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(English for Academic & Professional Purposes)

“Position Paper”
Is Higher Education worth its value?

Joebert A. Juanillo
Is Higher Education worth its value?

Education is the key to success they say. It provides stability in life, gives people skills
and tools they need to be successful. It has the value which is very essential for the exercise of all
other human rights. Education is the most powerful tool no one can ever take away from you.
Higher education can positively impact a society and nation by instilling ambition and
knowledge needed to participate and make informed decisions. It can also positively impact an
individual by making them better suited for job opportunities and opening doors that may have
otherwise been closed to them. But not everyone could have it due to poverty or lack of
resources. Since we are living in a developing country, it's hard for us to have the access to the
basic education. Mainly, the reason why some youths of today don't even dare to go to college
without knowing the true value of it, thinking that education is not for everyone. That's why
some are still asking the question 'Is higher education worth its value?'.
From my point of view, I totally agree that higher education is still worthy to achieve.
Why? It's because everyone has the right to education. Nowadays a lot of people argue whether a
higher education is still worth it or not. They think that not everyone needs an extra four-year of
learning to get an extra title. Many people still believe that higher education is useless.
Moreover, to obtain a higher level of education, it takes lots of money. Many people argue that
this is still the biggest hitch for all the people, especially for those who are not very wealthy.
Even though some people think that higher education is not worth it, I believe that there are
many benefits of taking higher levels of education. People think that higher education does not
guarantee you to have enough working experience in the future. However, you will be seen as
competent and more prestigious with a degree. But can everyone have the access to a much
higher education? No, due to poverty many dreams of young achievers are being taken away,
many are suffering in life due to lack of education. Poverty is really a huge factor in achieving
one's educational attainment. In this case, I personally think that the government should make
something in order for those who cannot have the access to a much higher education by
managing and increasing the funding for quality education so that everyone could have a better
and equal opportunity to a higher education.
Higher education is obviously crucial for academic success since it influences both a
society's social and economic growth in addition to being a component of intellectual brilliance.
It is viewed as a catalyst for societal advancement, the means of building an educated society,
and a tool for raising the standard of work. Higher education is therefore unquestionably a
significant growth component that cannot be overlooked or neglected.

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