Drug Abuse Among Teenagers Answer

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Drug Abuse among Teenagers

I Teenagers are often exposed to all sorts of social problems, as teenage years
are vulnerable years. Some of these problems include gangsterism, vandalism
and, alcoholism. However, the most pressing problem plaguing teenagers
nowadays is drug abuse. The term ‘drug abuse’ refers to the use of illicit drugs
in high doses without the prescription of a doctor. Excessive drug use is 5
detrimental and leads to various problems that will affect a teenager’s
health, studies, and social life.

II It is known fact that the consumption of illegal drugs causes numerous

health complications. There are two categories of complications: those that
affect the physical health, and those that affect the mental health condition. 10
Teenagers who abuse drugs may suffer from bouts of high fever during which
the body temperature will escalate to a high level. This may prolong for a few
days. At the same time, the heartbeat will increase at an alarming rate and so
will the blood pressure. Consequently, they may experience serious health
complications such as stroke or a heart attack that may lead to death. Drug 15
abuse may also result in serious mental complications. In certain cases,
teenagers who take drug may experience chronic hallucinations, panic attacks
and even paranoia. These conditions can result in the deterioration of their
emotional stability and eventually result in insanity. In order to curb drug
addiction, hospitals and psychiatric centres should perform proper monitoring 20
and prescribe rehabilitative medication according to the physical and mental
condition of these drug abusers. The recovery process will be faster if rigorous
psychiatric therapy is given to address the underlying emotional problems
suffered by them.

III Drug abuse will also affect a teenager’s studies. As mentioned earlier, 25
excessive use of drugs may affect an individual’s emotional stability. When
teenagers abuse drugs, they will find it difficult to focus in class as drugs make
them anxious. They will experience extreme feelings of anxiety. This in turn
causes them to have a very short attention span, and if the problem persists, it
will result in unsatisfactory grades. Consequently, they will not be able to 30
further their education and will lose the motivation to pursue a promising
career. In short, drug abuse closes the avenues for their livelihood. Thus, it
is imperative that schools take proactive measures to ensure drug abuse does
not spread among students. One way to do this is by organising interesting
activities that encourage student participation. Awareness campaigns on drug 35
abuse should be held on a regular basis to educate students on the dangers of
drugs and drug abuse.

IV Finally, drug abuse also affects teenager’s social life. When teenagers
become addicted to drugs, they will lose their friends as they prefer to be with
those who share the same habit. Apart from that, most of these teenagers do 40
not have a stable source of income and since drugs can be expensive, they will
steal or rob in order to get their supply of drugs. As a consequence of such
acts, they will be ostracised by society and viewed as a threat to public
safety. They will be shunned by their own community and deprived of
opportunities for employment. To make matters worse, parents too, tend to 45
disown their children who take drugs. As a result, they feel hopeless, and sink
into depression or worse, continue the bad habit of taking drugs. Hence, it is
crucial that parents educate their children on the dangers of drug abuse. It is
equally important that parents know who their children’s friends are. The
government should also be involved in this by organising nationwide
campaigns to increase public awareness of the dangers of drug abuse. 50

Overall, there are many repercussions of drug abuse. This bad habit
affects the health by inducing the body to break down. It causes mental
instability and may even lead to death. It will also be difficult for teenagers who
abuse drugs to be attentive in school and their studies will be affected because
of this. The public will see them as a menace to society. As a result, they will 55
not receive help and carry on with the bad habit. Therefore, it is vital that
parents, schools, and the government make a concerted effort to curb this
problem. It is possible to do so if everyone takes on the responsibility of
making adolescent life more fun and meaningful for teenagers.

A. Replace the following words with synonyms.

1. pressing (line 3) serious
2. deterioration (line 18) weakening
3. curb (line 19) restrain
4. promising (line 31) encouraging
5. repercussions (line 52) consequences

B. Match the following words with the correct meanings.

1. prolong extend

2. rigorous danger
3. anxiety critical
4. threat thorough
5. crucial nervousness

C. What do the following words refer to in passage?

1. those (line 9) Categories of health complications
2. These conditions (line 18) Physical health and mental health
3. the problem (line 29) Short attention span
4. such acts (line 42) Steal or rob
5. It (line 53) Inducing the body of break down

D. State whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
1. Excessive consumption of drugs can result in brain damage.
2. One of the extreme effects of drug abuse is mental disorder. T
3. Awareness programmes should not be held too often as
they are of no help to teenagers.

