Lab 2 Simulation Assignment

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Charles Charles
Lab 2 Simulation Assignment Plag
Assignment 15

Student's Checks

Texas Woman's University

Document Details

Submission ID

trn:oid:::1:2757736276 5 Pages

Submission Date 978 Words

Nov 20, 2023, 8:40 AM CST

5,814 Characters

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Nov 20, 2023, 8:49 AM CST

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Lab 2 Simulation Assignment





Date of Submission

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Look Back

In the urgency of Kimberly's severe asthma attack, she spoke of her dread of dying from

breathing difficulties, and it struck a deep chord. Our first priorities as a medical team were to

stabilize her condition and provide prompt relief. Her request, nevertheless, was a moving

reminder of the human element of our job during the mayhem. That's when the link between our

responsibilities as medical professionals and the people we are caring for really became clear. It

emphasized how critical it is to treat the emotional and psychological toll that conditions like

depression, anxiety, and asthma may have on a person in addition to the physical symptoms. This

event served as a reminder of the value of compassionate care by showing us that every patient is

a person with dreams, anxieties, and a strong wish to live.


During those crucial moments with Kimberly, my three coworkers and I as part of our

four-person healthcare team hurried into her room to treat the severe asthma attack. This urgent

situation revolved around Kimberly, a 20-year-old who was struggling with anxiety and sadness

in addition to physical suffering. Her ragged gasps and cries of desperation, conveying her dread

of impending death, reverberated around the room. A strong feeling of urgency permeated the

clinical setting as the team worked feverishly to coordinate their efforts. Kimberly's regular

wheezing and crackles in her chest eventually stopped when we gave her oxygen and the

necessary Salbutamol medicine. The only sound left was the hum of the oxygen delivery system.

But in our rush to get her breathing under control, we forgot to take the standard precaution of

checking with the stethoscope that she wasn't wheezing or crackling. When I thought about this

later, the atmosphere was one of mixed relief and worry. The team members felt that even while

the immediate emphasis was on the effective intervention, there remained a lingering feeling of

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anxiety that emphasized the importance of paying close attention to detail in our roles as

healthcare professionals.


Studies conducted in emergency medicine and respiratory care highlight how crucial it is

to act quickly and decisively during an asthma attack to avoid potentially fatal consequences. To

alleviate bronchoconstriction and enhance airflow, prompt administration of short-acting

bronchodilators, such salbutamol, is in accordance with recognized procedures for addressing

acute asthma exacerbations (Kopsaftis et al., 2018, p. 3). Another common procedure to provide

appropriate oxygenation during respiratory distress is the use of oxygen therapy. The

physiological symptoms that are often linked to severe asthma attacks are similar with the vital

signs that were collected during Kimberly's episode, which included an elevated pulse rate, an

increased respiratory rate, and a reduced oxygen saturation (Zilaee et al., 2019, p. 3). To ensure

the sustained effectiveness of the intervention and identify any potential complications, the

research emphasizes the importance of ongoing monitoring and reassessment. It is recommended

that healthcare providers make use of tools such as stethoscopes to auscultate lung sounds for

wheezing and crackles, even after initial stabilization.

Despite satisfactory symptomatic alleviation, Kimberly's case illustrates the possible

discrepancy between clinical procedures and actual practice due to the unintentional absence of a

thorough lung examination using a stethoscope (Hafke-Dys et al., 2019, p. 4). Although

auscultation is a useful tool for monitoring respiratory problems, mistakes are often made in

hectic hospital environments. This highlights the larger difficulty in emergency settings of

striking a balance between thoroughness and efficiency. The data supports the need for a patient-

centered strategy that emphasizes ongoing evaluation and close attention to detail to prevent

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mistakes and maximize results while managing acute asthma and associated comorbidities like

depression and anxiety.


Based on the findings, a more thorough approach to patient care would have required

careful adherence to clinical norms and regulations. Considering the studies that highlight the

need of ongoing evaluation, I would have made sure that a full stethoscope examination of the

lungs was carried out even after the oxygen and salbutamol medication was administered. To

ensure a more thorough assessment of Kimberly's respiratory health, this extra step is in line with

accepted procedures in respiratory care to monitor for any possible issues. The research suggests

that including methods like organized checklists or procedures that stress the need of auscultation

in continuous evaluations might have been a useful way to reduce errors and improve care

quality overall during this crucial intervention.

New Learning

Kimberly's experience has brought to light the vital significance of meticulous and

reliable clinical practice, particularly in emergency situations. I will use what I've learned going

ahead by reiterating how important it is for patient care to be provided with constant evaluation

and close attention to detail. To direct actions methodically and make sure that important stages,

like post-stabilization auscultation, are not accidentally missed, I will give priority to using tools

like checklists or protocols. Furthermore, I want to cultivate an environment of transparent

communication among the medical staff by empowering peers to express concerns or request

further evaluations, even in circumstances that seem to be under control.

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Hafke-Dys, H., Bręborowicz, A., Kleka, P., Kociński, J., & Biniakowski, A. (2019). The

accuracy of lung auscultation in the practice of physicians and medical students. PLoS

One, 14(8), e0220606.

Kopsaftis, Z. A., Sulaiman, N. S., Mountain, O. D., Carson-Chahhoud, K. V., Phillips, P. A., &

Smith, B. J. (2018). Short-acting bronchodilators for the management of acute

exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the hospital setting: systematic

review. Systematic reviews, 7, 1-13.


Zilaee, M., Hosseini, S. A., Jafarirad, S., Abolnezhadian, F., Cheraghian, B., Namjoyan, F., &

Ghadiri, A. (2019). An evaluation of the effects of saffron supplementation on the asthma

clinical symptoms and asthma severity in patients with mild and moderate persistent

allergic asthma: a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial. Respiratory

research, 20(1), 1-11. https://respiratory-

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