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Assignment 2 - Kinetic Typography Composition

(Week 8 - 10 : 30 November – 14 December)

Title: "Unified Expressions"

Objective: To create a collaborative Kinetic Typography video project where individual segments
showcase creative typography to collectively express a unified theme, following a specified colour
palette and emphasizing sound design integration.

Description: In this assignment, groups will collaborate to create a Kinetic Typography video where
each member produces a 10-second segment (about yourself). These segments will collectively align
to convey a unified theme while ensuring consistency in theme, colour, typography creativity, and
execution. The project should also integrate sound design elements to enhance the visual storytelling.


1. Theme & Colour Code Selection:

 Collaboratively decide on a theme that unifies the individual segments.

 Establish a colour palette to be followed consistently across all segments.

2. Individual Segments (10 Seconds Each):

 Design and create a 10-second Kinetic Typography segment about yourself (Example: your
name, age, image etc.)
 Make sure to emphasize creativity and readability in typography.

3. Group Cohesion:

 Seamlessly transition between individual segments to create a cohesive video project.

 Ensure all segments collectively express the unified theme.

4. Sound Design Integration:

 Implement sound elements (music, sound effects) to enhance the visual storytelling in the

Marking breakdown (7.5%)

1. Individual Segments (4.0%)

a. Typography Creativity (2.0%)

Originality and innovative use of typography in the individual segment.

b. Typography Execution (2.0%)

Clear and readable typography design and animation.
2. Group Segments (3.5%)

a. Theme & Colour Consistency (1.5%)

Following the specified theme and colour code consistently throughout the video project.

b. Transition & Cohesion (1.5%)

Smooth transitions between individual segments to create a unified piece.

c. Sound Design Integration (0.5%)

Quality integration of sound and audio elements in the kinetic typography project.

How to submit:

1. Create a pdf that includes group number, group members name & matric number in a single
2. Upload the video in Youtube and put the Youtube link in the pdf.
3. Submit the pdf only to Ulearn.

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