4. Drug abusers prefer to spend time with their friends. F

5. The consumption of drugs poses short-term and long-term T

negative repercussions on teenagers.

E. Read the following statements carefully. Write (F) if the statement is a FACT and (O) if the
statement is an OPINION.
1. Drug abusers should be helped not shunned. O

2. It is imperative that schools take proactive measures in

ensuring that drug abuse problems do not spread among
the students.

3. Parents should play a vital role in educating their children O

on the negative effects of drug abuse.
4. Drug addicts are perceived negatively by society.
5. Feelings of anxiety will result in a short attention span
among teenage drug abusers.

Effects of Drug Abuse Symptoms

 High fever
 A rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure
 Stroke or heart attack

Chronic hallucinations, panic attack and
even paranoia

Deterioration of their emotional stability

Answer the following questions.
1. Explain how hospitals or rehabilitation centre improve the emotional condition of drug
abusers when they undergo rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation centre create a supportive and drug-free environment. They help the
individuals to distance themselves from negative influences and triggers that contributed
to their addiction.

2. a. Explain the phrase “… drug abuse closes the avenues for their livelihood.” (line 32)
It means that drug abuse can give negative consequences including health problems,
education purposefully,strain relationships and reduce employability. As a result,it
becomes challenging for individuals to pursue education or lead successful and fulfilling
b. Do you agree with the view stated above? Explain your reasons.
Yes ,because taken drugs is one of the illegal activities and individuals who is
involved in drug abuse may face legal issues including arrests. This criminal
record can make individuals hard to find job opportunities.

3. How can awareness programmes dissuade teenagers from leading a life of drug abuse?
Awareness programmes provide teenagers with accurate information about the risks and
consequences of drug abuse. This knowledge will enhance their understanding about the
potential harm of taking drugs.

4. What are the social consequences that teenagers who abuse drugs face?
They will be ostracised by the society and viewed as a threat to public safety. Besides
thar,they will be shunned by their own community and deprived of opportunities for

5. What do teenagers resort to when they do not have the money to buy drugs?
They will steal or rob in order to get supply of the drugs

6. a. Explain the phrase “…they will be ostracised by society.” (line 42)

It means that teenagers who is involved in drug abuse,they will be abandoned by
people around them because of the widespread belief that they can causing harm to
other people.

b. Do you think it is a good idea to ostracise them? Explain your reasons.

No, because teenagers need support and understanding to overcome the drug addiction.
It is better to encourage them to seek support when needed because ostracise only
worsen the problem.

H. Complete the table below by identifying three problems faced by teenagers who abuse
drugs and then offer solutions to the problems.
Problems Solutions
Experience serious health
a. _____________________________
complications such as stroke a. _____________________________
or a heart attack that may lead
b. to death b. _____________________________

Hospitals and psychiatric centre

May result in serious should perform proper monitoring and
mental complications
____________________________ prescribed rehabilitative medication
according to the physical and mental
_ condition of these drug abusers.


a. a. _____________________________

b. _____________________________
Find it difficult to focus in class
as drug makes them anxious
Organising interesting activities
_ that encourage student’s
Awareness campaign on drug abuse
on a regular basis.

Have a very short attention span



a. a. _____________________________
Lose their friends as they prefer b. _____________________________
to be with those who share
same habit

b. Parents need to educate their children

on the danger of drug abuse.

They will steal or rob in order The government should organising

to get their supply of drugs nationwide campaigns to increase
____________________________ public awareness of the dangers of
drug abuse

7. What should parents do to curb drug abuse problems among teenagers?

Parents should involved in their children’s lives by helping them to choose the
right friends and get to know them, or parents can also show an interest in their
children’s hobbies and activities. Besides that,parents need to set a good
example for their children.

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