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Roles and Responsi il Site Engineer © neon a years ogo Roles and responsibilities of a civil site engineer depends on the nature of construction works in a proiect and involves various activities such as quality control and reporting. carried out by the site in charge or the civil site engineer at construction site. ‘This means the roles and responsibilities of a civil site engineer is not specific for every construction site. These changes based on the activities and site conditions of the project. But in brief, the site engineer must possess certain basic roles and responsibilities for the execution and completion of the project. Role and Responsibilities of a Civil Site Engineer The site engineer should possess basic knowledge about the practical construction procedures in site, along with the details of how they are planned. This idea of planning and coordination will help him to have proper execution of the activities in the site with desired performance. A site engineer is very essential for a construction project. The responsibilities of a site engineer are wide as he must provide sufficient advice and supervision when there are any technical issues, or for proper management and for the preparation of day to day reports of the construction works. ‘The responsibilities that is put on a site engineer in construction is mentioned briefly in below section: 1. Construction Site Responsibilities The site engineer is the person who spends most of his time at the construction site compared with other managers or designers. Site engineers are updated daily about the coming day's design and activities based on which he implements them at site. The top members of the construction organization get a clear picture about the daily activities happening at the site through the site engineer. 2. Travelling The site engineers are supposed to move from one site to another (based on the size of the project or number of projects) for any special needs. He must also be required to reach with the procurement of resources to get the materials as per the correct specifications if any discrepancies happen. This means every sector of activities say its design, materials or execution, the site engineer has the role of advice. 3. Technical Activities Site activities like establishment of the level and the survey control, which is required for the control of contracts must be performed by site engineer in required conditions. The works have to be set out as per the contract drawings. This requires checks at regular basis on the construction site. The records maintained have to be accurate and they have to satisfy with the organizational and the legal requirements. The site engineer has to face any unexpected difficulties raised from the technical side at any point of time. He must study the problem and resolve it in the most efficient manner as possible. 4, Preparation of Reports and Schedules The site engineer is the one who have to ensure that the site have adequate resources to complete the tasks. This is conducted by having procurement schedules for the jobs carried out and liaise with the procurement department regarding the same. A report on the future works to be carried out at site are prepared and produced by site engineers two weeks ahead. This is carried out in conjunction with the site agent. The site engineer is responsible for keeping site diaries and the respective sheets for allocation. 5. Site Engineer for Health and Safety For highly dangerous work site, the site engineer will take up the role of safety engineer. He has to ensure that the work carried out by the workers and other related activities are as per the safety regulation of the respective state or area. Every construction organization must possess a safe working culture and practice. Its implementation and practice of following is supervised by the site engineers. There may be other safety, health officers for the organization, but ensuring safety is a common need. Other responsibilities are to undergo construction activities that will promote the environmental compliance. Each work has to be carried out safely within the deadline. 6. Quality Assurance by Site Engineer As we know, quality is a parameter that have to be kept in practice from the initial stage of planning to the end of the project. The major issues with design and documentation can be corrected during the construction by the site engineer based on advice from the structural engineers. Any undesirable activities in construction brings high loss of quality and money. The site engineer assures quality by the following means: Promoting the best construction practices Undergo activities and practices that comply with the procedures of the company and the specification. Assures the work is completed and delivered without any defect and delay One must highlight value engineering opportunities, 7, Communication and leadership duties As the site engineer have to know the technical details from the above levels and make it in practice in the site, he must be efficient enough to coordinate the information that is communicated. He must take up the detail from the higher levels accurately and pass them to the below contractors, supervisors or labor workers. It not how efficiently you as a site engineer understand the idea, but it’s on how you convey it to your sub-workers. This will reflect to have the need for leadership quality to convey and make the workers do the work. Read More: Points to Remember for Civil Site Engineers > STEPS INVOLVED IN LINE-OUT & BUILDING SETTING: STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION LINE OUT OF THE BUILDING Correct line out & building setting are two important & basic requirements of starting any project successfully. Mistakes in line-out can cause considerable losses, leading to demolition of certain parts of the structures, Line out should always be cross-checked by higher authorities Cleaning the site & leveling it with minor cutting or First decided north direction with use of drawing Demarcation of the plot & marking actual boundaries with the help of the theodolite survey. ing. Proposed layout to be marked in the actual demarcation drawings & checked the feasibility of accommodation at site Finalization of all levels with reference to a fixed bench mark. Checking & approval of all drawings with concerned authorities, To start the boundary wall construction To start preliminary line-out building & other structures & check required dimension, After confirmation, start a detail line out of project at the site for all the buildings & all other structures, Necessary precautions to be taken while doing line out & building setting Al the steps need to be study carefully, applying engineering knowledge & skill. Making of right angle to fixed nails means using 3, 4, 5 triangle for the setting out. PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN FOR LINE - OUT WORK:- All vertical wooden post should be fixed properly in concrete. ‘Top portion of vertical post & railing should be kept at the same level using level tube. All column numbers marked on the railing should be visible. Nails should not be disturbed till completion of the plinth beam work. All work should be certified by the architect ‘* Railing fixing should be done by SOmm nails. ‘* Nails for column centre should be of 40mm only. EXCAVATION Excavation is the preliminary activity of the construction project. It starts from the digging pits for the building foundations & continues up to the handing over of the project. » Requirements to starts excavation:- ‘© The stability & design of the building depends on the strata on which is rest. So, a trial pit per 400sq.m.area of the plot should be made. © Trial pit should be of the size 1.2m x 1.2m. the depth depends upon the strata, © During excavation different layers of soil are found. Following table shows various soils & their respective approximate SBC: - SR. STRATA ‘SAFE BEARING CAPACITY NO. (TONNES / SQ.M.) 1, | Very soft, wet, 00s Pasiy cla 2 | Black cotton soil Ft 10 3. | Redsoil 1010 30 4 | Shadu soit 20 w 30 3. | Loose gravel 15 to 25 6 | Murum 25 10 45 7, | Softrock 10 10 90 & | Hard rock > 90 ‘Actual bearing capacities of the strata should be derived by:- 1. Static penetration test (SPT) - for soil & clay 2. Plate bearing test ~ for murum, rock etc. ‘There are three types of