Chapter 1 The Narrator Is Nick Carraway, He's From Minnesota. IHe Says He Is Highly

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Chapter 1: The narrator is Nick Carraway, He moved to New York to work in bond

business and rented a house On West Egg which is home to "the new rich" people who
don't have the same social connections and refinement as the Fast Egg, which is
conservative. Nick's modest house is next to Gatsby's mansion. Nick is unlike his
neighbors because he graduated from yale and has many connections on East Egg. One
night he drives to East egg to have dinner with his cousin daisy and her husband Tom
Buchanan who was also in Yale and believes in white-supremacy. Daisy is with her friend
Jordan Baker who is a competitive golfer. While there. Tom's takes a call and Jordan tells
Nick that it's from his lover. After dinner Jordan leaves to bed and Tom and Daisy say to
Nick that they would like for him to take romantic interest in Jordan. When Nick arrives
home, he sees Gatsby for the first time.

Chapter 2: Gray valley where New York's ashes are dumped. You can see two blue eyes
that are an ad by a long-vanished doctor. This ad watches over everything that happens in
the valley of ashes. Nick and Tom are in the train when Tom forces Nick to follow him out
of the train. They go to George Wilson's garage, there is Tom's lover and Wilson's wife,
Martle. She follows Tom to the train and they go to New York City to Tom's apartment and
they have a party with Myrtle's sister, Catherine, and Mr and Mrs Mckee. Tom gets angry
because he doesn't want Myrtle to mention Daisy and she does it and Tom ends up
breaking her nose.

Chapter 3: Gatsby is know for do elaborate parties every weekend. One day Gatsby send
an invitation to Nick inviting to one of this parties. None of them knows the truth about
Gatsby's personal history. Nick and Jordan Baker want to find Gatsby and they go to his
library and they find a man with huge owl eyes. At midnight they sit at a table with a man
and a woman and he says that Nick looks familiar to him from the war, this man is Jay
Gatsby. Jordan leaves alone to talk in private with Gatsby because he requested it and she
says that what she hears is extraordinary.

Chapter 4: Nick goes to New York with Gatsby to eat lunch. As they drive to the city,
Gatsby tells Nick about his past. He claims to be the son of wealthy parents from the
Midwest, San Francisco. He also says that he has been educated at Oxford, to have
collected jewels in some capitals of Europe, also to have been awarded medals in World
War. In the city. Gatsby takes Nick to lunch and introduces him to Meyer Wolfsheim. After
lunch, Nick sees Mrs Baker who finally tells him the details of her mysterious
conversation with Gatsby at the party. She says that Gatsby is in love with Daisy and that
before the war and that she was married to Tom and Daysi was in love with Gatsby, the
day before the wedding she received a letter from Gatsby. Jordan adds that Gatsby
bought his mansion in West Egg to be in front of Daisy. Nick remembers the night he saw
Gatsby in front of the water and realizes that the green light he saw was the light at the
end of Daisy's dock. Gatsby wants Nick to arrange a reunion between him and Daisy
without Tom.
Chapter 5: After his date with Jordan, Nicks goes home and talk with Gatsby. Nick realizes
that Gatsby is nervous because he wants Nick to agree to his plan of inviting Daisy for tea.
He tells Gatsby that he will help him with the plan. Gatsby offers to have someone cut
Nick's grass and a chance to make more money by joining him in some business, but Nick
refuses but he still agrees to call Daisy and invite her to his house. The day of the meeting
Gatsby is very nervous and It's raining. Gatsby sends a gardener over to cut Nick's grass
and sends another man over with flowers. Daisy arrives and Nick leaves them alone for
half an hour. When he returns, he finds them very happy. Gatsby invites Nick and Daisy to
his house, Gatsby calls in Klipspringer, who lives at his mansion and plays the piano. Nick
realizes that Gatsby and Daisy forget that he is there and he leaves Gatsby and Daisy
alone together.

Chapter 6: Nick explains that Gatsby was born in a North Dakota farm. at seventeen
years old, he scape and became Cody's friend. cody had a yacht and a lot of money. Cody
died and left money to Gatsby, and he dedicated. himself to becoming a wealthy and
successful man. After some weeks, Tom and Daisy go to a party at Gatsby's house. Daisy
and Nick are not having a good time and Gatsby is unhappy because Daisy has had such
an unpleasant time. Gatsby wants things to be exactly the same as they were before he
len Louisville: he wants Daisy to leave Tom so that he can be with her. Nick reminds
Gatsby thin he cannot re-create the past but Gatsby says that he can do it

Chapter 7: Gatsby calls off his parties because he only used to did it for Daisy. He also fires
his servants to prevent gossip. On a summer day Nick takes the train to East Egg for lunch
at Tom's and Daisy's. He finds Gatsby and Jordan Baker there as well. During the
afternoon. Gatsby and Daisy cannot hide their love for one another. Tom becomes certain
of their feelings for each other. They go to New York. Nick, Jordan and Tom in Gatsby's car
and Gatsby's and Daisy in Tom's car. Tom stops for gas and they learn that Wilson has
discovered his wife's infidelity and plans to move her to the West. All the group take a
suite at the Plaza Hotel and Tom confronts Gatsby. He accuses Gatsby of lying about
having attended Oxford. Tom asks Gatsby about his intentions for Daisy, and Gatsby
replies that Daisy loves him, not Tom. Tom claims that he and Daisy have a history that
Gatsby could not possibly understand. Driving back to Long Island, Nick. Tom and Jordan
see a frightening seen on the border of the valley of ashes. Myrtle has been hit by an
automobile, a car coming from New York City struck her and then drive away. Nick
realizes that Myrtle must have been hit by Gatsby and Daisy. Gatsby and Nick meet and
he tells Nick that Daisy was the one driving but that he will take the blame. Gatsby sends
Nick to check on her.
Chapter 8: Nick goes to visit Gatsby at his mansions. Nick suggests that Gatsby forget
about Daisy and leave Long Island. but Gatsby refuses to consider leaving Daisy. After
Myrtle was killed Wilson told to someone that he confronted her about her lover and told
her that she could not hide her sin from the eyes of God before she died. Wilson believes
that who was driving the car that killed Myrtle was her lover. Wilson demands revenge
and leaves to kill the owner of the car. Wilson went to Tom's because he knows that Tom
is familiar with the car's owner, because he saw Tom driving the car earlier that day, but
he knows Tom could not have been the driver since Tom arrived after the accident in a
different car with Nick and Jordan. Wilson goes to Gatsby's house while he is in the pool
floating in the water. Wilson shoots Gatsby, killing him instantly, then shoots himself.
Nick hurries to West Egg and he finds the dead body.

Chapter 9: Nick do a funeral but Tom and Daisy have moved to somewhere that nobody
knows. Wolfsheim and Klipspringer can't come. The only people to attend the funeral are
Nick, Owl Eyes, a few servants, and Gatsby's father, Henry C. Gatz, who has come all the
way from Minnesota. Henry Gatz is proud of his son and saves a picture of his house. Tom
tells Nick that he was the one who told Wilson that Gatsby owned the car that killed
Myrtle. Nick comes to the conclusion that Tom and Daisy are careless and uncaring
people and that they destroy people and things, knowing that their money will shield
them from ever having to face any negative consequences. Nick imagines that America
was once a goal for dreamers and explorers, just as Daisy was for Gabby. He pictures the
green land of America as the green light shining from Daisy's dock. Nick think that people
everywhere are motivated by similar dreams to have a future in which their dreams are

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