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Entrepreneurial Journey Plan

Tool 1: Strengths SWOT Assessment


Startup team name:



Tool Objectives
 Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities and threats
 Identify your team’s strengths to assist in assigning roles and responsibilities
 Identify your team’s weaknesses and knowledge gaps to determine areas where support is needed through
new talent or skill development
 Identify the opportunities available to the team to take full advantage
 Identify potential threats early on so that the team can plan for a response

Tool Instructions
Please read the instructions below and fill out the worksheet directly in this document. Make sure that you save your
work. I recommend that you create a folder to keep all your work organized.

These documents will be the main source of feedback with your coach. There will be one submission per team unless
indicated otherwise. Please designate one person on your team to be in charge of these communications with your
coach. To get the most out of your 1-1 coaching and tool feedback, please ensure that you send a copy of your
team’s tool 48 hours before your scheduled meeting so that your coach has time to review it. At the end of each module,
your designated team member will be required to submit a completed worksheet to your coach via email.

Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking 402 Collegiate Blvd. NW, UCALGARY.CA/HUNTER-HUB

403.220.4425 Calgary, AB

© 2022 Hunter Hub, University of Calgary


Strengths SWOT Analysis

Below, you will find four sections where you will personally assess your strengths and weaknesses, any opportunities
available to you, and potential threats. Please read the descriptions in the table below, then fill out your answers in the
spaces provided on the next page. Once everyone on your team has completed their personal SWOT Analysis, you should
sit down as a team and identify everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. This will be important when creating roles,
responsibilities and identifying areas you need additional support and/or training. To assist in the discovery of your
strengths and weaknesses, please complete this fun personal assessment before filling out your SWOT: After you complete the assessment, you can email yourself the results and also
generate a link that you can share with your team if you choose to do so.


 What skills do you feel you excel at?  What skills do you feel you lack?
 What tasks do you like to do?  What tasks do you dislike doing?
 What skills/tasks do people most come to you for  Where do you feel like you often ask for help?
help/guidance on?


 What personal connections do you have that will  What habits do you feel are holding you back?
help you advance?  What external barriers are holding you back?
 What resources do you have access to that would
be an advantage?

After you complete your personal SWOT assessment, you should schedule a meeting with your team to discuss your
individual results from the SWOT exercise. This will be a helpful tool in identifying your team's current strengths and
opportunities and identifying areas where you are weak or potential threats that you need to address. You will find a
framework below for the Individual SWOT Assessment to help organize your team session.

Personal SWOT Assessment

After completing the online 16 Personalities test, find a quiet space to reflect and jot down your answers below.

© 2022 Hunter Hub, University of Calgary

Diogo Guaitolini

Strengths: In the space below, please identify your strengths in point form:

 Receptive
 Reliable
 Passionate/Dedicated
 Altruistic
 Charismatic

Weakness: In the space below, please identify your weaknesses in point form:

 Unrealistic
 Overly idealistic
 Condescending
 Intense
 Overly idealistic

Opportunities: In the space below, please identify your opportunities in point form:

 Connections in the field

 Access to the final client
 Experience with agriculture

Threats: In the space below, please identify your threats in point form:

 No experience with startups

 Little business knowledge
 Not a complete technical background

Strengths: In the space below, please identify your strengths in point form:

© 2022 Hunter Hub, University of Calgary

Weakness: In the space below, please identify your weaknesses in point form:

Opportunities: In the space below, please identify your opportunities in point form:

Threats: In the space below, please identify your threats in point form:

Strengths: In the space below, please identify your strengths in point form:

© 2022 Hunter Hub, University of Calgary

Weakness: In the space below, please identify your weaknesses in point form:

Opportunities: In the space below, please identify your opportunities in point form:

Threats: In the space below, please identify your threats in point form:

Strengths: In the space below, please identify your strengths in point form:

Weakness: In the space below, please identify your weaknesses in point form:

© 2022 Hunter Hub, University of Calgary

Opportunities: In the space below, please identify your opportunities in point form:

Threats: In the space below, please identify your threats in point form:

Team SWOT Assessment

Designate one person on your team to write everyone’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats into one space. I
highly recommend using a Google JamBoard for this task. Please follow the steps below for the exercise:

Step 1: Getting started

Create a JamBoard at the following link:

© 2022 Hunter Hub, University of Calgary

Step 2: Set up your JamBoard

Once you have created your JamBoard, you will need to create 5 sheets and label them as follows:

 Sheet one: Strengths

 Sheet two: Weaknesses
 Sheet three: Opportunities
 Sheet four: Threats
 Sheet five/six: Summary
To create a new sheet, click the right arrow beside the box that says 1/1 at the top of the screen. On the left side of the
screen, you will see a bar with a series of tools. Select the text box tool, then title each sheet as identified above. On sheets
number five and six (if needed), you will need to add the questions identified in step six.

Step 3: Sharing with your team

Once you have created a board, you can invite your teammates to join using the blue “Share” button at the top right corner
of your screen.

Step 4: Filling out your SWOT

After you have the structure set up, it is time to start filling it out. I recommend that you spend the first 10-minutes having
everyone copy their responses from their personal reflection to the team JamBoard on the appropriate sheet. Each
strength, weakness, opportunity and threat should be transcribed onto a JamBoard “sticky.” Each person on your team
should use a different colour to help differentiate the other stickies.

Step 5: Team review

Once everyone on your team has scripted their personal reflection into the team JamBoard, everyone should take 5-
minutes to read through all the responses.

Step 6: Team reflection

As a team, discuss the results and use sheet five to write down your answer to the following questions:

 What are each individual team member’s strengths?

 What roles/responsibilities should each team member have based on their strengths and experience?
 As a team, where are some potential skill gaps?
 What areas does our team need to find help or seek out further education?
 As a team, what opportunities are available to us?
 What are some threats to our business that we will need to address?

© 2022 Hunter Hub, University of Calgary

Step 7: Submit to Sharepoint Folder (and Dropbox for capstone students)

Once you have completed the exercise, please export this JamBoard as a PDF and submit to the Sharepoint (and Dropbox
for capstone students). You can export the JamBoard following these steps:
1. At the top right corner of your screen, to the left of the share button, you will see a 3 dot icon. Click the 3 dot
2. Select “Download as a PDF”
3. The file will automatically start downloading.

© 2022 Hunter Hub, University of Calgary

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