excavators: 1. With bucket 2. With ripper 3. With breake FOUNDATION AND FOOTING Foundations used in building construction are broadly classified as 1. Shallow foundation 2. Deep foundation > SHALLOW FOUNDATIO’ ‘A foundation is shallow if its depth is equal t0 or less than its width. A. shallow foundation is also known as an open foundation, since such foundation is constructed by open excavation. Hence those foundation, which have depth even greater than its width, but are constructed by way of open excavation also come under ‘shallow foundation’, A. shallow foundation is placed immediately below the lowest part of the super-structure supported by it. ‘The term footing is commonly used in conjunction with shallow foundations. From the point of view of design, footings are classified in to Three types:- 1. Spread footing 2. Combined footing or strap footing 3. Mat or raft foundation 1. Spread footing:. Most common & simplest type of foundations. Distributes the load or weight over a sufficient area on the foundation bed. Its rectangular or trapezoidal in shape. Suitable for shallow depth of foundation having moderate bearing capacity. Its supports either one wall or one column. A spread footing may be following types: 1. Strip footing :- It is spread footing for continuous wall 2. Pad footing: It is isolated footing for a column. 2. Combined footing:- ‘* This footing supports more than one column, ‘* Itis required for columns at the expansion joints. ‘+ For columns on the boundary line of the plot or when footings of two columns overlap each other. ‘+ Combined footing may be rectangular or trapezoidal in shape. 3. Raft foundation or mat ‘+ It is recommended when safe bearing capacity of soil is low & columns carry heavy load. It is very useful for strata, where there is possibility of uneven settlement. Footings of groups of columns or all the columns in the structures are_ combined to form a raft foundation. '* Recommended for soil which have a higher water table. ‘+ Raft foundation consists of thick RCC slab covering the entire area at the bottom ‘+ Thus, raft foundation spreads the load of the building over the whole plan area and reduces the foundation pressure to a minimum, > DEEP_FOUNDATION:- Deep foundations are those in which the depth of the foundation is very large in comparison to its width, Deep foundations are not constructed by ordinary methods of open pit excavations. Deep foundations are of the following types 1. Pile foundation 2. Pier foundation 3. Caisson or well foundation STUB COLUMN Stub columns are those columns, which have less height and situated below plinth in between footing and plinth beams having extra cover of 40mm. These columns are below ground, means these columns are filled with earth, > PROCEDURE OF STUB COLUMN :- ‘© The distribution rings are distributed as per the spacing given in schedule and extra covers are provided at alternate rings. © MS. plates are sd with angles and cleats and tightened with yokes and clamps. The yokes are of wooden section of 50mm x 50mm size. ‘+ The cleats are provided at 150 to 200mm distance to avoid gap between adjacent plates and leaking of slurry from gap. '* The yokes are provided all over the height not less than 450mm c/c and tightened with clamps. ‘+ Then the whole formwork should be checked with respect to plumb, ‘* Atthe top, concreting top level has been marked. '* A group of column is checked in line at the top, with respect to centre line plan & with the help of string, ‘* Then the columns are casted with the given mix ‘+ Proper curing has to be done, > CONCRETING OF STUB COLUMN: ‘+ Surface should be roughened in the position of column for better bonding purpose. + Column starter is fixed with the help of wooden plywood box as per the size of the column and placed on the footing top. ‘+ For marking the perfect position of the column take the help of centre line plan, Give the extra cover for column. Check the diagonals of the column. To check the distances in between the columns as per the center line drawing. One ring is provided at the bottom to tie the bars in perfect position as per the drawing, ‘Then the box is firmed position with the help of wedges. ‘The column starter is casted with the same mix of columns and compacted well with the help of vibrator. PLINTH BEAM th beams are beams constructed or cast for tied purpose. The main purposes of the beams are tying of columns with each other and now a day these are concreted for earthquake safe design purpose. Plinth beams having extra cover of 40mm. any times position of plinth beam is inside the footing only. Dowels are left as per the RCC. details ‘Some time it is just above the footing, in such cases stub columns are not cast. > PROCEDURE OF PLINTH BEAMS: Reinforcement of the beams is made as per the R.C.C. drawing, proper tying to be provided. Diameter of bars, binding of stirrups should be in plumb. Proper anchorage of bottom & top bars in columns. Length of continuation of bent bars & extra top bars over supports Beam bottom should be as per the drawing only. Beam sides should be always in plumb and line from inside. ‘The beam side should not be overlapped at beam bottom by more than SOmm. Concreting top should be marked on the side plank of the footing. Gaps in bottom sides should be filled. > CONCRETING OF PLINTH BEAMS: To check the quality of material > PLINTH PROTECTION: > To check the proportion for the required design and mixing for the material with the help of mixer only. To ensure that cube moulds are kept ready in position with all requirements Control the water-cement ratio. ‘To check in all joints that no slurry flows from anywhere. ‘To check the required concrete level. ‘Compaction should be done properly with the help of needle vibrator. Curing can be done by watering and with covering jute bags (Hessian cloth) To protect the plinth from this atmospheric action, a path way about 0.6 m to 0.9m wide is constructed throughout the periphery of the building. ‘The pathway is kept 150mm above the existing ground level. COLUMN R.CCC. Column is the vertical structural member in compression, which carries an axial load coi 1g from beams and slabs & transfer it to the foundation & ultimately to the soil. ‘The various constructional activities related to the column area as follow > Casting of starter Reinforcement of column Formwork of column Conereting of column Stripping work Curing work of column > STARTER OF COLUMN :- ‘A starter can be defined as a small strip of 100mm or 150mm in height and other dimension confirming to the column size accurately. A starter is conereted first because of its following advantages:- 1. It keeps the column at proper centre. > CASTING OF COLUMN STARTER: 2. The right angle of the column is maintained. 3. It gives proper cover to the steel at the bottom of column, 4, It provides strong grip to the column formwork at the bottom, Line string is fixed at outer side of slab top and then diagonals are checked as per center line plan, before starter sides are fixed, After fixing of starter sides, all the distances are checked and measured according to the center fine plan & column drawings. Line, right angle & plumb bob are also checked of every individual starter and also ‘measurements are checked of every column starter according to column size at the respective floor. Check proper covering given or not. > REINFORCEMENT OF COLUMN: Longitudinal reinforcement is tied to columns as per structural drawing details of columns at that respective floor. Lap length should be provided to all the longitudinal reinforcement of column. In my site, Lap length = 1. For M25 = 41 x diameter of bar 2. For M30 = 38 x diameter of bar After tying of longitudinal, stirrups are tied to columns as per given in structural drawing of columns. At my site, stirups are of 10mm diameter provided at 100mm cle. Cover blocks are tied up to stirrups at bottom, middle & top position, Clear cover should be 50mm from stirrups of column, After tying of reinforcement & stirrups, diameter of bars & number of bar as per structural drawing ‘Supports provided for shuttering should rest on firm ground or base. Supporting is done with the help of props, clamps & joist. Clamps are provided at every 50mm interval. > FORMWORK OF COLUMN: Proper shuttering oil is applied to the ply surface so that it can be removed easily after casting of column without any damage. Shuttering is fixed around