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Scientific research plays an important role in development of humanity.

question of who should be in charge of carrying out scientific research has sparked
a controversy in public. It trust that the responsibility for conducting studies should
be taken by national leaders, rather than firms. Personally, I believe that both
governments and private companies should have the duty for carry out scientific
Scientific studies is a key to finding solution for the concern of society so
that I believe that National leaders plays a leading role in the performance due to
the number of reasons. Firstly, Responsibility for Wellbeing should be taken by
national leaders so that they should cover research cost. Governments, for
example, must conduct extensive medical research in order to create vaccinations
against possible epidemics. Renewable energy research is also critical to dealing
with global warming. These types of studies necessitate a significant investment,
which can only be made by the government. Furthermore, government-controlled
scientific studies will ensure that credible and ethical methodologies are used, and
minimize the risk of these studies being used for criminal activity.
Private enterprises, on the other hand, can do research that governments
cannot. In truth, private organizations have created numerous valuable scientific
breakthroughs. To example, the introduction of the iphone by Apple, a firm in the
US launched the era of smartphones and promoted new kinds of interaction with
individuals all over the world. Furthermore, encouraging profit-driven businesses
to perform scientific research will assist them in developing their own products and
creating competition in the market. As a result, new inventions and improved
products will benefit society.
In short, I think that both the government and private companies have a
particularly important role in scientific research. However, in some cases, the
government should demonstrate its core role (e.g National leaders' crucial role in
medical research). And sometime support from private companies under certain

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