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of computing, Senor & sa, geet Sao inlet 2S ¢ or eter Maes sO MS AW7 Urited Kingdom “turo® 7 444 (0)161 295 3223 fag (tet 2953575 von ee sao cok Report No: HP/06/15 Date: 19 July 2006 Page 1 of 4 TEST REPORT SOUND ATTENUATION OF HEARING PROTECTORS BS EN 24869-1 : 1993 ISO 4869-1 : 1990 CLIENT: INSPEC International Limited 56 Leslie Hough Way Salford Greater Manchester M6 6AJ ‘YOUR ORDER NO: 2/060707-1 ‘TYPE OF HEARING PROTECTOR: Far-muff MODEL: EM-501 DATE RECEIVED: 07 July 2006 DATE(s) - a 12. & 13 July 2006 Signed: nlos— Approved: of Cale ANelson D.J. M°Caul Test Engineer Laboratory Manager ‘Te sant withered cee Model Mode tested Attenuation results (values in dB) Test Reference No. Subject Sample 63 NA. ol 12 KH. o1 18 MA. on 7 FB ol 17 P.K. 02 20 S.A. 02 16 BS. 02 18 cw. 02 14 RW. 03 18 CN. 03 18 TE. 03 24 DW. 03 20 AN. 04 7 S.W. o4 18 DJ.M. 04 18 G.T. 04 14 Mean Attenuation 174 Standard Deviation 28 Assumed Protection 14.6 ssv2 125 15 19 14 16 20 15 14 4 15 16 16 16 15 20 16 2 16.4 EM-501 O-T-H See below HP/06/07/03 Frequency (Hz) 230-500 14 24 20 28 16 2 16 24 18 24 21 26 16 28 18 27 18 31 n 28 20 28 16 30 16 24 16 2 4 2 20 30 176 26.4 24 28 152 23.6 Assumed Protection Value rounded to one decimal place. iK 30 38 37 33 34 36 38 36 30 40 36 36 36 38 3.0 32.1 Report No: HP/06/15 Date: 19 July 2006 Page 3 of 4 2K 36 39 32 36 38 35 38 32 42 36 44 30 36 36 39 36.8 37 33.1 4K 42 37 40 42 42 34 40 41 36 30 42 38 42 41 46 40.1 29 37.2 8K 32 35 37 36 29 34 36 39 34 30 39 34 32 34 38 34.9 317 Report No: HP/06/15 Date: 19 July 2006 Page 4 of 4 APPLICATION FORCE: “The application force of each sample ear muff was measured as specified in Clause 4.6, at 145mm head width and 129mm head height. The measurements were recorded after a period of 2 minutes. ‘The results are presented below: Sample Force (N) o1 4 02 124 03 17 04 12.8 REPLACEABLE PARTS: 1. Cushions INSPEC Test Report No: 06.09.22 ATTENUATION VALUES CALCULATED FROM UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD, ‘SCHOOL OF COMPUTING, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING REPORT NO: HP/06/15 x 34 26 18 29 Annex - Section 2

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