the column as per their size given in structural drawing Shuttering ply should not be bending & it should be free from every defect and good in quality to give proper finish, fier shuttering is over, plumb of shuttering sides of columns are checked. ‘The line & right angle of shuttering sides are checked. Diagonals of columns are also checked. Size of column is also measured ‘Supports are checked for rigidity & stability. Minimum covers to the reinforcement of columns are checked, FORMWORK OF COLUMN > CONCRETING OF COLUM! > Surface should be roughened in the position of column for better bonding purpose. Column starter s fixed with the help of wooden plywood box as per the size of the column and placed on the footing top. For marking the perfect position of the column take the help of centre line plan. Give the extra cover for column, ‘Check the diagonals of the column. ‘To check the distances in between the columns as per the center line drawing. One ring is provided at the bottom to tie the bars in perfect position as per the drawing, ‘Then the box is firmed position with the help of wedges. ‘The column starter is casted with the same mix of columns and compacted well with the help of vibrator. (CHECKLIST OF COLUMN: ‘The formwork of column is to be removed after 16-24 hours as per given in LS. 456-2000. Finish honey combing carefully. Date of casting & column number to be written on the column. Hacking of columns 50 numbers in 1s.ft. (500 Nos. in Isq.m.) Curing of columns to be done for minimum 14 days, with wet Hessian cloth rapped around them, R.C.C. BEAM AND SLAB R.CC. beam are horizontal member in tension. The function of beam is to take load coming from masonry work and the slab resting on it and it transfer it to the column, R.CC. slab is plane horizontal member mostly used as roof covering. The function of R.C.C slab is to take dead & live load coming on it & transfer it to column, Now days, R.C.C. structures are cast monolithically, as monolithic construction turns ‘out much cheaper then precast construction & structural frame also acts a single unit. > FORMWORK FOR BEAM! First the reference level (Datum level) is marked on outer column of building. This level brought on that column from the same column below the slab by taking height equal to floor to height. Reference level at site is 1.5m from slab level. This level is transferred to all columns with the help of level tube. Then the distance between the datum level & beam cap is calculated by considering the beam depth, thickness of plate with battens etc, And this distance is marked on the column above the reference level. Then the “beam cap; fixed on which beam bottom is fixed horizontally between column, ‘Then the adjustable steel props are provided at 0.60m c/c to support the beam bottom. (Check the level of the beam bottom before providing the beam sides. After that beam sides are fixed with the help of nails. Yokes are provided at regular intervals to prevent the bulging of beam. > FORMWORK FOR SLABS: ‘After erection and fixing of beam sides slab shuttering is started. For that wooden plank of desired width is on the edge of side with nail, Acrow spans and yokes are used for supporting the slab shuttering plate with adjustable steel props below. These props are perfectly vertical at required spacing minimum 0.60m e’e. Put chavi of size 0.10m X 0.10m to supports the slab plates or wooden plank. Chavi should be supported with a straight prop. After that the gaps between wooden plank is closed by sticking the cello tape on the joints and gaps in beam column junction is sealed with cotton waste. After the completion of shuttering of slab a coat of crude oil is applied on whole formwork > CHECKING THE FORM WORK OF BEAMS AND & SLAB: ‘The width & depth of beam is checked with measured tape as per beam’s detail in R.CC consultant's plan, ‘The vertically of interior surface of formwork of beam is checked with help of plumb bob. Line & level of beam is checked with the help of line string & level tube. Checking the size & diagonals of each slab spans & thickness of slab. Checking the level of slab with the help of line string & level tube. Slab plates should be supported by 75mm x 75mm > REINFORCEMENT OF BEAMS :- In RCC. drawings, the number of bottom bars, bent up bars & top bars along with details of rings are normally mentioned. Cutting should be done beam-wise & for the total number of beams, required for slab. Beam can be bound on fitter’s platform along with the bent-up bars. Shift the bound beam to the shuttering of the slab Place these beams to the position with proper anchorage in the end columns, For continuous beams, bent-up bars should be properly extended in the adjacent beams & tied with binding wires Proper cover block of 40mm sizes are provided for the beam reinforcement, > REINFORCI OF SLAB: MEI ‘+ For continuous slab the projection of bent in the adjacent slab is considered while calculating the cutting length of the slab reinforcement. + The cle distance of bars is marked on the slab plates with the help of chalk. ‘+ Main reinforcement is laid as per marking, + Then the distribution steel placed on main reinforcement and each and every junction should be tied with binding wire. ‘+ The cover blocks of size 25mm for slab reinforcement are provided ‘+ Bent up bars are bend at required length from support depending upon the types of slab, ‘+ Chairs are provided at necessary or required position. ‘+ Then the stirrups of beams are tied with main reinforcement according to beam schedule shown in R.C.C consultant's plan. ‘+ Then the reinforcement is lowered down in shuttering of beam and proper cover block of 40mm sizes are provided for the beam reinforcement. > CHECKING THE REINFORCEMENT OF BEAMS & SLAB: FOR BEAM: ‘+ Number of top bars and number of bottom bars in beam are checked as per R.C.C plan. ‘+ Number of stirrups and spacing between the stirrups is checked as per R.C.C. plan. ‘+ Checking of development length is checked. * Checking of cover to reinforcement of beam which is 40mm for beam. ‘+ Extra stirrups at the junction of beam, FOR SLAB: + The number of main reinforcement bars and its diameter is checked as per R.C.C consultant's plan, ‘+ Distribution bars and spacing between it is also checked. + Length & height of bent up bars projecting in the adjacent panel Chair below every bent up bar should be checked. Proper binding of laps of the required length, Covering for the slab at bottom, ut stirrups in the column for upper floor columns. Also checking of dowels bar for staircase etc. > MANAGEMENT FOR CASTING SLAB & BEAM :- ‘© The formwork & reinforcement of beams & slab is checked by R.C.C. consultant one day advance before casting & any remarks suggest by him is get rectified immediately. ‘Arrangement of materials like cement, sand, metal-1, metal-2 for casting of slab in well advance or ordered in RMC plant. ‘Arrangement of water, in case of electric failure & labour strength. ‘The conerete mixer, Vibrators, skip and hoist machine is well cleaned by oiling and the working of that machinery is done by taking trial so there is no delay in work due to equipments faults, ‘The slab and beam is well cleaned with water and dust, wooden pieces and solid waste is remaining, The arrangement of 12n0s of cube moulds is done for casting the cube moulds (On my site slab is casted in two parts therefore it is necessary to decide the position of construction joints > CONCRETING OF BEAMS & SLAB: First the concreting level is marked on side planks by means of nail as the thickness of slab, ‘Then neat cement slurry is poured at the junction of beam to column, ‘Then the actual process of concreting is started, The concrete is placed in beam first and then place on the slab span ‘The compaction is done by the needle vibrator simultaneously. A 40mm needle vibrator is used for the compaction in beam concreting and 60mm & 40mm both vibrators are used for the compaction of slab conereting. After compaction of one span the mason start leveling with the help of big wooden float before leveling with the entire portion is further compacted with the thick ‘wooden tamper. ‘After leveling the surface is roughened with finish so as to receive the bedding ‘materials of flooring. While the concreting of next part of slab this construction joint is hacked and neat cement paste is applied and the placing of concrete is continued further. ‘The care taken