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Tutorial Worksheet 7: Creep

Problem 1.
A specimen 750 mm long of a low carbon–nickel alloy (Figure below) is to be exposed to a tensile stress of 40
MPa at 538˚C. Determine its elongation after 5000 h. Assume that the total of both instantaneous and primary
creep elongations is 1.5 mm.

This problem asks that we determine the total elongation of a low carbon-nickel alloy that is
exposed to a tensile stress of 40 MPa at 538˚C for 5000 hours. The instantaneous and
primary creep elongations together are 1.5 mm

From the 538 ˚C line in the figure, we can estimate that the steady state creep rate is about
0.15 %/1000 h at 40 MPa (remember that the axes are log-log). The steady-state creep is just
the steady state creep rate x time

ε cr =ε̇ cr × time

ε ss =( 1.5 ×10−4 % /h ) ( 5000 h )=0.75 %=0.0075

Creep elongation is ∆ l cr =l o ε cr= (750 mm ) ( 7.5× 10−3 ) =5.6 mm

Total elongation is the instantaneous/primary elongation + creep elongation

∆ l tot =∆ l inst + ∆l cr=1.5 mm+ 5.6 mm=7.1 mm

Problem 2.
Steady state creep rate data are given in the table below for nickel at 1000˚ C:

ε̇ (s-1) s (MPa)
10-4 15
10-6 4.5

The steady state strain rate is given by:

n −(Q / R T )
ε̇ ss = A σ e
(a) If it is known that the activation energy for creep is 272,000 J/mol, calculate the steady
state creep rate at a temperature of 850˚ C and a stress level of 25 MPa.

(b) For a life of 10,000 hours, by how much is the strain changed if the temperature is
deceased to 650˚ C?

The problem requires the constitutive equation combining the effects of stress level and
temperature on strain rate. This equation describes the data given in the figure of Problem 1 but
for all stresses and temperatures. The equation is
n −(Q / R T )
ε̇ ss = A σ e

We are given values for Q and T (R is the universal gas constant = 8.314 J/mol.K). We need two
equations to solve for the two unknowns, A and n. We are given ε̇ ss values at two different stress
levels and 1000˚ C so we can set up two equations to solve for the two unknowns. I find it easier
to solve the linear form so we take the natural log of both sides:

ln ( ε̇ ss )=lnA + nln ( σ )−
ln ( 10 ) =lnA +nln ( 15 )−

ln ( 10 )=lnA + nln ( 4.5 )−
lnA=ln ( 10 ) −nln ( 4.5 ) +
Substituting equation (2) into (1)
ln ( 10 ) =[ ln ( 10 )−nln ( 4.5 ) ]+ n ( ln ( 15 ) )−
−4 −6
ln ( 10 ) −ln ( 10 )=n [ ln ( 15 ) −ln ( 4.5 ) ] −
−4 −6
lnA=ln ( 10 ) −3.825 ln ( 4.5 )+

( 8.314 )( 1273 )

A=466 s
We can now solve for the specified stess (25 MPa) and temperature (850˚C = 1123˚K):

ε̇ ss =( 466 s ) ( 25 ) e
−1 3.825 ( (
− 272000 J /mol / 8.314
mol− K )
( 1123˚ K )
−10 −1
ε̇ ss =1.063 ×10 s

ε ss =ε̇ ss t=1.063 ×10−10 s−1 ( 3600

1 hr )
10000 hrs=0.0038∨0.38 %

Repeating but at 650˚C (923˚K)

ε̇ ss =( 466 s ) ( 25 )
−1 3.825 ( (
− 272000 J /mol / 8.314
mol− K )
( 923˚ K )
−13 −1
ε̇ ss =1.93 ×10 s

ε ss =ε̇ ss t=1.93 ×10−13 s−1 ( 3600

1 hr )
10000 hrs=6.95 ×10 −6
∨0.000695 %

ε ss ( 850˚ C ) 0.0038
= =547
ε ss (650 ˚C ) 6.95 × 10−6

The creep at 850˚C is 547 times larger that at 650˚C!

Problem 3.
A stress of 7 MPa is applied to a polymer operating at constant strain. After 6 months, the stress
drops to 5.8 MPa. For a specific application, a part must maintain a clamping stress of 6.2 MPa
after 1 year. What should the original applied stress be?

We can use maxwell’s equation for this. First we solve for the stress relaxation constnat, t,
using the initial data:

5.8 MPa=7 MPa exp ( −6 months

τ )
ln ( 5.87 )= −6τ
τ =32 months

We now return to the general equation and insert the data of interest:

6.2 MPa=σ o exp ( −12

32 )

σ o=9.02 MPa

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