NID Mock2 Main

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Time- 2 Hours, Questions -7
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Q.1 In 4 steps show how to fly a kite in your summer vacation days. Give it a suitable title. Marks -15
Q.2 Draw and color a memorable day in your life using only Monochrome color scheme & write
about it in 100 words. Marks-15
Q.3 Design 2 products inspired by the given object for the following
i) A futuristic Automobile
ii) A product for Old aged or Handicapped persons. Marks- 10
Q.4 Design 3 different kinds of Rainbows using shapes & colors for different planets. MARKS-20
Q.5 Inspired by any 1 - Indian motif & Indian bird or indian animal & indian Dance create a logo or
emblem for any state of India and write about it in 100 words.. MARKS - 20
Q.6 Draw the changes in the blank space provided. MARKS - 10
Q.7 Analyze the given image and write a story about the man in the picture in 150 words and
give it a suitable title. And color the given image according to the story. MARKS -10

Writing space :

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