while concreting of beam and is that is no interruptions or breaks as far as possible. > CURING OF BEAMS & SLAB: contain Curing of slab was done using the method of ponding by forming continuous panels jing water bounded by small mortar bunds. A minimum 14 days of curing is done to the slab. This curing pond is known as ‘wata’. > DESHUTTERING OF BEAMS & SLA\ AS per R.C.C consultant’s the Deshuttering of beams & slab is given in following table Sr.No DESCRIPTION PERIOD @ Outer sides of beams: ‘After 24 to 48 his. OF casting. @ Removal of props to slabs = (@)_ Spanning up to43m After 7 Days of casting. (®) Spanning over 4.5m ‘Afier 14 Days of casting @ Removal of props to beam == @ Spanning up to 6m After 14 Days of casting (©) Spanning over 6m. ‘Alter 21 Days of casting. STAIRCASE The staircase may be defined as the series of steps arranged for the purpose of transportation of ‘materials and persons within a building. Staircase provided was doglegged staircase. The waist slab was 1.5m wide, The load from the steps is transferred onto the waist slab & from there onto the beam and the mi I-Janding, which rests on the column, The floor-to-floor height was 3.0m & the staircase consisted of two flights. The tread size was 250mm & the riser was of 161mm size. > SHUTTERING OF STAIRCASE: ‘©The mid landing shuttering was done first with the levels of the M.L checked. ‘+ Waist slab is erected in between beam & the mid-landing. ‘+ The slope for the waist slab was given according to the levels. ‘+ The thickness of the waist slab was then checked. ‘+ The dimensions of the mid-landing are checked. ‘* The risers are then fitted according to the levels. * The size & plumb of the risers is checked. ‘+ The supporting for the waist slab & mid-landing is checked, > REINFORCEMENT OF STAIRCAS! '* Check reinforcement of staircase according to the R.C.C. plan. ‘+The side, bottom & top cover are checked. ‘+ The development length of the bars is checked. ‘© Chairs for reinforcement are provided. BRICK MASONRY Brick masonry is made of brick units bonded together with mortar Bricks are manufactured by molding clay in rectangular blocks of uniform predetermined size, drying them & then burning them in kiln, Normally, 100mm thick brickwork is done for partition walls & 150mm thick for external walls. ‘The strength of brick masonry depends upon:- 1. Quality of bricks 2. Quality of mortar 3. Method of bonding used. > Tools used for construction of brick masonry are: + Trowel, + Mortar pans + Plumb bob. © Spirit level. + Tri-square. + Line and pins. © Brick hammer. > Bonds in brick work: Itis the method of arranging bricks in courses, so that individual units are joined & vertical joints of successive courses do not lie in the same vertical line. Bonds are various types are distinguished by the elevation or face appearance. Bonds help in distributing the concentrated loads over a larger area, > LAYOUT OF BRICK WORK:- PROCEDURE: * The bricks are immersed in water for at least half an hour, but Should be dry at the time of use. ‘+ Hacking is done to the concrete surface, which is in contact with any masonry. ‘© Watering clears the slab top. ‘© Cement mortar is laid on the surface (C: M = 1:4 in proportion for 100mm thick brickwork & C: M= 1:6 for 150mm thick brickwork.) ‘© Line out of a single bricklayer is done as per the architectural drawing. ‘+The brickwork is started with the entire horizontal, which is in exact plumb & true plane, ‘+ The joints between the bricks are not more than 10 to 15 mm thickness. ‘* The bricks are always laid in frog impression upwards. ‘* Excess mortar shall be removed. > Types of bond in brick work:- 1, Header bond. 2, Stretcher bond. 3. English bond. 4, Flemish bond > STRETCHER BOND: This type of bond is used for half brick thick wall (100mm). In this type of bond, all the bricks are laid with their lengths in the wall direction & the frog impression upwards. Such as those used as partition walls, sleeper walls, division walls & chimney stacks. This wall is not possible if thickness of the wall is more. > ELEMISH BOND: This type of bond is used for one brick or thicker brick wall. In this type alternate headers & stretchers are laid on each course. The queen closer is placed next to the quoin header, in order to break continuity of the vertical joints, for firm bond. This type of bond is better in appearance. Curing: ‘The brick work should be well watered for period of 7 days, COMPARISON BETWEEN ENGLISH BOND & FLEMISH BOND SRNO. ENGLISH BOND FLEMISH BOND 1. | This bond is stronger. his bond is not stronger as English bond, 2. _| No pleasing appearance. Give pleasing appearance. 3.__| Broken brick can not be used. Broken brick can be used. 4, ] Semi skilled labour can construct | Skilled labour required. this bond. STIFFENER: Above Im of by ck masonry, stiffener (patli) was casted at the grade of M 15(1:2:4) to increase strength of brick wall. PLASTER MASONRY Plastering is the process of covering the masonry & concrete surface with ‘mortar fo obtain a smooth, even & sound surface. Plaster is the layer of cement-sand mortar applied over masonry work, which also act a damp-proof coat over the masonry work. > Objects of plastering: * To protect the surfaces from atmospheric influences. ® Tocover the defective workmanship in masonry. © Tocover up unsound & porous material © To provide a suitable base for color wash/paint. 1. cement 3. water 2. sand 4, admixtures > Tools required for plastering: 1, mortar pans 6, measuring tape 2. spade 7. plumb bob 3. trowel 8, right angle 4, wooden floot 9, aluminum hollow box section, 5. nylon string 10, batten for making groves > INTERNAL PLASTERING :- Procedure The plaster works shall be taken up below the floors on which masonry has been completed and no vibrations due to any activities are anticipated. ‘+ The plastering surfaces shall be well scored to form properly and kept wet for two days. '* The mason shall check the plumb of door/window frame, by a plumb bob, before starting the plastering work. All hackings (skin removal 3 mm deep) on concrete surfaces shall be checked for adequacy — mechanical key. ‘The spackling shall not be more than 25 t0 30 mm apart as per approved sample. '* Hack Aid chemical shall be sprayed / brushed with hand pump on concrete surfaces with prior permission. It shall be ensured that drops of hack aid fallen on the chromotized Aluminum sub frame are cleaned immediately. © All the joints of masonry & R.C.C. secured by fixing chicken mesh to avoid cracking 7 leakages in future, ‘© A dash coat shall be applied within few minutes of applying hack aid and left rough, Subsequently after proper curing, finishing coat shall be done the day after ‘* The cement mortar used for plastering shall be mixed in steel trays in the proportion of (1:4) by volume for walls or ceilings. Sprinkling dry cement on plastered surface to be strictly avoided. Cement shall be OPC 43 grade or PPC. ‘+ Mix only 2-3 bags depots at time & use mixed depots within half an hour. '* The internal plastering shall be done in a single coat of 12 mm thick for walls and 10 mm thick for ceilings. '* On the second day, smooth finishing should be done with the mason trowel, before starting the day work, ‘+ Check the diagonals, right angles of all walls & window jam. '* Do not carry out the plastering of bottom 30cm portion in W.C. & bath from slab level. ‘* As no skirting is to be provided below & to the sides of the kitchen otta & balcony, plaster all the four walls up to 25mm from the bottom slab level. > EXTERNAL PLASTER: Procedure Double scaffolding shall preferably used with prior authorization of its stability from the structural Engineer. All safety precautions during the plaster works shall be taken, The plastering surfaces shall be well scored to form mechanical keys and kept wet for two days, ‘The areas to be plastered may be covered from wind and sun to prevent fast setting. Extemal plaster is started from top & worked down towards floor, All hacking of concrete surfaces shall be checked and necessary additional hackings if required shall be carried out. (Spacing generally not >25 to 30mm apart and skin removed about 3mm deep). In addition Hack Aid Chemical shall be sprayed with hand pump/brushed on concrete surface with prior permiss Qn All plumbing/Fire/Electrical and other service openings shall be properly closed, Extemal plastering shall be done in two coats. Cement mortar mixed in steel trays/machine mixed and of proportion 1:4 shall be used for first (single) coat and 1:3 for second (double) coat. PPC cement or OPC 43 grade cement shall be used for plastering. ‘The first coat shall be 12 to 15 mm thick, key formed in the first coat, to receive the finishing coat. The surface of this first coat shall be cured for 3 days. Drip mould shall be made of adequate depth and width wherever necessary as per architect's approval, Similarly, bands/grooves. shall be provided on blank walls with no elevation features to avoid shrinkage/expansion/contraction cracks due to large surface area. ‘The finishing coat shall be applied after four days of application of the first coat. This coat shall be applied in a uniform thickness of 6 to 8 mm. The surface shall be dabbed to have uniform grained texture by using sponge pads. Curing shall be ensured for 7 days. DEFECTS IN PLASTERING: 1, BLISTERING OF PLASTERED SURFAC ‘The small patched swell our beyond plane of the plastered surface & this defect is particularly seen in case of plastered surface inside the building. 