Matters

All four seasons impact the growth of a tree differently. If you prune your tree during winters, it
will have massive growth during the spring and summer seasons. Due to an abundance of sunlight
and humidity, plants experience the highest growth during these seasons.

However, if you want to slow down the growth of a few unwanted branches or make the tree more
shapely, it is recommended to prune a tree during summers. Trees have a slower growth during the
Autumn and Winter seasons.

Remove The Damaged Branches First

The goal of pruning a tree is to make it healthier. Parts of trees that have been damaged due to
storms or disease should be removed first. By pruning these parts, the nutrients will be
redistributed evenly to the healthy parts of the tree.

Before pruning a tree, identify the major branches of a tree that form its skeleton. Do not remove
these branches as they provide support and nutrition to multiple other parts of the tree.

Prune The Clustered Areas

Those areas of the trees that are clustered with lots of thin and unwanted branches require special
attention. Remove unnecessary and extra branches so that light and air will circulate the major
branches in an improved manner. Light and air are important for the growth of a tree. Clustered
branches attract insects and become breeding grounds for fungus and moss.

Also, remove the branches that grow inward towards the center of the tree. These branches lead to
unhealthy clutter.

Light Pruning is The Preferred Way to Go

Always prune with light hands. Avoid heavy pruning unless the tree is heavily infested or diseased.
With every cut, the tree’s immune system is compromised a little and it becomes prone to pest
infestation and fungus. The rule of thumb is that you should not prune more than 25% percent of a
tree’s branches in one season.

75 percent of a deciduous tree should always be covered with living branches. This is important for
the supply of nutrients and for supporting the tree’s ecosystem.

Following these tips will ensure healthy and beautifully sculpted trees. If you are new to gardening,
call in the pros and let them prune your trees. American Tree Experts provides tree pruning and
removal services in Montclair, New Jersey, and surrounding areas. Call them at 973-834-7797 to
get a free estimate of the services.

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