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A331 Exam Revision and Preparation

Section One
Three questions out of five – define / discuss

1. Diglossia 雙語
 the division of a language into high and low forms to be used by people of high and low status
respectively (將語言分為高級和低級形式,分別供地位高低的人使用)
 The phenomenon that societies have more valuable forms of language than others — high language, to
be used on important occasions, and low language, to be used in the streets and markets of everyday

2. Affix 詞綴
 An affix can be defined as a bound morpheme that is joined before, after, or within a root or stem.

Section Two
Write one essay for the topic

1. Alliteration
 the repetition of initial consonant /n/ in close proximity: nattering nabobs of negativism

2. Assonance
 the repetition of identical vowel sound /eI/ in close proximity: the way by the gate

2. Metaphor 隱喻
 compare 2 things by stating one is another. Conceptualize XX as XX to symbolize the qualities. , this
describes one thing as if it were something else. For example: ‘She is the air I breathe’

3. Simile
 directly express and compare two things essentially unlike, but at least one aspect of quality similar to
each other. E.g. She swam like a fish

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