2. CRACKS: ‘These are formed on plaster surface & may be hair cracks or cracks which may be easily seen the development of fine hair cracks is known as crazing, Reason:-a) movement of background b) shrinkage movement of plastering mixes ©) excessive toweling 4) varying thermal expansion 3, EFFLORESCENCE:- The soluble salts are present in plaster making materials as well as building materials such as bricks, sand, cement ete. even water used in cot truction work may contain soluble salts When a new constructed wall dries out, the soluble salts are brought to the surface & they appear in the form of whitish crystalline substances. Such a growth is referred to as the efflorescence 7 it seriously affects the adhesion of paint with wall surface. 4. FLAKING:- ‘The formation of a very small loose mass on the plastered surface is known as the flaking & itis mainly due to bond failure between successive coats of plaster. 5. PEELING: This is due to bond failure between ceiling concrete & coat of plaster. Care to be taken by closely hacking SOONos/m? & cleaning the ceiling for making it free from oily substances 6. POPPING: ‘Sometimes the plaster mixed contains particles which expand on being set. A conical hole in plastered surface is formed in front of particles. This conical hole is known as the bolw or pop. 7. UNEVEN SURFACE:- ‘This defect becomes prominent only due to poor workmanship of the work. 8, SOFTNES: ‘The excessive dampness at certain points on the plastered surface makes that portion soft. ‘The chief reason of such softness are undue thinness of the finishing coat, presence of deliquescent salts, excessive suction of the undercoat ete. PLASTER OF PARIS Plaster of Paris is the special material used in the finishing coat of plastering. When finely ground gypsum rock is heated to a temperature between 100% & 140% three-fourth of the combined water process off as steam. The remaining product is known as “Plaster of Paris”. At ny site, it was used in internal plasters. Plaster of Paris is used omamental plaster works & it is very valuable for this purpose. It produce hard surface, sharp contours & its sufficient strong. PROCEDUR! When water is added to Plaster of Paris it hardened in 3 to 4 minutes which is to short time for operator to used it for plastering Hence, only a small quantity of plaster of paris is mixed at a time & which is consumed immediately after mixing. A mixed plaster of paris is taken on a aluminum plate using trowel. Then this plaster of pa rubbed upon the prepared surface using aluminum plate. Plaster of Paris does not required any curing, GENERAL R.C.C, 3.1 FORMWORK The temporary structure erected to support the concrete in its required shape, till it hardens & becomes self supporting is known as the “formwork or shuttering’ In the type of formwork, the material could be steel plate, plywood wooden plank or wooden Prop. » REQUIREMENTS: A good formwork should satisfy the following requirements:~ ‘The material of the formwork should be cheap & it should be suitable for re-use several times, It should be practically water proof so that it does not absorb water from concrete, also its shrinkage & swelling should be minimum, It should be strong enough to withstand all loads coming on it, such a dead load of concrete & live load during its pouring, compaction & curing. It should be stiff enough so that deflection is minimum. It should be as light as possible. ‘The surface of the formwork should be smooth & it should afford easy stripping Allj these joints should be leak proof. nts of the formwork should be stiff so that lateral deformation under load is minimum, also ‘The formwork should rest on non-yielding supports. i Wails, columns and vertical faces of 24 Hours structural members 2 Slabs (Props left under) O7 Days Thickness more than 150mm 3 Beam soffits| 10 Days (Props left under) a Removal of props under slab Spanning up to 2.5m 10 Days 5. Removal of props under beams Spanning up to 5.0m 15 Days ‘Spanning over 5.0m 21 t0 28 Days Forms shall not remove before the concrete is set. The operation of removing the formwork is commonly known as ‘stripping’. The following is the chart that is commonly referred for knowing the period of removal of formwork. > LOADS COMING ON FORMWOR! Live load due to labour. Dead weight of wet concrete. Hydrostatic pressure of the fluid concrete acting against the vertical or inclined faces of form Impact due to pouring concrete > FORMWORK MATERIALS AT SITE 1. Centering Plates: ‘Theses M.S. Plates are used for the slab form work. These M.S. plates are available in various sizes such as 90em x 60cm x 2.5em, 120em x 60em x 2.5em, 45em x 9em x 2.5em ete. Mostly 90cm x 60em x 2.5cm was used for slab. 2. Plywood Planks: ‘The plywood planks are used as columns formwork, beams formwork, beam bottom etc. these are cutter or made according to sizes of columns and beams. The size of plywood is 1.20m x 2.40m and thickness of plywood is generally about 10 to 12mm. 3. Acrow span: ‘Theses spans are used to support the centering plates for shuttering of slab, This can be adjusted for any length between 2,0m to 4.0m. 4. Adjustable Steel Props: ‘The props used for steel! formwork are specially made to adjust the height of the prop as per the requirement. These props can be used to accommodate the variations in the height of beams, slab and all R.C.C members. Size of props = 2.10m (When not opened) and 3.60m (when opened), 5. Adjustable clamps (Shikanja): Theses adjustable clamps are used to tight the shuttering by clamping to avoid the bulging out of formwork during conereting due to concrete pressure. 3.2, REINFORCEMENT Concrete is a solid mass which is very good in compaction but weak in tension. It cannot take up tensile stresses induced on it, where as steel is very strong in tension. Combination of such concrete & steel can take up both tensile as well as compressive stresses. This combination of concrete & steel is called “Reinforced Cement Conerete” popularly known as R.C.C. ‘The various diameters of steel used at my ite were 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm.The steel used were TMT steel. ‘There are two common typ forcing Mild steel bars C-T.D. ( cold twisted deformed) High yield stress deformed bars (H.Y.S.D.) EEL: When bars of insufficient length are to be extended to the required length, than a certain, amount of lap length is to be kept to transfer the stress from one bar to another. As far as possible, lapping should be done at the point of maximum stress. The two bars were lapped to each other with the help of binding wire, At our site the lap length was kept generally as per the standard formula i.e.50d for vertical reinforcement & 58d for horizontal reinforcement, where d represents the diameter of the reinforcement bar. Cover for Reinforcement: Covers are the most important part of the reinforcement since they prevent the contact of the reinforcement with the formwork & thereby also prevent honeycombing, ‘This enables the concrete structure to have a smooth texture. At our site cover for reinforcement was maintained by using precast cover blocks, which were made by cement, sand & water. They were prepared in wooden moulds. In slabs, chairs were used to maintain to the clear distance in between the top & the bottom bars. At our site, cover provided for different structural members was as follows MEMBERS ‘COVER PROVIDED SLAB 20mm. BEAM 30mm, ‘COLUMN 40mm, ‘STAIRCASE 20mm, WEIGHTS OF STEEL OF DIFFERENT DIAMETERS: The weight of steel bar per meter length is calculated using the formula: ‘Weight of steel = (diameter)? 