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the following tasks;

1. How often do you think a firm's vision and mission statements should be changed? Why?
2. Do local fast food restaurants need a vision and mission statement posted in their place of
business? Why or why not?
3. Find 3 mission statements on the internet. Evaluate the statements in terms of characteristics
and components of it.
4. Write a vision and mission statement for a local restaurant in your area.

1. I think the company's vision and mission should be updated not changed from time to time
depending on the situation, if the company’s vision and mission are no longer relevant to the
present times, they need to update it. They only need to update it so that employees and
customers don’t get confused about what really the vision and mission of a company are.
Customers and employees might also question a company’s credibility if they’re frequently
changing it.

2. For me, yes, restaurants needs a vision and mission statement posted in their place of
business. This is to let the customers know the purpose of the organization to stakeholders and
let the employees live up to the vision and mission of the company.

3. NIKE – their mission is to push to make everything possible and expand people's potential.
And they did that by creating a variety of products and keeping people engaged in its creativity
and its positive impact on communities.

STARBUCKS –To inspire other people to be strong in the challenges or problems of life.

TESLA - To provide energy to the world and how to maintain it.

4. Aro’s Meals To-Go

Serving dishes with a creative and talented touch, delivering a distinctly unique dining
experience where absolute guest satisfaction is our highest priority.

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