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Acquaintance Rape
W h a t i s a c q u a i n ta n c e r a p e ?
Acquaintance rape, which can touching, either of the victim sexual assault, especially ac-
 1 in 4 women will be or when the victim is forced to quainted perpetrators, may
also be referred to as “date
sexually assaulted or rape,” is when someone is touch, directly or through attempt to use manipulative
raped in their life forced to have sexual contact clothing, another person's reasoning with the victim. This
time. with someone he/she is famil- genitals, breasts, thighs or may be in the form of threats,
iar with. The perpetrator does bribery, or exchange for some-
 77% of rapes are
not have to be a person who thing desired (e.g. love, atten-
committed by people
the victim is currently dating; tion, gifts, etc.). Often times,
who the victims perpetrators will attempt to
hence, the term “date rape”
know. should be cautiously used. utilize guilt in order to achieve
 Chances of acquaint- their motives. This may be an
Forcing someone into sexual
easier tactic with someone
ance rape increase contact can involve various
they know, as opposed to a
exponentially when activities ranging from unwant-
alcohol and/or drugs ed touching to rape. At James
are added to the situ- Madison University, there is a It is important to remember
ation. broad definition of what is that acquaintance rape is not
considered sexual assault. about love or passion. It is
 Only 2% of acquaint- buttocks; rape…. o r s e x u a l
about power and control.
According to the JMU Student penetration with an ob-
ance rapes are re-
Handbook, sexual assault is ject” (J34- 100 Sexual As-
considered to be “any unwant- sault). Additionally, force does James Madison University, Office of Judicial
National Center for Victims of Crime. ed or nonconsensual sexual Affairs. (2011). Student Hand-book: J34-100
(2011). Acquaintance rape. Retrieved
not necessarily have to be a Sexual Assault.
from conduct,” including intentional physical act. Perpetrators of Lyness, D. (2009). Date rape. Teens Health
from Nemours. Retrieved from https://

h i s t o r i c a l b a c kg r o u n d o f
a c q u a i n ta n c e r a p e
Some norms date back to before the maker. They are not expected, or al- There are also many other sociocultural
recording of history. They have been lowed, to hold jobs or make money. influences that support sexual objectifi-
accepted through traditions and beliefs cation including news personnel report-
Acquaintance rape is also more preva-
of family, rituals, and religious interpreta- ing on mass media, content of violent
lent in cultures that have a general ac-
tions for centuries. sports, games, music, and government
ceptance of violence. In other words, if
supported policies including war, hunt-
Generally, acquaintance rape is more societal norms permit beating as disci-
ing, and the death penalty.
present in cultures that endorse gender pline, it is possible, too, that someone
inequality via subordination of women. may feel that they are able to take ad- The information here is not to infer cau-
For instance, in some areas, women's vantage of someone they know sexually, sality. This is simply correlational data.
roles consist of child bearer and home- physically, verbally, etc. Barbee, H.E. (2011). Integrative contextual model at the
sociocultural level. The Juvenile Sex Offender. p. 132.
U n d e r s t a n di n g
A c q u a i n t a nc e R a p e

W h a t i f t h i s h a p p e n s t o m e ?
It is important to realize that If you have been sexually 5) Write down everything you
sexual assault is never the assaulted , take the following can remember.
victim’s fault. If you have steps.
6) For healing, contact coun-
experienced any form of sex-
1) If you are injured, call for seling services. A counse-
ual assault, you may have felt
emergency services. lor can help you sort
some of the following emo-
through your feelings, set
tions: guilt, shame, shock, 2) Call or find someone who
and plan goals, and offer
loss of trust, anger, worth- you feel safe with and tell
lessness, self-doubt, fear, him/her what happened.
depression, or helplessness. 3) If you wish to report the
All of these are common for incident, call the police as Siecus. (2011). Talk about sex: Sexual abuse. Retrieved from https://
individuals who survived soon as you decide.
sexual assault. Survivors Local Resources for Support:
4) Keep all physical evi-
must know that they are not Harrisonburg Police: (540) 434-4436
dence. Do not change
alone in how they feel. JMU Judicial Affairs: (540) 568-6218
clothes or shower. JMU CSDC: (540) 568-6552
The Collins Center: (540) 432-6430
“The best thing
W h a t i f t h i s h a p p e n s t o
you can do for s o m e o n e I k n ow ?
If someone you know has con- a survivor, encourage the person
a survivor is to fided in you that he or she has to make a decision on whether
However, it is important to
know that many survivors
experienced an acquaintance or not they wish to report. Re-
believe what rape, the best thing that you porting is advantageous for sev-
choose not to report their as-
sault. This decision should be
can do for that person is to eral reasons. First, justice may
he/she is telling believe what he/she is telling be served if the perpetrator is

you. This will help the person Finally, if the person you are
caught and found guilty of charg-
know that they have someone es. This may prevent additional assisting feels safe, you may
they can trust. victims from assault. Reporting accompany him/her to any
an incident can also assist in the emergency, reporting, or coun-
Additionally, it is vital to remem-
healing process. Taking control seling services he/she wishes
ber that the survivor is not re-
of the situation helps restore you to attend. This will help with
sponsible regardless of the
powerful feelings in the survivor. additional feelings of security.
circumstances. When assisting
Siecus. (2011). Talk about sex: Sexual abuse. Retrieved from https://

P r e v e n t i o n o f Ac q u a i n ta n c e r a p e
a n d s e x u a l a s s a u l t
To lower risk of acquaintance rape : To lower risk of committing acquaintance rape:
 Always use your instincts and trust yourself.  Remember the importance of gaining consent before sex-
 Do not go to a secluded area with someone you do not ual activity.
fully trust. If the situation makes you uneasy, avoid it.  Remember that “no” means no.
 When consuming alcohol, know your personal limits.  When consuming alcohol, be aware of your personal lim-
 Never leave your food or drink unattended. its; sometimes it is best to remain sober and alert.
 Remain around individuals you can trust.  Know your expectations and be clear about them.
 Know your expectations and be clear about them.  Be aware of your thoughts and emotions. Decide if some-
 Ask for help from someone near you if you are feeling thing is appropriate based on your rights and the rights of
threatened. someone else.

 Tell someone where you are going and when you will re- Hardcastle, M. (2011). Information sheet on date rape: Retrieved from http://

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