102 These weights were calculated for taking out the quantity of steel required for a structure to be constructed. Hence they have to be properly calculated & remembered Ke g are the weights for different diameters of steel Diameter of bars Weight of the bar per (mm) meter length (kg) 8 03395 10 0.617 2 0.889 16 1.580 20 2.469 25 3.858 32 6.320 BAR BENDING SCHEDULI ‘The schedule bars is list of reinforcement bars in a tabular form giving a particulars of bars, shapes of bending with sketches, length of each bars, total length & total weight of each type. Form the schedule bars the requirement of different sizes & length s of bars may be known & thus can be arranged & bent up during the time of construction from the schedule of bars the weight of steel required for particular work like slab, beam, column, footing, etc. can be calculated, SITE PAGE NO: DATE: BILL NO: ITEM | PARTICULARS [NO.|LENGTH [8 [10 |i2 [16 No. TOTAL BAR BENDING SCHEDULE:- CONCRETING Concrete is mixture of cement, coarse aggregates, fine aggregate & water. Concrete is a freshly mixed material, which can be molded in any shape. The proportion of these ingredients depends upon the grade of mix (M 10, M 15, M20, M 25, M 30, M35, M 40 ete.) required for ‘meeting the requirements of a particular job. In concrete, the hard inorganic materials such as sand, crushed stone are bounded together with the paste of cement & water. When the materials are mixed together, they form a workable mixture which can be molded as any structural member before its hardening & after setting, it hardens & attains greater strength; & such a conerete is known as plain cement concrete. ‘When any steel is used as reinforcement in concrete mass to resist the tension, itis known as reinforced cement concrete or R.C.C. > Procedure for preparation of concrete_on which the quality of concrete depend: Batching. Mixing. Transporting. Placing, Compacting Finishing, Curing, BATCHING: ‘The measurement of materials for making concrete is known as batching. There are two methods of batching: Volume batching is not a good method for proportioning the material because of difficulty it offers to measure granular material in terms of volume. Volume of moist sand in a loose condition weighs much less than the same volume of dry compacted sand. The batching is done with the help of M.S. gauge boxes. The size of box is 29cm (length) x 35cm (height) & width is as per the volume box; means the box having 35cm in width will have 0.035m* volume. “> MIXING:- ‘The aggregates, cement & water should get thoroughly mixed so as to get uniform strength in the mass concrete Hand mixing can be done for the small amount of work. But in case of major amount of work hand mixing should not be used. In such cases machine mixing can be done. The mixing is done by concrete mixer. It has rotating drum around its inclined axis; consisting of its blades for mixing concrete. It is an effi ent & economical method for mixing concrete as quality can be maintained, Concrete mixer is generally designed to run at a speed of 15 10 20 revolutions per minute. For proper mixing, itis seen that about 25 to 30 revolutions are required in a well designed mixer. TRANSPORTING: After mixing, the concrete has to be transported, where placing is to be done. Carrying concrete from the place of mixing to the place of delivery is known as transportation of concrete. Concrete can be transported using various methods & equipments. While transporting concrete, ensure that the homogeneity obtained at the time of mixing is maintained during transportation. ‘The methods adopted for transportation of concrete are: © Mortar pans: Using mortar pan is the most common practice adopted all over the country. This method can be conveniently used for concreting of small & medium size project. «© Wheel-barroy ‘This method is employed for hauling concrete over comparatively longer distances. The capacity of bucket should preferably be in multiples of a batch of concrete. Wheel barrows are also suitable for short & flat hauls for all types of construction projects. © Crane, Bucket & rope way:+ ‘A crane & bucket is one of the right equipment for transporting concrete above ground level. This method is used for difficult & odd works, such as concreting in a valley, construction work of a pier on a river or for dam construction. Chute arrangement:- Chutes provided for transporting from ground level to lower level. The layout is made in such a way that the concrete will slide evenly in compact mass without any separation or segregation, This is not good method of transporting concreting. © Transit mixer :- It is most popular equipment. They are truck mounted having a capacity of 4 to 7 1m’ transit mixing permits longer haul & is less vulnerable in case of delay. The speed of rotating of drum is between 4-16 revolution per minute, Restrict the time of 2 hours during which cement ‘& moist sand are to remain a contact. “> PLACING: It is not enough that a concrete mix correctly designed, batched, mixed & transported; itis, of utmost importance that the concrete must be placed in systematic manner to yield optimum results » Following precautions are to be taken while concreting: ‘+ The formwork or other surface where concrete is to be placed should be properly cleaned & well watered. ‘+ Large quantity of concrete should not be deposited at atime, '* Concrete should not drop from the height exceeding 1.5m. It may cause segregation of aggregates. ‘+ Avoid cold joints in successive layers. Placing concrete under water. * COMPACTION: Compaction of concrete is the process adopted for expelling the entrapped air from the concrete. In the process of mixing, transporting and placing of concrete air is likely to get entrapped in the concrete. The lower the workability, higher is the amount of air entrapped. In another words, stiff concrete mix has high percentage of entrapped air and, therefore, would need higher compacting efforts than high workable mixes. The entrapped air, if not removed completely, considerably reduces the strength of concrete. Generally 5% voids reduce the strength of concrete by about 30% & 10% voids reduce the strength by over 50%. > The following methods are adopted for compacting the concrete: 1. Hand Compaction:~ Roding Ramming ‘Tamping 2. By vibration: Needle vibrator. ‘Table vibrator. Platform vibrator. Surface vibrator, External vibrator. We are using needle vibrator of 40mm & 60mm diameter sizes as per requirement. Needle vibrator:- Of all vibrators, the internal vibrator is most commonly used. This is also called as ‘internal vibrator’, ‘immersion vibrator’ or ‘poker vibrator’, The vibrator used on the site was, immersion vibrator. This essentially consists of power unit, a flexible shaft & needle. The power unit may be electrically driven or operated by petrol engine or air compressor. This needle is of detachable type & its diameter varies from 20-75mm & its length varies 25-90cm. The frequency of vibration varies upto 12000 cycles of vibration per minute. The needle vibrator helps on removing the entrapped air & voids & thereby compacting the concrete to form in seconds. Vibrator should not touch the formwork & it should not be used for pushing the concrete. 3. Compaction by pressure & jolting:- This is one of effective method of compaction. This method is used for compacting hollow block, cavity block & solid concrete block. 