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Amber Jones

Dr. Tate

English 1113


Have you ever had an event that changed the course of your whole life? They always say

that things happen for a reason and always at the right time, and I believe it now more than ever.

Two days after I turned 29, I found out that I was going to be a mom. The shock and disbelief I

felt was tremendous. I set and cried for what felt like hours. I have always wanted to be a mom,

but I had many medical problems and had been told by numerous specialists that I would not be

able to have children. So, imagine my surprise when the lines turned blue!

First on my to-do list was to tell my boyfriend, Richard. This was a tricky situation. He

was significantly older than I was and already had a teenage daughter of his own. We were in the

process of planning our future together, which included: buying a home, buying a new

motorcycle, and retiring early. All these things were going through my mind on my drive over to

his house. I just knew all our plans were about to change. When I got to his house, I set on the

living room floor and started wrapping a Christmas present. I started crying and when he asked

what was wrong, I just blurted out that he was going to be a dad again. The shock on his face and

the concern in his voice is something that I will never forget.

After what seemed like forever, we finally found out the gender of our baby. My whole

family is overrun with little boys, so everyone was hoping for a little girl, except for Richard.

When we found out we were having a little boy Richard was over the moon excited and we

immediately knew what our little boy's name was going to be. He was going to be Carter
Armstrong. After months of going back and forth with options for middle names, we finally

agreed on one. We had picked the perfect name for our perfect baby boy.

Everyone tells you that 9 months fly by, but I never believed them. Suddenly it was time

to bring our little guy into the world. We had a hard labor and after 32.5 hours, I had to have an

emergency C-section. I was scared, my family was scared but my nurses tried to keep us all

calm. At 2:52 PM on August 6th, 2019, our perfect baby took his first breath. He was the most

perfect thing I have ever seen, and I could not believe I had made him. I still remember the first

time I got to hold him and the way he looked at me. I was his safe space, and I was the person

who would love him unconditionally.

It seems like it was just yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital, but

here we are, 3.75 years later. Our perfect baby has grown into the smartest, most caring little boy.

I was so scared of being a mom, but nothing has brought me more joy and happiness. Our little

boy is our whole world, and he keeps us on our toes. We might have had to rethink all our plans,

but I am thankful that we can include our son in those plans now.

Having my son made me realize that the old saying was true: things happen for a reason

and always at the right time. Our family has had its share of hard times and heartache, but our

little one has helped get us through with a smile on our faces and even more love in our hearts.

Never give up, you never know when the right time will come, and you will get everything you

have been hoping for.

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