Reading Practice 1

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Read the passage below and answer all the questions.

The Impact of Advertising Media

“Advertising nourishes the consuming

power of men. It sets up before a man the
goal of a better home, better clothing, better
food for himself and his family. It spurs
individual exertion and greater production.”
Sir Winston Churchill

I Sir Winston Churchill, one of the greatest politicians gave such insights
into the power of advertising. Whether we like it or not, advertising has a
strong hold on mankind. It has a strong impact on our senses,
especially our sense of sight or visual perception. This is because our
eyes are our windows to the world around us. What we see greatly 5
influences the way we perceive our surroundings and ourselves. Having
fully grasped the perspective, the mass media and advertising industry
have managed to mould our society into the norms that they have
created through advertisements. Their influence can be seen in our
everyday life through our routine encounter with them. Research posted 10
on the Union of Concerned Scientists website reveals that the average
American is exposed to about 3000 advertisements a day. The
advertising media has, therefore, to a great extent, influenced our
appearance, our perception of gender role and behaviour, as well
as our social values. 15

II One of the areas that the advertising media has managed to

greatly manipulate is an individual’s concept of beauty. Society has
over the years allowed the media to set the definition of fashion and
beauty. In other words, the media has laid down the rules and the
standards for everything, from our skin tone to the way we dress. It 20
leaves no room for individualism; rather sets common trends to all
individuals to follow. Anyone who browses through a leisure magazine
is exposed to dozens of advertisements telling him, that there is still
something lacking in him and that he needs the product that is being
promoted to rectify his inadequacy. By just flipping through the 25
newspapers, we are bound to come across several advertisements for
slimming and dieting that urge us to do something abut our body size in
order to look like those ‘photoshopped’ images of individuals with tiny
waistlines and unnaturally toned bodies. For some people, these
advertisements would mean investing in slimming programme that may 30
not even produce the desired results. In fact, it may result in several
harmful side effects, some being more serious than others.

III The advertising media also has greatly impacted the way society
perceives gender role and behaviour. It has brought about gender
stereotyping on how men and women are depicted. Men are portrayed 35
to be stronger and expected to act macho and aggressive, while women
are perceived as the weaker half of the society and are expected to be
gentle. Individuals who do not meet these criteria would be classified as
social misfits. Courtney and Lokeretz’s analysis of magazine advertising
in 1971 indicated that over the years, women have been portrayed as 40
domestic providers who do not make significant decisions, as they are
dependent on men. They are also viewed as decorations. For example,
car manufacturers used women in skimpy clothing in their
advertisements to advertise their cars, instead of focussing on the
features of those cars.
IV 45
Another area where the advertising media has impacted the society
is in its values. The ability of mass media to influence social ethics
remains one of the most worrying influences as some of the values are
decadent and the lifestyles that are glamorised by the media are way
beyond the reach of the ordinary people. Andy Warhol, a media 50
publicist, was quoted saying, “It’s the movies that have been running
things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to
do it. How to feel about it, and how to look when you feel about it.”
Indeed, it becomes a cause for concern when normal individuals in
society try to adopt these values and imitate the lifestyles of the rich and 55
famous. This leads to rather serious social dilemmas like substance
abuse, promiscuity and recklessness. Other than that, the advertising
media has frequently used questionable slogans in their campaigns. For
example, the Bleachman campaign in 1988 by the AIDS Foundation,
which attempted to launch a major campaign for intravenous drug users, 60
was advertised carrying a slogan that implied it was alright to use drugs
as long as one had clean needles. The entire social stigma resulting
from drug abuse was lost in this advertisement. Instead, attention was
focused on the idea of cleanliness in the process of taking drugs.
Though most of the time the effects of the advertising media may 65
not be obvious to the eye, it has indeed a tremendous impact on
the public. Advertisements influence the way we look, the roles we play
and the values we follow. Thus, careful consideration should be given
before something is advertised as millions of individuals would be
influenced by it. We should never underestimate the power of the
advertising media.

A. Based on the passage, what is the meaning of the following words?

1. insights (line 1) ________________________
2. inadequacy (line 25) ________________________
3. significant (line 41) ________________________
4. ethics (line 46) ________________________
5. stigma (line 61) ________________________

B. What do the following refer to in the passage?

1. them (line 10) ________________________
2. some (line 31) ________________________
3. they (line 42) ________________________
4. social dilemmas (line 55) ________________________

C. State whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)
1. Advertising has influenced mankind by creating norms
which everyone is expected to follow.

2. Individuals who follow the trends set by the advertising

media are social misfits.

3. The rich and famous lead a life that is rich in values.

4. The objective of Bleachman campaign was to promote

the use of intravenous drug.

D. Read the following statements carefully. Write (F) if the statement is a FACT or (O) if the
statement is an OPINION.
1. Research posted on the Union of Concerned Scientist
website reveals that the average American is exposed
to about 3000 advertisement a day.

2. One of the areas that advertising media has managed

to greatly manipulate is an individual’s concept of beauty.

3. Courtney and Lokeretz’s analysis of magazine advertising

in 1971 indicated that over the years, women have been
portrayed as domestic providers who do not make important
decisions, as they are dependent on men.

4. Thus, careful consideration should be given before something

is advertised as millions of individuals would be influenced by it.

E. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What do you understand by this expression, “…our eyes are our windows to the world
around us.”? (lines 4-5)



2. Teenagers like to read leisure magazines as a pastime. Do you think this should be
encouraged? Give reasons to support your view.



3. Some advertisements for slimming and dieting urge us to develop a body like “those
‘photoshopped’ images of individuals with tiny waistlines and unnaturally toned bodies.”
(lines 28-29). What is the writer trying to imply?


4. The media has stereotyped both genders in society through advertisements. Complete the
table below by listing the differences in gender stereotypes.



5. What do understand by the term “domestic providers” (lines 40-41)?



6. What does Andy Warhol mean when he said: “It’s the movies that have been running things
in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do it. How to feel about it,
and how to look when you feel about it.”? (lines 51-52)



7. “The entire social stigma resulting from drug abuse was lost in this advertisement.” (lines
61-62). In your opinion, what is the social stigma that is attached to drug abuse?



8. Why is the writer concerned about people trying to live out the lifestyle of the rich and



9. What was the Bleachman campaign trying to promote?



10. Give an example of an advertisement where good values are promoted, but wrongly
perceived, as in the case of Bleachman campaign.



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