4. Compacting by spinning:- This is one of the recent method of compaction. This is adopted for the fabrication of concrete pipe. “> FINISHING: Finishing operation is the last operation in making concrete. Finishing in real sense does not apply to all concrete operations. For a beam concreting may not be applicable, whereas for the concrete road pavement, airfield pavement or for the flooring of a domestic building, careful finishing is of great importance. Concrete is often dubbed as a drab material, incapable of offering pleasant architectural appearance and finish. > The following methods are adopted for finishing: a. Formwork finishes b. Surface treatment c. Applied finishes “CURING: Curing can be defined as keeping the concrete moist & warm enough, so that hydration of cement can continue. It is the process of maintaining satisfactory moisture content & a favorable temperature of concrete, during the period immediately after placing, so that hydration of cement continuous until the desired properties develops to the required degree. > METHODS OF CURIN 1. Water curing, Membrane curing 3. Application of heat 4, Miscellaneous 1. WATER CURING:- This is the best method for curing. Water curing can be done in the following ways:- a, IMMERSION:- The precast concrete items are normally immersed in curing tanks for the required duration. b. PONDING :- Floor slabs, road slabs etc, ate covered by water by making small ponds of water. c. SPRAYING & WET COVERING Vertical retaining walls & concrete columns are cured by spraying water. In some cases, wet covering such as wet gunny bags, Hessian cloths are wrapped around vertical surfaces for Keeping concrete wet 2. MEMBRANE CURING: During actual shortage of water, it is not possible to cured the concrete with ample quantity of water. In such cases membrane curing is done. 3. APPLICATION OF HEA’ When conerete is subjected to higher temperatures along with moisture, it accelerates the hydration process, resulting in the development of strength. 4, MISCELLANEOUS METHODS: Applying calcium chloride on the surface of the concrete member is useful for effective curing, Calcium chloride is a salt & shows affinity for atmospheric moisture retaining it at the surface. Construction tools list with pictures Construction Tools List and their Uses NAME IMAGE USES Hoe Head Pan This one is used to transport materials This tool is used to place cement mortar Measurement Tape This is used to measure This tool is used to check the vertical alignment of Plumb Bob civil works This tool is used to transport cement mortar or any Wheel Barrow materials, Sometimes it also be used to measure the quantites of materials for site level conerete mixing NAME Concrete Mixer Vibrator Rubber Boots Sand sereening machine Safety Glass Bump Cutter/Screed IMAGE USES This tool is used to thoroughly mix the concrete at ite. This tool is used to vibrate the conerete while pouring. For workability purpose, we all add water to concrete. To avoid that we are using vibrators. There are many types of vibrators This one is used to prevent skin from chemical contact This tool is used to sieve sand at site, This is used to avoid direct contact with dangerous tools, machines or to avoid any direct chemical ‘material contact Used for safety purpose while drilling, hacking/roughening, grinding This tool is used to level fresh concrete surface especially in slab concrete NAME IMAGE USES Wooden Floatiwooden rendering float This tool is used to give a smooth finish to the plastered area This tool is used to remove excess or waste hard conerete Chisel ‘This tool is used in formwork to remove nails from, boards Crow Bar This tool is used in Brickwork, P! Framing Square Framing Hammer This too! is used to drive and remove nails This tool is used to check horizontal level in brickwork, plastering , flooring and tile works Combination of line level and framing square Line Level Torpedo Level This tool is used to make pilot holes, replacing jumper (special type of drill should be used while drilling conerete) Cordless Drill NAME IMAGE USES Circular Saw This tool is used to cut woods in shuttering Hand Saw: This too! is used in wood works and shuttering Block Plane / Jack This tool is used in Door and window wood works Plane This tool is used in shuttering sometimes used to Flat Pry Bar adjust the column formwork to align Earth Rammer This tool is used to level the ground. Ladder Ticking tor This tool is used to breakup and loosen the eens, © compacted / hard surface area . This tool is used to smoothen the surface (wood or Polishers 1 marble flooring) Measuring Wheel This tool is used to measure lengths. It varies by length NAME, IMAGE USES This tool is used to measure the cement and sand Measuring Box ® while site mix Tile Cutter : This tool is used to cut the tiles This tool is used in putty finishing to limit the Putty Kafe My ty thickness of the putty, This tools is used to clean the surface area from impurities (In flooring, Vacuum Blower QA/QC Documents Sample Selected pages (15 out of over 100) Sample Includes: * Standard Operating Procedures = Report Templates = Submittal and Record-Keeping Forms This library of documents is used for record-keeping and documenting your QA/QC procedures. Contact: Ed Caldeira 410-451-8006 Questions? Call Ed Caldeira 410-451-8006 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘ualty ystem SOP 2.2 Project ticense and Qualification Requirements. Project License and Qualifications OY ‘Quality ystem SOP 2.3.1 Project Organization Chart 8 Project Organisation Chart 9 ‘Quality system SOP 2.3.2 Appointment of Key Project Personnel. Quality Manager Appointment Letter. n Project Manager Appointment Letter 2 Superintendent Appointment Letter. B Design Manager Appointment Letter. u ‘Quality system SOP 2.3.3 Personnel Qualification... Project Personnel Qualification Form. v Personnel Certifications and Licenses 18 ‘Quality System SOP 2.5 Identification of Quality Cofttolled.. {Quality Controlled Work Task List. ‘Quality system SOP 2.6 Project Quality Inspection and Test Plan, Quality Inspection and Test Plan. 2 ‘Quality system SOP 2.7 Project Qialty Communications Plan Project Quality Communications Pan... —— 24 Subcontractor Quality Cémmunications Plan 26 Point OF Contact List ns ns 27 ‘Quality system SOP 2.8 Project Quality Training Plan Project Quality Training Plan : : 29 Training ian : : sn 30 Teaiing Log. 31 ‘Quality system SoP 2.10 Project Records and Documentation Plan... Project Quality Records Plan . 133 ‘Quality system SOP 3.4.4 Contract Submittal Schedule Project Submittals Schedule and Log, 35 ‘Quality System SOP 3.5 Customer Submittal Approval Project Submittal Form. 37 ‘Quality system SOP 3.4.6 Change Order: Change Order Form. 33 Questions? Call Ed Caldeira 410-451-8006 Standard Operating Procedures Table of Contents continued ‘Quality system SOP 4.3 Project Design Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan... se AO Project Design Process Plan. a ‘Quality system SOP 4.4 Design Progress Reviews. Design Review Meeting Participant Form 4a Design Review Form. 4g Quality System SOP 5.2 Regulatory Codes Project Regulatory Building Codes 46 ‘Quality System SOP 5.6 Controlled Material Identification and Traceability, Controlled Materials Form m 48 ‘Quality system SOP 5.7 Measuring Device Control and Calibration. Test Equipment Calibration Plan and Log. — = 50 ‘Quality system SOP 6.2 Qualification of Suppliers, Subcontractors, and Departments. Laboratory Qualification Form : : : 153 Subcontractor or Supplier Qualification Form, < : . sn 54 Subcontractor and Supplier Certifications and Licenses: : oo ‘Quality System SOP 6.7 Purchase Order Requirements: Caldeira Contracting, LLC Subcontractor Quality Control Policy Requirements. 58 ‘Quality system SOP 7.2 Project Startup and Quality Control Coordination Meeting.. Project Startup Meeting Form... 62 ‘Quality System SOP 7.3.1 Work Task Requirements Review Work Task Quality Assurance/Qualty Control lan 6 ‘Quality System SOP 7.3:2 Preparatory Site Inspection. Preparatory Phdse Checklist. 66 ‘Quality Syster SOP 7.3.3 Work Task Preparatory Quality Planning Meeting. Work 728k Quality Control Planning Meeting Form. 6a Quality system SOP 7.6 Daily Quality Control Report. Contractor Quality Control : 70) Daily Production Report n ‘Quality System SOP 7.7 Monthly Quality Control Report Monthly Quality Control Report. B ‘Quality system SOP 8.12 Inspection and Test Records. Inspection and Test Report : 75 ‘Quality System SOP 8.12.1 Inspection Records a 76 Questions? Call Ed Caldeira 410-451-8006 Standard Operating Procedures Table of Contents continued Initial Phase Checklist ” Work Task inspection Form 8 ‘Quality system SOP 8.13 Project Completion and Closeout Inspection Punch list Project Completion Inspection Form, ‘Quality system SOP of Nonconformances.. Nonconformance Report. Nonconformance Report Control Log Corrective Action Report. ‘Quality system SOP 10.3 Train Preventive Actions for Improvement. ‘Training Record. 