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Henry the VII

By : Lautaro Trino, Mateo Petrecca ,

Franco Basualdo y Leon Volta
He married Elizabeth of York (she was a
princes)(11 February 1466 – 11 February
1503) was the Queen of England from
her marriage to King Henry VII on 18
January 1486 until her death in 1503.
Henry VII was born on 28 January 1457

Personal Life at Pembroke Castle in Pembrokeshire,

His parents were Edmund Tudor and
Margaret Beaufort.Henry VII was
succeeded by his second son, Henry VIII.
Henry VIII had become heir to the throne
when his elder brother, Arthur, died in
He was a powerful man and charismatic figure; perhaps best known
for his tumultuous love life and the establishment of the Church of
England. He is also credited with establishing the Royal Navy,
encouraging shipbuilding and the creation of anchorages and

What kind of monarch was Henry VII?

Deeds and Henry VII was the founder of the Tudor dynasty, unifying the warring
factions in the Wars of the Roses. Although supported by
Lancastrians and Yorkists alienated by Richard III's deposition of his

nephew, Edward V, Henry VII's first task was to secure his position.

Henry VII's chief legacy is unquestionably the peaceful bequeathing

of power to his 17-year-old son Henry VIII, armed with the restoration
of royal power, a replenished treasury, and the rehabilitation of
England's continental reputation.

What is King Henry's main desire motivation?

Foremost was Henry's desire to abandon Rome, and to reject

Catholic church's opposition to his proposed divorce from Catherine
of Aragon.
Good Things:

● Henry VII had made a trade agreement

with Netherlands so that allowed England
to grow again.

Interesting ● His aim was to make the Crown

financially independent.

● He had never spend money unless he
had to.
● He also had created a nobility from
among them, and men unknown before
now became Henry’s statesmen.
● When he died he left behind €2 MILLION.

Bad Things:

● He raised taxes for wars which he then

did not fight.
● Stability and the End of the

Why did we ●
Wars of the Roses.
Navigating Political Intrigue.
chose Henry ● Founding a Dynasty.
Financial Reforms.

● Marriage Alliances.
● Centralization of Power.

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