28 ‘Quality System SOP 11.2 Project Quality System Audi Jobsite Quality Review Planning and Log Sheet a ‘Quality system SOP 11.3 Company-wide Quality System Au ‘Quality system Audit Form. S ee ‘Quality System SOP 12.3.1 Control of System Documents System Document Control Form. su KJ o 98 ‘Quality system SOP 12.4.2 Project Records Control. Project Records Control Form Questions? Call Ed Caldeira 410-451-8006 ‘Quauity System SOP 3.4.6 CHANGE ORDER Version ‘Approved by: February 19, 2012 ‘Guay Manager Purpose: ‘To clearly communicate proposed project change orders and record customer acceptance. Scope: All projects Definitions: None: Responsible Person(s): Project Manager has overall responsibility References: ‘Quality Manual Section 3.4.6 Change Order ‘Quality Manual section 3 Contract Specifications Quality Manual Section 12.4.2 Project Records Control Procedu 1. Use the Contract change Orde? Form contained in this procedure unless the customer contract or Project Quality Assuramce/Quality Control Plan specifies the use ofa modified or customer supplied form. ln that case, the specified form replaces the standard form for that contract, ‘The Responsible Person identifies contract changes as required by the Quality Manual. ‘The Responsible Person records the requested change on the Contract Change Order Form. ‘The Responsible Person records the approved change order on the Contract Change Order Form 5, The Responsible Person records the submitted change order on the Contract Submittals and Schedule Form (see SOP 3.4.1 Contract Submittal Schedule) 6 >The Responsible Person stores the completed form in the field office as required by Quality Manual Section 12.4.2 Project Records Control Questions? Call Ed Caldeira 410-451-8006 ‘Change Order 1D# Project1D Project Name (Projected (rojectne contcareeremsety, = Aemteortane leasersconmeang” © me: Cetent Y Dnetitecvtrencer Request Reference Document: . 7 Clr ape SO Cleo tong ee range order eto ‘TmessersionRequres: Ces umber of 3": Supporting documentation atacied: >) 6 ssoponng cmenttin che @ < mene sro Xe sone Xe Questions? Call Ed Caldeira 410-451-8006 ‘Quaumty System SOP 6.2 QUALIFICATION OF SUPPLIERS, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND DEPARTMENTS Version ‘Approved by: February 19,202 ‘ualiy Wanager Purpose: ‘To assess and record the qualification of supplies, subcontractors, and company departments to wieet the quality requirements of the company and/or project and to keep 2 record oftheir licenses and certifications Scope: All projects Definitions: None: Responsible Person(s): Project Manager has overall responsibility ‘Quality Manager References: ‘Quality Manual Section .2 Qualification of Supplies, Subcontractors, and Departments ‘Quality Manual Section 12.4.2 Project Records Control Procedure: 1, Use the Subcontractor id Supplier Qualification Form and Project Subcontractor and Supplier List Form contained inthis procedure unless the customer contract or Project Quality ‘Assurance/Qualty Control Plan species the use of a modified or customer supplied form. In that case, the specified form replaces the standard form for that contract. 2. The Responsible Person identifies subcontractor and suppliers that require qualification as requited by the Quality Manual 3. _Rgotis the subcontractors or supplier's company name on a Subcontractor and Supplier ‘Qualification Form. 45)” when no qualifications are required “none required” is entered and then this procedure is regarded as complete. 5, The Responsible Person assesses the subcontractor or supplier and records the qualifications on ‘the Subcontractor and Supplier Qualification Form. Gath GAO PD BAA GOO POA IN oy Questions? Call Ed Caldeira 410-451-8006 Capany tone Scope of Workefestion eon eS Project ID Project Name Approval, Approved Dyes 3s onions no » Wroecunbe __reeamel subcontractor Quaty Ste: Subcontractor of Supper ste quay pecton works under Quay Sytem iste quate inspection ree} Sere spol Approved to Work under subcontractor’s quality system Osite quatity Eee Gian en before every Review Topics | Project-Related Job Credentials LUcenses require: Sine expiration dates: SS centers and epeaton es @ Centieaton requ Training required: & "ype aden ofexperence regard Centiiestins and expiration dates: Personnel ens, cert coe required: 2 Quatfeations senior person designated as Cuaty Manager Crowle company qulty standards Oo caabty complete work to Qioriersaersnt rotated skis and howled loemonsrated experience > eanrearnnes 2 pt | Approval: Action plan for improvement oO ‘Training competed and expiration date: st each person's credentaison te Subcontractor and Supplier Certifications and Ucenses form, demonstrated results Detective sett-inspection process Crecessto codes, standards and product instructions Dtquipment avanabitty Drroduction capacity stating avaibity a << tear retin aoe Questions? Call Ed Caldeira 410-451-8006 ‘Quaumty System SOP { RECORDING OF NONCONFORMANCES Version ‘Approved by: February 19,202 ‘ualiy Wanager Purpose: ‘To clearly document a nonconformance found by test or work task completion quality inspection; chdnitor the disposition status, and to record its disposition. Scope: {All projects tests and work task completion quality inspections Definitions: None: Responsible Person(: ‘Superintendent reports nonconformance on a Nonconformance Report Form ‘Quality Manager assigns disposition ofthe nonconformance! ‘Superintendent stores the completed forms References: {Quality Manual Section of Nenconformances ‘Quality Manual Section 12.4.2 Project Rear Control Procedure: 1, Use the Nonconforance Report Form and Nonconformance Report Control Log contained in ‘this procedure unless the customer contract or Project Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan specifies the use of a modified or customer supplied form. In that case, the specified form replaces the standard form for that contract. 2. The Respondible Person records nonconformances as required by the Quality Manual on the Noncenformance Report Form and records the nonconformance report on the Nonconformance Report Log. 3. x The Responsible Person records dspasition of nonconformances as required by the Quality ‘Manual on the Nonconformance Report Form. “4. ‘The Responsible Person records the disposition on the Nonconformance Report Log, 5, When the corrective actions and/or preventive actions have been completed, the Responsible Person records the action on the Nonconformance Report Form, updates the status on the Nonconformance Report Log. 6. The Responsible Person stores the completed form in the field office as required by Quality Manual Section 12.4.2 Project Records Control Questions? Call Ed Caldeira 410-451-8006 Clreveive sts completed Ramet: ‘Nonconformance Report eS Control ID Project ID Project Name ~S [ProjectNrier| [Projcthme} Xx Preparer Signature/ Submit Date | Quality Manager Signature / Date | S ein ener az _ecteson G Desert fe noncntomanee &> ‘eaton lle ad martin COhepace Crepar Chnework Cluseasis SS > iposton > Aero gstn equa beste repetae YsCN2 Coston appeal sete te: — a ce coma on RS Corea Name Catan asepids of coe scons rere Ys No] ronan — —____] rover eons s [ QUAY Electrical-Conduit for Electrical Systems, Sep20tt 7 fa i Field Operations (Compliance Verification F1a_210_Heightened Awareness Checkpoints D Compliance with intial job-ready Cus for Conduits in structural members approved by requirements DO ENGINEER 1652 Compliance wih material inspection and tests Demee oeraecsts ee Firestops installed at penetrations through fre partion fre walls/ smoke partitions! or floors 1653 inspection requirements cE ‘CiCompliance with work in process inspection Penetrations through floor! exterior wall and\feot Sealed and requirements made watertight 1684 Ti Complince with Task completion inspection Excess iting insulation tes! etc. removed from Conduits requirements ies D Compliance with inspection and est plan cieatnee oem Conduits secured to prevent movertent and chafe 1856 Remaining snake ines labaleg&t both ends 1687 Reported Nonconformances and incomplete items : a Conduit bends do notextsed minimum for size of Conduit Used and are even 1658 Metal Conduits bofded and grounded 1859 Conduits afe mechanically continuous 1660 oo coo oo 0 Oo Ooo oO: oo DO Fiexie cohnections to equipment subject to vibrations 1664, FTQ Scores and Completion Sign-off Field Mgmt.-Superintendent Inspection 91.45.01 Quality 5 4.3.2 1% ‘pn an at” Ct 10 ares aw: Field Mgmt.-QA Inspection 91.45.02 Quality 5 4-3 2 1mm Sep ee ca Sora at:

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